# Check configuration tokens # Ensure build layout # Check configuration tokens # Preparing build # Check requirements for android # Run 'dpkg --version' # Cwd None Programme « dpkg » de gestion de paquets Debian version 1.19.7 (amd64). Ce programme est un logiciel libre ; veuillez consulter la « GNU General Public License » version 2 ou supérieure pour prendre connaissance des conditions de reproduction. AUCUNE garantie n'est offerte. # Search for Git (git) # -> found at /usr/bin/git # Search for Cython (cython) # -> found at /home/guillaume/.local/bin/cython # Search for Java compiler (javac) # -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac # Search for Java keytool (keytool) # -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool # Install platform # Run 'git config --get remote.origin.url' # Cwd /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android https://github.com/kivy/python-for-android.git # Run 'git branch -vv' # Cwd /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android * master 5a94d074 [origin/master] Merge pull request #2244 from Chronolife-team/native_services_upstream # Run '/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -q --user \'appdirs\' \'colorama>=0.3.3\' \'jinja2\' \'six\' \'enum34; python_version<"3.4"\' \'sh>=1.10; sys_platform!="nt"\' \'pep517<0.7.0"\' \'toml\'' # Cwd None # Apache ANT found at /home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform/apache-ant-1.9.4 # Android SDK found at /home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk # Recommended android's NDK version by p4a is: 19c # Android NDK found at /home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r19c # Check application requirements # Check garden requirements # Compile platform # Run '/usr/bin/python3 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain create --dist_name=conceptruelle --bootstrap=sdl2 --requirements=python3,hostpython3,kivy==master,scrapy,jnius,pyjnius,requests,simplejson,openssl,android,prettyprinter,twisted,w3lib,attrs,lxml,parsel,cssselect,itemadapter,cryptography,pyopenssl,zlib_wrapper,macholib,pydispatch,pydispatcher,libxslt,libxml2,service_identity,pyasn1,pyasn1_modules,google-auth-oauthlib,android.permissions --arch armeabi-v7a --copy-libs --color=always --storage-dir="/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a" --ndk-api=21' # Cwd /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android # Build the application #2 # Copy application source from /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2 # Create directory /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/app # Copy /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/agenda.py # Copy /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/main.py # Copy /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/icon.png # Package the application # project.properties updated # Gradle project detected, copy files /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/src/main/java # Run '/usr/bin/python3 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain apk --debug --bootstrap=sdl2 --dist_name conceptruelle --name ConcepTruelle --version 0.1 --package org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle --minsdk 21 --ndk-api 21 --private /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/app --permission INTERNET --permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE --permission BLUETOOTH --android-entrypoint org.kivy.android.PythonActivity --android-apptheme @android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar --icon /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/./icon.png --orientation portrait --window --copy-libs --arch armeabi-v7a --color=always --storage-dir="/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a" --ndk-api=21' # Cwd /home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android Listing '/tmp/p4a-extra-env-f8qsy7_q'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/app'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/app/_applibs'... Compiling '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/app/agenda.py'... Compiling '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/app/main.py'... Compiling '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/app/sitecustomize.py'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/modules'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/Kivy-2.0.0rc4-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/OpenSSL'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/PyDispatcher-2.0.5.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/Scrapy-2.4.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/Twisted-0.0.0-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/android'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/attr'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/attrs-20.2.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/bin'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/certifi'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/certifi-2020.6.20.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cffi'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cffi-1.13.2-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/constantly'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/constantly-15.1.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/kdf'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/serialization'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/twofactor'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/x509'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography-2.8-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/dispatch'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/exampleproj'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/google_auth_oauthlib'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/google_auth_oauthlib/tool'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/google_auth_oauthlib-0.4.1.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/incremental'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/incremental-17.5.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/itemadapter'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/itemadapter-0.1.1.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius/src'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius/src/org'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius/src/org/jnius'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/audio'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/camera'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/clipboard'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/gl'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/image'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/spelling'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/text'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/video'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/window'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/fonts'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/glsl'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/images'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/keyboards'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/logo'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/deps'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/effects'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/extras'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/garden'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/cgl_backend'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/include'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/input'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/input/postproc'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/input/providers'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lang'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lib'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lib/gstplayer'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lib/pango'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lib/vidcore_lite'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/modules'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/network'... 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Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/lxml/isoschematron'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/lxml/isoschematron/resources'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/lxml/isoschematron/resources/rng'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/lxml/isoschematron/resources/xsl'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/lxml/isoschematron/resources/xsl/iso-schematron-xslt1'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/lxml-4.2.5-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/macholib'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/macholib-1.14.dist-info'... 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Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/prettyprinter'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/prettyprinter/extras'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/prettyprinter-0.18.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyOpenSSL-19.0.0-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/cer'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/der'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/native'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules-0.2.8.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pycparser'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pycparser/ply'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pycparser-2.14-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch-1.1.0-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyjnius-1.2.1-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/requests'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/requests-2.24.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/contracts'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/request'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/response'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/linkextractors'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/loader'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/pipelines'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/selector'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/settings'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spiders'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates'... 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Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/service_identity'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/service_identity-18.1.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/extern'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/simplejson'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/simplejson-3.17.2.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/_threads'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/application'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/application/runner'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/application/twist'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/conch'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/conch/client'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/conch/insults'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/conch/openssh_compat'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/conch/scripts'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/conch/ssh'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/conch/ui'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/cred'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/enterprise'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/internet'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/internet/iocpreactor'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/logger'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/mail'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/mail/scripts'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/names'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/pair'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/persisted'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/plugins'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/positioning'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/protocols'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/protocols/haproxy'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/python'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/python/_pydoctortemplates'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/runner'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/scripts'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/spread'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/tap'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/trial'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/trial/_dist'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/web'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/web/_auth'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/words'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/words/im'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/words/protocols'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/words/protocols/jabber'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/twisted/words/xish'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/usr'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/usr/local'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/usr/local/bin'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/w3lib'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/w3lib-1.22.0.dist-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper-0.1.3-py3.8.egg-info'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/zope'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/zope/interface'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/zope/interface/common'... Listing '/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/conceptruelle__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/zope.interface-4.1.3-py3.8.egg-info'... WARNING: Received a --sdk argument, but this argument is deprecated and does nothing. No setup.py/pyproject.toml used, copying full private data into .apk. Applying Java source code patches... Applying patch: src/patches/SDLActivity.java.patch Warning: failed to apply patch (exit code 1), assuming it is already applied: src/patches/SDLActivity.java.patch # Android packaging done! # APK conceptruelle-0.1-armeabi-v7a-debug.apk available in the bin directory # Run '/home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb devices' # Cwd None List of devices attached 01054d8fd49898a8 device # Deploy on 01054d8fd49898a8 # Run '/home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r "/home/guillaume/Documents/Python/Kivy/ConcepTruelle_2/bin/conceptruelle-0.1-armeabi-v7a-debug.apk"' # Cwd /home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform Performing Streamed Install Success # Application pushed. # Run on 01054d8fd49898a8 # Run '/home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle/org.kivy.android.PythonActivity -a org.kivy.android.PythonActivity' # Cwd /home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform Starting: Intent { act=org.kivy.android.PythonActivity cmp=org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle/org.kivy.android.PythonActivity } # Application started. # Run 'dpkg --version' # Cwd None Programme « dpkg » de gestion de paquets Debian version 1.19.7 (amd64). Ce programme est un logiciel libre ; veuillez consulter la « GNU General Public License » version 2 ou supérieure pour prendre connaissance des conditions de reproduction. AUCUNE garantie n'est offerte. # Search for Git (git) # -> found at /usr/bin/git # Search for Cython (cython) # -> found at /home/guillaume/.local/bin/cython # Search for Java compiler (javac) # -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac # Search for Java keytool (keytool) # -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool # Run '/home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb logcat ' # Cwd /home/guillaume/.buildozer/android/platform --------- beginning of system 10-26 08:44:17.122 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [2fe5cecd-b431-424d-b39b-3627de05a66b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 08:44:17.123 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2fe5cecd-b431-424d-b39b-3627de05a66b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1849638912, -1456291840, -1424351232, -1215729664, -958713856, -544178176, -204451840, 92360704, 293437440, 888492032, 972120064, 1028325376, 1239314432, 1810690048, 2121457664] 10-26 08:44:39.704 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 08:45:02.949 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 08:45:03.987 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 6 lines 10-26 08:53:08.639 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:53:08.656 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:53:08.658 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 lines 10-26 08:53:09.663 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 08:53:11.511 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 08:53:28.642 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:53:28.649 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 10 lines 10-26 08:53:28.653 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:53:56.840 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 13 lines 10-26 08:54:20.533 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:54:20.552 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:54:27.864 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 08:54:27.991 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 08:54:28.136 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 3 lines 10-26 08:54:30.134 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 08:54:46.479 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 08:54:47.978 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 6 lines 10-26 08:54:57.483 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-26 08:56:20.593 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:56:20.597 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 2 lines 10-26 08:56:20.601 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:56:20.608 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:59:00.597 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 08:59:00.614 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:01:40.601 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:01:40.615 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:02:16.745 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line 10-26 09:04:20.604 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:04:20.621 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:04:56.164 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 09:04:56.683 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 11 lines 10-26 09:04:56.737 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 3 lines 10-26 09:04:57.765 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 4 lines 10-26 09:04:57.871 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 17 lines 10-26 09:05:02.359 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 4 lines 10-26 09:12:41.246 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 8 lines 10-26 09:12:41.380 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:12:41.396 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:12:42.240 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 09:12:43.437 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 2 lines 10-26 09:12:48.082 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 9 lines 10-26 09:13:01.494 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:13:41.515 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:14:18.579 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 2 lines 10-26 09:14:21.352 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-26 09:14:54.436 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 2 lines 10-26 09:14:57.220 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-26 09:15:21.676 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:15:21.687 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-26 09:15:21.695 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:16:24.121 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12 lines 10-26 09:16:24.199 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 09:17:08.895 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:17:08.908 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:17:09.987 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines 10-26 09:17:28.907 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:17:28.923 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:17:30.269 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 10 lines 10-26 09:17:30.340 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 14 lines 10-26 09:17:30.365 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 3 lines 10-26 09:17:31.298 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 5 lines 10-26 09:17:31.307 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 4 lines 10-26 09:17:31.310 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 13 lines 10-26 09:24:51.875 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 3 lines 10-26 09:28:48.319 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 09:37:24.639 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 25 lines 10-26 09:49:20.700 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 4 lines 10-26 09:49:20.702 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-26 09:49:20.814 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:49:20.818 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 8 lines 10-26 09:49:20.820 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:49:21.702 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 3 lines 10-26 09:49:23.731 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 09:49:24.748 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 2 lines 10-26 09:49:26.178 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 6 lines 10-26 09:49:26.892 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 09:49:27.348 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [2a330683-6003-4236-afbe-67b6332cb416] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 09:49:27.349 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2a330683-6003-4236-afbe-67b6332cb416] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2050076672, -2012037120, -1796317184, -1771470848, -1608036352, -1510653952, -1338744832, -832983040, -525160448, -522231808, -65298432, 9043968, 59281408, 242053120, 823734272, 912973824, 938303488, 1642864640, 1762959360, 2050662400] 10-26 09:49:27.437 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-26 09:49:37.934 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 4 lines 10-26 09:49:38.318 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 3 lines 10-26 09:49:39.386 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 09:49:40.899 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:49:40.904 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:49:53.179 16027 16027 W ViewRootImpl[App]: Dropping event due to root view being removed: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_ENTER, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x16, repeatCount=0, eventTime=2903680, downTime=2903680, deviceId=-1, source=0x0 } 10-26 09:49:53.430 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [00b2b911-6bbf-438e-b89d-ef5ece5d9e31] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 09:49:53.431 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [00b2b911-6bbf-438e-b89d-ef5ece5d9e31] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2112200704, -2099560448, -1572941824, -996356096, -645263360, -508071936, -426196992, -333795328, 40218624, 347090944, 675454976, 682053632, 695042048, 785260544, 1890103296, 1954533376, 2057084928, 2090029056] 10-26 09:50:21.420 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 21 lines 10-26 09:50:34.827 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:50:34.834 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:52:00.098 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 4 lines 10-26 09:52:16.325 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:52:16.341 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:54:56.334 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 09:54:56.348 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:20:30.170 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:20:30.180 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:20:30.192 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 lines 10-26 10:20:31.810 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 10:20:32.604 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines 10-26 10:20:51.466 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:20:51.482 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:21:31.332 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 18 lines 10-26 10:21:31.460 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:21:31.465 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:22:05.054 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-26 10:22:51.473 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:22:51.481 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 5 lines 10-26 10:22:51.489 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:25:31.478 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:25:31.493 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 10:25:39.984 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 19 lines 10-26 10:25:39.986 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-26 10:25:40.503 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 10 lines 10-26 10:25:40.556 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 4 lines 10-26 10:25:41.566 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-26 10:25:41.570 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 3 lines 10-26 10:28:48.422 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 10:42:00.509 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 12 lines 10-26 10:42:57.391 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 4 lines 10-26 10:46:10.527 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-26 10:46:10.635 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 3 lines 10-26 10:46:10.679 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 10:46:10.755 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 10:46:10.780 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 2 lines 10-26 10:46:10.836 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 2 lines 10-26 10:46:10.880 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 10:49:23.778 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:23.869 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:23.923 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:24.357 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:24.425 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:24.503 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:25.058 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:25.132 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:25.176 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:25.534 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:25.603 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:25.806 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:25.882 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:25.906 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:26.281 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:26.353 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:26.376 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:26.754 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:26.821 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:26.843 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:27.218 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:27.291 3896 5003 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 10:49:27.513 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 15 lines 10-26 10:49:29.948 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines 10-26 10:55:42.446 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-26 11:04:39.376 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 6 lines 10-26 11:04:39.441 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 3 lines 10-26 11:04:39.516 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:04:39.530 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:04:40.361 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 17 lines 10-26 11:04:43.762 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 11:09:37.314 851 1147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 11:09:38.226 851 915 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line 10-26 11:09:38.644 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:09:38.654 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:09:43.093 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 line 10-26 11:09:43.363 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 1 line 10-26 11:09:43.365 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 11:09:58.653 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:09:58.669 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:10:18.741 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 5 lines 10-26 11:10:18.770 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-26 11:10:26.090 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 4 lines 10-26 11:10:26.241 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-26 11:10:26.379 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 4 lines 10-26 11:10:26.676 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 2 lines 10-26 11:10:27.077 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 7 lines 10-26 11:10:29.766 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 5 lines 10-26 11:10:30.209 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 11:10:30.253 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 4 lines 10-26 11:10:30.254 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines 10-26 11:10:33.784 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 11:10:33.872 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 56 lines 10-26 11:10:33.894 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [a21c4e2d-17d6-4e10-ba56-95d8021e634a] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:10:33.932 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a21c4e2d-17d6-4e10-ba56-95d8021e634a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2093621248, -1496690688, -1355071488, -923680768, -895188992, -724971520, -637648896, 284794880, 420691968, 681938944, 1253937152, 1334923264, 1372790784, 1383362560, 1472499712, 1570136064, 1683951616, 1990811648] 10-26 11:10:34.001 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 7 lines 10-26 11:10:34.025 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [690cccfb-3914-44c4-9dc1-5898dcbd03ed] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:10:34.055 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [690cccfb-3914-44c4-9dc1-5898dcbd03ed] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1383677952, -1113276416, -934367232, -724971520, -583790592, -390983680, -52756480, 83095552, 270331904, 420691968, 799055872, 935415808, 964591616, 1144053760, 1658613760] 10-26 11:10:35.452 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 11:10:35.452 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 7 lines 10-26 11:10:36.634 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 11:10:49.502 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:10:49.505 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 11:10:49.507 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:12:09.513 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:12:09.529 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:12:12.016 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 3 lines 10-26 11:12:14.190 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 11:12:16.528 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 3 lines 10-26 11:12:21.742 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 3 lines 10-26 11:12:22.323 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 4 lines 10-26 11:12:27.476 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 25 lines 10-26 11:12:28.084 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [5142edae-8ec8-446d-b7bd-eda4d2987681] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:12:28.188 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [50be292b-6c0a-484d-9077-c1cf451b7fc4] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:12:28.221 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5142edae-8ec8-446d-b7bd-eda4d2987681] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1570013184, -1160105984, -724971520, -672534528, -552914944, -495525888, 420691968, 553050112, 884604928, 1016520704, 1618145280, 1668681728] 10-26 11:12:28.476 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [50be292b-6c0a-484d-9077-c1cf451b7fc4] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2056699904, -2051469312, -2004873216, -1798045696, -1651863552, -1090920448, -1076436992, -724971520, -636735488, -135774208, 304656384, 420691968, 430514176, 825217024, 1170087936, 1677004800] 10-26 11:12:42.624 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 9 lines 10-26 11:12:52.285 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 4 lines 10-26 11:13:58.157 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 line 10-26 11:14:49.518 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:14:49.529 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-26 11:14:49.535 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:15:27.082 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 6 lines 10-26 11:15:27.106 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 3 lines 10-26 11:15:32.751 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 3 lines 10-26 11:15:32.815 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 11:15:33.011 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 4 lines 10-26 11:15:38.202 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 6 lines 10-26 11:15:38.262 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 51 lines 10-26 11:15:38.263 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [051b4a17-e04e-4e59-a25e-1b4e25c17528] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:15:38.330 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [051b4a17-e04e-4e59-a25e-1b4e25c17528] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1957761024, -1733304320, -1436491776, -1050914816, -724971520, -248254464, -18337792, 156565504, 420691968, 623603712, 705560576, 894963712, 1050873856, 1772642304, 1804521472, 2066571264, 2082689024] 10-26 11:15:38.343 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [6ef85cfa-9aa9-4daa-9291-1fe3fe43ba3d] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:15:38.344 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [6ef85cfa-9aa9-4daa-9291-1fe3fe43ba3d] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1902055424, -1795665920, -1665953792, -1338044416, -1304113152, -724971520, -370765824, -305917952, 45117440, 416985088, 420691968, 738394112, 1019924480, 1623478272, 1663176704] 10-26 11:15:39.178 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 lines 10-26 11:15:39.212 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 7 lines 10-26 11:15:39.215 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 11:15:39.835 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 5 lines 10-26 11:15:40.864 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 11:15:41.724 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 11:15:45.544 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 11:15:45.579 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-26 11:15:54.668 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 11:15:55.423 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 3 lines 10-26 11:16:00.146 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 4 lines 10-26 11:17:29.520 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:17:29.537 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:20:02.546 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (659.0,16.0) 10-26 11:20:02.550 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (659.0,16.0) 10-26 11:20:07.266 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 26 lines 10-26 11:20:07.862 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [d19258e7-31d7-4d35-b88f-51bf74ea380d] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:20:07.915 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [d19258e7-31d7-4d35-b88f-51bf74ea380d] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2082119680, -1669677056, -1524678656, -880148480, -877862912, -724971520, -173756416, -79249408, 420691968, 1190047744, 1339006976, 1663717376, 1879318528, 1965105152] 10-26 11:20:07.929 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [9bb3cdf2-9ba3-4160-acbf-72a098e2be0e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:20:07.966 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [9bb3cdf2-9ba3-4160-acbf-72a098e2be0e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1465339904, -1226727424, -1176285184, -724971520, -290336768, 157794304, 317825024, 379904000, 420691968, 544321536, 683081728, 686899200, 1492393984, 1643409408, 1649262592, 2060759040] 10-26 11:20:09.512 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:20:09.517 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:21:36.449 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 11:21:41.187 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [7252437d-37c6-4d3f-a9bc-8703b47949f0] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:21:41.195 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 49 lines 10-26 11:21:41.241 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [7252437d-37c6-4d3f-a9bc-8703b47949f0] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1837932544, -1227071488, -1215795200, -870088704, -724971520, -484282368, -217956352, 171757568, 420691968, 694972416, 1081245696, 1136005120, 1176887296, 1763401728, 1794297856] 10-26 11:21:41.253 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [1ccc2a5a-5f34-4b8a-9f5b-00719d7a9f7d] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:21:41.265 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1ccc2a5a-5f34-4b8a-9f5b-00719d7a9f7d] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1683390464, -724971520, -249298944, 61956096, 65916928, 113369088, 420691968, 440815616, 838524928, 878014464, 1130557440, 1193742336, 1409822720, 1582383104, 1586274304, 2056073216] 10-26 11:21:41.848 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-26 11:21:42.141 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 6 lines 10-26 11:21:42.143 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 4 lines 10-26 11:21:42.405 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 3 lines 10-26 11:21:42.469 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-26 11:21:43.769 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 7 lines 10-26 11:21:47.899 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 4 lines 10-26 11:21:47.899 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 5 lines 10-26 11:21:47.936 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-26 11:21:49.808 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines 10-26 11:21:49.843 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 4 lines 10-26 11:21:49.875 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 2 lines 10-26 11:21:52.261 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 3 lines 10-26 11:24:09.736 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:24:09.747 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-26 11:24:09.755 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:26:49.741 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:26:49.756 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:26:50.536 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 11:26:52.150 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 3 lines 10-26 11:26:52.164 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 5 lines 10-26 11:29:24.351 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 11:30:10.276 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 11:30:10.444 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:30:10.450 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:30:12.020 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 13 lines 10-26 11:30:16.756 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 11:30:16.976 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 11:30:21.253 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 11:30:21.776 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [df9cbca0-b9dd-4a07-8a58-7c9873627c66] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:30:21.787 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 11:30:21.809 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [df9cbca0-b9dd-4a07-8a58-7c9873627c66] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1709641728, -1698488320, -1294200832, -1219559424, -1215094784, -952053760, -805830656, -785571840, -724971520, -622792704, -466542592, -381083648, -290152448, -252907520, 420691968, 740032512, 822697984, 994598912, 1262157824, 1720782848, 2120650752] 10-26 11:30:21.846 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [5d03606d-4d1e-4e52-bbb8-4d2b230d4bf4] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:30:21.887 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5d03606d-4d1e-4e52-bbb8-4d2b230d4bf4] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2146279424, -2021298176, -1849380864, -1814269952, -1648324608, -1438650368, -816615424, -724971520, -506642432, 420691968, 1294401536, 1770930176, 1903648768, 2026336256] 10-26 11:30:21.899 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [01242416-2a96-40f8-9a89-679ff54ba55c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:30:21.907 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [01242416-2a96-40f8-9a89-679ff54ba55c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-909946880, -724971520, -139317248, 65032192, 325382144, 362344448, 420691968, 597680128, 643039232, 1248329728, 1516433408, 1700466688] 10-26 11:30:21.934 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [a29cca05-e589-499b-ad9b-8ca0e05d304d] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:30:21.955 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a29cca05-e589-499b-ad9b-8ca0e05d304d] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1495281664, -1195311104, -854769664, -851111936, -724971520, -565968896, -233082880, -210948096, -189526016, 316203008, 327806976, 420691968, 611774464, 1092268032, 1171214336, 1214349312, 1356476416, 1673723904, 1815740416, 1995444224] 10-26 11:30:21.966 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [4b486497-98f5-430b-99d3-dc0048f5c049] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:30:21.988 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [4b486497-98f5-430b-99d3-dc0048f5c049] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2017054720, -1572433920, -1559769088, -1221885952, -970924032, -724971520, -711467008, -191590400, 420691968, 868061184, 919977984, 1808191488] 10-26 11:30:22.005 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [43c8048c-8939-4bd1-ae81-f021abb01988] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:30:22.026 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [43c8048c-8939-4bd1-ae81-f021abb01988] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1838747648, -1824534528, -1295810560, -952680448, -724971520, -558891008, 107626496, 245903360, 420691968, 707121152, 1035677696, 1136852992, 1276600320] 10-26 11:30:22.277 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 53 lines 10-26 11:30:23.925 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 11 lines 10-26 11:30:23.926 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 4 lines 10-26 11:30:25.020 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines --------- beginning of crash 10-26 11:30:29.934 22841 22846 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x198 in tid 22846 (Jit thread pool), pid 22841 (e.conceptruelle) 10-26 11:30:30.035 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 4 lines 10-26 11:30:30.035 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 2 lines 10-26 11:30:30.071 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 11:30:31.678 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (652.0,4.0) 10-26 11:30:31.681 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (652.0,4.0) 10-26 11:30:34.902 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 11:30:37.156 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:30:37.161 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-26 11:30:37.167 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:30:37.309 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 6 lines 10-26 11:30:37.337 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [497d183c-e4a3-4c13-ad6c-0d1b7650ba49] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:30:37.338 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 11:30:37.415 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-26 11:30:37.425 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 11:30:37.440 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [13ec27d0-40ed-49da-8711-ecd23d747570] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:30:37.465 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [497d183c-e4a3-4c13-ad6c-0d1b7650ba49] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2028437504, -1926258688, -1905250304, -1789423616, -1741619200, -1423511552, -1405329408, -1367711744, -1287974912, -756174848, -724971520, -442064896, -345505792, 77729792, 320008192, 420691968, 635346944, 665210880, 874852352, 1954615296, 2005389312] 10-26 11:30:37.740 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [13ec27d0-40ed-49da-8711-ecd23d747570] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1770766336, -1207447552, -1182285824, -724971520, -560189440, -500899840, -484573184, 170016768, 185802752, 420691968, 663756800, 1372164096, 1413222400, 1473171456, 1704206336, 1713971200, 1745747968, 1981923328] 10-26 11:30:38.231 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 8 lines 10-26 11:30:40.840 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 2 lines 10-26 11:31:17.169 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:31:17.174 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:31:17.516 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-26 11:31:17.529 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [42b6a7e7-5fa2-4bb0-bc2b-7a7ceaed023e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:31:17.555 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [42b6a7e7-5fa2-4bb0-bc2b-7a7ceaed023e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1327652864, -980418560, -970682368, -724971520, -585625600, -501903360, -286539776, -182616064, -180428800, -161435648, 27066368, 420691968, 1438601216] 10-26 11:31:17.572 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [4b8cbb9b-2f7a-415e-a371-1e51a3a44b6a] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:31:17.616 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [4b8cbb9b-2f7a-415e-a371-1e51a3a44b6a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2110103552, -1946763264, -724971520, -516460544, -486109184, -385568768, -136437760, 420691968, 698146816, 699412480, 729632768, 1125441536, 1442066432] 10-26 11:31:17.706 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [123f7159-001b-4020-865c-ad2c695230b1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:31:17.747 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [123f7159-001b-4020-865c-ad2c695230b1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2070269952, -2058539008, -1969745920, -1541038080, -1138679808, -1090469888, -724971520, -528867328, -437051392, 124579840, 420691968, 1061552128, 1355886592, 1594703872] 10-26 11:31:17.757 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [d4d52d23-458e-4727-ab30-2eb9f8efce00] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:31:17.769 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [d4d52d23-458e-4727-ab30-2eb9f8efce00] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1749102592, -1735983104, -1159036928, -770924544, -724971520, -250138624, -135942144, 104734720, 420691968, 556294144, 737751040, 939565056, 1600024576, 1700388864, 1983041536] 10-26 11:31:17.782 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [34a00dba-df42-476e-b264-1cc6c07635d5] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:31:17.795 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [34a00dba-df42-476e-b264-1cc6c07635d5] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2008985600, -1013248000, -915759104, -811298816, -807489536, -724971520, -595173376, -519127040, -156823552, 23961600, 420691968, 463384576, 935129088, 1150554112, 1536282624, 1636413440] 10-26 11:31:17.805 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [58709e7b-9a9d-4277-bd70-eef96d08e5ca] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:31:17.806 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [58709e7b-9a9d-4277-bd70-eef96d08e5ca] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1943457792, -1711628288, -1636478976, -1092878336, -997261312, -730259456, -724971520, -687177728, -291459072, -204500992, 51511296, 221618176, 248344576, 420691968, 873705472, 998346752, 1385275392, 1839919104, 1911058432, 1924014080, 2145038336] 10-26 11:31:18.299 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-26 11:31:18.961 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 11:31:19.362 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 2 lines 10-26 11:33:11.526 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:33:11.540 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 11:34:13.393 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-26 11:34:42.329 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 11:35:40.850 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 6 lines 10-26 11:35:40.852 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines 10-26 11:35:42.449 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-26 11:35:45.907 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 11:42:40.107 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines 10-26 11:43:40.176 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 11:43:42.203 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 11:43:47.535 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 11:44:22.880 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 11:44:22.881 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 4 lines 10-26 11:52:22.288 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-26 11:52:23.889 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [7b884526-dc66-4f53-a1d1-696c579fc9a2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 11:52:23.890 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [7b884526-dc66-4f53-a1d1-696c579fc9a2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1788817408, -1719857152, -1626701824, -1610731520, -1531596800, -1226080256, -1042767872, -944340992, -809811968, -768589824, -547487744, 114601984, 472698880, 607031296, 703954944, 881709056, 1750827008, 1886838784, 1915416576] 10-26 11:54:12.034 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 5 lines 10-26 11:54:21.205 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 12:04:31.663 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 2 lines 10-26 12:04:31.663 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 3 lines 10-26 12:04:41.402 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines 10-26 12:04:46.520 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 4 lines 10-26 12:06:25.240 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 4 lines 10-26 12:06:25.241 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 9 lines 10-26 12:06:25.252 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12 lines 10-26 12:06:25.287 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-26 12:06:25.315 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 4 lines 10-26 12:06:25.535 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 8 lines 10-26 12:06:25.553 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 3 lines 10-26 12:06:25.573 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:06:25.580 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 5 lines 10-26 12:06:25.582 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:12:40.013 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-26 12:13:04.073 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:13:04.080 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:13:04.136 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 lines 10-26 12:13:04.163 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 12:13:05.266 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 12:13:06.598 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 12:13:06.642 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 12:13:06.656 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 2 lines 10-26 12:13:18.746 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 12:13:21.588 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 2 lines 10-26 12:13:24.069 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:13:24.074 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:13:25.549 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 2 lines 10-26 12:13:25.603 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [b832dad0-dbe0-465f-b1f1-b271e3502509] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 12:13:25.633 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [b832dad0-dbe0-465f-b1f1-b271e3502509] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2095652864, -1703759872, -1670156288, -1606737920, -1601875968, -1399320576, -1377697792, -1276526592, -1159430144, -1110765568, -724971520, -267272192, -196034560, 420691968, 770170880, 881893376, 1211392000, 1459957760, 1597956096, 1930616832, 2109652992] 10-26 12:13:25.647 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [6a8dfa59-bd52-49d4-a822-56c3aa86e413] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 12:13:25.652 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [6a8dfa59-bd52-49d4-a822-56c3aa86e413] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1974874112, -1694691328, -1367060480, -1176064000, -1166278656, -934715392, -724971520, -471830528, -79245312, 81608704, 89825280, 187424768, 352776192, 420691968, 1506017280, 1849901056, 2009182208, 2015272960, 2064273408] 10-26 12:13:25.652 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 48 lines 10-26 12:13:27.445 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 10-26 12:13:28.191 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 12:13:38.710 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 12:13:38.776 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 12:13:41.990 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 12:14:11.659 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:14:11.672 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:14:39.585 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 9 lines 10-26 12:15:32.518 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:15:32.536 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:15:32.699 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 6 lines 10-26 12:15:34.321 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 12:18:28.475 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 12:18:28.478 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-26 12:18:29.015 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 7 lines 10-26 12:18:30.081 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-26 12:18:30.122 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-26 12:18:33.527 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 4 lines 10-26 12:22:20.122 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 9 lines 10-26 12:41:30.609 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-26 12:43:34.088 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 4 lines 10-26 12:43:43.577 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 12:43:43.759 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:43:43.764 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 5 lines 10-26 12:43:43.767 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:43:43.955 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 4 lines 10-26 12:43:48.311 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 12:43:50.244 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 12:43:50.274 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [06f81ea9-79a4-40b9-8f81-b5a67390210b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 12:43:50.275 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 15 lines 10-26 12:43:50.306 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [06f81ea9-79a4-40b9-8f81-b5a67390210b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2054144000, -2036932608, -1163341824, -1091256320, -973873152, -784601088, -769007616, -724971520, -182038528, -35897344, 48226304, 420691968, 856182784, 1084858368, 1159946240, 1246822400, 1442328576, 1704992768, 2076274688, 2120658944] 10-26 12:43:50.330 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [4a257776-67f5-47dc-b3ff-37631d7a0817] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 12:43:50.351 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [4a257776-67f5-47dc-b3ff-37631d7a0817] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1453326336, -1018662912, -957566976, -772861952, -724971520, -677715968, -647925760, -490565632, -127610880, -50884608, -6070272, 420691968, 490684416, 515084288, 526831616, 575377408, 738881536, 900317184, 1210941440] 10-26 12:43:51.456 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 12:43:53.269 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 3 lines 10-26 12:43:53.805 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 12:43:53.839 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-26 12:43:53.839 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines 10-26 12:44:02.432 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [c96fa6a9-3598-433d-a776-b382be762cac] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 12:44:02.487 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 50 lines 10-26 12:44:02.487 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [c96fa6a9-3598-433d-a776-b382be762cac] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1431687168, -1314713600, -1091080192, -1056514048, -969621504, -724971520, -502452224, 420691968, 776695808, 1129340928, 1242513408, 1501999104, 1557192704, 1841573888, 2013794304] 10-26 12:44:02.515 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [8a8c192c-9aad-4354-9283-aa367797fd30] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 12:44:02.569 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [8a8c192c-9aad-4354-9283-aa367797fd30] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2085441536, -1815666688, -1324183552, -1241886720, -937164800, -724971520, -634609664, -313831424, -290775040, 420691968, 528224256, 955609088, 1490563072, 1562021888, 2037510144] 10-26 12:44:04.793 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-26 12:44:05.026 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 12:44:05.696 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:44:05.701 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:44:09.955 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 12:44:09.956 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 3 lines 10-26 12:44:45.702 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:44:45.717 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:46:05.795 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:46:05.807 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:48:45.802 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:48:45.818 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 12:49:04.054 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 16 lines 10-26 12:49:04.057 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-26 12:49:04.577 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 7 lines 10-26 12:49:05.639 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-26 12:49:05.649 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 3 lines 10-26 12:49:05.669 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 13 lines 10-26 12:49:09.111 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 3 lines 10-26 12:55:05.247 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-26 13:03:43.688 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 6 lines 10-26 13:09:03.373 851 915 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 2 lines 10-26 13:10:20.889 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-26 13:14:06.245 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 13 lines 10-26 13:14:18.235 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 4 lines 10-26 13:28:49.012 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 2 lines 10-26 13:38:49.066 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 4 lines 10-26 13:44:49.562 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [bf992638-049e-4987-84f5-e396453aa39b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 13:44:49.563 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [bf992638-049e-4987-84f5-e396453aa39b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2074910720, -1888010240, -1208135680, -1167405056, -1060241408, -961871872, -852422656, -774500352, -665182208, -514650112, -187715584, 19869696, 127619072, 293437440, 439955456, 454852608, 461307904, 1381990400, 1732788224, 1810690048, 1989353472] 10-26 13:44:49.582 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [53db4251-db31-43bf-9eba-013e2a655702] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 13:44:49.583 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [53db4251-db31-43bf-9eba-013e2a655702] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2124980224, -1901318144, -1550360576, -1367662592, -99680256, 293437440, 316456960, 1094873088, 1222324224, 1525301248, 1552289792, 1810690048, 2105053184] 10-26 13:44:50.336 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 13:44:56.611 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines 10-26 13:44:56.619 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 13:47:45.766 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 13:47:45.788 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 3 lines 10-26 13:47:45.850 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 13:47:45.985 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 13:47:45.987 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 13:47:45.990 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 13:47:46.048 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 3 lines 10-26 13:49:05.776 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 32 lines 10-26 13:55:08.622 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 13:55:09.073 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [3058c5bc-b0c4-48d5-bc1d-094419963759] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 13:55:09.092 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [3058c5bc-b0c4-48d5-bc1d-094419963759] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1871671296, -1802682368, -1416175616, -1394847744, -734683136, -724971520, -434569216, -166952960, 420691968, 671051776, 680431616, 794595328] 10-26 13:55:09.103 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [26468921-8ada-4a4a-be70-b52ededf7112] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 13:55:09.110 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-26 13:55:09.121 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [26468921-8ada-4a4a-be70-b52ededf7112] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2024685568, -1692884992, -1626431488, -1443897344, -1405587456, -1222303744, -724971520, -101122048, 254488576, 420691968, 530907136, 1493327872, 1860009984] 10-26 13:55:09.160 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [e14241f7-5b34-4c32-950c-d5a125bc4f92] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 13:55:09.265 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [43999db4-1f9f-4599-9484-4ddfddca38ee] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 13:55:09.376 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [79e4d7fa-c98a-44be-b186-bdc0ea0b4060] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 13:55:09.481 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [5af5e31e-a4ed-4a66-9db3-65b45c0a3c4c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 13:55:09.524 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 13:55:09.524 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e14241f7-5b34-4c32-950c-d5a125bc4f92] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1994203136, -1959469056, -1859756032, -1289932800, -1053982720, -1033592832, -965869568, -724971520, -572329984, -481566720, -205795328, 347385856, 410374144, 420691968, 429920256, 470351872, 714981376, 896409600, 1511907328, 1568919552, 2088763392] 10-26 13:55:09.556 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [43999db4-1f9f-4599-9484-4ddfddca38ee] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2116747264, -1797419008, -810414080, -724971520, -603463680, -601714688, -412852224, -338722816, 16850944, 420691968, 629710848, 633876480, 863219712, 1166462976, 1198669824, 1515372544, 1666011136, 1819508736, 2039894016] 10-26 13:55:09.558 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-26 13:55:09.564 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [79e4d7fa-c98a-44be-b186-bdc0ea0b4060] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1782767616, -1648787456, -1570541568, -1492348928, -1390559232, -1308991488, -1072111616, -724971520, -350613504, -58847232, 420691968, 839688192, 1110241280] 10-26 13:55:09.566 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5af5e31e-a4ed-4a66-9db3-65b45c0a3c4c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1991237632, -1954172928, -1698529280, -1599463424, -1489457152, -724971520, -714633216, -645181440, -199110656, 172326912, 373141504, 410087424, 410918912, 420691968, 528785408, 1582092288, 1668300800, 1703079936, 1863303168, 1908441088, 2134495232] 10-26 13:55:11.688 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 13:55:11.936 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 32 lines 10-26 13:55:13.690 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 3 lines 10-26 13:57:06.582 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-26 13:58:49.545 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 6 lines 10-26 14:04:31.750 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-26 14:09:03.885 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines 10-26 14:25:30.282 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 4 lines 10-26 14:25:30.300 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12 lines 10-26 14:25:30.344 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-26 14:25:30.373 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 4 lines 10-26 14:25:30.439 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:25:30.496 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:25:30.502 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 6 lines 10-26 14:25:30.508 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:25:30.600 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 10 lines 10-26 14:25:30.621 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:25:31.712 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 14:25:32.186 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 2 lines 10-26 14:25:32.200 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 21 lines 10-26 14:25:32.847 26947 26974 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xc0 in tid 26974 (Jit thread pool), pid 26947 (e.conceptruelle) 10-26 14:25:32.891 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 4 lines 10-26 14:25:37.578 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 14:25:39.488 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 3 lines 10-26 14:25:39.510 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [160a2d5a-65ef-4d3f-854a-7da445e0a84c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:25:39.532 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [160a2d5a-65ef-4d3f-854a-7da445e0a84c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1449570304, -1155133440, -1047977984, -999280640, -890859520, -880340992, -724971520, -460513280, -66682880, 310882304, 420691968, 443092992, 1152208896, 1327321088, 1571422208, 1573519360, 1709408256, 1738133504, 1763356672, 1895493632] 10-26 14:25:39.567 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [c0e073c0-0e8a-4ebe-84e6-b507979f2063] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:25:39.590 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [c0e073c0-0e8a-4ebe-84e6-b507979f2063] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1870688256, -1747628032, -1391120384, -724971520, -550375424, -549892096, -189943808, -16429056, 294928384, 420691968, 472358912, 593494016, 1062785024, 1228001280, 1321275392, 1374822400, 1564786688, 1673818112, 1699971072, 1797877760] 10-26 14:25:40.430 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 10-26 14:25:40.596 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-26 14:25:43.056 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 14:25:43.117 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 3 lines 10-26 14:25:58.167 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:25:58.191 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:25:58.325 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines 10-26 14:26:38.172 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:26:38.259 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:27:58.173 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:27:58.188 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:30:38.179 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:30:38.199 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:30:43.075 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 10-26 14:38:37.449 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:38:37.455 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:38:37.562 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 lines 10-26 14:38:38.990 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:38:39.832 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 14:38:45.665 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 2 lines 10-26 14:38:47.672 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 14:38:49.941 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 3 lines 10-26 14:38:52.491 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [b00ddc53-4316-4b47-930e-a210ab9a1c61] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:38:52.539 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 54 lines 10-26 14:38:52.540 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [b00ddc53-4316-4b47-930e-a210ab9a1c61] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1784008704, -1628327936, -1289875456, -1207246848, -876560384, -724971520, -228216832, -13930496, 110166016, 285052928, 420691968, 577843200, 860536832, 1372823552, 1761456128] 10-26 14:38:52.543 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 5 lines 10-26 14:38:52.555 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [94e78620-6c18-49a0-87eb-e5f51c54a4c0] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:38:52.563 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [94e78620-6c18-49a0-87eb-e5f51c54a4c0] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1896370176, -1782484992, -1372323840, -1296756736, -775872512, -724971520, -608051200, -167239680, 420691968, 801345536, 1206951936, 2135842816] 10-26 14:38:53.505 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 11 lines 10-26 14:38:53.506 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 14:38:54.577 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 14:38:54.649 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 14:38:55.084 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 14:38:57.447 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:38:57.451 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 4 lines 10-26 14:38:57.453 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:38:59.860 28198 28203 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x34 in tid 28203 (Jit thread pool), pid 28198 (e.conceptruelle) 10-26 14:38:59.951 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 14:38:59.951 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:38:59.985 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 14:39:05.960 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:39:07.940 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 14:39:07.969 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [f8d31e59-bdca-414b-8ba0-63cf297fccee] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:39:07.986 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 3 lines 10-26 14:39:07.989 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-26 14:39:08.013 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [f8d31e59-bdca-414b-8ba0-63cf297fccee] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1814401024, -1208020992, -742846464, -724971520, -721235968, -450961408, -396550144, -353312768, -83288064, 165101568, 296296448, 343740416, 373420032, 377434112, 420691968, 730677248, 812675072, 1295228928] 10-26 14:39:08.034 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [aeff18ae-3ecf-43cf-8c90-f33d0b62f8c0] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:39:08.065 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [aeff18ae-3ecf-43cf-8c90-f33d0b62f8c0] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2023374848, -1796169728, -1292709888, -1185755136, -1170026496, -1128816640, -1030574080, -969060352, -809385984, -724971520, -667586560, -643407872, -398888960, 103378944, 287420416, 420691968, 653815808, 1004740608, 1589960704, 1970208768] 10-26 14:39:11.518 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 14:39:37.462 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:39:37.476 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:40:57.465 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:40:57.482 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:41:44.596 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 14:42:08.112 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [26cbefe8-9425-4da9-91c3-b8d225e488b2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:42:08.129 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 46 lines 10-26 14:42:08.137 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [26cbefe8-9425-4da9-91c3-b8d225e488b2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1716490240, -1095839744, -1035538432, -724971520, -513314816, -391860224, -261312512, -166338560, 146116608, 420691968, 548069376, 674164736, 987111424, 1259896832, 1622798336, 1782054912] 10-26 14:42:08.172 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [9deba302-602f-44bd-9ce6-78215e277696] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:42:08.175 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [9deba302-602f-44bd-9ce6-78215e277696] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2104659968, -1959510016, -1582522368, -1059594240, -1015595008, -881180672, -852905984, -838479872, -724971520, -605032448, -372150272, -226197504, 173027328, 303448064, 350560256, 420691968, 572317696, 1634283520, 1720467456] 10-26 14:42:08.406 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 14:42:14.167 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 14:44:22.772 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:44:22.787 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:44:49.441 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-26 14:45:30.336 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-26 14:45:44.557 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 14:45:46.017 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 4 lines 10-26 14:45:46.017 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 3 lines 10-26 14:45:46.047 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 6 lines 10-26 14:45:50.797 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 3 lines 10-26 14:45:52.119 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 22 lines 10-26 14:45:52.700 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 14:45:52.731 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [e692fd56-645c-48b1-b323-37ee2cbdf045] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:45:52.755 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 9 lines 10-26 14:45:52.766 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e692fd56-645c-48b1-b323-37ee2cbdf045] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2001104896, -1376714752, -724971520, -223690752, 420691968, 771346432, 965783552, 967811072, 1461161984, 1860968448, 1904181248, 1954471936] 10-26 14:45:52.768 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 9 lines 10-26 14:45:52.865 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [41e82b6a-3915-4970-b70a-e314cb3f5520] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:45:52.941 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [41e82b6a-3915-4970-b70a-e314cb3f5520] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1714593792, -1357357056, -724971520, -184242176, 420691968, 640241664, 1243500544, 1320382464, 1359945728, 1363726336, 1459548160, 1594429440, 1614696448, 1955213312, 1974382592, 2085269504] 10-26 14:45:53.652 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 14:47:23.670 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:47:23.679 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 4 lines 10-26 14:47:23.686 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:48:25.360 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 7 lines 10-26 14:50:03.673 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:50:03.689 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:50:56.259 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 14:50:57.851 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-26 14:51:01.398 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 14:56:50.485 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 14:56:50.550 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-26 14:56:50.686 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:56:50.690 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:56:51.949 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:56:51.956 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 54 lines 10-26 14:56:55.657 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 14:57:10.694 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:57:10.711 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:57:11.340 26757 28948 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 14:57:12.503 26757 28948 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 14:57:12.857 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [4c8502bc-6dc6-41d4-a644-97084c3cd362] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:57:12.868 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [4c8502bc-6dc6-41d4-a644-97084c3cd362] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2082586624, -1495289856, -1392234496, -1254977536, -1239306240, -1049157632, -724971520, -47329280, 420691968, 1774383104, 1804558336, 1876615168] 10-26 14:57:12.899 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [b0cee162-23d9-455c-9943-5067acbede1b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:57:12.900 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [b0cee162-23d9-455c-9943-5067acbede1b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1553178624, -1547063296, -1347670016, -1317478400, -1188462592, -724971520, -531058688, -469102592, -104771584, 147152896, 201216000, 275009536, 292319232, 420691968, 675086336, 692166656, 714747904, 799764480, 1148129280, 1442471936, 2035863552] 10-26 14:57:12.978 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:57:13.549 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 2 lines 10-26 14:57:15.462 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 14:57:19.665 29001 29009 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x34 in tid 29009 (Jit thread pool), pid 29001 (e.conceptruelle) 10-26 14:57:19.713 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 3 lines 10-26 14:57:30.369 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 6 lines 10-26 14:57:38.712 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 4 lines 10-26 14:57:38.877 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 14:57:38.905 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 lines 10-26 14:57:39.509 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 7 lines 10-26 14:57:42.691 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 3 lines 10-26 14:57:42.890 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:57:45.371 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 4 lines 10-26 14:57:45.723 29199 29199 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1611 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:698 android.content.pm.permission.RuntimePermissionPresenter$RemoteService.processMessage:171 android.content.pm.permission.RuntimePermissionPresenter.getAppPermissions:118 com.android.settingslib.applications.PermissionsSummaryHelper.getPermissionSummary:34 10-26 14:57:45.807 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 2 lines 10-26 14:57:49.244 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [0834d894-7f2b-4c15-9415-8549deb92f5f] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:57:49.244 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [0834d894-7f2b-4c15-9415-8549deb92f5f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1993281536, -1631084544, -1570865152, -1529397248, -1216184320, -1096482816, -1052405760, -870408192, -865603584, -724971520, -709783552, -146989056, -37703680, 381628416, 505319424, 785756160, 798212096, 1528717312, 1668923392, 1881866240, 1933185024] 10-26 14:57:50.692 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:57:50.699 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 5 lines 10-26 14:57:50.703 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:57:50.817 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 14:57:50.912 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 13 lines 10-26 14:57:51.293 381 597 D vold : Remounting 10159 as mode read 10-26 14:57:51.310 381 381 D vold : Remounting 10159 as mode write 10-26 14:58:13.076 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [318044da-dc56-4cab-b8c6-860d511b666f] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:58:13.077 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [318044da-dc56-4cab-b8c6-860d511b666f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1954246656, -1839685632, -1640075264, -1101377536, -1023074304, -724971520, -709783552, -565182464, -356356096, 447893504, 470167552, 1289437184, 1360277504, 2023358464] 10-26 14:58:25.752 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [250c2144-22fc-4ef0-9bc7-9525fe4df89e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 14:58:25.753 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [250c2144-22fc-4ef0-9bc7-9525fe4df89e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1705873408, -1482723328, -1408598016, -947224576, -724971520, -709783552, -608403456, -498573312, -347287552, -146812928, 896692224, 956067840, 1059536896, 1982464000, 2135306240] 10-26 14:58:26.559 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 14:58:26.561 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 14:58:26.799 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines 10-26 14:58:27.835 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (567.0,31.0) 10-26 14:58:27.837 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (567.0,31.0) 10-26 14:58:30.172 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 14:58:30.207 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-26 14:58:33.688 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 14:59:10.701 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:59:10.710 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 14:59:10.714 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:01:50.704 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:01:50.720 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:01:55.099 26757 29486 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:01:55.696 26757 29486 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:01:55.763 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 6 lines 10-26 15:01:56.378 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [d1fc9d3a-bfa1-46ab-a562-56424e0d3242] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:01:56.414 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [d1fc9d3a-bfa1-46ab-a562-56424e0d3242] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1573056512, -1274314752, -769138688, -724971520, -199897088, 135860224, 420691968, 458993664, 514904064, 639881216, 644239360, 826290176, 1104465920, 1132269568, 1167691776, 1336586240, 1465430016] 10-26 15:01:56.438 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [e9a98f92-0af9-4bb5-a974-d96ee684a4e5] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:01:56.460 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e9a98f92-0af9-4bb5-a974-d96ee684a4e5] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1703194624, -1453932544, -1387958272, -1370447872, -1364815872, -1234046976, -946728960, -724971520, -81207296, 9515008, 420691968, 579743744, 583671808, 593211392, 898445312, 1066127360, 1454174208, 1859239936, 2114781184] 10-26 15:01:56.468 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [a315cbdd-b43d-435c-87e2-632e319aaef6] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:01:56.469 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a315cbdd-b43d-435c-87e2-632e319aaef6] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1972920320, -1758715904, -1680179200, -1602555904, -1564196864, -1563238400, -724971520, -598429696, -213983232, -134529024, 355713024, 420691968, 628396032, 664780800, 786989056, 1057705984, 1409486848, 1509011456, 1716097024, 2135654400] 10-26 15:01:56.477 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [0b98bb48-0350-417f-8fd1-6d423a8e49d5] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:01:56.484 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [0b98bb48-0350-417f-8fd1-6d423a8e49d5] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1774804992, -1686769664, -1223000064, -1189810176, -1014075392, -911470592, -724971520, -475250688, 98942976, 141520896, 277753856, 420691968, 737169408, 807038976, 1302781952, 1316540416, 1395695616, 1438441472, 1766531072] 10-26 15:01:56.496 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [42c30ba1-818f-41a8-829b-853fd0fede25] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:01:56.601 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [eaa04ce0-e74d-4f9c-b069-2120b9b28265] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:01:56.642 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [42c30ba1-818f-41a8-829b-853fd0fede25] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2128949248, -1203085312, -724971520, -720674816, -275030016, 121786368, 420691968, 474607616, 1455030272, 1835335680, 1996107776, 2020405248] 10-26 15:01:56.646 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [eaa04ce0-e74d-4f9c-b069-2120b9b28265] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1874010112, -1771827200, -1407467520, -1214152704, -988237824, -807202816, -770453504, -724971520, -585687040, -422850560, -183668736, 170672128, 420691968, 449691648, 1073233920, 1095647232, 1189564416, 1637769216, 1846755328, 1874358272, 2133024768] 10-26 15:01:56.732 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 44 lines 10-26 15:01:57.615 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 15:01:57.615 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 7 lines 10-26 15:01:58.991 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 15:04:30.709 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:04:30.726 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:05:24.800 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 21 lines 10-26 15:05:25.431 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [c8d2a69c-306b-400b-9353-62984b243b08] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:05:25.541 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [c8d2a69c-306b-400b-9353-62984b243b08] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2132025344, -2112520192, -1335148544, -724971520, -650506240, -331132928, -165167104, -14430208, 10780672, 161050624, 314601472, 420691968, 1154473984, 1294114816, 1577578496, 2143612928] 10-26 15:05:25.542 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [c29b933f-7b59-4a1b-889c-08e0ef03acf5] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:05:25.751 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [c29b933f-7b59-4a1b-889c-08e0ef03acf5] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1733013504, -1047224320, -1022697472, -724971520, -547381248, -510570496, -473849856, -341311488, -74113024, 106704896, 164507648, 328642560, 420691968, 601907200, 620204032, 704376832, 713428992, 930611200, 1019756544, 1726423040] 10-26 15:05:26.311 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 15:07:10.713 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:07:10.730 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:09:00.008 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-26 15:09:50.715 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:09:50.730 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:10:13.994 26757 29956 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:10:15.014 26757 29956 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:10:15.270 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 6 lines 10-26 15:10:15.314 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 3 lines 10-26 15:10:15.315 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 46 lines 10-26 15:10:15.316 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [40543e81-0c5d-48cf-b14e-997c9db60dfd] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:10:15.333 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [40543e81-0c5d-48cf-b14e-997c9db60dfd] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1520607232, -1466097664, -771121152, -724971520, 86474752, 420691968, 557535232, 860188672, 1171140608, 1767702528, 1944924160, 2096234496] 10-26 15:10:15.368 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [ab4b8184-f2b0-4a58-82ad-08ed8a83e06f] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:10:15.370 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ab4b8184-f2b0-4a58-82ad-08ed8a83e06f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2076581888, -2048548864, -1539153920, -724971520, -340418560, -325251072, 420691968, 934604800, 940470272, 1092952064, 1272668160, 1420124160, 1647841280] 10-26 15:10:15.410 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 15:10:15.616 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines 10-26 15:10:15.784 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 4 lines 10-26 15:10:16.385 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 11 lines 10-26 15:10:16.412 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 15:10:17.916 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 15:10:23.061 29996 30004 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x300 in tid 30004 (Jit thread pool), pid 29996 (e.conceptruelle) 10-26 15:10:23.389 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:10:23.393 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 15:10:23.419 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-26 15:10:29.057 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 15:10:29.578 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 8 lines 10-26 15:10:30.642 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-26 15:10:30.642 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 3 lines 10-26 15:10:34.117 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 15:10:50.131 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 15:10:50.314 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:10:50.317 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-26 15:10:50.320 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:10:50.498 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:10:51.392 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 15:10:51.408 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 24 lines 10-26 15:11:03.258 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 15:11:05.098 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 15:11:10.312 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:11:10.323 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:11:13.136 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [0de63d34-cd7e-4ddc-9149-0696f9d1aff2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:11:13.202 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [0de63d34-cd7e-4ddc-9149-0696f9d1aff2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1883385856, -1387188224, -854298624, -813162496, -724971520, -661442560, -566689792, -55836672, 420691968, 534245376, 619757568, 1155776512, 1297690624, 1366970368, 1557831680, 1846054912] 10-26 15:11:13.288 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [bd86d35d-0576-471f-a16b-37791bc978d2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:11:13.393 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [bd86d35d-0576-471f-a16b-37791bc978d2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1978302464, -1895055360, -1855578112, -1696034816, -1693536256, -1577701376, -1461284864, -1223725056, -1200279552, -1001472000, -724971520, -524574720, 420691968, 597307392, 771227648, 1029013504, 1294336000, 1560272896, 1680957440] 10-26 15:11:16.684 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 15:11:50.318 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:11:50.329 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:12:01.786 26757 29956 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:12:02.438 26757 29956 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:12:02.745 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-26 15:12:02.748 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 8 lines 10-26 15:12:02.750 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [13963d9e-6d0e-4261-8c42-15c6d2f736ff] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:12:02.783 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [13963d9e-6d0e-4261-8c42-15c6d2f736ff] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1918029824, -1596137472, -1468551168, -1168777216, -1165692928, -1155645440, -724971520, -660512768, 420691968, 460881920, 604033024, 616267776, 650465280, 1513521152] 10-26 15:12:02.849 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 3 lines 10-26 15:12:02.855 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [e99600d2-922a-4412-8b34-6467a8538c05] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:12:02.855 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e99600d2-922a-4412-8b34-6467a8538c05] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1790619648, -1175633920, -1044033536, -948523008, -724971520, -527273984, -461561856, -193589248, 172232704, 420691968, 596987904, 771117056, 1159098368, 1353244672, 1386299392, 1542488064, 1706549248, 1860575232] 10-26 15:12:03.947 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 38 lines 10-26 15:12:05.321 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 15:12:10.950 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 15:12:10.950 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:12:10.982 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 15:13:50.369 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:13:50.378 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 15:13:50.384 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:14:35.788 26757 30583 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:14:37.371 26757 30583 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:14:37.444 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 8 lines 10-26 15:14:37.487 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 54 lines 10-26 15:14:40.355 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [242adc03-a225-4956-bfd2-57a89c394292] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:14:40.372 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-26 15:14:40.396 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [242adc03-a225-4956-bfd2-57a89c394292] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1992495104, -1476313088, -1343864832, -944640000, -898162688, -724971520, 212357120, 322695168, 420691968, 533962752, 556855296, 863477760, 918679552, 1942130688, 2062610432] 10-26 15:14:40.413 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [ba4e16de-3576-4fc4-869f-f9de06aa4fce] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:14:40.443 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ba4e16de-3576-4fc4-869f-f9de06aa4fce] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1830121472, -1402327040, -1401946112, -851529728, -724971520, -618790912, -362045440, -94199808, -50868224, 93831168, 175984640, 264646656, 324497408, 385761280, 414887936, 420691968, 1369632768, 1821724672, 1960394752] 10-26 15:14:40.452 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [937e508d-605c-4426-ad4a-9d3e0fe06fe4] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:14:40.453 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:14:40.460 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [937e508d-605c-4426-ad4a-9d3e0fe06fe4] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1736040448, -1674190848, -1497333760, -1415385088, -796086272, -724971520, -686243840, -597295104, -456241152, -163102720, -66228224, 325926912, 420691968, 1369112576, 1650102272, 2134597632] 10-26 15:14:40.472 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [588710a4-2a09-4223-8d55-cb5d7821df1b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:14:40.520 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [588710a4-2a09-4223-8d55-cb5d7821df1b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1521111040, -1414664192, -1307127808, -1213612032, -724971520, 117022720, 420691968, 634048512, 725270528, 903847936, 1256747008, 1567383552] 10-26 15:14:40.530 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [1a0d23b7-c905-4e5e-a909-ca5771ab22b1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:14:40.534 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1a0d23b7-c905-4e5e-a909-ca5771ab22b1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1906249728, -1385185280, -1169383424, -724971520, -654073856, -531755008, -505217024, -213528576, 420691968, 800407552, 929779712, 1308237824, 1603342336, 2132316160] 10-26 15:14:40.543 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [1d66c8b6-f92b-496e-910d-bb1af1580743] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:14:40.553 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1d66c8b6-f92b-496e-910d-bb1af1580743] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2066497536, -1847242752, -1720135680, -1321193472, -1208139776, -724971520, -542474240, -370171904, 27938816, 420691968, 537718784, 935817216, 1544888320, 1812054016, 2065158144] 10-26 15:14:40.571 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 15:14:41.733 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 9 lines 10-26 15:14:41.733 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 15:14:48.544 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 2 lines 10-26 15:16:30.373 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 15:16:30.373 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:16:30.383 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:16:30.390 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:18:40.311 26757 30883 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:18:41.176 26757 30883 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:18:41.293 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines 10-26 15:18:41.909 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [5fc7f170-b02d-47b9-ad55-889077945347] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:18:41.933 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5fc7f170-b02d-47b9-ad55-889077945347] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2136035328, -1908838400, -1818300416, -1590677504, -984002560, -724971520, -215445504, -39186432, 420691968, 823443456, 1298423808, 1980432384] 10-26 15:18:41.950 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 15:18:41.954 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [74ac1fc8-f9c0-4ceb-ab13-0c1dbc3687f6] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:18:42.010 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-26 15:18:42.010 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [74ac1fc8-f9c0-4ceb-ab13-0c1dbc3687f6] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2107961344, -1730985984, -1718304768, -1711583232, -1448751104, -724971520, -498515968, -1306624, 166645760, 420691968, 630558720, 1628078080, 1861828608] 10-26 15:18:42.019 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [2ad41e74-8d9e-4be2-b8de-4e6ed3b9bff6] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:18:42.051 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2ad41e74-8d9e-4be2-b8de-4e6ed3b9bff6] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1380495360, -886202368, -856514560, -724971520, -667631616, -549761024, -359096320, -2785280, 420691968, 809426944, 918216704, 1163411456, 1559793664, 1607553024, 1639747584, 1855696896] 10-26 15:18:42.064 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [1f35afec-f046-4223-9c3a-89df5cb5aaa6] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:18:42.064 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1f35afec-f046-4223-9c3a-89df5cb5aaa6] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1769984000, -1327493120, -1230241792, -1109614592, -1060782080, -902524928, -724971520, -496001024, -475045888, -74133504, 314126336, 420691968, 561053696, 627519488, 924934144, 1135968256, 1923149824, 1979125760] 10-26 15:18:42.074 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [993b0faf-ef69-43fe-8f5c-532a2794e28b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:18:42.075 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [993b0faf-ef69-43fe-8f5c-532a2794e28b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2090360832, -1627725824, -1539100672, -1457471488, -1184198656, -1157873664, -724971520, -585392128, -238772224, 22528000, 377937920, 420691968, 743010304, 793866240, 854904832, 1349464064, 1449041920, 1986007040, 2052366336] 10-26 15:18:42.082 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [4c55d2ec-da96-4a12-8e67-0563f21e3aa4] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:18:42.083 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [4c55d2ec-da96-4a12-8e67-0563f21e3aa4] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1821810688, -1375494144, -1358790656, -801472512, -724971520, 254402560, 420691968, 479330304, 553418752, 1219899392, 1246150656, 1318703104, 1777467392, 2132467712] 10-26 15:18:42.272 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 15:18:44.381 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 38 lines 10-26 15:18:44.532 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 15:18:50.531 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 3 lines 10-26 15:18:50.531 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 15:18:50.575 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 15:18:59.412 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-26 15:19:13.157 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:19:13.165 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 15:19:13.173 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:19:13.431 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 17 lines 10-26 15:19:13.452 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 15:19:24.906 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 14 lines 10-26 15:21:40.363 26757 31392 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:21:41.007 26757 31392 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:21:41.082 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 15:21:41.664 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [61110389-2918-46f6-b270-340caa6b002e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:21:41.695 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-26 15:21:41.699 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [61110389-2918-46f6-b270-340caa6b002e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1766772736, -1717182464, -1493962752, -1480335360, -1260179456, -1115758592, -724971520, -352657408, 17747968, 36503552, 91009024, 317489152, 420691968, 629219328, 710811648, 1397788672, 1435856896, 2143051776, 2146127872] 10-26 15:21:41.724 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [cd182117-0bd8-4e01-b4cb-603e9e216623] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:21:41.740 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [cd182117-0bd8-4e01-b4cb-603e9e216623] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2145312768, -1400717312, -1400131584, -1339109376, -1191899136, -987242496, -784961536, -724971520, -224129024, -116088832, 99241984, 240504832, 300482560, 420691968, 493383680, 806703104, 892399616, 991924224, 1485479936, 1556246528] 10-26 15:21:41.748 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [6cd9280d-8229-46c9-a24b-93c38cceb458] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:21:41.749 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [6cd9280d-8229-46c9-a24b-93c38cceb458] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2112983040, -2005090304, -1405464576, -1154289664, -724971520, -709038080, -502771712, 265793536, 400703488, 420691968, 530931712, 580755456, 678834176, 905723904, 974528512, 979345408, 1003540480, 1022091264, 1148350464, 1493872640, 2069045248] 10-26 15:21:41.764 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [fb75cf7b-e74e-486d-9c5b-a89dbcc4a5fb] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:21:41.769 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [fb75cf7b-e74e-486d-9c5b-a89dbcc4a5fb] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1869701120, -1357287424, -1049325568, -849543168, -833847296, -780632064, -724971520, -392495104, -305057792, 273920000, 420691968, 553246720, 955727872, 1009164288, 2136809472] 10-26 15:21:41.777 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:21:41.786 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [664c7bac-6917-44da-9e64-8fbf337014ca] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:21:41.813 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [664c7bac-6917-44da-9e64-8fbf337014ca] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1995595776, -1703378944, -1640169472, -1345888256, -1288249344, -1286692864, -1074737152, -920539136, -800043008, -782188544, -724971520, -564551680, -517337088, -329854976, -14974976, 420691968, 552734720, 1280548864, 1426677760, 1970921472] 10-26 15:21:41.829 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [ca3c7c4c-403d-49d2-a0fe-6f71acff1c6b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:21:41.853 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ca3c7c4c-403d-49d2-a0fe-6f71acff1c6b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1928056832, -1799655424, -1637507072, -1431330816, -1371316224, -754688000, -724971520, -573181952, -297762816, -141402112, 222978048, 420691968, 526946304, 545669120, 569352192, 892416000, 1497776128, 1692053504, 1899655168, 1987235840, 2026156032] 10-26 15:21:42.179 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 15:21:42.180 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 44 lines 10-26 15:21:43.266 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 4 lines 10-26 15:21:43.266 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 10-26 15:21:46.867 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 6 lines 10-26 15:21:50.464 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 15:21:50.464 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 15:21:51.440 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 15:21:57.031 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:21:57.048 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:23:40.077 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines 10-26 15:23:52.781 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 15:24:37.095 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:24:37.103 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 15:24:37.109 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:26:42.829 26757 31780 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:26:43.704 26757 31780 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:26:43.804 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 8 lines 10-26 15:26:43.979 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 57 lines 10-26 15:26:44.853 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [e95a5a45-0bec-4052-98b4-36c6b4d0660b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:26:44.887 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-26 15:26:44.910 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e95a5a45-0bec-4052-98b4-36c6b4d0660b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1603284992, -1367535616, -1293508608, -724971520, -459194368, 420691968, 513384448, 662413312, 1076391936, 2024292352, 2089361408, 2138337280] 10-26 15:26:44.918 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [801b8171-1c2d-4c1c-b568-cde7a79110db] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:26:44.943 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [801b8171-1c2d-4c1c-b568-cde7a79110db] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2053640192, -944517120, -724971520, -114331648, -32112640, 327831552, 349818880, 420691968, 503562240, 529735680, 700620800, 1005793280] 10-26 15:26:44.952 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [c2178614-67d8-4f61-a203-16c2658709e2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:26:44.953 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [c2178614-67d8-4f61-a203-16c2658709e2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1721262080, -1332129792, -1319084032, -724971520, -482529280, -467472384, -450863104, 97583104, 324919296, 420691968, 995434496, 1643261952] 10-26 15:26:44.962 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [67703b38-6519-4d66-88d3-309f9f995f12] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:26:44.963 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [67703b38-6519-4d66-88d3-309f9f995f12] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1750450176, -739295232, -724971520, 20062208, 286404608, 420691968, 793575424, 828043264, 1509269504, 1723338752, 1966600192, 2003283968] 10-26 15:26:44.971 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [89f204f2-76fe-4191-9cf0-6b1c6e8775f1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:26:44.972 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [89f204f2-76fe-4191-9cf0-6b1c6e8775f1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1782427648, -1739997184, -1356144640, -1348648960, -954286080, -724971520, 65363968, 283750400, 332599296, 420691968, 1724133376, 1864687616, 1926152192] 10-26 15:26:44.978 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 3 lines 10-26 15:26:44.981 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [37179d61-8c7c-430b-8076-e7f7f043214e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:26:44.981 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [37179d61-8c7c-430b-8076-e7f7f043214e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1976745984, -1893871616, -1581133824, -1577267200, -1530355712, -748396544, -724971520, -720769024, -384872448, -347914240, -345780224, -132009984, 27148288, 230113280, 420691968, 823111680, 871591936, 1329934336, 1366900736, 1441193984, 1870798848] 10-26 15:26:45.051 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-26 15:26:45.245 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 3 lines 10-26 15:26:46.459 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 9 lines 10-26 15:26:46.460 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 15:26:47.448 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 15:26:54.167 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-26 15:27:22.064 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-26 15:27:37.159 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:27:37.175 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:28:06.209 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 15:28:06.371 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 15:28:12.456 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-26 15:28:14.195 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 15:28:14.197 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 15:28:14.200 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 15:28:14.234 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:28:14.373 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:28:20.315 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 1 line 10-26 15:28:20.318 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 15:28:20.562 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 16 lines 10-26 15:29:27.823 26757 32111 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:29:28.665 26757 32111 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:29:29.795 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [f2efcaa2-5975-4d1d-aabf-88fdc5dad4a6] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:29:29.837 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [f2efcaa2-5975-4d1d-aabf-88fdc5dad4a6] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1923342336, -1819090944, -1800044544, -1351352320, -724971520, -543203328, -380907520, -69816320, 409264128, 413925376, 420691968, 798294016, 953708544, 1061502976, 1751113728, 1946890240, 2124771328] 10-26 15:29:29.838 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 46 lines 10-26 15:29:29.846 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [2c931fa9-7f74-4835-9ee3-056a02d73652] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:29:29.867 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2c931fa9-7f74-4835-9ee3-056a02d73652] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1685458944, -1426563072, -724971520, -703025152, -415395840, -321957888, 420691968, 725778432, 776409088, 882069504, 1024651264, 1170051072, 1185107968, 1437396992] 10-26 15:29:29.888 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [501ef725-aea2-4262-90ae-ebf705a9d526] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:29:29.904 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [501ef725-aea2-4262-90ae-ebf705a9d526] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1893265408, -1488048128, -1408872448, -1171316736, -989696000, -724971520, -370466816, -322572288, 420691968, 451391488, 719310848, 763916288, 1219268608, 1367506944, 1567129600, 1715929088, 1865756672, 1899102208, 2077544448] 10-26 15:29:29.912 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [571b994f-c0e5-48ae-809c-4739e5888099] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:29:30.019 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [0ab2aeba-dd5d-414b-bea7-30109c49daf1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:29:30.027 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [571b994f-c0e5-48ae-809c-4739e5888099] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1678635008, -1615347712, -1457156096, -1341423616, -1318387712, -1047027712, -1005957120, -981938176, -889221120, -724971520, 19963904, 360488960, 420691968, 503107584, 1144770560, 1186439168, 1378435072, 1739493376, 1864261632, 2092855296] 10-26 15:29:30.051 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [0ab2aeba-dd5d-414b-bea7-30109c49daf1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2130890752, -2028089344, -1872973824, -1420587008, -1003319296, -724971520, -641826816, 181239808, 420691968, 907665408, 1083457536, 1800781824] 10-26 15:29:30.088 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [d01db6a2-9b89-4120-9546-7c50cd692f3a] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:29:30.121 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [d01db6a2-9b89-4120-9546-7c50cd692f3a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1806761984, -1714216960, -1668087808, -1347002368, -1085390848, -724971520, -573595648, -307900416, 349294592, 420691968, 482795520, 673112064, 782303232, 822841344, 1073037312, 1497329664, 1499344896] 10-26 15:29:32.388 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 15:29:39.663 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 3 lines 10-26 15:29:39.662 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:29:39.696 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 15:30:09.489 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-26 15:30:11.079 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 3 lines 10-26 15:30:12.945 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 8 lines 10-26 15:30:12.960 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [9874dd2b-63b8-4cf5-a2a4-a0910e86b48c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:30:12.975 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines 10-26 15:30:12.994 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [9874dd2b-63b8-4cf5-a2a4-a0910e86b48c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1253060608, -888864768, -730869760, -724971520, -428134400, -313774080, -215760896, -195416064, -88100864, 420691968, 435478528, 542334976, 917102592, 1078632448, 1241485312, 1837613056] 10-26 15:30:13.000 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 15:30:13.015 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines 10-26 15:30:13.064 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [55b8ee61-d993-4235-b3f9-27556f8fa6af] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:30:13.198 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [55b8ee61-d993-4235-b3f9-27556f8fa6af] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2083749888, -1811955712, -1607606272, -1146404864, -724971520, -626032640, -586899456, -366501888, -187072512, 275824640, 420691968, 440745984, 811524096, 875380736, 992366592, 1745825792, 1771593728, 1810337792, 1882546176, 1977434112, 2009276416] 10-26 15:30:13.905 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 7 lines 10-26 15:30:13.905 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 15:30:18.280 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:30:18.287 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 15:30:18.294 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:31:15.309 26757 32114 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:31:15.878 26757 32114 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:31:16.200 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 15:31:16.206 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [68ecdc9e-7e7e-4828-92b5-a0bd3aabcdbd] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:31:16.248 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [68ecdc9e-7e7e-4828-92b5-a0bd3aabcdbd] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2132656128, -1756635136, -1200390144, -1086091264, -1000271872, -758943744, -724971520, -678891520, -550764544, -352755712, 392048640, 420691968, 704634880, 1657278464, 1692823552, 2125819904] 10-26 15:31:16.251 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 15:31:16.264 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [5065b56b-d9d3-449d-922d-454e46bc06c1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:31:16.264 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5065b56b-d9d3-449d-922d-454e46bc06c1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1982500864, -1711665152, -1552269312, -1231507456, -724971520, -703000576, -613507072, -397033472, -362020864, -277065728, -259207168, -192397312, 49225728, 420691968, 548196352, 1031208960, 1108328448, 1686274048, 1779818496, 1783758848] 10-26 15:31:16.556 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 15:31:29.888 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:32:58.280 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:32:58.297 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:33:38.689 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 4 lines 10-26 15:34:39.965 26757 32594 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:34:40.642 26757 32594 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:34:40.763 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 57 lines 10-26 15:34:41.315 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [81f95b2e-11ac-4ece-a25f-43a283614363] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:34:41.369 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [81f95b2e-11ac-4ece-a25f-43a283614363] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1629716480, -1425219584, -1384931328, -1033437184, -1031467008, -819847168, -794988544, -724971520, -515985408, -139325440, 169357312, 196108288, 420691968, 559124480, 1168297984, 1168531456, 1506504704, 2125869056, 2141478912] 10-26 15:34:41.383 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [6916908a-4ebd-4a25-a03d-1a7a1f013261] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:34:41.404 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 9 lines 10-26 15:34:41.414 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [6916908a-4ebd-4a25-a03d-1a7a1f013261] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1941286912, -1540841472, -995905536, -724971520, -523173888, -396607488, -373919744, -212901888, -113459200, 281415680, 420691968, 563445760, 844652544, 1443594240, 1712443392, 1922637824] 10-26 15:34:41.426 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 15:34:41.442 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [d3bc9e96-0a0f-4090-bbdc-fd97c984c527] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:34:41.546 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [0312f496-e22c-42d1-9153-7d188b6d72f0] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:34:41.555 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [d3bc9e96-0a0f-4090-bbdc-fd97c984c527] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1827115008, -1561444352, -1349484544, -934334464, -890720256, -724971520, -605437952, -328962048, 376643584, 420691968, 589090816, 910401536, 1917894656, 1931415552, 2107637760] 10-26 15:34:41.560 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [0312f496-e22c-42d1-9153-7d188b6d72f0] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2144182272, -1450217472, -884244480, -845414400, -724971520, -596627456, -64393216, -24666112, 82935808, 192118784, 354242560, 420691968, 812789760, 838836224, 928923648, 1843744768, 1879965696, 2130456576, 2146598912] 10-26 15:34:41.577 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [a7e55947-7a92-47e1-947c-b4729168d85e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:34:41.583 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 15:34:41.585 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a7e55947-7a92-47e1-947c-b4729168d85e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1896239104, -1563869184, -890896384, -733290496, -724971520, -172711936, 7139328, 302067712, 420691968, 450338816, 1284739072, 1423355904, 1909964800, 2031104000] 10-26 15:34:41.596 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [46dfeaec-b3fc-4322-adc8-d1db51dc6935] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:34:41.617 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [46dfeaec-b3fc-4322-adc8-d1db51dc6935] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1972498432, -1832349696, -1678565376, -1568428032, -1294688256, -1189875712, -927526912, -724971520, -618323968, -582946816, -143962112, -54145024, 420691968, 544989184, 562450432, 1426890752, 1765416960, 1766199296, 2074812416] 10-26 15:34:41.674 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 4 lines 10-26 15:34:42.605 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 11 lines 10-26 15:34:42.614 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 15:34:43.981 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 15:34:55.495 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-26 15:34:55.525 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-26 15:35:02.414 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-26 15:35:58.358 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:35:58.368 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 15:35:58.377 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:36:07.459 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (536.0,8.0) 10-26 15:36:07.463 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (536.0,8.0) 10-26 15:36:10.142 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:36:11.412 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 15:36:12.050 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 15:36:12.076 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [8c551aa0-c038-4682-91b0-680dcf4efd86] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:36:12.130 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [8c551aa0-c038-4682-91b0-680dcf4efd86] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1770819584, -1645588480, -1344794624, -1233956864, -1220780032, -724971520, -440492032, -28643328, 191389696, 264003584, 349675520, 420691968, 544792576, 561401856, 641855488, 888950784, 1042898944, 1145217024, 1213681664, 1507577856, 2139291648] 10-26 15:36:12.140 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 15:36:12.181 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [22987825-19fe-49a9-b05f-93cadee5c83c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:36:12.261 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [22987825-19fe-49a9-b05f-93cadee5c83c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2098327552, -1244061696, -855728128, -724971520, -676728832, -142434304, 227532800, 362807296, 420691968, 426422272, 620052480, 680759296, 1809276928, 1942499328] 10-26 15:37:57.495 26757 539 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:37:58.168 26757 539 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:37:58.464 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 15:37:58.469 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [7f60e8d4-11c0-4624-ac8b-cd61e14d38aa] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:37:58.499 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 45 lines 10-26 15:37:58.507 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [7f60e8d4-11c0-4624-ac8b-cd61e14d38aa] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1918365696, -1825878016, -1582395392, -1322926080, -1233731584, -724971520, -229142528, 153767936, 373444608, 420691968, 713224192, 812232704, 878686208, 1075437568, 1883951104, 1928253440, 1944911872, 2082848768, 2123038720] 10-26 15:37:58.524 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [533fb084-5c6b-4750-b45b-99ce14e96c1f] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:37:58.525 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [533fb084-5c6b-4750-b45b-99ce14e96c1f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1925005312, -1907191808, -1385947136, -1382559744, -1072910336, -991576064, -929234944, -724971520, -520585216, -207024128, 420691968, 1041096704, 1135128576, 1277583360, 1458049024, 1703415808, 1754279936, 2008977408, 2049785856, 2100326400] 10-26 15:37:58.911 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 15:38:01.041 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 21 lines 10-26 15:38:01.049 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 15:38:12.072 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 3 lines 10-26 15:38:12.073 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 3 lines 10-26 15:38:12.110 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 15:38:31.757 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-26 15:38:38.366 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:38:38.374 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-26 15:38:38.379 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:41:02.660 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:41:04.627 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 7 lines 10-26 15:41:04.662 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [5b29cbb8-8c4b-4243-8426-67356508e6e8] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:41:04.697 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-26 15:41:04.714 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 15:41:04.719 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5b29cbb8-8c4b-4243-8426-67356508e6e8] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2103136256, -2079240192, -1990103040, -1747566592, -1695748096, -1543524352, -1204035584, -924741632, -912130048, -869249024, -724971520, -305094656, 297717760, 411250688, 420691968, 1159942144, 1381040128, 2104016896] 10-26 15:41:04.774 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [f099b4f4-2458-4ef8-a5c2-ab4fbcf5f876] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:41:04.877 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [f099b4f4-2458-4ef8-a5c2-ab4fbcf5f876] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1527877632, -1158205440, -1135558656, -1108754432, -912465920, -724971520, -720871424, -698580992, -384790528, 420691968, 495357952, 916402176, 1211199488, 1913749504] 10-26 15:41:05.551 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 10 lines 10-26 15:41:05.552 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 15:41:08.245 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 15:41:19.278 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-26 15:41:19.770 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:41:19.790 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:42:19.901 26757 1031 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:42:20.671 26757 1031 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:42:20.996 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 15:42:21.000 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [2847bc8b-f380-4bcb-a8e8-152ff2449a1c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:42:21.013 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2847bc8b-f380-4bcb-a8e8-152ff2449a1c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1416687616, -1098469376, -724971520, -685957120, -601169920, -522039296, -157609984, -77516800, 420691968, 636801024, 1313771520, 1964658688] 10-26 15:42:21.034 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [b446eb5e-b778-4725-8849-994d7e7311a9] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:42:21.035 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [b446eb5e-b778-4725-8849-994d7e7311a9] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2028355584, -1993666560, -1696858112, -1511763968, -1357418496, -1334407168, -1236234240, -830681088, -724971520, -139046912, 75206656, 147095552, 161062912, 420691968, 712916992, 1202974720, 1370763264, 1406881792, 2098466816, 2113277952] 10-26 15:42:21.088 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 15:42:21.252 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 15:42:21.387 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 2 lines 10-26 15:43:59.776 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:43:59.791 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:44:16.226 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (599.0,18.0) 10-26 15:44:16.229 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (599.0,18.0) 10-26 15:44:18.469 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 15:44:19.494 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 15:44:20.205 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [59205f11-5586-4762-9d6b-eaf48892a21e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:44:20.276 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-26 15:44:20.302 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [59205f11-5586-4762-9d6b-eaf48892a21e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2065784832, -1978576896, -1371713536, -724971520, -503721984, -313499648, 390103040, 398462976, 420691968, 541970432, 603136000, 790642688, 1407602688, 1797058560, 1825931264, 1872715776] 10-26 15:44:20.314 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [0127b52c-c932-4201-b52e-11636337d5e4] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:44:20.449 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [0127b52c-c932-4201-b52e-11636337d5e4] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2050486272, -1846927360, -1210585088, -732860416, -724971520, -524922880, -280035328, -84680704, 48226304, 420691968, 728141824, 900857856, 1115193344, 1330462720, 1700577280, 1950470144] 10-26 15:44:48.610 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 15 lines 10-26 15:45:28.540 26757 1380 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:45:29.592 26757 1380 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:45:29.896 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 5 lines 10-26 15:45:29.941 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 3 lines 10-26 15:45:29.944 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 54 lines 10-26 15:45:29.953 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [25ecb1a6-ddfb-4cc3-98cf-7e549e66c5ad] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:45:29.967 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [25ecb1a6-ddfb-4cc3-98cf-7e549e66c5ad] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1980788736, -1861357568, -999202816, -724971520, -693739520, -73891840, 420691968, 492052480, 617816064, 1113907200, 1365180416, 1531965440, 2065813504] 10-26 15:45:29.976 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [3937cf9c-9ba7-405b-96fc-b4000fa40918] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:45:29.979 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 7 lines 10-26 15:45:29.996 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [3937cf9c-9ba7-405b-96fc-b4000fa40918] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1582657536, -1475194880, -1403080704, -1010819072, -912723968, -772730880, -724971520, -101277696, -10190848, 65335296, 197685248, 246697984, 371634176, 420691968, 1186951168, 1291214848, 1840803840, 2090037248] 10-26 15:45:30.039 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:45:30.242 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 15:45:30.385 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 15:45:30.939 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 12 lines 10-26 15:45:30.940 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 15:45:32.549 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 15:45:44.267 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 15:45:44.302 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-26 15:46:28.378 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 15:46:30.203 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [1f95490c-0b85-4a3d-af64-5ad89212e029] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:46:30.207 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 16 lines 10-26 15:46:30.245 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1f95490c-0b85-4a3d-af64-5ad89212e029] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1423708160, -814239744, -724971520, 114196480, 205160448, 420691968, 711499776, 1042132992, 1547038720, 1624330240, 1797918720, 1962377216] 10-26 15:46:30.252 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 3 lines 10-26 15:46:30.297 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [daa207f9-17e7-4cdc-bf09-051132f97430] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:46:30.302 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [daa207f9-17e7-4cdc-bf09-051132f97430] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1970573312, -1894203392, -1667547136, -724971520, -88256512, -76730368, -24322048, 249856, 128311296, 396914688, 420691968, 475328512, 547942400, 631566336, 797085696, 802988032, 1336160256, 2070822912] 10-26 15:46:33.744 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 15:46:45.356 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:46:45.364 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 15:46:45.371 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:47:32.008 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 15:49:01.001 26757 1806 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:49:01.771 26757 1806 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:49:02.075 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [2ef96c57-a866-4322-a85e-0d5c2adb0fb2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:49:02.081 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 38 lines 10-26 15:49:02.119 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2ef96c57-a866-4322-a85e-0d5c2adb0fb2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1949396992, -1330450432, -1138421760, -1128579072, -1121955840, -838639616, -724971520, -607023104, -317440000, -304205824, -47091712, 420691968, 750292992, 995164160, 1333149696, 1447858176, 1875410944, 1982287872] 10-26 15:49:02.129 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [8d649448-0bd8-44a9-ab76-5c391cecaf93] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:49:02.133 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [8d649448-0bd8-44a9-ab76-5c391cecaf93] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2034839552, -1554743296, -1037185024, -724971520, -711413760, -540778496, -298192896, 420691968, 1298268160, 1303470080, 1348378624, 1502273536, 1917751296, 2078695424] 10-26 15:49:02.179 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 5 lines 10-26 15:49:04.663 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-26 15:49:04.681 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 15:49:16.211 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 3 lines 10-26 15:49:16.212 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:49:16.261 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 15:49:25.362 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:49:25.371 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-26 15:49:25.377 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:49:41.634 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 15:52:13.865 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-26 15:52:14.407 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 8 lines 10-26 15:52:14.420 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [f81262eb-de67-4f0f-8e6c-92726704aa05] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:52:14.421 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-26 15:52:14.459 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [f81262eb-de67-4f0f-8e6c-92726704aa05] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1869668352, -1553580032, -1171972096, -946565120, -829734912, -724971520, 420691968, 464871424, 535371776, 994852864, 1219072000, 1275973632, 1909911552, 2138841088] 10-26 15:52:14.472 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [a4a0ee02-5817-46bf-a60e-2f5078da73a2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:52:14.481 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 15:52:14.488 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a4a0ee02-5817-46bf-a60e-2f5078da73a2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1667633152, -1631457280, -1512005632, -1438601216, -1286713344, -958779392, -834879488, -831606784, -724971520, -561434624, 420691968, 549961728, 1149452288, 1235554304, 1450160128, 1473675264, 1533575168, 1788309504] 10-26 15:52:15.218 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 10 lines 10-26 15:52:15.219 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 15:52:18.001 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 15:52:29.069 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-26 15:52:29.557 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:52:29.571 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:54:28.415 26757 2182 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:54:29.659 26757 2182 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:54:29.964 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [58db4955-ac39-4f92-81b9-f14e4842617c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:54:29.972 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:54:29.993 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 15:54:29.998 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [58db4955-ac39-4f92-81b9-f14e4842617c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1923489792, -1149587456, -976359424, -937238528, -788213760, -724971520, -493219840, 11436032, 105840640, 159358976, 317648896, 420691968, 497963008, 578445312, 595099648, 1287409664, 1587970048, 1637216256, 1639903232, 1828478976] 10-26 15:54:30.008 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [84d494c0-10a9-4e41-9b16-f27f18080e51] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:54:30.011 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [84d494c0-10a9-4e41-9b16-f27f18080e51] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2029961216, -1915916288, -842326016, -750112768, -724971520, -614379520, -608804864, 116129792, 420691968, 1212321792, 1324224512, 1378869248, 1635667968, 1770561536, 1799135232, 1925353472] 10-26 15:54:30.283 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 15:54:43.976 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 15:55:09.563 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:55:09.579 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:56:38.873 26757 2418 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:56:39.610 26757 2418 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 15:56:39.730 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 15 lines 10-26 15:56:40.200 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 2 lines 10-26 15:56:40.454 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [c0145216-bc8b-4c04-8627-16aa85a097b9] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:56:40.508 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [c0145216-bc8b-4c04-8627-16aa85a097b9] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1676488704, -1104191488, -724971520, -588402688, -525586432, -441180160, -380108800, 183595008, 420691968, 953786368, 1208410112, 1222176768, 1472786432, 1735032832] 10-26 15:56:40.517 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [cd616a4b-1db4-4d58-ac7e-cc2588183315] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:56:40.528 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [cd616a4b-1db4-4d58-ac7e-cc2588183315] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1758552064, -1296384000, -1049088000, -724971520, -523517952, -520876032, -499343360, -48963584, 173842432, 420691968, 453951488, 493862912, 724013056, 1382649856, 1469833216, 1918767104] 10-26 15:56:40.556 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [399d6f93-93ca-41a1-a93e-034989e0778e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:56:40.560 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [399d6f93-93ca-41a1-a93e-034989e0778e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1948704768, -1728937984, -812113920, -752672768, -724971520, -681615360, -253382656, 169463808, 420691968, 538497024, 582455296, 729894912, 731688960, 973639680, 1501396992, 1660739584] 10-26 15:56:40.604 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [b071e881-1c6e-4c87-aa64-c6991c892aa1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:56:40.608 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [b071e881-1c6e-4c87-aa64-c6991c892aa1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2110513152, -1872211968, -1727426560, -1252143104, -1106165760, -724971520, 94461952, 371212288, 420691968, 482971648, 491798528, 604913664, 838500352, 966471680, 1008529408, 1140772864, 1372839936, 1377005568, 1612107776, 1710878720] 10-26 15:56:40.609 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-26 15:56:40.616 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [e717c9cf-df94-478b-afe0-3a4ea72e0968] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:56:40.626 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e717c9cf-df94-478b-afe0-3a4ea72e0968] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2116640768, -1957363712, -1757368320, -1737723904, -1620344832, -1072406528, -998563840, -897753088, -724971520, -466661376, 159358976, 420691968, 514269184, 650412032, 1006960640, 1049001984, 1216778240, 1373401088, 1680490496, 1963184128, 2039472128] 10-26 15:56:40.637 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [6d48dbfc-dcb9-4131-a054-85332f63463f] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:56:40.637 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [6d48dbfc-dcb9-4131-a054-85332f63463f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1962057728, -1957933056, -732631040, -724971520, -237830144, -2899968, 81797120, 160980992, 286707712, 390782976, 420691968, 754946048, 809385984, 1167810560, 1575092224, 1672179712, 1860198400, 1911918592] 10-26 15:56:40.771 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 9 lines 10-26 15:56:41.688 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-26 15:56:42.407 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 42 lines 10-26 15:56:43.099 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 15:56:50.696 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 3 lines 10-26 15:56:56.511 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 2 lines 10-26 15:56:56.981 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 15:56:56.982 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 15:56:57.005 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 15:57:00.522 381 399 D vold : Remounting 10167 as mode read 10-26 15:57:00.562 381 597 D vold : Remounting 10167 as mode write 10-26 15:57:20.309 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-26 15:57:55.724 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:57:55.733 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 15:57:55.739 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 15:59:49.629 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 15:59:50.459 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 15:59:50.491 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [73d5c0c8-b1b9-4742-93ea-60712706c2b8] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:59:50.502 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 15:59:50.520 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [73d5c0c8-b1b9-4742-93ea-60712706c2b8] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1922842624, -1746563072, -1571643392, -1130143744, -724971520, 136089600, 159285248, 222740480, 234086400, 420691968, 579497984, 1054294016, 1063149568, 1163161600, 1196015616, 1511993344, 1563217920, 1725390848] 10-26 15:59:50.595 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [e6bf87b2-bc83-4e94-9b8e-fe5b4eadd047] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 15:59:50.655 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e6bf87b2-bc83-4e94-9b8e-fe5b4eadd047] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1965031424, -1474891776, -1290096640, -1277411328, -948027392, -932007936, -724971520, -483725312, -358400000, -20774912, -73728, 109608960, 196591616, 296005632, 420691968, 1003585536, 1689538560, 2095984640] 10-26 15:59:51.333 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 15:59:54.019 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 16:00:27.660 26757 2771 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:00:28.628 26757 2771 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:00:28.918 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:00:28.919 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 16:00:28.943 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [a234bc2f-5850-4c6f-8145-dad6c6dc62f9] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:00:28.976 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a234bc2f-5850-4c6f-8145-dad6c6dc62f9] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1940860928, -1912872960, -1888813056, -1685393408, -1675751424, -1514885120, -947646464, -793079808, -724971520, -500908032, -56094720, 31182848, 183615488, 189083648, 420691968, 799580160, 2092470272] 10-26 16:00:28.991 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [d1c225f5-aecd-4a13-946a-251144ce183c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:00:28.994 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [d1c225f5-aecd-4a13-946a-251144ce183c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2079301632, -1847721984, -1782575104, -1284173824, -1272872960, -1223274496, -934096896, -724971520, -343199744, 380321792, 420691968, 611995648, 657797120, 891826176, 979181568, 1064001536, 1137295360, 1428344832, 1493782528, 1574215680] 10-26 16:00:29.288 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 16:00:35.717 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:00:35.722 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:00:43.859 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 16:00:51.460 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 16:04:05.726 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:04:05.737 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 5 lines 10-26 16:04:05.743 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:04:20.733 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 14 lines 10-26 16:05:42.429 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 16:05:42.432 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 8 lines 10-26 16:05:42.949 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines 10-26 16:05:43.010 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 16:05:44.015 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-26 16:05:44.021 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 16:05:47.486 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 16:06:53.978 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 16:06:54.068 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-26 16:06:54.253 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:06:54.256 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-26 16:06:54.256 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:06:54.259 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:06:55.250 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 16:06:55.257 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 22 lines 10-26 16:07:00.943 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 16:07:03.117 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 16:07:03.128 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [3c4d3818-21d8-4e99-8766-6deef109a8d7] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:07:03.199 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [3c4d3818-21d8-4e99-8766-6deef109a8d7] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1441898496, -1270661120, -724971520, -664322048, -106729472, 1720320, 49958912, 398192640, 420691968, 615133184, 725581824, 873136128, 996229120, 1085165568] 10-26 16:07:03.230 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [bb25fa4f-2acd-437f-992b-1c78ebb44b06] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:07:03.245 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [bb25fa4f-2acd-437f-992b-1c78ebb44b06] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1472684032, -1430147072, -1365004288, -939712512, -724971520, -430399488, -202293248, 204058624, 288878592, 420691968, 787333120, 1191329792, 1446764544, 1889472512, 1924927488] 10-26 16:07:03.835 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-26 16:07:03.836 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 16:07:06.734 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:07:18.341 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:07:18.357 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:07:23.075 26757 3399 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:07:24.321 26757 3399 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:07:24.633 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 48 lines 10-26 16:07:24.647 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [dc145fd2-fad3-4709-b2e5-f2d67ae29e34] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:07:24.684 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [dc145fd2-fad3-4709-b2e5-f2d67ae29e34] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1734774784, -1536753664, -1481629696, -1297145856, -1108209664, -724971520, 420691968, 457117696, 557035520, 722309120, 1112793088, 1190830080, 1302032384, 1302847488, 1761869824] 10-26 16:07:24.694 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [f4ccdf84-8d46-4b94-b524-709ab06a7952] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:07:24.699 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [f4ccdf84-8d46-4b94-b524-709ab06a7952] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1811763200, -1093455872, -830226432, -724971520, -635502592, -404078592, -279060480, 31510528, 309231616, 420691968, 488857600, 1095704576, 1757786112, 2089803776] 10-26 16:07:24.879 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 16:07:25.232 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 16:07:27.221 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 16:07:39.871 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-26 16:07:39.872 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:07:58.345 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:07:58.363 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:09:03.427 851 915 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 2 lines 10-26 16:09:18.349 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:09:18.364 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:09:55.587 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 9 lines 10-26 16:11:58.351 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:11:58.366 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:12:38.405 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 16:12:38.935 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 8 lines 10-26 16:12:39.001 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 16:12:39.971 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 15 lines 10-26 16:12:39.993 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-26 16:12:40.003 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 16:12:43.461 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:15:25.250 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 16:15:25.252 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 7 lines 10-26 16:15:25.344 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-26 16:15:25.438 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:15:25.439 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 8 lines 10-26 16:15:25.440 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:15:25.442 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:15:26.446 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:15:26.452 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 22 lines 10-26 16:15:31.584 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 16:15:34.101 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 5 lines 10-26 16:15:34.116 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [5bc718e0-14c8-408f-9194-014235df51fe] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:15:34.137 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5bc718e0-14c8-408f-9194-014235df51fe] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2123980800, -2055643136, -1837629440, -1804066816, -1668235264, -1321578496, -1215430656, -995069952, -724971520, -367083520, 135815168, 355880960, 420691968, 753569792, 846086144, 1148821504, 1300447232, 1675993088, 1950928896] 10-26 16:15:34.154 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [99afa2d5-1e74-4102-ab16-e8df60438340] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:15:34.160 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [99afa2d5-1e74-4102-ab16-e8df60438340] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2035380224, -1858879488, -1397510144, -1131950080, -1106395136, -724971520, -721932288, 13873152, 214208512, 349630464, 420691968, 618143744, 740356096, 828366848, 1103421440, 1762729984, 1856528384] 10-26 16:15:35.059 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 9 lines 10-26 16:15:35.059 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 16:15:37.664 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 3 lines 10-26 16:15:49.410 26757 4141 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:15:49.567 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:15:49.571 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 16:15:49.573 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:15:50.466 26757 4141 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:15:50.796 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [511b471b-81ba-4664-b3aa-102868643f79] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:15:50.798 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 52 lines 10-26 16:15:50.812 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [511b471b-81ba-4664-b3aa-102868643f79] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2017542144, -1975599104, -1582014464, -1564286976, -1487917056, -1348743168, -1299324928, -724971520, -248991744, -89407488, 163930112, 184786944, 420691968, 504918016, 866574336, 1298550784, 1396969472, 1845837824, 1868144640] 10-26 16:15:50.822 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [99481722-d06c-441d-bf4d-2a9040e046ec] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:15:50.823 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [99481722-d06c-441d-bf4d-2a9040e046ec] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1788379136, -1306599424, -1138761728, -911028224, -724971520, -634777600, -506843136, 169242624, 299515904, 420691968, 610492416, 748572672, 864653312, 1212145664, 1437331456, 1691590656, 1747038208, 1897488384, 1986015232, 1989623808] 10-26 16:15:51.077 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 16:15:53.477 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 16:16:07.311 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 16:16:29.576 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:16:29.592 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:17:29.290 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-26 16:17:30.204 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 16:17:30.919 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [49807fc5-d4f2-48d2-adc1-e270953877ce] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:17:30.959 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [49807fc5-d4f2-48d2-adc1-e270953877ce] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1939599360, -1589227520, -1248710656, -1112752128, -1095077888, -1041891328, -733757440, -724971520, -643076096, -252436480, -62349312, 420691968, 1035468800, 1116045312, 1132142592, 1256960000, 1269813248, 1460535296] 10-26 16:17:31.024 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [eb6d00c6-e0cd-424d-9141-3e918a79e2f1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:17:31.098 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [eb6d00c6-e0cd-424d-9141-3e918a79e2f1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1303625728, -848117760, -724971520, -675573760, -192069632, -112095232, 420691968, 739864576, 827371520, 953683968, 1786843136, 1911791616] 10-26 16:17:31.863 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 12 lines 10-26 16:17:34.482 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:17:36.004 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 16:17:45.464 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-26 16:17:49.584 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:17:49.593 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 16:17:49.599 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:18:56.450 26757 4531 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:18:57.062 26757 4531 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:18:57.139 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 7 lines 10-26 16:18:57.363 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [fbef7fda-275e-4d56-aca0-92ff61eab13f] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:18:57.385 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 16:18:57.386 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 48 lines 10-26 16:18:57.397 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [fbef7fda-275e-4d56-aca0-92ff61eab13f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2032058368, -1870438400, -1864601600, -1505906688, -1311473664, -1142476800, -1000202240, -808415232, -724971520, -699371520, -612737024, 333643776, 420691968, 849723392, 1251110912, 1371504640, 1413967872, 1944428544, 1955536896] 10-26 16:18:57.406 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [1f5c9ded-13af-4674-a5cc-60da2bc978d7] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:18:57.408 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1f5c9ded-13af-4674-a5cc-60da2bc978d7] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1459175424, -1282564096, -1087741952, -796061696, -724971520, -171728896, 101974016, 420691968, 696692736, 1672925184, 1705242624, 1846697984, 1921355776] 10-26 16:18:57.598 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 16:18:57.732 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:18:57.969 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 16:18:59.929 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 16:19:12.307 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 2 lines 10-26 16:19:12.308 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 16:19:12.347 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-26 16:20:27.816 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [f0ce9a62-fcb1-42f9-9908-62d49afc0ff1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:20:27.817 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines 10-26 16:20:27.836 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 16:20:27.845 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [f0ce9a62-fcb1-42f9-9908-62d49afc0ff1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1908412416, -1570897920, -1505452032, -1460580352, -780382208, -724971520, -74854400, 119459840, 182874112, 217333760, 420691968, 942067712, 1030492160, 1548361728, 1651781632] 10-26 16:20:27.867 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [cf093278-f1e4-4aa3-9eae-17877f7c4533] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:20:27.892 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [cf093278-f1e4-4aa3-9eae-17877f7c4533] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2115313664, -2097135616, -1628680192, -1616736256, -1378004992, -1339256832, -1298849792, -911761408, -895057920, -788688896, -724971520, -365895680, 420691968, 617984000, 694759424, 949379072, 983695360, 1425522688, 1591283712] 10-26 16:20:31.377 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 16:20:49.663 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:20:49.680 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:21:05.254 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 5 lines 10-26 16:21:54.866 26757 4862 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:21:55.550 26757 4862 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:21:55.849 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [5f18a548-d121-4898-aaf4-dfa00760a9c2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:21:55.854 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 16:21:55.878 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 16 lines 10-26 16:21:55.897 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5f18a548-d121-4898-aaf4-dfa00760a9c2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2137600000, -1495674880, -1024749568, -869777408, -863932416, -724971520, 22368256, 420691968, 694624256, 986628096, 1212780544, 1446678528, 1451245568, 1719693312, 1729732608, 1907986432, 1909686272] 10-26 16:21:55.906 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines 10-26 16:21:55.914 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [9613e0d1-a22f-49f6-ad7a-6870057e3c5f] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:21:55.916 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [9613e0d1-a22f-49f6-ad7a-6870057e3c5f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1520451584, -1517977600, -1324806144, -976863232, -724971520, -608579584, -474697728, -383627264, -305569792, -745472, 420691968, 508719104, 682991616, 810086400, 1362186240, 1632067584, 1706364928, 1896013824, 2098671616] 10-26 16:21:55.998 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 3 lines 10-26 16:21:57.148 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 31 lines 10-26 16:21:58.447 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 16:22:10.889 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:22:10.889 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 16:22:10.930 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 16:22:26.075 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 14 lines 10-26 16:23:29.668 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:23:29.676 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-26 16:23:29.683 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:25:09.404 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-26 16:25:10.574 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 16:25:11.260 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 16:25:11.280 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [428e0827-c557-4a0b-b818-3880e37fac32] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:25:11.325 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 16:25:11.348 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 7 lines 10-26 16:25:11.369 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [428e0827-c557-4a0b-b818-3880e37fac32] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1036038144, -724971520, -598126592, -451575808, 170438656, 420691968, 942710784, 954892288, 1125257216, 1549238272, 1629069312, 1706827776, 1814847488, 2070159360] 10-26 16:25:11.391 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [ca87874c-525f-4f45-b35d-c2ef27bc9e5b] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:25:11.501 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ca87874c-525f-4f45-b35d-c2ef27bc9e5b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2130800640, -2078752768, -2039525376, -1478344704, -1346199552, -724971520, -678834176, -587710464, 168603648, 420691968, 1108942848, 1132797952, 1245646848] 10-26 16:25:12.203 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-26 16:25:12.204 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 16:25:14.845 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 16:26:29.743 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:26:29.760 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:26:40.196 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 16:27:25.325 26757 5308 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:27:26.414 26757 5308 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:27:26.712 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 3 lines 10-26 16:27:26.716 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [ed2f9ce6-1068-4bdf-82f2-36d7d171e157] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:27:26.717 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 16:27:26.738 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ed2f9ce6-1068-4bdf-82f2-36d7d171e157] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1374502912, -1257177088, -1189957632, -1099325440, -724971520, -435429376, -411955200, -251457536, -204460032, -181276672, 114434048, 169254912, 241926144, 314757120, 420691968, 429371392, 914960384, 1148854272, 1847517184, 1859616768] 10-26 16:27:26.773 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [b9f64eb5-f298-4c39-8bc6-58ec23cc928a] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:27:26.774 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [b9f64eb5-f298-4c39-8bc6-58ec23cc928a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1570488320, -1504964608, -1444102144, -1064837120, -1015570432, -892133376, -856928256, -724971520, -469291008, -163860480, 420691968, 955813888, 1262587904, 1455247360] 10-26 16:27:26.879 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 16:27:42.243 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 16:29:09.748 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:29:09.762 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:29:27.644 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-26 16:30:05.636 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (695.0,0.0) 10-26 16:30:05.639 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (695.0,0.0) 10-26 16:30:08.575 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 16:30:09.493 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 16:30:10.197 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 8 lines 10-26 16:30:10.218 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [86723b92-f404-4bcd-8473-f4a812885c46] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:30:10.241 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 16:30:10.247 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [86723b92-f404-4bcd-8473-f4a812885c46] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2103144448, -1930756096, -1793925120, -1246633984, -904613888, -749162496, -724971520, -601378816, 394784768, 420691968, 445583360, 540311552, 778903552, 866676736, 918306816, 1466765312, 1670782976, 1676546048, 1719848960, 1805082624] 10-26 16:30:10.260 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [bfdf6e4d-18e2-45f3-ad10-0c3cafeee194] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:30:10.266 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-26 16:30:10.287 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [bfdf6e4d-18e2-45f3-ad10-0c3cafeee194] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1681403904, -1669382144, -1566265344, -1051525120, -724971520, -493355008, -250372096, -15966208, 255418368, 420691968, 448016384, 807141376, 858902528, 928686080, 1051967488, 1137053696, 1614745600, 1921105920] 10-26 16:30:11.062 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 10 lines 10-26 16:30:11.062 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 4 lines 10-26 16:30:13.772 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 16:30:51.903 26757 5643 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:30:52.514 26757 5643 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:30:52.791 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:30:52.794 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 16:30:52.798 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [16521f1f-4931-4de6-821e-aa3165097436] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:30:52.816 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [16521f1f-4931-4de6-821e-aa3165097436] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1863364608, -1618456576, -1556193280, -1418596352, -1299722240, -1105735680, -1102737408, -780832768, -724971520, -264724480, 420691968, 911728640, 1265872896, 1290592256, 1684660224, 2141171712] 10-26 16:30:52.851 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [bfd6a030-ff1d-47a3-abd5-eda988dbcdae] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:30:52.854 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [bfd6a030-ff1d-47a3-abd5-eda988dbcdae] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1206431744, -724971520, -704503808, -273702912, 319569920, 420691968, 746569728, 801198080, 1015783424, 1083838464, 1927380992, 1969811456] 10-26 16:30:52.896 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 16:30:53.023 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 16:30:55.405 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 16:31:07.691 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:31:07.735 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-26 16:32:09.801 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:32:09.810 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 16:32:09.817 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:32:13.453 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 2 lines 10-26 16:32:14.224 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 31 lines 10-26 16:32:14.957 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [faf11749-e003-47eb-81d2-d8035e6d0353] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:32:14.994 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [faf11749-e003-47eb-81d2-d8035e6d0353] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2081714176, -1727979520, -1668804608, -1521373184, -1426894848, -1284403200, -1233149952, -724971520, -418312192, -64630784, -26746880, 420691968, 971710464, 1169924096, 1318260736, 1348526080, 1356546048, 1600118784, 1669996544, 1827213312] 10-26 16:32:15.067 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [9442d878-2208-46ee-a2f9-b98736dc6627] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:32:15.177 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [9442d878-2208-46ee-a2f9-b98736dc6627] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1845616640, -1132023808, -1120890880, -868917248, -843063296, -724971520, -532615168, -40972288, 420691968, 540946432, 1174536192, 1411219456, 1433747456, 2007916544] 10-26 16:32:18.285 26757 5966 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:32:18.467 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-26 16:32:18.953 26757 5966 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:32:19.240 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [2f34b0df-a291-43c1-82c9-a63b4423043e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:32:19.250 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-26 16:32:19.254 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2f34b0df-a291-43c1-82c9-a63b4423043e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2120536064, -2043097088, -1759432704, -1457807360, -848228352, -724971520, -365445120, -163172352, 280317952, 312901632, 412790784, 420691968, 643543040, 1919717376] 10-26 16:32:19.275 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [eb9c0be6-3620-49cd-b2d8-e79047af50f1] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:32:19.276 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [eb9c0be6-3620-49cd-b2d8-e79047af50f1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1944428544, -1532735488, -1489121280, -1109618688, -932048896, -752820224, -724971520, -556195840, -138301440, 420691968, 1101201408, 1362710528, 1576448000] 10-26 16:32:19.413 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 16:32:19.465 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 11 lines 10-26 16:32:20.709 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 39 lines 10-26 16:32:21.850 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 16:32:29.463 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-26 16:32:34.146 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 2 lines 10-26 16:32:34.146 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 3 lines 10-26 16:32:34.180 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 16:32:42.976 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 16:33:32.861 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 16:33:35.181 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 5 lines 10-26 16:33:35.197 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [01ee6820-9156-49a5-b4dd-98399503b9a2] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:33:35.210 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 64 lines 10-26 16:33:35.237 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 16:33:35.258 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [01ee6820-9156-49a5-b4dd-98399503b9a2] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1519693824, -1077854208, -792367104, -724971520, -284422144, -172261376, -105086976, -59617280, 43323392, 69222400, 420691968, 466763776, 879046656, 1071292416, 1297600512, 1627353088, 1644187648, 1763717120, 1818607616, 2136936448, 2138578944] 10-26 16:33:35.268 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [ae66afed-5b70-4312-adba-0168a47b5c5c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:33:35.306 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ae66afed-5b70-4312-adba-0168a47b5c5c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1880252416, -1875103744, -1861681152, -1859133440, -1495343104, -1457790976, -1072222208, -1069047808, -859009024, -752291840, -724971520, -654139392, -225607680, 10457088, 235180032, 420691968, 502644736, 543588352, 1349263360, 1581420544] 10-26 16:33:36.123 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 16:33:38.760 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 1 line 10-26 16:33:41.556 26757 6211 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:33:42.117 26757 6211 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:33:42.455 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [320f787c-5b79-4a81-920f-dc9a10d5608c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:33:42.457 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [320f787c-5b79-4a81-920f-dc9a10d5608c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2007441408, -1836453888, -1539661824, -1193574400, -724971520, -492793856, -262660096, -167247872, 30531584, 167469056, 308957184, 420691968, 482811904, 507150336, 824299520, 1106055168, 1178918912, 1275191296, 1867046912, 1868337152] 10-26 16:33:42.490 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [91a31b78-3877-48a2-b6e4-757a67a760eb] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:33:42.491 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [91a31b78-3877-48a2-b6e4-757a67a760eb] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1891651584, -1828225024, -1648230400, -1186902016, -1146322944, -974831616, -778612736, -724971520, -166563840, 420691968, 457822208, 531845120, 688889856, 932290560, 1411022848] 10-26 16:33:42.545 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 16:33:42.660 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 16:33:58.588 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 3 lines 10-26 16:35:09.882 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:35:09.889 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 16:35:09.895 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:35:10.578 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-26 16:37:49.885 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:37:49.899 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:38:34.748 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 16:38:35.454 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 5 lines 10-26 16:38:35.458 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [321efbbb-8cb4-4216-9407-301dc14ca51c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:38:35.517 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-26 16:38:35.565 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [321efbbb-8cb4-4216-9407-301dc14ca51c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1974820864, -1869279232, -1512480768, -1502494720, -1292357632, -1079980032, -724971520, -500039680, -409632768, 336625664, 397340672, 420691968, 918876160, 1003315200, 1007976448, 1078042624, 1252941824, 1870733312, 1880981504, 1913061376] 10-26 16:38:35.567 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [c1ff7165-2925-4837-b1cb-a04ed033ff09] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:38:35.729 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [c1ff7165-2925-4837-b1cb-a04ed033ff09] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1247055872, -1050914816, -839278592, -748306432, -732073984, -724971520, -527659008, -154247168, -75276288, 236306432, 334991360, 420691968, 673411072, 827875328, 843882496, 1280856064, 1331163136, 1501454336, 1633492992] 10-26 16:38:36.222 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 10 lines 10-26 16:38:36.222 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 16:38:39.104 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 16:38:45.665 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 13 lines 10-26 16:40:29.888 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:40:29.895 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 16:40:29.902 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:41:25.530 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 16:42:35.701 26757 6773 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:42:37.269 26757 6773 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:42:37.357 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 7 lines 10-26 16:42:37.575 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 16:42:37.576 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 16:42:37.579 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [14b2d73f-e1f4-4863-b3af-1f866fb6ddf4] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:42:37.606 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [14b2d73f-e1f4-4863-b3af-1f866fb6ddf4] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2032701440, -1865670656, -1377628160, -1249669120, -1006428160, -798883840, -795602944, -724971520, -713482240, -678928384, -543019008, -450572288, 56676352, 420691968, 671150080, 701759488, 1718972416, 1922158592, 2103824384, 2144321536] 10-26 16:42:37.622 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [9df6d8d5-fdb6-4397-a955-731c164d5c90] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:42:37.622 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [9df6d8d5-fdb6-4397-a955-731c164d5c90] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2095480832, -1397764096, -1369919488, -1181618176, -1177419776, -803504128, -724971520, -570695680, -430829568, 24076288, 214474752, 378318848, 420691968, 443457536, 468647936, 644255744, 1007607808, 1025417216, 1463955456, 1921380352, 2086457344] 10-26 16:42:37.665 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 4 lines 10-26 16:42:37.815 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 16:42:37.953 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 16:42:40.210 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 16:42:42.675 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 9 lines 10-26 16:42:52.467 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 16:42:52.500 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-26 16:43:29.948 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:43:29.961 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:44:52.617 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:44:53.653 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 16:44:54.382 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [77ebae63-2c82-4c96-8eae-fdebf2d0697a] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:44:54.450 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [77ebae63-2c82-4c96-8eae-fdebf2d0697a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2142527488, -2103701504, -1985323008, -1873977344, -1711718400, -724971520, -163368960, -107454464, -76226560, 68915200, 312504320, 420691968, 574869504, 589320192, 1439494144, 1607139328, 1688690688, 1841262592, 1944301568, 1970532352, 2073206784] 10-26 16:44:54.488 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [ada18d19-372f-461d-8d3a-bc126434384f] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:44:54.579 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ada18d19-372f-461d-8d3a-bc126434384f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2060423168, -2060029952, -1863815168, -1131094016, -994725888, -938610688, -724971520, -18710528, 77021184, 152444928, 233541632, 372396032, 420691968, 453349376, 669454336, 916807680] 10-26 16:45:01.947 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 1 line 10-26 16:45:11.708 26757 7062 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:45:12.503 26757 7062 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:45:12.832 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 16:45:12.835 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 lines 10-26 16:45:12.843 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [a957737a-5866-422a-ae9f-1f0175158dff] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:45:12.855 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-26 16:45:12.886 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a957737a-5866-422a-ae9f-1f0175158dff] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1840177152, -1832579072, -1760464896, -1296973824, -1038368768, -954048512, -724971520, 62271488, 420691968, 1528918016, 1923960832, 2015154176] 10-26 16:45:12.901 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [2f0230ed-5067-4341-b473-c1beacfb48f3] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:45:12.902 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2f0230ed-5067-4341-b473-c1beacfb48f3] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1792839680, -1036484608, -724971520, -290267136, -227434496, -202670080, 140201984, 420691968, 784109568, 1969569792, 1989836800, 2106560512] 10-26 16:45:13.160 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 16:45:13.217 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 11 lines 10-26 16:45:13.268 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 16:45:14.511 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 49 lines 10-26 16:45:15.420 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 4 lines 10-26 16:45:28.013 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 3 lines 10-26 16:45:28.015 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 3 lines 10-26 16:45:28.046 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 16:45:30.421 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 14 lines 10-26 16:46:02.813 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 16:46:04.417 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 16:46:04.462 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 16:46:04.471 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [1c5dfd17-c07d-4ee7-8ad4-b2d623550d2d] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:46:04.472 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines 10-26 16:46:04.518 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1c5dfd17-c07d-4ee7-8ad4-b2d623550d2d] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2147479552, -2117275648, -1643192320, -1641533440, -1277595648, -1125797888, -967413760, -724971520, -603914240, -319578112, -162648064, -51683328, 420691968, 527826944, 783126528, 809852928, 1127796736] 10-26 16:46:04.577 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [f2fc278e-a703-42b2-8b34-a94d5f84f5a9] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:46:04.658 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [f2fc278e-a703-42b2-8b34-a94d5f84f5a9] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1390870528, -1170456576, -905289728, -862236672, -771706880, -724971520, -623079424, -278974464, 322543616, 420691968, 502988800, 518524928, 1188843520] 10-26 16:46:08.001 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 3 lines 10-26 16:46:14.483 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-26 16:46:19.563 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:46:19.572 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 16:46:19.578 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:46:30.497 26757 7113 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:46:31.251 26757 7113 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:46:31.593 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 1 line 10-26 16:46:31.596 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 51 lines 10-26 16:46:31.600 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [387d9e1b-14ff-4924-be62-f6d3a7293a21] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:46:31.619 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [387d9e1b-14ff-4924-be62-f6d3a7293a21] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1638903808, -1560039424, -987729920, -724971520, 281128960, 356687872, 399429632, 420691968, 717950976, 826142720, 1170178048, 1228627968, 1560797184, 1735909376, 2085978112] 10-26 16:46:31.657 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [984d7622-d974-4aed-ae37-241d7ce49aa8] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:46:31.662 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [984d7622-d974-4aed-ae37-241d7ce49aa8] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1697271808, -1375703040, -1372123136, -1176092672, -724971520, -419672064, -317726720, -53817344, 198623232, 233754624, 420691968, 451067904, 700022784, 1308749824, 1631191040, 1646628864, 1728450560] 10-26 16:46:31.674 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 16:46:31.790 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 16:48:59.568 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:48:59.575 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:49:41.538 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 16:50:08.655 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-26 16:51:28.235 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-26 16:51:29.825 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 16:51:30.516 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 16:51:30.549 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [f87c095d-89c6-4567-8a6d-d0c9a3f2f72e] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:51:30.558 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines 10-26 16:51:30.561 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [f87c095d-89c6-4567-8a6d-d0c9a3f2f72e] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1517989888, -1428045824, -1113948160, -992272384, -845164544, -724971520, -655392768, -132919296, 183959552, 330276864, 420691968, 530182144, 623902720, 1573629952, 1633300480, 1647685632, 1797619712, 2055061504, 2120511488] 10-26 16:51:30.579 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 5 lines 10-26 16:51:30.653 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [3dba8d2f-4ee8-4262-bab1-05d99512c58a] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:51:30.826 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [3dba8d2f-4ee8-4262-bab1-05d99512c58a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2016260096, -1516167168, -1417453568, -1215586304, -1215266816, -724971520, -592896000, -533446656, -495546368, -372789248, -36855808, 209145856, 266457088, 361603072, 420691968, 431439872, 981086208, 1146781696, 1432514560] 10-26 16:51:31.401 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 16:51:34.114 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 16:51:48.780 26757 7799 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:51:49.835 26757 7799 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 16:51:50.192 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 16:51:50.198 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [5d4116e7-c72b-4077-9421-557d1fecd7de] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:51:50.233 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [5d4116e7-c72b-4077-9421-557d1fecd7de] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1659064320, -1596133376, -1525551104, -1441423360, -1356836864, -816431104, -724971520, -720101376, -613523456, -612638720, -255455232, -121856000, -74113024, 258547712, 420691968, 576708608, 764518400, 1803980800] 10-26 16:51:50.274 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [aae3297a-6e43-4243-b3ce-c1f35c4c7d3a] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 16:51:50.274 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [aae3297a-6e43-4243-b3ce-c1f35c4c7d3a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2064695296, -1978605568, -1377927168, -1205571584, -1202348032, -930127872, -755646464, -730583040, -724971520, -603836416, -315764736, 360808448, 406810624, 420691968, 1017389056, 1332518912, 1683419136, 1958158336] 10-26 16:51:50.285 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 16:51:50.450 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines 10-26 16:51:52.472 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:51:52.476 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 16:51:52.488 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:51:52.719 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-26 16:51:52.780 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 16:52:05.983 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 16:52:05.983 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 2 lines 10-26 16:52:06.021 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 16:52:06.539 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 16:52:20.913 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 45 lines 10-26 16:54:32.531 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:54:32.539 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 16:57:04.427 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 7 lines 10-26 16:57:05.014 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 16:57:05.974 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-26 16:57:09.481 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 17:01:06.264 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-26 17:02:01.723 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 17:02:01.725 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 7 lines 10-26 17:02:01.750 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 3 lines 10-26 17:02:01.784 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 17:02:01.814 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-26 17:02:01.927 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:02:01.929 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 4 lines 10-26 17:02:01.931 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:02:02.813 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 17:02:02.820 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 22 lines 10-26 17:02:08.077 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 17:02:10.287 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 8 lines 10-26 17:02:10.303 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [414d42fd-f4d9-4a7d-b34f-c768f8d539c3] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:02:10.367 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [414d42fd-f4d9-4a7d-b34f-c768f8d539c3] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2025885696, -724971520, -177696768, 37040128, 171986944, 317362176, 420691968, 471457792, 917483520, 1262936064, 1438949376, 1756372992, 1797361664, 1817702400, 1906302976] 10-26 17:02:10.368 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 17:02:10.409 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [cf558756-e520-4a6c-ae15-999fa941c94a] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:02:10.556 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [cf558756-e520-4a6c-ae15-999fa941c94a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2097324032, -1301422080, -1002696704, -968720384, -724971520, -589557760, -247025664, -85368832, 388956160, 420691968, 464384000, 525746176, 1395605504, 1486270464, 1649606656, 2090491904] 10-26 17:02:11.262 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 11 lines 10-26 17:02:11.263 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 3 lines 10-26 17:02:13.849 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 2 lines 10-26 17:02:25.523 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:02:25.527 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:02:26.906 26757 8371 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 17:02:28.291 26757 8371 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 17:02:28.646 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 2 lines 10-26 17:02:28.648 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 47 lines 10-26 17:02:28.652 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [404c1d08-2741-4fae-b474-e7a851451a40] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:02:28.702 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [404c1d08-2741-4fae-b474-e7a851451a40] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1706921984, -1460977664, -1297342464, -1086803968, -933396480, -724971520, -580517888, 420691968, 453165056, 510029824, 543440896, 624787456, 769622016, 1034350592, 1092009984, 1274834944, 1361989632, 1636892672, 1929670656] 10-26 17:02:28.712 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [675ed6c9-0d85-4340-93be-b7d81950ab0c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:02:28.786 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [675ed6c9-0d85-4340-93be-b7d81950ab0c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1355665408, -938303488, -852443136, -812531712, -724971520, -694841344, -686788608, -472506368, 51523584, 420691968, 460693504, 951504896, 1152143360, 1411059712, 1541189632, 1574273024, 1635823616, 1803886592, 1889034240, 2021355520] 10-26 17:02:28.877 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 17:02:31.236 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 17:02:44.723 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 17:03:05.532 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:03:05.546 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:04:25.537 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:04:25.552 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:04:31.042 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 4 lines 10-26 17:05:16.304 26757 8639 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 17:05:17.235 26757 8639 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 17:05:17.370 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 30 lines 10-26 17:05:17.979 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [8509bf18-4bc3-42ff-b7ee-4b0653272296] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:05:17.997 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [8509bf18-4bc3-42ff-b7ee-4b0653272296] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2030366720, -1795325952, -1294327808, -1095901184, -724971520, -167944192, 420691968, 666415104, 755228672, 1638072320, 1709858816, 1883045888] 10-26 17:05:18.007 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [8f41f556-a063-4b69-a6d2-aad2a0274737] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:05:18.014 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [8f41f556-a063-4b69-a6d2-aad2a0274737] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1885859840, -1121976320, -1065385984, -950714368, -724971520, -677523456, 390656000, 420691968, 545443840, 643366912, 1133457408, 1145946112, 1363308544, 1475657728, 1746206720] 10-26 17:05:18.047 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [d6ee5139-0341-4c6e-bca7-8973cb7d9e8c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:05:18.106 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [d6ee5139-0341-4c6e-bca7-8973cb7d9e8c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1943367680, -1599279104, -724971520, -695996416, -350584832, -332849152, -246562816, -150093824, -135610368, 315772928, 420691968, 675713024, 914268160, 1782267904, 2056069120, 2139693056] 10-26 17:05:18.124 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [8dd4d294-6794-41e7-a31a-05779f5b059c] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:05:18.132 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [8dd4d294-6794-41e7-a31a-05779f5b059c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2057084928, -1735008256, -1713393664, -998920192, -724971520, -584007680, -130228224, 67350528, 166649856, 420691968, 1088114688, 1274322944, 1350070272, 1397338112, 1856114688, 2026442752] 10-26 17:05:18.148 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [35f3bfe4-bd41-462f-9c0f-63edff7d3ec8] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:05:18.156 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [35f3bfe4-bd41-462f-9c0f-63edff7d3ec8] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2145845248, -2143629312, -1724551168, -1445040128, -1200107520, -881688576, -808202240, -734453760, -724971520, -258576384, 386060288, 420691968, 704413696, 830910464, 946225152, 1017126912, 1268539392, 1392562176, 1407156224, 1901883392, 1921429504] 10-26 17:05:18.176 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [a7e5994b-dd43-4c40-aaac-00ec265581ed] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:05:18.180 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a7e5994b-dd43-4c40-aaac-00ec265581ed] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1647587328, -1202712576, -724971520, -713338880, -28807168, 354439168, 420691968, 471257088, 533082112, 542965760, 687640576, 963624960, 971247616, 1339789312, 1469472768, 1718050816, 1856323584, 1864626176, 1956999168, 1993912320] 10-26 17:05:18.219 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 17:05:18.817 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 17:05:19.567 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 2 lines 10-26 17:05:20.334 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 27 lines 10-26 17:05:20.636 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 17:05:28.074 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 17:05:35.173 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 5 lines 10-26 17:05:35.174 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 2 lines 10-26 17:05:35.203 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-26 17:05:54.803 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 19 lines 10-26 17:05:59.894 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (512.0,9.0) 10-26 17:05:59.896 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (512.0,9.0) 10-26 17:06:02.814 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 17:06:03.865 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-26 17:06:04.695 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-26 17:06:04.721 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [bfc2796b-9d65-479e-b473-42bb6dfeccb5] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:06:04.749 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [bfc2796b-9d65-479e-b473-42bb6dfeccb5] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1656127488, -1576415232, -977653760, -724971520, -706613248, -492158976, -297730048, -196329472, -166383616, 90071040, 420691968, 675037184, 1061036032, 1623576576, 1723002880, 1847271424, 2074062848] 10-26 17:06:04.762 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [ed689845-d6a8-4275-b283-d8e2586785e0] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:06:04.767 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ed689845-d6a8-4275-b283-d8e2586785e0] Phase1 request; prefix: [-724971520, -672112640, -426676224, 420691968, 509960192, 583782400, 606576640, 1013895168, 1406644224, 1435996160, 1457754112, 1966497792, 2082861056] 10-26 17:06:05.044 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 10 lines 10-26 17:06:05.109 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 7 lines 10-26 17:06:05.713 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-26 17:06:05.714 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-26 17:07:35.741 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:07:35.750 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 17:07:35.758 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:10:15.743 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:10:15.759 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:10:47.707 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-26 17:11:08.289 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 17:11:08.861 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 17:11:53.913 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 17:11:54.007 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-26 17:11:54.091 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:11:54.094 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:11:54.094 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 1 line 10-26 17:11:54.095 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:11:54.957 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 30 lines 10-26 17:11:57.046 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-26 17:11:59.842 26757 9189 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 17:12:00.917 26757 9189 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-26 17:12:01.229 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [ca8bf515-90ff-4288-8e55-7ab6ff1409ba] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:12:01.253 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 17:12:01.255 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [ca8bf515-90ff-4288-8e55-7ab6ff1409ba] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1155321856, -800509952, -763293696, -724971520, 420691968, 431407104, 591110144, 1051955200, 1055965184, 1168035840, 1244631040, 1604780032, 2129174528] 10-26 17:12:01.300 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [d13ddbcf-dc42-45a6-b64a-7c2aad67b18d] Phase1 called; posting 10-26 17:12:01.301 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [d13ddbcf-dc42-45a6-b64a-7c2aad67b18d] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2027560960, -724971520, -709210112, -543842304, -430137344, -379752448, -79155200, 390066176, 420691968, 481132544, 620507136, 648888320, 711045120, 846528512, 860930048, 1022009344, 1569607680, 1712504832, 1781813248] 10-26 17:12:01.366 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 17:12:01.774 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines 10-26 17:12:03.033 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 20 lines 10-26 17:12:03.833 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-26 17:12:16.348 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:12:16.351 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 4 lines 10-26 17:12:16.353 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:12:17.199 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 2 lines 10-26 17:12:17.199 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 17:12:17.242 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 17:12:48.058 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 17:12:56.358 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:12:56.373 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:14:16.361 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:14:16.377 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:16:56.364 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:16:56.380 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:16:59.053 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 32 lines 10-26 17:17:15.616 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 7 lines 10-26 17:17:15.619 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 28 lines 10-26 17:17:16.149 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 17:17:16.204 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 17:17:17.199 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 17:17:20.672 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-26 17:23:14.219 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 line 10-26 17:23:14.219 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 17:23:14.282 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 7 lines 10-26 17:23:14.348 2893 2893 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateIncomingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bundle[android.telecom.extra.INCOMING_CALL_ADDRESS=***, android.telecom.extra.CALL_CREATED_TIME_MILLIS=88281778, android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_START_TIME_MILLIS=88281840, ]: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-AZY 10-26 17:23:14.382 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 9 lines 10-26 17:23:14.396 2893 2893 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@1_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-AZY 10-26 17:23:14.733 851 4189 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AsyncQueryWorke expire 1 line 10-26 17:23:14.807 851 9615 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-26 17:23:14.849 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 8 lines 10-26 17:23:14.893 851 2959 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 11 lines 10-26 17:23:14.893 851 2974 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 16 lines 10-26 17:23:15.076 851 9637 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-26 17:23:15.594 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 3 lines 10-26 17:23:15.649 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 4 lines 10-26 17:23:15.773 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 17:23:16.024 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 17:23:16.038 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 17:23:16.063 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 21 lines 10-26 17:23:16.075 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 17:23:16.079 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 24 lines 10-26 17:23:16.086 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-26 17:23:16.136 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-26 17:23:16.161 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 4 lines 10-26 17:23:16.506 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:23:16.515 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:23:16.520 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:23:18.350 851 2974 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 9 lines 10-26 17:23:18.350 851 2959 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 20 lines 10-26 17:23:18.351 851 9637 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-26 17:23:18.881 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-26 17:23:18.913 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-26 17:23:19.027 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 17:23:36.514 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:23:36.522 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 17:23:36.529 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:23:55.624 2893 2893 I Telephony: : onDisconnect: callId=TC@1_1, cause=LOCAL 10-26 17:23:55.633 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 13 lines 10-26 17:23:55.667 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 26 lines 10-26 17:23:55.690 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 13 lines 10-26 17:23:55.725 851 2949 I chatty : uid=1000(system) BluetoothRouteM expire 1 line 10-26 17:24:05.507 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 17:25:01.490 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 17:26:29.191 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 26 lines 10-26 17:27:05.777 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-26 17:27:08.166 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line 10-26 17:27:12.965 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 2 lines 10-26 17:30:34.014 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 line 10-26 17:30:34.016 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 17:30:34.027 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 7 lines 10-26 17:30:34.068 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 30 lines 10-26 17:30:34.103 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 3 lines 10-26 17:30:34.105 2893 2893 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateIncomingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bundle[android.telecom.extra.INCOMING_CALL_ADDRESS=***, android.telecom.extra.CALL_CREATED_TIME_MILLIS=88721555, android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_START_TIME_MILLIS=88721583, ]: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-Adw 10-26 17:30:34.123 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 9 lines 10-26 17:30:34.135 2893 2893 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@2_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-Adw 10-26 17:30:34.242 851 10146 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-26 17:30:34.313 851 2959 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 19 lines 10-26 17:30:34.314 851 2974 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 19 lines 10-26 17:30:34.427 851 10151 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 9 lines 10-26 17:30:34.623 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-26 17:30:34.675 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 17:30:34.839 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 3 lines 10-26 17:30:34.841 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 2 lines 10-26 17:30:34.900 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 17:30:34.903 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-26 17:30:35.305 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:30:35.310 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 17:30:35.314 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:30:41.179 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 17:30:41.182 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 20 lines 10-26 17:30:41.200 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-26 17:30:41.267 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-26 17:30:48.155 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 100 lines 10-26 17:30:55.307 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:30:55.317 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 17:30:55.324 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 17:31:11.228 2893 2893 I Telephony: : onDisconnect: callId=TC@2_1, cause=NORMAL 10-26 17:31:11.234 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 1 line 10-26 17:31:11.235 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 17:31:11.241 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 25 lines 10-26 17:31:11.278 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-26 17:31:11.293 851 2959 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 13 lines 10-26 17:31:11.294 851 2974 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 5 lines 10-26 17:31:11.296 851 2949 I chatty : uid=1000(system) BluetoothRouteM expire 1 line 10-26 17:31:11.591 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-26 17:31:11.623 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-26 17:31:13.327 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-26 17:31:13.405 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 17:31:22.475 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 7 lines 10-26 17:31:23.008 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 17:31:23.131 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-26 17:31:53.976 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 3 lines 10-26 17:49:30.197 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 17:49:33.675 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 88 lines 10-26 18:06:44.436 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 18:06:44.437 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-26 18:06:44.460 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 18:06:44.495 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 18:06:44.522 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-26 18:06:44.600 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 18:06:44.602 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 18:06:44.603 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 18:06:54.953 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 18:06:55.056 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 18:06:55.995 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 229 lines 10-26 18:26:28.263 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-26 18:33:31.524 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-26 18:33:31.715 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-26 18:33:31.880 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 18:33:31.901 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-26 18:33:51.533 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines 10-26 18:48:17.281 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-26 18:50:16.161 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-26 18:50:16.162 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 10-26 18:50:16.187 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-26 18:50:16.226 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 18:50:16.256 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-26 18:50:16.375 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 18:50:16.378 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-26 18:50:16.380 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 18:50:16.388 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 114 lines 10-26 18:50:16.753 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 6 lines 10-26 18:50:26.672 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 18:50:26.784 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 19:08:33.986 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 19:08:54.818 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 19:09:03.506 851 915 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 2 lines 10-26 19:09:09.779 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 19:09:09.779 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-26 19:09:09.781 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 13 lines 10-26 19:12:25.187 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 99 lines 10-26 19:20:50.606 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-26 19:20:53.189 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 19:20:53.215 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 2 lines 10-26 19:20:53.252 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 4 lines 10-26 19:20:53.289 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-26 19:21:06.069 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-26 19:21:07.741 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 19:28:32.912 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line 10-26 19:30:23.101 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 19:30:43.500 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 2 lines 10-26 19:30:43.578 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-26 19:34:17.730 851 1147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-26 19:34:17.731 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-26 20:01:28.585 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-26 20:01:38.937 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-26 20:48:40.725 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 3 lines 10-26 20:48:40.881 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 26 lines 10-26 20:48:42.635 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 25 lines 10-26 20:48:42.644 851 1423 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkWatchlis expire 2 lines 10-26 20:48:44.802 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-26 21:45:32.885 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines 10-26 21:45:35.339 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 1 line 10-26 21:54:34.271 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 12 lines 10-26 21:54:51.784 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-26 22:35:20.718 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:20.824 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:20.876 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:21.263 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:21.341 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:21.415 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:21.794 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:21.873 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:21.944 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:22.171 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-26 22:35:22.310 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:22.384 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:22.582 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:22.662 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:22.686 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:23.108 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:23.187 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:23.212 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:23.556 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:23.657 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:23.679 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:23.872 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 22:35:23.992 3896 10921 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-26 23:05:02.882 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-26 23:17:14.077 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 4 lines 10-26 23:17:14.106 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 9 lines 10-26 23:17:14.142 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-26 23:17:14.145 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-26 23:17:14.203 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 23:17:14.214 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 2 lines 10-26 23:17:14.216 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 23:17:15.848 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-26 23:17:16.902 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 5 lines 10-26 23:17:18.365 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-26 23:17:18.534 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-26 23:17:21.978 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-26 23:17:26.465 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 18 lines 10-26 23:17:27.919 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-26 23:17:34.212 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 23:17:34.232 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-26 23:18:13.293 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-26 23:18:13.478 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-26 23:37:25.061 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 21 lines 10-26 23:37:29.666 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 54 lines 10-26 23:57:35.754 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 26 lines 10-27 00:00:01.623 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 00:00:01.667 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 4 lines 10-27 00:00:01.827 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 2 lines 10-27 00:00:18.851 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-27 00:07:36.799 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-27 02:06:16.029 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 3 lines 10-27 02:57:17.845 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-27 02:57:32.656 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-27 02:57:38.518 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:38.604 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:38.659 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:38.865 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:38.932 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:38.970 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:39.126 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:39.192 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:39.215 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:39.366 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:39.433 3896 13083 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:39.965 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:40.251 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:40.285 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:40.593 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:40.680 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:40.705 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:40.907 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:40.987 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:41.012 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:41.184 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:41.266 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 02:57:42.376 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 29 lines 10-27 03:33:16.528 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-27 03:33:16.529 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 25 lines 10-27 05:31:16.776 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-27 06:17:26.085 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 7 lines 10-27 06:43:47.276 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 26 lines 10-27 06:43:49.861 851 1423 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkWatchlis expire 2 lines 10-27 06:43:49.878 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-27 06:43:50.299 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 3 lines 10-27 06:43:54.874 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:54.952 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:54.981 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:55.414 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:55.577 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:55.614 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:55.893 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:55.971 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:55.996 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:56.180 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:56.253 3896 13502 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:57.620 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:57.721 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:57.744 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:58.072 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:58.214 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:58.239 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:58.445 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:58.620 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:58.715 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:58.919 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 06:43:59.170 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 15 lines 10-27 06:43:59.211 3896 5449 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 07:00:00.780 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 7 lines 10-27 08:11:00.081 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 6 lines 10-27 08:11:00.113 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-27 08:11:00.147 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-27 08:11:00.172 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 3 lines 10-27 08:11:00.186 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:11:00.190 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 3 lines 10-27 08:11:00.203 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:11:00.733 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-27 08:11:01.388 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 5 lines 10-27 08:11:01.972 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 17 lines 10-27 08:11:20.192 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:11:20.207 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:11:28.029 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-27 08:11:28.129 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-27 08:19:03.342 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 3 lines 10-27 08:19:03.384 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-27 08:19:03.550 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 3 lines 10-27 08:19:04.031 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 4 lines 10-27 08:19:04.056 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-27 08:19:04.081 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 3 lines 10-27 08:19:04.270 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 4 lines 10-27 08:19:04.295 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 2 lines 10-27 08:23:15.208 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 12 lines 10-27 08:32:21.030 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:32:21.041 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:32:21.060 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 lines 10-27 08:32:21.091 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-27 08:32:21.932 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 21 lines 10-27 08:32:23.082 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines 10-27 08:32:23.085 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-27 08:32:24.321 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-27 08:32:24.525 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 18 lines 10-27 08:32:24.849 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [7ca74df7-c26f-43f2-8786-b6ead6a1052a] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:32:24.849 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [7ca74df7-c26f-43f2-8786-b6ead6a1052a] Phase1 request; prefix: [-847220736, -795025408, -464478208, -273272832, -204353536, 293437440, 896348160, 1092104192, 1152811008, 1321775104, 1647730688, 1810690048] 10-27 08:32:24.878 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [836d0887-a54a-4f24-ae58-1b742ff2905b] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:32:24.879 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [836d0887-a54a-4f24-ae58-1b742ff2905b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1932177408, -1812832256, -1507975168, -1350995968, -743268352, -283189248, -217907200, 153690112, 293437440, 690515968, 1399496704, 1627533312, 1810690048, 2044801024, 2146754560] 10-27 08:32:25.748 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 4 lines 10-27 08:32:27.213 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [206dbb13-d4c1-4a31-a7f4-c9d1b6331137] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:32:27.214 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [206dbb13-d4c1-4a31-a7f4-c9d1b6331137] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2009022464, -1536483328, -966840320, -510709760, -79695872, 40218624, 62513152, 767160320, 798896128, 1672650752, 1856094208, 1876901888] 10-27 08:32:27.410 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-27 08:32:31.248 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 4 lines 10-27 08:32:31.268 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 5 lines 10-27 08:32:39.859 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [e7fe4551-8627-4ecf-b292-1cd8e441d22c] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:32:39.860 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e7fe4551-8627-4ecf-b292-1cd8e441d22c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1704800256, -1157263360, -1056083968, -949678080, -749092864, -688590848, -582270976, -469630976, -372314112, -48238592, 376188928, 935809024, 1163907072, 1607569408, 1917726720] 10-27 08:32:41.035 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:32:41.042 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 6 lines 10-27 08:32:41.044 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:32:46.838 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 6 lines 10-27 08:32:58.305 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 4 lines 10-27 08:33:06.869 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 13 lines 10-27 08:33:28.634 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:33:28.638 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:33:31.775 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 2 lines 10-27 08:33:32.248 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 3 lines 10-27 08:33:32.649 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 3 lines 10-27 08:33:32.671 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 4 lines 10-27 08:34:48.639 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:34:48.649 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:37:28.638 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:37:28.644 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:39:43.853 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 5 lines 10-27 08:40:08.640 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:40:08.645 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:41:43.062 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 3 lines 10-27 08:41:43.070 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 4 lines 10-27 08:42:01.216 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 6 lines 10-27 08:42:28.305 3217 3229 V PackageManager: [57da6d83-7f7d-406f-83cd-b602e9b84b75] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:42:28.306 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [57da6d83-7f7d-406f-83cd-b602e9b84b75] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1828474880, -1606905856, -1586491392, -652656640, -649986048, -469630976, -441098240, -175824896, -82288640, -50614272, 35696640, 223453184, 1607569408, 1831124992, 1857540096, 1921589248, 1931431936, 2004074496, 2091753472, 2114883584] 10-27 08:42:28.601 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-27 08:42:48.641 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:42:48.645 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:42:50.617 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-27 08:42:50.623 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-27 08:43:19.786 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 1 line 10-27 08:43:19.864 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [eaeb0037-70d3-48ee-9465-47ec0297f6d4] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:43:19.910 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [eaeb0037-70d3-48ee-9465-47ec0297f6d4] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2146533376, -1470005248, -1032720384, -1004957696, -724971520, -165015552, 8323072, 41594880, 420691968, 1307889664, 1438756864, 1461387264, 1686528000] 10-27 08:43:19.943 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [a524a1f4-0cdd-41b0-a5e7-f94e3926e51d] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:43:19.945 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [a524a1f4-0cdd-41b0-a5e7-f94e3926e51d] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2049048576, -1525846016, -756731904, -724971520, -362864640, -334630912, -140148736, -135155712, -77991936, 57253888, 420691968, 665231360, 731869184, 1112301568, 1880756224, 2079748096] 10-27 08:43:20.061 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines 10-27 08:43:21.298 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 30 lines 10-27 08:43:21.403 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 10-27 08:43:22.535 851 1147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-27 08:43:23.519 851 915 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line 10-27 08:43:34.308 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 11 lines 10-27 08:43:35.317 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-27 08:43:35.372 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 4 lines 10-27 08:43:36.549 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 19 lines 10-27 08:43:38.017 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 7 lines 10-27 08:43:38.057 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-27 08:43:39.081 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 4 lines 10-27 08:43:39.206 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-27 08:44:05.178 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-27 08:45:04.802 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-27 08:45:05.217 13511 15867 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-27 08:45:06.391 13511 15867 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #33 10-27 08:45:06.475 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-27 08:45:06.727 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [8ce63277-66a8-46b8-80b9-f1b8feab3d1b] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:45:06.740 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 46 lines 10-27 08:45:06.751 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [8ce63277-66a8-46b8-80b9-f1b8feab3d1b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1587449856, -1348808704, -961388544, -871763968, -724971520, -604098560, -488710144, -373329920, 5632000, 113131520, 122839040, 306888704, 420691968, 1139429376, 1770520576, 2124124160] 10-27 08:45:06.784 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [7facd22d-3a18-4eea-9163-0451906e1260] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:45:06.786 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [7facd22d-3a18-4eea-9163-0451906e1260] Phase1 request; prefix: [-811352064, -724971520, -320094208, -204521472, -10084352, 174845952, 420691968, 524025856, 927272960, 1254809600, 1292726272, 1599229952, 2114928640] 10-27 08:45:06.885 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-27 08:45:08.747 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 9 lines 10-27 08:45:08.748 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-27 08:45:09.369 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-27 08:45:25.432 15914 15926 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x1c in tid 15926 (Jit thread pool), pid 15914 (e.conceptruelle) 10-27 08:45:25.516 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 7 lines 10-27 08:45:28.644 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:45:28.647 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 8 lines 10-27 08:45:28.649 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:48:08.656 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:48:08.671 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:51:08.736 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:51:08.751 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:53:08.696 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-27 08:53:17.600 16165 16171 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x8c in tid 16171 (Jit thread pool), pid 16165 (e.conceptruelle) 10-27 08:53:17.692 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 4 lines 10-27 08:53:26.230 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-27 08:53:27.600 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 1 line 10-27 08:53:39.000 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 22 lines 10-27 08:53:39.696 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [648da29e-9fa5-4bb3-99b4-4c183bf4a666] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:53:39.764 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [648da29e-9fa5-4bb3-99b4-4c183bf4a666] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1987129344, -1310752768, -1102303232, -1067225088, -951558144, -859570176, -828542976, -724971520, -545325056, -236670976, 237985792, 412749824, 420691968, 721555456, 1294872576, 1323368448, 1379684352, 1446850560, 1711726592, 2023391232] 10-27 08:53:39.806 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [7c99bfb6-024d-49c8-ad02-c078a6270264] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 08:53:39.990 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [7c99bfb6-024d-49c8-ad02-c078a6270264] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1962258432, -1734627328, -1719586816, -1651404800, -1604493312, -1589989376, -1460981760, -1447170048, -1236836352, -724971520, -482856960, -188157952, 420691968, 835457024, 836399104, 1139183616, 1325395968, 1404973056, 1433669632] 10-27 08:53:55.274 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:53:55.286 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:54:05.483 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-27 08:54:26.032 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-27 08:56:35.280 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:56:35.294 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:59:15.282 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 08:59:15.296 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:00:43.814 851 1147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-27 09:00:43.816 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-27 09:00:48.946 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-27 09:01:55.289 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:01:55.303 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:03:15.822 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 2 lines 10-27 09:04:00.009 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 12 lines 10-27 09:04:35.293 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:04:35.308 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:04:55.556 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-27 09:05:48.946 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 18 lines 10-27 09:05:49.481 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 12 lines 10-27 09:05:49.527 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 3 lines 10-27 09:05:50.552 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 10 lines 10-27 09:05:50.571 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-27 09:05:50.951 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-27 09:05:54.884 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-27 09:17:11.329 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 7 lines 10-27 09:17:11.410 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 7 lines 10-27 09:17:11.420 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:17:11.430 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 9 lines 10-27 09:17:11.434 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:17:11.500 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-27 09:17:21.815 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-27 09:38:51.973 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:38:51.982 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:38:51.984 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-27 09:38:51.987 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:38:53.496 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-27 09:38:54.597 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (606.0,9.0) 10-27 09:38:54.600 2581 2581 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (606.0,9.0) 10-27 09:38:55.835 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-27 09:38:55.940 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-27 09:38:55.973 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-27 09:39:11.976 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:39:52.050 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:41:12.036 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:41:12.051 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:41:45.998 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 10 lines 10-27 09:43:52.042 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:43:52.053 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:58:23.687 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:58:23.699 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:58:23.712 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-27 09:58:33.961 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 11 lines 10-27 09:58:34.095 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-27 09:58:35.013 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 11 lines 10-27 09:59:02.070 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 3 lines 10-27 09:59:02.190 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 2 lines 10-27 09:59:02.432 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:59:02.436 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 09:59:02.522 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-27 09:59:08.265 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-27 10:04:19.381 851 1618 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-27 10:04:20.271 851 915 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 1 line 10-27 10:04:20.272 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-27 10:04:20.412 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 10 lines 10-27 10:04:21.374 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-27 10:04:21.387 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:04:21.389 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 10 lines 10-27 10:04:21.392 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:04:21.408 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 lines 10-27 10:04:21.513 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 1 line 10-27 10:04:22.365 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 2 lines 10-27 10:04:22.370 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-27 10:04:23.721 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines 10-27 10:04:23.734 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 2 lines 10-27 10:04:24.511 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 3 lines 10-27 10:04:24.552 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 2 lines 10-27 10:04:24.566 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-27 10:04:26.448 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 2 lines 10-27 10:04:41.397 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:05:21.439 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:05:30.651 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 3 lines 10-27 10:06:41.428 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:06:41.441 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:11:01.691 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:11:01.711 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:13:04.714 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-27 10:13:05.128 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [2f965ec7-a4bd-4204-9670-1d3ffab1d3e1] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 10:13:05.129 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [2f965ec7-a4bd-4204-9670-1d3ffab1d3e1] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1959616512, -1800249344, -1710108672, -1463123968, -1319567360, -1251659776, -1171603456, -964198400, -321654784, -56221696, -40144896, 235950080, 293437440, 667426816, 1185157120, 1328414720, 1557458944, 1810690048, 2032144384, 2074251264] 10-27 10:13:05.177 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [542799ab-69ef-4739-8cc2-9716ba26c2a9] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 10:13:05.177 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [542799ab-69ef-4739-8cc2-9716ba26c2a9] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1924694016, -996478976, -654872576, -603291648, -407928832, -232443904, 241053696, 293437440, 953266176, 1447739392, 1810690048, 1863974912, 1929027584, 2068103168] 10-27 10:13:06.152 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 3 lines 10-27 10:13:06.406 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 5 lines 10-27 10:13:09.016 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 2 lines 10-27 10:13:09.027 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 2 lines 10-27 10:13:41.695 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:13:41.709 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:15:51.327 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 2 lines 10-27 10:16:00.007 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 8 lines 10-27 10:16:00.075 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-27 10:16:00.215 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 2 lines 10-27 10:16:21.705 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:16:21.723 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:17:46.467 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-27 10:17:47.074 17844 17866 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #32 10-27 10:17:48.704 17844 17866 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #32 10-27 10:17:48.786 851 952 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PackageManager expire 4 lines 10-27 10:17:49.046 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [1c6fe5d8-153e-4451-aab2-4e5c1810bb87] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 10:17:49.090 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1c6fe5d8-153e-4451-aab2-4e5c1810bb87] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1633783808, -1630859264, -1073139712, -869257216, -724971520, -470990848, -244064256, 44302336, 167706624, 222605312, 388321280, 420691968, 488873984, 848015360, 879542272, 1368932352, 1434464256, 1501065216, 1838223360, 2026835968] 10-27 10:17:49.114 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [4341eb2c-9dca-4204-ac19-d2cfa84a4890] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 10:17:49.114 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [4341eb2c-9dca-4204-ac19-d2cfa84a4890] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1973108736, -937209856, -822140928, -724971520, -514711552, 41963520, 143351808, 160333824, 420691968, 686227456, 762437632, 844386304, 1191624704, 1212456960, 1401597952, 1507852288, 1653575680] 10-27 10:17:51.468 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 2 lines 10-27 10:17:51.567 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 43 lines 10-27 10:17:51.633 851 3540 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup expire 2 lines 10-27 10:19:35.445 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:19:35.461 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:24:02.400 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:24:02.407 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-27 10:24:02.415 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:25:58.150 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-27 10:25:58.151 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 2 lines 10-27 10:26:07.644 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 24 lines 10-27 10:26:08.357 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [3f435099-33e7-4e16-9c22-3d9b82c91087] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 10:26:08.408 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [3f435099-33e7-4e16-9c22-3d9b82c91087] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2146172928, -1808420864, -1789071360, -1681674240, -1301577728, -1300246528, -1193545728, -724971520, -6144000, 371453952, 383344640, 420691968, 464887808, 491122688, 1776836608, 2006417408] 10-27 10:26:08.471 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [b85f9e9b-0b8a-4e82-a110-29c8d583e79f] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 10:26:08.476 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 3 lines 10-27 10:26:08.702 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [b85f9e9b-0b8a-4e82-a110-29c8d583e79f] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1474482176, -724971520, -458878976, -417759232, -189206528, -175296512, 31838208, 420691968, 502190080, 648654848, 739008512, 1219039232, 1284677632, 1565638656, 1688170496] 10-27 10:26:09.324 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 3 lines 10-27 10:26:18.459 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-27 10:26:22.923 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 8 lines 10-27 10:26:25.563 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 4 lines 10-27 10:26:33.582 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 3 lines 10-27 10:26:33.647 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-27 10:26:54.224 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:26:54.231 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 5 lines 10-27 10:26:54.236 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:26:56.141 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:56.239 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:56.293 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:56.738 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:56.842 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:56.913 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:57.350 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:57.429 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:57.523 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:58.132 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:58.228 3896 15561 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:58.468 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/0000011f/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_22060100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:58.585 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:58.672 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:59.090 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:26:59.130 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:00.237 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:00.425 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:00.449 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:00.808 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:00.868 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:00.888 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:01.250 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:01.326 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:01.351 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:01.722 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:01.797 3896 15397 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:02.457 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/0000011f/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_22060100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:02.508 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000142/dl-Payments.integ_203402508100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:02.544 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:02.791 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:02.815 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000150/dl-Payments.integ_203690913100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:02.906 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/s/dl-Payments.integ_203990904100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:12.834 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:12.912 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:12.936 3896 18448 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/0000015e/dl-Payments.integ_203990904100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 10:27:13.582 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 14 lines 10-27 10:27:14.637 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines 10-27 10:28:02.108 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 47 lines 10-27 10:29:47.069 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:29:47.084 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:32:27.077 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:32:27.101 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:32:27.419 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 9 lines 10-27 10:32:27.420 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-27 10:35:07.082 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:35:07.097 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:36:56.094 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 3 lines 10-27 10:38:31.032 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:38:31.048 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 10:38:47.536 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 4 lines 10-27 10:38:48.032 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 7 lines 10-27 10:38:48.046 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 6 lines 10-27 10:38:48.140 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 2 lines 10-27 10:38:49.113 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-27 10:38:49.124 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-27 10:41:37.798 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 17 lines 10-27 10:53:48.426 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 2 lines 10-27 10:53:56.379 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [1fef193c-3ca9-4a89-9e8e-cf17918c5920] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 10:53:56.380 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1fef193c-3ca9-4a89-9e8e-cf17918c5920] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2130264064, -2009235456, -1445842944, -1220718592, -1212743680, -911609856, -814260224, -800751616, 114458624, 247369728, 470147072, 768450560, 777797632, 1368145920, 1372528640, 1555492864, 1720823808, 1776082944, 2089062400] 10-27 10:54:21.900 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 22 lines 10-27 11:04:25.859 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-27 11:34:11.532 851 1147 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HwBinder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-27 11:34:11.918 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-27 12:44:25.328 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 3 lines 10-27 13:40:39.874 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 4 lines 10-27 13:40:39.896 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 4 lines 10-27 13:40:39.937 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 13:40:39.946 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 4 lines 10-27 13:40:39.948 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 13:40:39.954 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 10 lines 10-27 13:40:44.842 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 4 lines 10-27 13:40:44.845 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 21 lines 10-27 13:40:45.348 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 4 lines 10-27 13:40:45.476 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 7 lines 10-27 13:40:46.374 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 8 lines 10-27 14:01:17.913 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:01:17.919 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:01:18.096 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 1 line 10-27 14:01:20.837 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 16 lines 10-27 14:01:20.969 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines 10-27 14:01:21.903 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 2 lines 10-27 14:01:22.050 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-27 14:01:22.124 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-27 14:01:34.387 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-27 14:01:35.323 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 26 lines 10-27 14:01:37.914 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:01:37.929 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:01:47.179 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 19 lines 10-27 14:01:47.227 851 2959 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 16 lines 10-27 14:01:47.227 851 2974 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 4 lines 10-27 14:01:47.292 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-27 14:01:47.418 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-27 14:01:47.420 2893 2893 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bundle[touchPoint=Point(575, 1654), android.telecom.extra.START_CALL_WITH_VIDEO_STATE=0, android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_END_TIME_MILLIS=162594738, android.telecom.extra.CALL_CREATED_TIME_MILLIS=162594687, android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_START_TIME_MILLIS=162594738, com.android.dialer.callintent.CALL_SPECIFIC_APP_DATA=[B@7bae027, ]: (SBC.oSC)->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR@E-A0w 10-27 14:01:47.474 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 10-27 14:01:47.525 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 6 lines 10-27 14:01:47.670 2893 2893 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@3_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-A0w 10-27 14:01:47.797 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines 10-27 14:02:01.700 693 693 I wificond: Regulatory domain changed to country: FR 10-27 14:02:01.701 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:02:01.705 693 693 I wificond: 2.4Ghz frequencies: 2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462 2467 2472 10-27 14:02:01.705 693 693 I wificond: 5Ghz non-DFS frequencies: 5180 5200 5220 5240 10-27 14:02:01.706 693 693 I wificond: 5Ghz DFS frequencies: 5260 5280 5300 5320 5500 5520 5540 5560 5580 5600 5620 5640 5660 5680 5700 10-27 14:02:01.706 693 693 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result! 10-27 14:02:01.724 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:02:01.728 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:02:01.901 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-27 14:02:01.955 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 3 lines 10-27 14:02:01.999 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 10 lines 10-27 14:02:02.072 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 10-27 14:02:04.829 693 693 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request 10-27 14:02:04.862 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-27 14:02:05.016 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 17 lines 10-27 14:02:09.202 693 693 I wificond: Received external scan result notification from kernel. 10-27 14:02:13.904 693 693 I wificond: Received external scan result notification from kernel. 10-27 14:02:15.132 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:02:15.134 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:02:15.137 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:02:15.897 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 19 lines 10-27 14:02:15.921 851 2974 I chatty : uid=1000(system) CallAudioModeSt expire 6 lines 10-27 14:02:21.210 693 693 I wificond: Received external scan result notification from kernel. 10-27 14:02:35.141 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:02:35.148 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-27 14:02:35.154 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:02:35.909 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 15 lines 10-27 14:02:51.902 693 693 I wificond: Received external scan result notification from kernel. 10-27 14:03:10.239 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines 10-27 14:03:10.274 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-27 14:03:11.635 2893 2893 I Telephony: : onDisconnect: callId=TC@3_1, cause=LOCAL 10-27 14:03:11.640 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 24 lines 10-27 14:03:11.642 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 2 lines 10-27 14:03:11.656 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 25 lines 10-27 14:03:11.754 851 2959 I chatty : uid=1000(system) uteStateMachine expire 13 lines 10-27 14:03:11.755 851 2949 I chatty : uid=1000(system) BluetoothRouteM expire 1 line --------- beginning of main 10-27 14:03:11.897 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:11.906 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 10, connectionLabel: 10-27 14:03:11.909 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment - shouldShowAnswerUi: false, shouldShowRttUi: false, shouldShowVideoUi: false didShowAnswerScreen: false, didShowInCallScreen: true, didShowRttCallScreen: false, didShowVideoCallScreen: false 10-27 14:03:11.915 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 10, connectionLabel: 10-27 14:03:11.918 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment - shouldShowAnswerUi: false, shouldShowRttUi: false, shouldShowVideoUi: false didShowAnswerScreen: false, didShowInCallScreen: true, didShowRttCallScreen: false, didShowVideoCallScreen: false 10-27 14:03:11.919 20181 20181 W Dialer : CallList.onCallRemoved - Removing call not previously disconnected DialerCall_0 10-27 14:03:11.920 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialerCall.setState - ignoring state transition from DISCONNECTED to DISCONNECTED. Duration would have changed from 55916 to 56007 10-27 14:03:11.929 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallList.onUpdateCall - [DialerCall_0, DISCONNECTED, [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:], children:[], parent:null, conferenceable:[], videoState:Audio Only, mSessionModificationState:0, CameraDir:-1] 10-27 14:03:11.930 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: INCALL -> INCALL 10-27 14:03:11.931 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:11.941 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 10, connectionLabel: 10-27 14:03:11.943 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment - shouldShowAnswerUi: false, shouldShowRttUi: false, shouldShowVideoUi: false didShowAnswerScreen: false, didShowInCallScreen: true, didShowRttCallScreen: false, didShowVideoCallScreen: false 10-27 14:03:11.949 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 10, connectionLabel: 10-27 14:03:11.951 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment - shouldShowAnswerUi: false, shouldShowRttUi: false, shouldShowVideoUi: false didShowAnswerScreen: false, didShowInCallScreen: true, didShowRttCallScreen: false, didShowVideoCallScreen: false 10-27 14:03:11.953 20181 20181 W Dialer : CallList.onCallRemoved - Removing call not previously disconnected DialerCall_0 10-27 14:03:11.953 20181 20181 W Dialer : CallList.onCallRemoved - Removing call not previously disconnected DialerCall_0 10-27 14:03:12.032 851 20664 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-27 14:03:12.038 436 518 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_mode: mode 0 10-27 14:03:12.039 436 518 D voice_extn: voice_extn_stop_call: end all calls 10-27 14:03:12.039 436 518 D voice_extn: update_calls: enter: 10-27 14:03:12.039 436 518 D voice_extn: update_calls: cur_state=1 new_state=1 vsid=10c01000 10-27 14:03:12.040 436 518 D voice_extn: update_calls: cur_state=1 new_state=1 vsid=10dc1000 10-27 14:03:12.040 436 518 D voice_extn: update_calls: cur_state=1 new_state=1 vsid=10c02000 10-27 14:03:12.041 436 518 D voice_extn: update_calls: cur_state=1 new_state=1 vsid=10803000 10-27 14:03:12.041 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.attemptFinishActivity - Hide in call UI: true 10-27 14:03:12.041 436 518 D voice_extn: update_calls: cur_state=1 new_state=1 vsid=10002000 10-27 14:03:12.041 436 518 D voice_extn: update_calls: cur_state=1 new_state=1 vsid=11c05000 10-27 14:03:12.042 436 518 D voice_extn: update_calls: cur_state=1 new_state=1 vsid=11dc5000 10-27 14:03:12.044 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallActivity.shouldCloseActivityOnFinish - activity is visible and has no locks, allowing activity to close 10-27 14:03:12.053 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: INCALL -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:12.055 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:12.055 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 2, connectionLabel: null 10-27 14:03:12.080 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:12.081 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:12.082 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 2, connectionLabel: null 10-27 14:03:12.093 20181 20269 I Dialer : ShortcutRefresher.Task.doInBackground - enter 10-27 14:03:12.093 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onStart - enter 10-27 14:03:12.093 20181 20269 I Dialer : DynamicShortcuts.refresh - enter 10-27 14:03:12.094 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStart - first launch: false 10-27 14:03:12.149 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-27 14:03:12.152 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: changing use case low-latency-playback output device from(11: voice-handset, acdb 7) to (2: speaker, acdb 101) 10-27 14:03:12.153 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:03:12.186 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(11: voice-handset) 10-27 14:03:12.190 436 544 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-27 14:03:12.198 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 14:03:12.199 436 544 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-27 14:03:12.200 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:03:12.201 436 544 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:03:12.246 436 544 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-27 14:03:12.248 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:03:12.249 436 544 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:03:12.309 436 544 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-27 14:03:12.342 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-27 14:03:12.351 436 519 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 960 10-27 14:03:12.357 20181 20181 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 960 -> 960 10-27 14:03:12.366 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStart - Time for ToneGenerator creation: 265 10-27 14:03:12.368 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialtactsActivity.onResume - enter 10-27 14:03:12.371 20181 20181 I Dialer : PerformanceReport.startRecording - enter 10-27 14:03:12.381 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_SYSTEM 7 10-27 14:03:12.392 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialerExecutorModule.newThread - creating low priority thread 10-27 14:03:12.395 20181 20181 I Dialer : ListsFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:03:12.396 20181 20673 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - enter 10-27 14:03:12.398 20181 20673 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - last updated at 0 10-27 14:03:12.407 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_RING 7 10-27 14:03:12.413 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_ALARM 5 10-27 14:03:12.418 436 20554 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function get_mic_mute: Function not implemented 10-27 14:03:12.421 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 20 10-27 14:03:12.422 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:03:12.422 436 20554 W DeviceHAL: Error from HAL Device in function get_mic_mute: Function not implemented 10-27 14:03:12.432 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:03:12.446 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 14:03:12.446 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:03:12.447 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:03:12.449 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.configureScreenFromIntent - action: android.intent.action.MAIN 10-27 14:03:12.453 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.configureScreenFromIntent - Nothing to show 10-27 14:03:12.453 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - Displaying normal Dialer UI. 10-27 14:03:12.453 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - mDialpadView not null 10-27 14:03:12.458 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onResume - phone not in use 10-27 14:03:12.458 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - Displaying normal Dialer UI. 10-27 14:03:12.458 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - mDialpadView not null 10-27 14:03:12.544 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:12.545 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:12.546 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 2, connectionLabel: null 10-27 14:03:12.548 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:12.549 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:12.549 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 2, connectionLabel: null 10-27 14:03:12.551 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:12.552 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:12.553 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 2, connectionLabel: null 10-27 14:03:12.559 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:12.559 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:12.560 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 2, connectionLabel: null 10-27 14:03:12.562 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:12.563 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: false 10-27 14:03:12.564 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 2, connectionLabel: null 10-27 14:03:12.638 20181 20269 I Dialer : ShortcutRefresher.Task.doInBackground - enter 10-27 14:03:12.639 20181 20269 I Dialer : DynamicShortcuts.refresh - enter 10-27 14:03:12.732 3682 3695 I droid.launcher: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 8279(432KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 120us total 101.837ms 10-27 14:03:12.923 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 81739(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(268KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 173us total 288.600ms 10-27 14:03:12.929 20181 20181 I Dialer : ProximitySensor.updateProximitySensorMode - screenOnImmediately: false, dialPadVisible: false, offHook: false, horizontal: false, uiShowing: false, audioRoute: EARPIECE 10-27 14:03:12.929 20181 20181 I Dialer : ProximitySensor.turnOffProximitySensor - wake lock already released 10-27 14:03:12.930 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallActivity.showMainInCallFragment - not visible yet/anymore 10-27 14:03:12.930 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.updateActivity - UI Destroyed 10-27 14:03:12.931 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:12.931 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: true 10-27 14:03:12.932 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setCallState - PrimaryCallState, state: 2, connectionLabel: null 10-27 14:03:12.935 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallFragment.onButtonGridCreated - InCallUiUnready 10-27 14:03:12.950 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallCardPresenter.onInCallScreenUnready 10-27 14:03:12.960 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.unsetActivity - No InCallActivity currently set, no need to unset. 10-27 14:03:12.975 604 2996 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:604_4 expire 1 line 10-27 14:03:13.162 20181 20673 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - broadcasting smart dial update 10-27 14:03:13.212 693 693 I wificond: Received external scan result notification from kernel. 10-27 14:03:13.213 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'Boite_Gratuite' 10-27 14:03:13.213 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 3 lines 10-27 14:03:13.216 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-27 14:03:13.787 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 10-27 14:03:13.788 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0 10-27 14:03:13.795 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.setBoundAndWaitingForOutgoingCall - setBoundAndWaitingForOutgoingCall: false 10-27 14:03:13.797 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.onCallListChange - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS 10-27 14:03:13.799 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.onStateChange - hasPrimaryCallChanged: false, videoCanPause: false, isInBackground: true 10-27 14:03:13.804 20181 20181 I Dialer : InCallPresenter.attemptCleanup - Cleaning up 10-27 14:03:13.805 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 10 lines 10-27 14:03:13.806 20181 20181 I Dialer : ProximitySensor.turnOffProximitySensor - wake lock already released 10-27 14:03:13.807 20181 20181 I Dialer : VideoPauseController.tearDown - enter 10-27 14:03:14.871 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 (ver=1) 10-27 14:03:14.879 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4 10-27 14:03:14.890 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 (ver=1) 10-27 14:03:14.892 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4 10-27 14:03:14.916 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 [PTK=TKIP GTK=TKIP] 10-27 14:03:14.917 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22Boite_Gratuite%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%2C%22creatorUid%22%3A%2210043%22%7D] 10-27 14:03:14.937 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 1 line 10-27 14:03:14.973 851 20699 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:03:14.992 851 20700 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 4 lines 10-27 14:03:15.278 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-27 14:03:15.315 2581 2800 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 5280 10-27 14:03:15.318 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-27 14:03:15.322 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-27 14:03:15.330 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 14:03:15.330 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-27 14:03:15.331 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:03:15.331 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:03:15.360 436 15973 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-27 14:03:15.361 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:03:15.361 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:03:15.408 436 15973 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-27 14:03:15.410 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 10-27 14:03:15.411 436 15973 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-27 14:03:15.765 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 6 lines 10-27 14:03:15.776 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 5 lines 10-27 14:03:15.778 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-27 14:03:15.852 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 14:03:15.875 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-27 14:03:15.901 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onPause - enter 10-27 14:03:15.906 20181 20181 I Dialer : ListsFragment.onPause - enter 10-27 14:03:15.913 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialtactsActivity.onSaveInstanceState - enter 10-27 14:03:15.914 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogAdapter.onSaveInstanceState - saved: 0, selectedItemsSize:0 10-27 14:03:15.916 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onStop - enter 10-27 14:03:15.916 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStop - enter 10-27 14:03:15.938 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:03:15.954 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 14:03:15.955 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:03:16.110 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 10 lines 10-27 14:03:16.789 604 604 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 2 lines 10-27 14:03:17.252 604 826 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwcVsyncThread expire 1 line 10-27 14:03:17.260 604 604 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 6 lines 10-27 14:03:22.972 684 769 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 10-27 14:03:22.979 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 14:03:22.984 851 2993 I chatty : uid=1000(system) IpClient.wlan0 expire 13 lines 10-27 14:03:22.997 684 20735 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:03:22.998 684 20734 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:03:23.823 2581 2581 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.AlphaOptimizedLinearLayout{9ee6381 V.E...... ......ID 5,0-48,58 #7f0a03f5 app:id/wifi_group} during layout: running second layout pass 10-27 14:03:23.823 2581 2581 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.AlphaOptimizedLinearLayout{397dc26 V.E...... ......ID 5,0-48,58 #7f0a03f5 app:id/wifi_group} during layout: running second layout pass 10-27 14:03:23.824 2581 2581 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.AlphaOptimizedLinearLayout{8208067 V.E...... ......ID 5,0-48,58 #7f0a03f5 app:id/wifi_group} during layout: running second layout pass 10-27 14:03:34.355 684 20736 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:03:34.356 684 20736 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:03:34.357 684 20737 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:03:34.360 851 20739 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:03:34.362 851 20738 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:03:34.364 684 20737 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:03:54.976 3217 20758 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 14:03:55.212 684 769 E Netd : Error adding route ::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0 to table 1022: File exists 10-27 14:03:55.259 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,6291456,8291456,524288,6291456,8291456} 10-27 14:03:55.262 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0} 10-27 14:03:55.751 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 1 line 10-27 14:03:55.760 20141 20141 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 6 lines 10-27 14:03:55.778 3217 20760 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:03:55.830 684 20765 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:03:55.830 684 20765 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:03:55.831 684 20764 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:03:55.832 684 20764 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:04:01.362 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [2a01:e00::1,2a01:e00::2,,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,6291456,8291456,524288,6291456,8291456} 10-27 14:04:01.363 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [2a01:e00::1,2a01:e00::2,,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0} 10-27 14:04:01.397 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:9081:db97:628b:2974/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [2a01:e00::1,2a01:e00::2,,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,6291456,8291456,524288,6291456,8291456} 10-27 14:04:01.398 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:9081:db97:628b:2974/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [2a01:e00::1,2a01:e00::2,,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0} 10-27 14:04:01.430 684 20769 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:04:01.431 684 20769 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:04:01.431 684 20770 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:04:01.432 684 20770 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:04:01.432 684 20772 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:04:01.433 684 20771 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:04:01.433 684 20772 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:04:01.433 684 20771 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:16:48.394 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 reason=0 10-27 14:16:48.414 2592 2592 E wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/drop_unicast_in_l2_multicast: No such file or directory 10-27 14:16:48.415 2592 2592 E wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Failed to set IPv6 unicast in multicast filter 10-27 14:16:48.417 432 432 E WifiHAL : Packet monitoring is not yet triggered 10-27 14:16:48.420 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 20 lines 10-27 14:16:48.422 432 432 E WifiHAL : Packet monitoring is not yet triggered 10-27 14:16:48.466 684 769 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 10-27 14:16:48.469 684 759 I Netd : Destroyed 3 sockets on in 0.8 ms 10-27 14:16:48.469 3217 20768 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 5 lines 10-27 14:16:48.471 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| network lost: 136 10-27 14:16:48.472 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| onLost: unbind the process to WIFI 10-27 14:16:48.478 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=FR 10-27 14:16:48.490 684 769 D CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0 10-27 14:16:48.498 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-27 14:16:48.509 693 693 W wificond: Skip match ssid for pno scan: minotopia, ISRE, MALARTIC, office_de_tourisme, WIFI_PATIENT_IMAGERIE, Nexus 7, NICOPIZZA, freebox_Alzu_EXT, Wifi_Agricampus, Menthe_Chocolat, IPhoneGus 3.0 ⚡️, Salon 10-27 14:16:48.513 693 693 I wificond: Pno scan started 10-27 14:16:48.547 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 17 lines 10-27 14:16:48.555 684 684 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 14:16:49.167 3217 20800 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:16:49.282 851 20802 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:16:49.314 851 20801 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:16:50.256 3217 20817 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:16:51.298 851 20819 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:16:51.298 851 20820 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:16:57.338 3217 20824 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:16:58.080 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 20 lines 10-27 14:16:58.589 3217 20826 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:16:58.915 432 432 E WifiHAL : Packet monitoring is not yet triggered 10-27 14:16:58.922 432 432 E WifiHAL : Packet monitoring is not yet triggered 10-27 14:16:59.628 851 20830 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:16:59.629 851 20829 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:17:10.966 3217 20835 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:17:12.615 3217 20839 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:17:13.659 851 20854 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:17:13.659 851 20853 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:17:33.955 3217 20863 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:17:35.565 3217 20868 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:17:36.605 851 20877 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:17:36.609 851 20876 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:18:16.004 3217 20887 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:18:20.944 3217 20889 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:18:21.984 851 20906 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:18:22.758 851 20905 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:19:39.957 3217 20911 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:19:42.707 3217 20916 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:19:43.756 851 20928 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:19:43.757 851 20929 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:20:24.379 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 10 lines 10-27 14:20:24.575 684 769 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0 10-27 14:22:21.222 3217 20991 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:22:22.530 3217 21002 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:22:23.996 851 21005 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:22:23.997 851 21004 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:22:33.363 693 693 I wificond: Pno scan result ready event 10-27 14:22:33.399 693 693 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request 10-27 14:22:33.435 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'Boite_Gratuite' 10-27 14:22:33.445 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 14 lines 10-27 14:22:33.535 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 10-27 14:22:33.538 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0 10-27 14:22:33.787 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 (ver=1) 10-27 14:22:33.797 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4 10-27 14:22:33.811 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 (ver=1) 10-27 14:22:33.812 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4 10-27 14:22:33.822 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 [PTK=TKIP GTK=TKIP] 10-27 14:22:33.823 2592 2592 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to d6:b6:d7:d8:82:60 completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22Boite_Gratuite%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%2C%22creatorUid%22%3A%2210043%22%7D] 10-27 14:22:33.839 693 693 I wificond: Pno scan stopped 10-27 14:22:33.848 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 1 line 10-27 14:22:33.850 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 20 lines 10-27 14:22:33.851 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:22:33.857 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:22:33.860 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:22:33.879 851 21015 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Thread-226 expire 2 lines 10-27 14:22:33.904 851 21016 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Thread-227 expire 3 lines 10-27 14:22:33.969 684 769 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg 10-27 14:22:33.982 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 11 lines 10-27 14:22:33.985 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 14:22:33.993 684 21017 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:34.000 684 21018 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:34.047 2581 2581 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.AlphaOptimizedLinearLayout{9ee6381 V.E...... ......ID 5,0-48,58 #7f0a03f5 app:id/wifi_group} during layout: running second layout pass 10-27 14:22:34.048 2581 2581 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.AlphaOptimizedLinearLayout{397dc26 V.E...... ......ID 5,0-48,58 #7f0a03f5 app:id/wifi_group} during layout: running second layout pass 10-27 14:22:34.049 2581 2581 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.android.keyguard.AlphaOptimizedLinearLayout{8208067 V.E...... ......ID 5,0-48,58 #7f0a03f5 app:id/wifi_group} during layout: running second layout pass 10-27 14:22:34.055 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| network available: 137 10-27 14:22:34.059 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| onAvailable: bind the process to WIFI 10-27 14:22:34.066 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,6291456,8291456,524288,6291456,8291456} 10-27 14:22:34.067 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0} 10-27 14:22:34.071 684 21019 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:22:34.071 684 21020 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:22:34.071 684 21019 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:34.071 684 21020 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:34.222 851 21021 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:22:34.223 851 21022 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 14:22:34.919 684 21028 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:22:34.919 684 21028 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:34.920 684 21029 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:22:34.921 684 21029 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:34.950 684 769 E Netd : Error adding route ::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0 to table 1022: File exists 10-27 14:22:34.951 3217 21034 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 8 lines 10-27 14:22:34.970 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,6291456,8291456,524288,6291456,8291456} 10-27 14:22:34.971 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0} 10-27 14:22:35.003 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:9081:db97:628b:2974/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [2a01:e00::1,2a01:e00::2,,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,6291456,8291456,524288,6291456,8291456} 10-27 14:22:35.004 3552 3616 W QCNEJ : |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:7af8:82ff:fecb:473/64,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10:9081:db97:628b:2974/64,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,::/0 -> fe80::207:cbff:fed4:27cc wlan0,2a01:e0a:42e:5e10::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [2a01:e00::1,2a01:e00::2,,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 0} 10-27 14:22:35.045 684 21037 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:22:35.045 684 21037 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:35.046 684 21038 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:22:35.046 684 21038 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:35.048 684 21039 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:22:35.048 684 21040 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 14:22:35.049 684 21040 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:35.049 684 21039 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 14:22:51.177 684 769 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0 10-27 14:22:51.771 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 10 lines 10-27 14:22:57.488 684 769 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0 10-27 14:23:03.278 684 769 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0 10-27 14:23:04.020 684 769 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 1 10-27 14:23:37.818 684 759 E Netd : Removing unknown address fe80::77c9:9ed2:5d9:6062/64 from ifindex 13 10-27 14:23:37.910 684 769 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0 10-27 14:23:42.968 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 12 lines 10-27 14:37:55.971 851 1151 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HubConnection expire 51 lines 10-27 14:37:56.060 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-27 14:37:56.060 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-27 14:37:56.063 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-27 14:37:56.066 613 613 I Zygote : Process 20141 exited cleanly (0) 10-27 14:37:56.075 3217 20990 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 5 lines 10-27 14:37:56.435 3217 21265 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 14:37:56.512 3217 20779 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 5 lines 10-27 14:37:56.713 3217 3228 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 8 lines 10-27 14:37:57.462 3217 20696 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 6 lines 10-27 14:38:00.901 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-27 14:38:00.953 21271 21271 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.ui expire 14 lines 10-27 14:43:49.060 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 17 lines 10-27 14:43:49.095 18539 21262 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 14:44:12.966 18539 21263 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 14:51:18.986 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 8 lines 10-27 14:51:18.993 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 7 lines 10-27 14:51:19.022 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 12 lines 10-27 14:51:19.055 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 6 lines 10-27 14:51:19.061 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 5 lines 10-27 14:51:19.127 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:51:19.131 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:51:19.136 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:51:19.147 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 14:51:19.293 604 826 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwcVsyncThread expire 1 line 10-27 14:51:19.386 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 20 lines 10-27 14:51:20.211 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onStart - enter 10-27 14:51:20.211 20181 20269 I Dialer : ShortcutRefresher.Task.doInBackground - enter 10-27 14:51:20.213 20181 20269 I Dialer : DynamicShortcuts.refresh - enter 10-27 14:51:20.213 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStart - first launch: false 10-27 14:51:20.216 436 519 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 960 10-27 14:51:20.218 20181 20181 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 960 -> 960 10-27 14:51:20.220 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialtactsActivity.onResume - enter 10-27 14:51:20.226 2581 2800 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 4800 10-27 14:51:20.227 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialerExecutorModule.newThread - creating low priority thread 10-27 14:51:20.228 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-27 14:51:20.229 20181 20181 I Dialer : ListsFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:51:20.232 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-27 14:51:20.237 20181 21353 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - enter 10-27 14:51:20.238 20181 21353 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - last updated at 0 10-27 14:51:20.238 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 14:51:20.239 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-27 14:51:20.239 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:51:20.240 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:51:20.249 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:51:20.262 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-27 14:51:20.268 436 15973 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-27 14:51:20.269 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:51:20.269 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:51:20.277 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:51:20.278 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-27 14:51:20.279 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.configureScreenFromIntent - action: android.intent.action.MAIN 10-27 14:51:20.288 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.configureScreenFromIntent - Nothing to show 10-27 14:51:20.289 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - Displaying normal Dialer UI. 10-27 14:51:20.289 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - mDialpadView not null 10-27 14:51:20.295 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onResume - phone not in use 10-27 14:51:20.311 436 15973 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-27 14:51:20.311 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 10-27 14:51:20.312 436 15973 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-27 14:51:20.312 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - Displaying normal Dialer UI. 10-27 14:51:20.312 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - mDialpadView not null 10-27 14:51:20.382 18539 18568 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) GoogleApiHandle expire 2 lines 10-27 14:51:20.583 20181 20269 I Dialer : ShortcutRefresher.Task.doInBackground - enter 10-27 14:51:20.584 20181 20269 I Dialer : DynamicShortcuts.refresh - enter 10-27 14:51:20.590 604 773 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:604_2 expire 2 lines 10-27 14:51:20.735 20181 20193 I .android.diale: Background concurrent copying GC freed 20759(1182KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(476KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 4MB/9MB, paused 135us total 102.088ms 10-27 14:51:20.820 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:51:20.834 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 14:51:20.835 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:51:20.939 20181 21353 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - broadcasting smart dial update 10-27 14:51:39.130 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:51:39.188 18539 21370 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 14:51:47.179 432 432 E WifiHAL : Packet monitoring is not yet triggered 10-27 14:51:47.186 432 432 E WifiHAL : Packet monitoring is not yet triggered 10-27 14:52:19.211 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 7 lines 10-27 14:52:19.219 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:53:41.957 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 12 lines 10-27 14:53:48.217 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:53:48.278 3217 21406 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 14:53:48.279 3217 21407 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 14:53:48.235 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:56:20.672 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 12 lines 10-27 14:56:20.673 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-27 14:56:20.738 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 1 line 10-27 14:56:20.872 3217 5933 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[4] expire 30 lines 10-27 14:56:21.728 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onPause - enter 10-27 14:56:21.732 20181 20181 I Dialer : ListsFragment.onPause - enter 10-27 14:56:21.744 604 604 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 2 lines 10-27 14:56:21.746 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 2 lines 10-27 14:56:21.750 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialtactsActivity.onSaveInstanceState - enter 10-27 14:56:21.761 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogAdapter.onSaveInstanceState - saved: 0, selectedItemsSize:0 10-27 14:56:21.768 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onStop - enter 10-27 14:56:21.769 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStop - enter 10-27 14:56:21.879 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 106059(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 22(852KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 468us total 177.867ms 10-27 14:56:21.992 604 826 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwcVsyncThread expire 1 line 10-27 14:56:21.994 604 604 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 6 lines 10-27 14:56:23.175 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onStart - enter 10-27 14:56:23.175 20181 20269 I Dialer : ShortcutRefresher.Task.doInBackground - enter 10-27 14:56:23.176 20181 20269 I Dialer : DynamicShortcuts.refresh - enter 10-27 14:56:23.176 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStart - first launch: false 10-27 14:56:23.180 436 16267 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 960 10-27 14:56:23.182 20181 20181 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 960 -> 960 10-27 14:56:23.192 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:56:23.207 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialtactsActivity.onResume - enter 10-27 14:56:23.212 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 14:56:23.214 20181 20229 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - enter 10-27 14:56:23.215 20181 20229 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - last updated at 0 10-27 14:56:23.215 20181 20181 I Dialer : ListsFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:56:23.235 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:56:23.241 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 14:56:23.242 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.configureScreenFromIntent - action: android.intent.action.MAIN 10-27 14:56:23.247 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.configureScreenFromIntent - Nothing to show 10-27 14:56:23.248 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - Displaying normal Dialer UI. 10-27 14:56:23.248 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - mDialpadView not null 10-27 14:56:23.253 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onResume - phone not in use 10-27 14:56:23.254 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - Displaying normal Dialer UI. 10-27 14:56:23.255 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - mDialpadView not null 10-27 14:56:23.333 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 18 lines 10-27 14:56:23.393 20181 20269 I Dialer : ShortcutRefresher.Task.doInBackground - enter 10-27 14:56:23.393 20181 20269 I Dialer : DynamicShortcuts.refresh - enter 10-27 14:56:23.424 604 826 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwcVsyncThread expire 2 lines 10-27 14:56:23.708 20181 20229 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - broadcasting smart dial update 10-27 14:56:25.594 2581 2800 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 5280 10-27 14:56:25.597 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-27 14:56:25.601 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-27 14:56:25.606 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 14:56:25.607 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-27 14:56:25.607 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:56:25.607 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:56:25.633 436 15973 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-27 14:56:25.633 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:56:25.634 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:56:25.676 436 15973 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-27 14:56:25.677 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 10-27 14:56:25.678 436 15973 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-27 14:56:26.039 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-27 14:56:26.122 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-27 14:56:26.154 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onPause - enter 10-27 14:56:26.165 20181 20181 I Dialer : ListsFragment.onPause - enter 10-27 14:56:26.171 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialtactsActivity.onSaveInstanceState - enter 10-27 14:56:26.172 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogAdapter.onSaveInstanceState - saved: 0, selectedItemsSize:0 10-27 14:56:26.177 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onStop - enter 10-27 14:56:26.177 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStop - enter 10-27 14:56:26.209 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 14:56:26.225 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 14:56:26.225 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 14:56:27.066 604 604 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 9 lines 10-27 14:59:28.005 612 612 I Zygote : Process 19589 exited due to signal (9) 10-27 15:16:31.390 3217 21555 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-27 15:16:31.401 18539 21559 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 15:16:31.419 18539 21560 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 4 lines 10-27 15:16:36.816 3217 21565 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 15:26:26.986 851 1151 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HubConnection expire 49 lines 10-27 15:27:18.447 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 15:27:18.461 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 15:27:18.509 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 15:27:18.555 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 15:27:18.650 604 826 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwcVsyncThread expire 2 lines 10-27 15:27:18.752 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 20 lines 10-27 15:27:28.910 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 1 line 10-27 15:27:29.836 604 604 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger expire 7 lines 10-27 15:27:29.852 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 36 lines 10-27 15:37:58.272 3217 21634 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 5 lines 10-27 15:37:58.438 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 20 lines 10-27 16:33:09.362 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 3 lines 10-27 16:33:09.407 3217 4003 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) FlpThread expire 4 lines 10-27 16:55:55.444 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 14 lines 10-27 16:55:55.445 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 10-27 16:55:55.446 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted 10-27 16:55:55.471 684 684 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 16:56:07.034 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 16:56:10.959 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 5 lines 10-27 16:56:10.963 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 16:56:10.971 684 21804 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 16:56:10.973 684 21803 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 16:56:11.937 851 21807 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 16:56:11.937 684 21806 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 16:56:11.938 851 21808 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 16:56:11.938 684 21806 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 16:56:11.938 684 21805 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 16:56:11.940 684 21805 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 16:56:12.585 684 21818 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 16:56:12.585 684 21817 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 16:56:12.586 684 21818 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 16:56:12.587 684 21817 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 16:57:23.623 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x23 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-27 16:57:23.625 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x23 msg_id=3: R/W request received 10-27 16:57:23.627 433 433 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42 10-27 16:57:23.629 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 541766186224) 10-27 16:57:23.711 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x23 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 1572864 10-27 16:57:23.712 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x23 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0 10-27 16:57:23.712 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 541766186224) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 10-27 16:57:23.712 433 581 I rmt_storage: 10-27 16:57:23.715 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x23 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-27 17:24:12.081 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 8 lines 10-27 17:24:12.191 3217 21861 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 5 lines 10-27 17:24:12.209 21847 21847 I CalendarProvider2: Created com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarAlarmManager@fb90bc1(com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2@ba4ff66) 10-27 17:24:12.230 3217 21654 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 18 lines 10-27 17:24:12.471 3217 21653 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 17:24:13.747 21883 21883 I il.leclercdriv: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-27 17:24:13.912 21883 21883 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 10-27 17:24:13.912 21883 21883 I MultiDex: Installing application 10-27 17:24:13.913 21883 21883 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 10-27 17:24:13.944 20356 20379 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:20356_3 expire 10 lines 10-27 17:24:13.987 21883 21883 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth is not linked. Skipping initialization. 10-27 17:24:13.992 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-27 17:24:13.996 21883 21883 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.crash.FirebaseCrash is not linked. Skipping initialization. 10-27 17:24:14.021 21883 21883 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 10-27 17:24:14.027 21883 21883 D CrashLogAppProvider: initialize crash logging 10-27 17:24:14.322 21908 21908 I rive:A4SServic: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-27 17:24:14.425 21908 21908 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 10-27 17:24:14.426 21908 21908 I MultiDex: Installing application 10-27 17:24:14.427 21908 21908 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 10-27 17:24:14.466 21908 21908 D CrashLogSdkProvider: initialize crash logging 10-27 17:24:14.484 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:14.487 21908 21908 W A4S : Impossible to stick service in background: Not allowed to start service Intent { cmp=com.infomil.leclercdrive/com.ad4screen.sdk.A4SService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{cc55527 u0a124 SVC idle change:uncached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)} 10-27 17:24:14.496 21908 21908 I A4SService: Initialization 10-27 17:24:14.644 21908 21908 D FCMPushProvider: FCMPushProvider senderId=368498660652 10-27 17:24:14.874 21908 21928 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 10-27 17:24:15.016 21883 21901 I FA : App measurement is starting up, version: 12451 10-27 17:24:15.016 21883 21901 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 10-27 17:24:15.037 21883 21901 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 10-27 17:24:15.037 21883 21901 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.infomil.leclercdrive 10-27 17:24:15.116 851 1423 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkWatchlis expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:15.227 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 41 lines 10-27 17:24:15.450 18539 20440 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Thread-57 expire 9 lines 10-27 17:24:15.540 18539 21952 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 17:24:15.672 21932 21960 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:15.752 21932 21957 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 7 lines 10-27 17:24:15.881 21932 21958 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 8 lines 10-27 17:24:15.888 21932 21974 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 9 lines 10-27 17:24:15.907 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 1 line 10-27 17:24:15.910 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=82, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-27 17:24:15.945 21932 21978 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 8 lines 10-27 17:24:15.957 21932 21955 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 3 lines 10-27 17:24:15.994 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-27 17:24:16.111 21932 21956 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:16.319 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] qlm.(13): Installer: Setting Parallelism[DEFAULT] 10-27 17:24:16.330 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] qih.v(2): Installer: Attempting to start installer 10-27 17:24:16.348 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] atdp.b(2): registerListener 10-27 17:24:16.367 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abpz.onStartJob(3): SCH: onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9002 10-27 17:24:16.379 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abli.a(9): SCH: Scheduling fallback job with id: 9034, and delay: 43200000 ms 10-27 17:24:16.388 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abli.b(9): SCH: Scheduling fallback in 64799996 (absolute: 239543915) 10-27 17:24:16.396 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] jrk.onSubscriptionsChanged(1): onSubscriptionsChanged 10-27 17:24:16.417 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] qih.L(1): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 10-27 17:24:16.426 21932 21960 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-27 17:24:16.742 21932 22010 I Finsky : [383] mnz.d(1): getDownloads() 10-27 17:24:16.783 20283 20283 I Finsky:download_service: [2] ssx.onCreate(2): IPC-SERVER: Starting gRPC host service... 10-27 17:24:16.793 20283 20294 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 10-27 17:24:16.803 20283 20297 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 10-27 17:24:16.803 20283 20297 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service identical 5 lines 10-27 17:24:16.809 20283 22014 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 6 lines 10-27 17:24:16.843 20283 22016 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 6 lines 10-27 17:24:16.875 21932 22008 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:17.048 21932 22018 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-27 17:24:17.263 21932 21966 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:17.423 21932 21971 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 6 lines 10-27 17:24:17.476 21932 21992 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:20.302 21932 21948 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:23.368 851 915 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.io expire 2 lines 10-27 17:24:25.855 21932 21962 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 10 lines 10-27 17:24:26.290 21932 22037 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-27 17:24:27.243 21932 22043 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 7 lines 10-27 17:24:27.266 20283 20294 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 1 line 10-27 17:24:27.291 21932 21945 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 3 lines 10-27 17:24:27.293 21932 22017 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-27 17:24:42.205 684 767 I Netd : Destroyed 3 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 3.2 ms 10-27 19:00:24.532 684 759 I Netd : Destroyed 2 sockets on in 0.7 ms 10-27 19:01:54.661 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x24 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-27 19:01:54.662 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x24 msg_id=3: R/W request received 10-27 19:01:54.662 433 433 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42 10-27 19:01:54.663 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 541765145840) 10-27 19:01:54.749 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x24 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 1572864 10-27 19:01:54.750 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x24 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0 10-27 19:01:54.751 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 541765145840) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 10-27 19:01:54.751 433 582 I rmt_storage: 10-27 19:01:54.753 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x24 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-27 19:01:54.783 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 10-27 19:01:54.784 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted 10-27 19:01:54.812 684 771 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 19:02:06.061 851 1151 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HubConnection expire 15 lines 10-27 19:02:06.112 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:06.504 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:06.532 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:06.570 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:06.596 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:06.700 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:02:06.702 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:02:06.711 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:02:06.723 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:02:06.725 3217 3217 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 10 lines 10-27 19:02:06.802 3217 22187 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:06.811 3217 22188 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:06.814 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:02:06.830 604 826 I chatty : uid=1000(system) hwcVsyncThread expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:06.938 3217 5933 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[4] expire 20 lines 10-27 19:02:06.946 3217 22193 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 11 lines 10-27 19:02:07.022 18539 18594 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 11 lines 10-27 19:02:07.076 3217 22048 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 6 lines 10-27 19:02:07.198 3217 22194 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 10 lines 10-27 19:02:07.378 18539 19306 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 12 lines 10-27 19:02:07.519 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onStart - enter 10-27 19:02:07.519 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStart - first launch: false 10-27 19:02:07.520 20181 20269 I Dialer : ShortcutRefresher.Task.doInBackground - enter 10-27 19:02:07.522 436 17211 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 192 for frameCount 960 10-27 19:02:07.525 20181 20181 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 960 -> 960 10-27 19:02:07.527 20181 20269 I Dialer : DynamicShortcuts.refresh - enter 10-27 19:02:07.539 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialtactsActivity.onResume - enter 10-27 19:02:07.546 2581 2800 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 4800 10-27 19:02:07.548 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-27 19:02:07.552 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-27 19:02:07.556 20181 20181 I Dialer : ListsFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 19:02:07.559 20181 20217 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - enter 10-27 19:02:07.561 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 19:02:07.562 20181 20217 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - last updated at 0 10-27 19:02:07.562 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-27 19:02:07.563 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 19:02:07.563 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 19:02:07.574 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 19:02:07.581 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onResume - enter 10-27 19:02:07.583 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.configureScreenFromIntent - action: android.intent.action.MAIN 10-27 19:02:07.587 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.configureScreenFromIntent - Nothing to show 10-27 19:02:07.588 436 15973 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-27 19:02:07.589 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - Displaying normal Dialer UI. 10-27 19:02:07.589 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - mDialpadView not null 10-27 19:02:07.589 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 19:02:07.590 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback 10-27 19:02:07.593 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onResume - phone not in use 10-27 19:02:07.593 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - Displaying normal Dialer UI. 10-27 19:02:07.593 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.showDialpadChooser - mDialpadView not null 10-27 19:02:07.632 436 15973 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-27 19:02:07.632 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 10-27 19:02:07.632 436 15973 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-27 19:02:07.875 604 942 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:604_3 expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:08.021 20181 20269 I Dialer : ShortcutRefresher.Task.doInBackground - enter 10-27 19:02:08.021 20181 20269 I Dialer : DynamicShortcuts.refresh - enter 10-27 19:02:08.137 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-27 19:02:08.151 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 19:02:08.152 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 19:02:08.279 20181 20217 I Dialer : DialerDatabaseHelper.updateSmartDialDatabase - broadcasting smart dial update 10-27 19:02:08.615 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:08.615 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-27 19:02:08.616 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:08.627 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onPause - enter 10-27 19:02:08.632 20181 20181 I Dialer : ListsFragment.onPause - enter 10-27 19:02:08.676 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialtactsActivity.onSaveInstanceState - enter 10-27 19:02:08.677 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogAdapter.onSaveInstanceState - saved: 0, selectedItemsSize:0 10-27 19:02:08.693 20181 20181 I Dialer : CallLogFragment.onStop - enter 10-27 19:02:08.693 20181 20181 I Dialer : DialpadFragment.onStop - enter 10-27 19:02:08.966 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 118676(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 22(1296KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 6MB/13MB, paused 153us total 202.814ms 10-27 19:02:09.031 3217 22192 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:3217_8 expire 7 lines 10-27 19:02:09.095 18539 19305 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[7] expire 11 lines 10-27 19:02:09.104 18539 22185 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 14 lines 10-27 19:02:09.189 604 772 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:604_1 expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:09.198 3217 3233 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:3217_2 expire 6 lines 10-27 19:02:09.331 18539 18550 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:09.852 851 880 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.ui expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:09.857 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 21 lines 10-27 19:02:09.976 22263 22263 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 19 lines 10-27 19:02:10.272 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 5 lines 10-27 19:02:10.273 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [0972d1be-2b9d-4925-99c6-9f69491ea13d] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 19:02:10.274 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [0972d1be-2b9d-4925-99c6-9f69491ea13d] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1669300224, -1323872256, -908001280, -429535232, -186286080, -182308864, 293437440, 332353536, 381370368, 520560640, 552407040, 635940864, 980041728, 1117224960, 1301151744, 1455718400, 1810690048, 2086535168, 2123911168] 10-27 19:02:10.303 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [c99b1196-6bb4-4188-b996-af69ef58b565] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 19:02:10.304 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [c99b1196-6bb4-4188-b996-af69ef58b565] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1787240448, -1522515968, -1311252480, -1248763904, -342614016, -153559040, 184532992, 293437440, 457711616, 686399488, 844775424, 1039609856, 1109405696, 1127067648, 1269669888, 1439195136, 1453793280, 1721032704, 1810690048, 1878630400] 10-27 19:02:10.403 22263 22290 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 11 lines 10-27 19:02:10.469 22263 22286 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 23 lines 10-27 19:02:10.480 22263 22287 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:10.524 22263 22293 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:10.536 22263 22286 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:10.699 22263 22274 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:10.820 22263 22308 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:10.911 22263 22328 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:11.203 22263 22304 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:11.248 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 13 lines 10-27 19:02:11.361 21932 22333 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:11.362 3217 21654 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 7 lines 10-27 19:02:11.386 21932 22334 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:11.429 22263 22327 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:11.629 20356 20370 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:20356_2 expire 10 lines 10-27 19:02:11.702 22263 22341 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 9 lines 10-27 19:02:11.812 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-27 19:02:11.842 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:11.843 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 10 lines 10-27 19:02:11.844 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=84, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-27 19:02:11.909 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-27 19:02:12.029 22369 22369 I chatty : uid=10129 org.mozilla.fenix:tab0 expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:12.119 22263 22349 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:12.135 22263 22405 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:12.153 604 772 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: Splash Screen org.mozilla.fenix#0 10-27 19:02:12.157 604 772 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: Splash Screen org.mozilla.fenix#0 10-27 19:02:12.162 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:12.208 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 40 lines 10-27 19:02:12.208 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:12.215 22369 22414 I chatty : uid=10129 org.mozilla.fenix:tab0 expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:12.216 372 375 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /vendor/bin/qseecomd expire 63 lines 10-27 19:02:12.218 22369 22382 I chatty : uid=10129 org.mozilla.fenix:tab0 expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:12.223 704 22415 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:12.235 704 731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 18 lines 10-27 19:02:12.251 704 22417 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 7 lines 10-27 19:02:12.257 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-27 19:02:12.286 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 11 lines 10-27 19:02:12.307 22263 22263 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 8 lines 10-27 19:02:12.479 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:12.480 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 13 lines 10-27 19:02:12.481 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 19:02:12.492 684 22444 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 19:02:12.598 2893 2917 I m.android.phon: Background concurrent copying GC freed 19982(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(64KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 2MB/5MB, paused 223us total 139.807ms 10-27 19:02:12.817 22263 22456 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 8 lines 10-27 19:02:12.838 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:12.872 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:12.886 704 22460 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:12.894 704 22461 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 7 lines 10-27 19:02:12.894 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [7cf5d8e4-64da-4810-ae91-587fd0accf6b] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 19:02:12.895 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [7cf5d8e4-64da-4810-ae91-587fd0accf6b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1365970944, -982499328, -719503360, -542429184, -469630976, -103723008, -88801280, -10694656, 16809984, 64475136, 180895744, 407154688, 444370944, 644857856, 1026646016, 1439707136, 1607569408, 1630674944, 1801875456, 1921863680, 1979514880] 10-27 19:02:12.907 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-27 19:02:12.992 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:13.040 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:13.063 704 22466 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:13.067 704 22469 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 7 lines 10-27 19:02:13.072 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-27 19:02:13.092 22263 22304 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 10 lines 10-27 19:02:13.105 22263 22308 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 20 lines 10-27 19:02:13.218 22263 22290 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 14 lines 10-27 19:02:13.299 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:13.539 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:02:13.549 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Changed from [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>] to [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=11264Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=43008Kbps Specifier: <1>], Data RAT=15, mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV5] Free Mobile, 158, 20815, free, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false, 0, 0 10-27 19:02:13.591 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:13.629 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:13.634 684 22445 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 19:02:13.635 684 22445 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 19:02:13.640 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:13.648 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:13.656 18539 20439 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Thread-56 expire 6 lines 10-27 19:02:13.659 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:13.666 684 22446 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 19:02:13.666 684 22446 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 19:02:13.670 851 22449 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:13.672 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:13.673 851 22450 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:13.685 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:13.697 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:02:14.206 684 22531 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 19:02:14.206 684 22530 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 19:02:14.206 684 22531 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 19:02:14.207 684 22530 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 19:02:14.338 22369 22414 I chatty : uid=10129 org.mozilla.fenix:tab0 expire 7 lines 10-27 19:02:14.414 604 2996 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.fenix.App to org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.fenix.App#1 10-27 19:02:15.786 22263 22405 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:15.804 22263 22349 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:16.093 22263 22341 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:16.339 604 773 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.fenix.App#1 10-27 19:02:16.339 604 773 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.fenix.App#1 10-27 19:02:16.347 604 2996 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: Dim Layer for - Task=497#0 10-27 19:02:17.036 22263 22306 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 9 lines 10-27 19:02:17.073 22263 22613 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:17.180 22263 22615 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:18.286 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:02:18.981 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:19.006 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:19.012 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-27 19:02:19.013 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-27 19:02:19.014 704 22638 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:19.016 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-27 19:02:19.016 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-27 19:02:19.018 704 22639 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 7 lines 10-27 19:02:19.021 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603821739 10-27 19:02:19.022 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603821739; nsec = 0 10-27 19:02:19.022 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-27 19:02:19.022 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-27 19:02:19.023 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-27 19:02:19.023 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-27 19:02:19.278 21932 21953 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 6 lines 10-27 19:02:19.298 22263 22274 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:19.528 22644 22644 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:20.078 3217 22680 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:20.273 18539 22682 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:20.346 18539 22641 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:20.376 18539 22685 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:20.609 18539 22684 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:20.869 22263 22342 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:21.159 18539 22181 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:21.164 3217 3883 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 17 lines 10-27 19:02:21.750 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:21.769 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:02:21.772 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-27 19:02:21.773 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-27 19:02:21.773 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-27 19:02:21.773 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-27 19:02:21.774 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-27 19:02:21.774 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-27 19:02:21.774 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-27 19:02:21.775 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-27 19:02:21.775 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-27 19:02:21.775 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-27 19:02:21.779 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-27 19:02:21.780 704 22714 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:21.782 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-27 19:02:21.782 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-27 19:02:21.786 704 22715 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 7 lines 10-27 19:02:21.786 22263 22308 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:21.791 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603821741 10-27 19:02:21.792 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603821741; nsec = 0 10-27 19:02:21.792 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-27 19:02:21.792 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-27 19:02:21.793 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-27 19:02:21.793 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-27 19:02:21.793 704 731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:21.810 22263 22304 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:21.837 22263 22308 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 30 lines 10-27 19:02:22.742 22263 22286 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 12 lines 10-27 19:02:22.808 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:22.810 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=86, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-27 19:02:22.888 22263 22724 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:23.182 22263 22290 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 4 lines 10-27 19:02:23.389 22263 22724 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 4 lines 10-27 19:02:23.933 22263 22290 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:23.946 22263 22724 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:24.072 22263 22263 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:24.180 22263 22301 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:24.350 22263 22342 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:24.434 22263 22274 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:24.596 22644 22658 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) Profile Saver expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:24.624 22263 22724 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 3 lines 10-27 19:02:24.631 22263 22353 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:25.915 22263 22301 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 41 lines 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: Handler (com.ad4screen.sdk.service.modules.push.a.c$a) {7e78050} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (com.ad4screen.sdk.service.modules.push.a.c$a) {7e78050} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:546) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(Handler.java:745) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:697) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(Handler.java:667) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Handler.sendMessage(Handler.java:604) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at android.os.Message.sendToTarget(Message.java:436) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at com.ad4screen.sdk.service.modules.push.a.c$a$2.onError(SourceFile:264) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at com.ad4screen.sdk.common.l$1.a(SourceFile:161) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at com.ad4screen.sdk.common.l$1.doInBackground(SourceFile:107) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:333) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:245) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-27 19:02:26.189 21908 21928 W MessageQueue: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-27 19:02:26.691 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:02:26.693 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 4 lines 10-27 19:02:26.695 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:02:29.516 22369 22414 I chatty : uid=10129 org.mozilla.fenix:tab0 expire 2 lines 10-27 19:02:29.523 22263 22301 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) expire 11 lines 10-27 19:02:30.012 22369 22414 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 10-27 19:02:30.025 22369 22414 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 10-27 19:02:30.053 22263 22301 I SyncWorker: Successfully synced passwords 10-27 19:02:30.053 22263 22301 I SyncWorker: Successfully synced tabs 10-27 19:02:30.054 22263 22301 I SyncWorker: Successfully synced bookmarks 10-27 19:02:30.062 22263 22301 W SyncTelemetry: Ignoring telemetry for engine tabs 10-27 19:02:30.065 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=e76c2772-96a2-471e-a32f-bee81ed1b56c, tags={ Immediate, mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker, Common } ] 10-27 19:02:30.084 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting bookmarks-sync 10-27 19:02:30.093 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '7d9772a7-59d6-431f-aaa5-424db37046c5' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7d9772a7-59d6-431f-aaa5-424db37046c5' 10-27 19:02:30.099 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7d9772a7-59d6-431f-aaa5-424db37046c5 10-27 19:02:30.101 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'bookmarks-sync' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:02:30.124 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting logins-sync 10-27 19:02:30.145 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:30.146 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '7e3f6faa-425b-49ed-9822-c6b3824c12b2' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7e3f6faa-425b-49ed-9822-c6b3824c12b2' 10-27 19:02:30.147 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=87, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-27 19:02:30.148 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7e3f6faa-425b-49ed-9822-c6b3824c12b2 10-27 19:02:30.150 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'logins-sync' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:02:30.153 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting sync 10-27 19:02:30.163 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '424cf9c9-67d1-45fb-8f27-ff1c0f7a7e24' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/424cf9c9-67d1-45fb-8f27-ff1c0f7a7e24' 10-27 19:02:30.164 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/424cf9c9-67d1-45fb-8f27-ff1c0f7a7e24 10-27 19:02:30.165 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'sync' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:02:30.168 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 7d9772a7-59d6-431f-aaa5-424db37046c5 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/bookmarks-sync/1/7d9772a7-59d6-431f-aaa5-424db37046c5) 10-27 19:02:30.495 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 7d9772a7-59d6-431f-aaa5-424db37046c5 successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:02:30.496 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7d9772a7-59d6-431f-aaa5-424db37046c5 10-27 19:02:30.499 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 7e3f6faa-425b-49ed-9822-c6b3824c12b2 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/logins-sync/1/7e3f6faa-425b-49ed-9822-c6b3824c12b2) 10-27 19:02:30.840 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 7e3f6faa-425b-49ed-9822-c6b3824c12b2 successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:02:30.841 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7e3f6faa-425b-49ed-9822-c6b3824c12b2 10-27 19:02:30.844 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 424cf9c9-67d1-45fb-8f27-ff1c0f7a7e24 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/sync/1/424cf9c9-67d1-45fb-8f27-ff1c0f7a7e24) 10-27 19:02:30.925 22263 22263 W GeckoNetworkManager: Invalid event enableNotifications for state OnWithListeners 10-27 19:02:31.255 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 424cf9c9-67d1-45fb-8f27-ff1c0f7a7e24 successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:02:31.256 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/424cf9c9-67d1-45fb-8f27-ff1c0f7a7e24 10-27 19:02:31.260 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: No more pings to upload! You are done. 10-27 19:02:31.264 22263 22342 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=c1147dbe-5727-4676-a726-fdb61d96e19f, tags={ mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker, mozac_service_glean_ping_upload_worker } ] 10-27 19:02:31.273 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 8 lines 10-27 19:02:31.400 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Registering Idle observer callback 10-27 19:02:31.400 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Register idle observer 0x7a1bbbec80 for 180 seconds 10-27 19:02:31.402 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Register: adjusting next switch from -1 to 180 seconds 10-27 19:02:31.403 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 179997 msec from now 10-27 19:02:31.403 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 179997 msec from now 10-27 19:02:31.403 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 180006 msec from now 10-27 19:02:34.571 22263 22263 I GeckoSession: handleMessage GeckoView:PageStop uri=null 10-27 19:02:34.585 22263 22304 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Load finished 10-27 19:02:36.111 22263 22274 I g.mozilla.feni: Background concurrent copying GC freed 345308(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 74(5MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/13MB, paused 334us total 244.420ms 10-27 19:02:36.520 20283 20338 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 4 lines 10-27 19:02:37.160 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:37.164 612 612 I Zygote : Process 15164 exited due to signal (9) 10-27 19:02:37.180 612 612 I Zygote : Process 20314 exited due to signal (9) 10-27 19:02:42.072 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:02:42.409 22263 22263 W MediaSessionCompat: Couldn't find a unique registered media button receiver in the given context. 10-27 19:02:42.709 851 1566 I chatty : uid=1000(system) notification-sq expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:42.846 2581 2581 D NotificationMediaTVW: removing seekbar 10-27 19:02:42.849 2581 2581 D NotificationMediaTVW: removing seekbar 10-27 19:02:42.870 2581 2581 E NotificationColorUtil: background can not be translucent: #0 10-27 19:02:42.874 2581 2581 E NotificationColorUtil: background can not be translucent: #ffffff 10-27 19:02:42.887 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-27 19:02:43.118 22263 22274 I g.mozilla.feni: Background concurrent copying GC freed 168774(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 16(520KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/12MB, paused 227us total 128.295ms 10-27 19:02:43.180 22369 22755 D : PlayerBase::PlayerBase() 10-27 19:02:43.181 22369 22755 D : TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase() 10-27 19:02:43.183 22369 22755 I libOpenSLES: Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2) 10-27 19:02:43.185 436 20554 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 1178 for frameCount 3536 10-27 19:02:43.189 22369 22755 E libOpenSLES: Configuration error: unknown key 10-27 19:02:43.189 22369 22755 W libOpenSLES: Leaving AndroidConfiguration::GetConfiguration (SL_RESULT_PARAMETER_INVALID) 10-27 19:02:43.196 420 420 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(15360) returning hidl_memory(0x76d822c100, 15360) 10-27 19:02:43.200 420 420 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(15360) returning hidl_memory(0x76d822c100, 15360) 10-27 19:02:43.201 436 518 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0xe7b839c0 10-27 19:02:43.205 436 550 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-27 19:02:43.213 436 550 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 10-27 19:02:43.215 436 14578 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-27 19:02:43.221 436 14578 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 19:02:43.221 436 14578 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-27 19:02:43.222 436 14578 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 19:02:43.222 436 14578 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 19:02:43.250 436 14578 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-27 19:02:43.251 436 14578 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(0) apply and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback 10-27 19:02:43.251 436 14578 D audio_route: Apply path: deep-buffer-playback 10-27 19:02:43.296 436 14578 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-27 19:02:43.296 436 14578 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 10-27 19:02:43.297 436 14578 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-27 19:02:43.389 436 550 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xe6c03c80) throttle end: throttle time(42) 10-27 19:02:44.001 22263 22274 I g.mozilla.feni: Background concurrent copying GC freed 188078(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(556KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/12MB, paused 2.056ms total 113.561ms 10-27 19:02:44.918 22263 22274 I g.mozilla.feni: Background concurrent copying GC freed 188677(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 9(488KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/12MB, paused 246us total 121.307ms 10-27 19:02:45.086 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent active_stream_changed STREAM_MUSIC 10-27 19:02:45.091 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent key STREAM_MUSIC 20 10-27 19:02:45.153 2581 2581 I vol.Events: writeEvent show_dialog volume_changed keyguard=false 10-27 19:02:45.233 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line 10-27 19:02:45.292 2581 2581 I vol.Events: writeEvent show_dialog volume_changed keyguard=false 10-27 19:02:45.562 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 21 10-27 19:02:45.565 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent key STREAM_MUSIC 21 10-27 19:02:45.583 2581 2581 I vol.Events: writeEvent show_dialog volume_changed keyguard=false 10-27 19:02:45.828 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 22 10-27 19:02:45.832 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent key STREAM_MUSIC 22 10-27 19:02:45.853 2581 2581 I vol.Events: writeEvent show_dialog volume_changed keyguard=false 10-27 19:02:46.118 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 23 10-27 19:02:46.121 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent key STREAM_MUSIC 23 10-27 19:02:46.149 2581 2581 I vol.Events: writeEvent show_dialog volume_changed keyguard=false 10-27 19:02:46.426 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 24 10-27 19:02:46.453 2581 2581 I vol.Events: writeEvent show_dialog volume_changed keyguard=false 10-27 19:02:46.985 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 25 10-27 19:02:46.989 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent key STREAM_MUSIC 25 10-27 19:02:47.009 2581 2581 I vol.Events: writeEvent show_dialog volume_changed keyguard=false 10-27 19:02:50.010 2581 2581 I vol.Events: writeEvent dismiss_dialog timeout 10-27 19:02:50.012 2581 2873 I vol.Events: writeEvent active_stream_changed UNKNOWN_STREAM_-1 10-27 19:02:50.358 604 2996 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: 205b4ee VolumeDialogImpl#0 10-27 19:03:12.072 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:03:12.544 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:03:12.556 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:03:16.528 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:03:16.545 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Changed from [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=11264Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=43008Kbps Specifier: <1>] to [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>], Data RAT=3, mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV5] Free Mobile, 158, 20815, free, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false, 0, 0 10-27 19:03:16.574 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:03:16.661 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:03:34.160 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-27 19:03:34.170 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-27 19:03:34.448 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 5 lines 10-27 19:03:34.640 3682 3695 I droid.launcher: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 4714(321KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 141us total 252.438ms 10-27 19:03:34.716 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting startup-timeline 10-27 19:03:34.753 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '7a3f562d-a92a-4ef8-8c7c-1a651840fbb1' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7a3f562d-a92a-4ef8-8c7c-1a651840fbb1' 10-27 19:03:34.755 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7a3f562d-a92a-4ef8-8c7c-1a651840fbb1 10-27 19:03:34.766 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'startup-timeline' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:03:34.809 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 48518(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 6(364KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/15MB, paused 154us total 470.805ms 10-27 19:03:34.872 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=88, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-27 19:03:34.910 22263 22263 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Background 10-27 19:03:34.931 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting baseline 10-27 19:03:34.954 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping 'a6e6498e-08b7-4ae7-986b-11bed3a1f303' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/a6e6498e-08b7-4ae7-986b-11bed3a1f303' 10-27 19:03:34.956 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/a6e6498e-08b7-4ae7-986b-11bed3a1f303 10-27 19:03:34.974 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'baseline' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:03:34.983 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting events 10-27 19:03:34.997 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping 'aa469ca4-5722-43a1-bd00-856fbeb1fea7' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/aa469ca4-5722-43a1-bd00-856fbeb1fea7' 10-27 19:03:34.999 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/aa469ca4-5722-43a1-bd00-856fbeb1fea7 10-27 19:03:34.999 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'events' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:03:35.000 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 7a3f562d-a92a-4ef8-8c7c-1a651840fbb1 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/startup-timeline/1/7a3f562d-a92a-4ef8-8c7c-1a651840fbb1) 10-27 19:03:35.872 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 7a3f562d-a92a-4ef8-8c7c-1a651840fbb1 successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:03:35.873 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/7a3f562d-a92a-4ef8-8c7c-1a651840fbb1 10-27 19:03:35.876 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id a6e6498e-08b7-4ae7-986b-11bed3a1f303 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/baseline/1/a6e6498e-08b7-4ae7-986b-11bed3a1f303) 10-27 19:03:36.213 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping a6e6498e-08b7-4ae7-986b-11bed3a1f303 successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:03:36.214 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/a6e6498e-08b7-4ae7-986b-11bed3a1f303 10-27 19:03:36.220 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id aa469ca4-5722-43a1-bd00-856fbeb1fea7 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/events/1/aa469ca4-5722-43a1-bd00-856fbeb1fea7) 10-27 19:03:36.607 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping aa469ca4-5722-43a1-bd00-856fbeb1fea7 successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:03:36.608 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/aa469ca4-5722-43a1-bd00-856fbeb1fea7 10-27 19:03:36.612 22263 22405 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: No more pings to upload! You are done. 10-27 19:03:36.618 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=ed77972c-86d7-4447-a485-2b566b285794, tags={ mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker, mozac_service_glean_ping_upload_worker } ] 10-27 19:03:40.983 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting baseline 10-27 19:03:40.984 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storage for baseline empty. Ping will still be sent. 10-27 19:03:41.000 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '40b2e4b8-22e0-4daa-b342-fb8dde2020bf' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/40b2e4b8-22e0-4daa-b342-fb8dde2020bf' 10-27 19:03:41.002 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/40b2e4b8-22e0-4daa-b342-fb8dde2020bf 10-27 19:03:41.004 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [e83dbb12-8090-4625-9e53-b3459bcdff12] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 19:03:41.011 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [e83dbb12-8090-4625-9e53-b3459bcdff12] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1827979264, -1819516928, -992313344, -978354176, -819621888, -707198976, -515866624, -372977664, -357707776, 165801984, 293437440, 310427648, 768991232, 809566208, 956350464, 995377152, 1140809728, 1463083008, 1488580608, 1810690048, 2084978688] 10-27 19:03:41.013 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'baseline' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:03:41.069 22263 22456 W FirefoxAccountStateMachine: Got invalid event 'mozilla.components.service.fxa.manager.Event$Account$Start@39e0562' for state Idle(accountState=Authenticated). 10-27 19:03:41.075 3217 5866 V PackageManager: [1113a9d5-4fc9-4451-988a-94242215d716] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 19:03:41.076 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1113a9d5-4fc9-4451-988a-94242215d716] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2128023552, -1857822720, -1680568320, -1456713728, -1365434368, -1082404864, -637931520, -362229760, -19177472, 293437440, 312451072, 1044754432, 1578053632, 1616871424, 1712001024, 1810690048, 1860153344, 1868394496, 2144301056] 10-27 19:03:41.086 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-27 19:03:41.089 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=90, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-27 19:03:41.098 604 2996 D SurfaceFlinger: duplicate layer name: changing Surface(name=c31358f SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=497)/@0xff709fa - animation-leash to Surface(name=c31358f SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=497)/@0xff709fa - animation-leash#1 10-27 19:03:41.129 22263 22306 I FirefoxAccount: Executing: get access token 10-27 19:03:41.172 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 40b2e4b8-22e0-4daa-b342-fb8dde2020bf (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/baseline/1/40b2e4b8-22e0-4daa-b342-fb8dde2020bf) 10-27 19:03:41.194 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:03:41.235 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 8 lines 10-27 19:03:41.236 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-27 19:03:41.244 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-27 19:03:41.244 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-27 19:03:41.245 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-27 19:03:41.245 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-27 19:03:41.245 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-27 19:03:41.246 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-27 19:03:41.247 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-27 19:03:41.247 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-27 19:03:41.247 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-27 19:03:41.248 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-27 19:03:41.250 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-27 19:03:41.250 704 22938 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 3 lines 10-27 19:03:41.251 704 731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 2 lines 10-27 19:03:41.252 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-27 19:03:41.252 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-27 19:03:41.254 704 22939 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 7 lines 10-27 19:03:41.257 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603821821 10-27 19:03:41.258 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603821821; nsec = 0 10-27 19:03:41.258 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-27 19:03:41.259 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-27 19:03:41.259 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-27 19:03:41.260 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-27 19:03:41.263 704 731 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/time_daemon expire 1 line 10-27 19:03:41.280 604 3889 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=497#0 10-27 19:03:41.281 604 3889 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=497#0 10-27 19:03:41.284 22263 22306 I FirefoxAccount: Successfully executed: get access token 10-27 19:03:41.288 22263 22306 I FirefoxAccount: Executing: getTokenServerEndpointURL 10-27 19:03:41.291 22263 22306 I FirefoxAccount: Successfully executed: getTokenServerEndpointURL 10-27 19:03:41.524 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 40b2e4b8-22e0-4daa-b342-fb8dde2020bf successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:03:41.525 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/40b2e4b8-22e0-4daa-b342-fb8dde2020bf 10-27 19:03:41.528 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: No more pings to upload! You are done. 10-27 19:03:41.533 22263 22349 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=7be15660-fca9-4638-9e6f-55fd271f2731, tags={ mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker, mozac_service_glean_ping_upload_worker } ] 10-27 19:03:46.432 22263 22342 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=b570a15a-41ad-46cb-ae9b-18ffcff033de, tags={ mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker, Debounce, Common } ] 10-27 19:03:52.354 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:04:10.983 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:04:32.550 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:04:40.984 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:05:10.984 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:05:31.410 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Get idle time: time since reset 101278 msec 10-27 19:05:31.411 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: current idle time 101278 msec 10-27 19:05:31.411 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 78720 msec from now 10-27 19:05:31.412 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 78720 msec from now 10-27 19:05:31.412 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 78730 msec from now 10-27 19:05:40.983 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:06:10.984 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:06:15.758 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:06:16.386 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:06:16.392 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Changed from [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>] to [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=11264Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=43008Kbps Specifier: <1>], Data RAT=15, mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV5] Free Mobile, 158, 20815, free, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false, 0, 0 10-27 19:04:32.563 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:06:16.432 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:06:16.639 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:06:19.771 21932 21973 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 4 lines 10-27 19:06:20.188 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:06:20.464 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:06:20.470 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Changed from [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=11264Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=43008Kbps Specifier: <1>] to [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>], Data RAT=3, mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV5] Free Mobile, 158, 20815, free, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false, 0, 0 10-27 19:06:20.496 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:06:20.685 2893 2893 I chatty : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 16 lines 10-27 19:06:20.709 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:06:40.984 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:06:50.143 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Get idle time: time since reset 180011 msec 10-27 19:06:50.144 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: current idle time 180011 msec 10-27 19:06:50.145 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 4294967114987 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.146 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 4294967114986 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.147 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 4294967114995 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.148 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: tell observer 0x7a1bbbec80 user is idle 10-27 19:06:50.149 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Notifying idle-daily observers 10-27 19:06:50.270 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Register idle observer 0x7a1dff44f8 for 1 seconds 10-27 19:06:50.270 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Register: adjusting next switch from -1 to 1 seconds 10-27 19:06:50.270 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout -179139 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.271 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout -179139 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.271 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 10 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.272 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Remove observer 0x7a1bbbec80 (180 seconds), 0 remain idle 10-27 19:06:50.276 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Storing last idle time as 1603822010 10-27 19:06:50.288 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Get idle time: time since reset 180156 msec 10-27 19:06:50.288 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: current idle time 180156 msec 10-27 19:06:50.289 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 4294967114843 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.289 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 4294967114843 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.289 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 4294967114853 msec from now 10-27 19:06:50.290 22263 22290 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: tell observer 0x7a1dff44f8 user is idle 10-27 19:06:51.407 23110 23110 I com.whatsapp: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-27 19:06:51.571 23110 23110 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 10-27 19:06:51.571 23110 23110 I MultiDex: Installing application 10-27 19:06:51.572 23110 23110 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 10-27 19:06:51.696 23110 23110 D SoLoader: init start 10-27 19:06:51.697 23110 23110 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.697 23110 23110 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.698 23110 23110 W SoLoader: context.getApplicationContext returned null, holding reference to original context. 10-27 19:06:51.698 23110 23110 D SoLoader: adding application source: X.03E[root = /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 flags = 0] 10-27 19:06:51.699 23110 23110 D SoLoader: adding backup source from : X.03J[root = /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main flags = 1] 10-27 19:06:51.699 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.03E[root = /system/lib flags = 2] 10-27 19:06:51.700 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.03E[root = /vendor/lib flags = 2] 10-27 19:06:51.700 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.03E[root = /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 flags = 0] 10-27 19:06:51.701 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.03J[root = /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main flags = 1] 10-27 19:06:51.704 23110 23110 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.708 23110 23110 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.709 23110 23110 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.709 23110 23110 D SoLoader: init finish: 4 SO sources prepared 10-27 19:06:51.709 23110 23110 D SoLoader: init exiting 10-27 19:06:51.710 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Prepending to SO sources: X.03E[root = /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst flags = 1] 10-27 19:06:51.711 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Prepended to SO sources: X.03E[root = /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst flags = 1] 10-27 19:06:51.712 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libvlc.so 10-27 19:06:51.712 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libvlc.so found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.714 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblog.so, libm.so, libc++_shared.so, libdl.so, libc.so] 10-27 19:06:51.714 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: liblog.so 10-27 19:06:51.715 23110 23110 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.715 23110 23110 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.717 23110 23110 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.718 23110 23110 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.718 23110 23110 D SoLoader: liblog.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.722 23110 23110 D SoLoader: liblog.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.722 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: liblog.so 10-27 19:06:51.722 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libm.so 10-27 19:06:51.723 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.724 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.724 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.725 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.725 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libm.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.725 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libm.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.726 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libm.so 10-27 19:06:51.726 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libc++_shared.so 10-27 19:06:51.726 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libc++_shared.so found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.729 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libc.so, libdl.so] 10-27 19:06:51.729 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libc.so 10-27 19:06:51.730 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.730 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.731 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.731 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.732 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libc.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.732 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libc.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.733 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libc.so 10-27 19:06:51.733 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libdl.so 10-27 19:06:51.734 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.734 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.734 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.735 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.735 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libdl.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.736 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libdl.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.736 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libdl.so 10-27 19:06:51.748 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libc++_shared.so 10-27 19:06:51.751 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libvlc.so 10-27 19:06:51.751 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libwhatsapp.so 10-27 19:06:51.752 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libwhatsapp.so found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.755 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libz.so, libGLESv2.so, libandroid.so, libjnigraphics.so, libvlc.so, libdl.so, libOpenSLES.so, liblog.so, libm.so, libc++_shared.so, libc.so] 10-27 19:06:51.755 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libz.so 10-27 19:06:51.756 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.756 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.757 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.757 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.758 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libz.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.758 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libz.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.758 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libz.so 10-27 19:06:51.759 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libGLESv2.so 10-27 19:06:51.759 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.760 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.760 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.761 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.761 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.761 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.762 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libGLESv2.so 10-27 19:06:51.762 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libandroid.so 10-27 19:06:51.763 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.763 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.764 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.764 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.764 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libandroid.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.765 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libandroid.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.765 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libandroid.so 10-27 19:06:51.766 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libjnigraphics.so 10-27 19:06:51.766 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.766 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.767 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.768 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.768 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.768 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.769 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libjnigraphics.so 10-27 19:06:51.769 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libOpenSLES.so 10-27 19:06:51.770 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.770 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-27 19:06:51.771 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-27 19:06:51.771 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-27 19:06:51.772 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so found on /system/lib 10-27 19:06:51.772 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so loaded implicitly 10-27 19:06:51.772 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libOpenSLES.so 10-27 19:06:51.823 23110 23110 D SigquitBasedANRDetector: Registered 10-27 19:06:51.824 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libwhatsapp.so 10-27 19:06:51.825 23110 23110 D SoLoader: About to load: libcurve25519.so 10-27 19:06:51.825 23110 23110 D SoLoader: libcurve25519.so found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-27 19:06:51.827 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libm.so, libdl.so, libc.so] 10-27 19:06:51.830 23110 23110 D SoLoader: Loaded: libcurve25519.so 10-27 19:06:51.902 23110 23110 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth is not linked. Skipping initialization. 10-27 19:06:51.903 23110 23110 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.crash.FirebaseCrash is not linked. Skipping initialization. 10-27 19:06:51.904 23110 23110 D FirebaseApp: com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement is not linked. Skipping initialization. 10-27 19:06:51.904 23110 23110 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 10-27 19:06:52.021 23110 23144 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 10-27 19:06:52.143 23110 23173 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService enabled 10-27 19:06:52.143 23110 23173 D WM-Schedulers: Created SystemJobScheduler and enabled SystemJobService 10-27 19:06:52.153 23110 23177 D WM-ForceStopRunnable: Performing cleanup operations. 10-27 19:06:52.203 23110 23178 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver enabled 10-27 19:06:52.220 23110 23178 D WM-SystemJobScheduler: Scheduling work ID a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6 Job ID 1006 10-27 19:06:52.567 359 359 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=android.hardware.memtrack::IMemtrack sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 pid=23110 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_memtrack_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 10-27 19:06:52.574 359 359 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=android.hardware.memtrack::IMemtrack sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 pid=23110 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_memtrack_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 10-27 19:06:52.580 23110 23189 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-27 19:06:52.597 23110 23189 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/memtrack.msm8992.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-27 19:06:52.600 23110 23189 D : memtrack_open: enter; name=memtrack 10-27 19:06:52.601 23110 23189 D : memtrack_open: exit 0 10-27 19:06:52.602 359 359 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=android.hardware.memtrack::IMemtrack sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 pid=23110 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_memtrack_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 10-27 19:07:02.282 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [6e85eca2-57af-4af1-811e-1f44add4228c] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 19:07:02.285 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [6e85eca2-57af-4af1-811e-1f44add4228c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1435435008, -1434046464, -1201295360, -1142747136, -770478080, -724971520, -690343936, -358391808, -206426112, -4943872, 420691968, 1007632384, 1618415616, 1701068800, 1753792512, 1824059392, 1831321600, 1980690432, 2089521152] 10-27 19:07:02.298 3567 3567 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 10-27 19:07:02.315 2893 2893 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 10-27 19:07:02.342 3217 5298 V PackageManager: [83fb8ed2-7ad9-476a-9546-64c801f2485b] Phase1 called; posting 10-27 19:07:02.343 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [83fb8ed2-7ad9-476a-9546-64c801f2485b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1614499840, -1476640768, -1380589568, -1294061568, -1261977600, -1231937536, -988786688, -922439680, -848171008, -724971520, -679854080, -425500672, 420691968, 438251520, 825024512, 1034719232, 1285619712, 1715412992, 1753612288, 2024046592, 2072662016] 10-27 19:07:02.373 3217 23228 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 19:07:02.386 3217 23232 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 19:07:02.404 20181 20282 D AccountTypeManager: Registering external account type=com.whatsapp, packageName=com.whatsapp 10-27 19:07:02.448 20181 20282 D AccountTypeManager: Registering 1 extension packages 10-27 19:07:02.538 20181 20282 W .android.diale: Unknown chunk type '200'. 10-27 19:07:02.575 20181 20282 E ExternalAccountType: Unsupported attribute readOnly 10-27 19:07:02.584 20181 20282 D AccountTypeManager: Registering extension package account type=com.google, dataSet=plus, packageName=com.google.android.gms 10-27 19:07:02.586 20181 20282 I AccountTypeManager: Loaded meta-data for 3 account types, 3 accounts in 186ms(wall) 30ms(cpu) 10-27 19:07:02.689 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-27 19:07:02.939 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 2 lines 10-27 19:07:10.984 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:07:12.547 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:07:12.553 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:07:14.522 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:07:17.145 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:07:17.150 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Changed from [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>] to [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=11264Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=43008Kbps Specifier: <1>], Data RAT=15, mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV5] Free Mobile, 158, 20815, free, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false, 0, 0 10-27 19:07:17.189 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:07:17.283 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:07:20.874 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:07:21.229 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:07:21.235 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Changed from [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=11264Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=43008Kbps Specifier: <1>] to [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>], Data RAT=3, mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV5] Free Mobile, 158, 20815, free, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false, 0, 0 10-27 19:07:21.266 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:07:21.345 2893 2893 I chatty : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 8 lines 10-27 19:07:21.354 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 19:07:33.005 3217 22194 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-27 19:07:40.984 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:07:41.669 851 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 9 lines 10-27 19:07:44.605 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 10 lines 10-27 19:08:10.984 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:08:50.032 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 17 lines 10-27 19:08:50.033 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 6 lines 10-27 19:08:40.984 22263 22400 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Periodic 10-27 19:08:50.518 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 8 lines 10-27 19:08:50.520 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-27 19:08:50.605 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 5 lines 10-27 19:08:50.897 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 10 lines 10-27 19:08:51.529 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 21 lines 10-27 19:08:51.551 851 916 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.display expire 3 lines 10-27 19:08:51.551 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x7542058000 10-27 19:08:51.552 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0 10-27 19:08:51.580 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 2 lines 10-27 19:08:51.587 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 3 lines 10-27 19:08:51.655 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting startup-timeline 10-27 19:08:51.655 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storage for startup-timeline empty. Bailing out. 10-27 19:08:51.656 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: No content for ping 'startup-timeline', therefore no ping queued. 10-27 19:08:51.747 604 826 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0 10-27 19:08:51.752 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0 10-27 19:08:51.753 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=0, type=0 10-27 19:08:51.753 851 2472 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 3 lines 10-27 19:08:51.836 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 74697(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 11(480KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/15MB, paused 142us total 207.088ms 10-27 19:08:52.245 22263 22263 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Background 10-27 19:08:52.272 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting baseline 10-27 19:08:52.288 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '5aed714b-c78b-4a9d-9f6e-7b61d8b9d7f0' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/5aed714b-c78b-4a9d-9f6e-7b61d8b9d7f0' 10-27 19:08:52.291 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/5aed714b-c78b-4a9d-9f6e-7b61d8b9d7f0 10-27 19:08:52.293 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'baseline' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:08:52.295 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting events 10-27 19:08:52.308 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping 'af12ac19-cd50-4b1d-ae4a-7f2a0550e6b4' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/af12ac19-cd50-4b1d-ae4a-7f2a0550e6b4' 10-27 19:08:52.309 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/af12ac19-cd50-4b1d-ae4a-7f2a0550e6b4 10-27 19:08:52.310 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'events' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-27 19:08:52.342 851 3688 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_8 expire 3 lines 10-27 19:08:52.345 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines 10-27 19:08:52.345 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=91, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-27 19:08:52.368 22263 22724 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 5aed714b-c78b-4a9d-9f6e-7b61d8b9d7f0 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/baseline/1/5aed714b-c78b-4a9d-9f6e-7b61d8b9d7f0) 10-27 19:08:53.359 22263 22724 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 5aed714b-c78b-4a9d-9f6e-7b61d8b9d7f0 successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:08:53.360 22263 22724 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/5aed714b-c78b-4a9d-9f6e-7b61d8b9d7f0 10-27 19:08:53.363 22263 22724 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id af12ac19-cd50-4b1d-ae4a-7f2a0550e6b4 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/events/1/af12ac19-cd50-4b1d-ae4a-7f2a0550e6b4) 10-27 19:08:53.719 22263 22724 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping af12ac19-cd50-4b1d-ae4a-7f2a0550e6b4 successfully sent 200. 10-27 19:08:53.724 22263 22724 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/af12ac19-cd50-4b1d-ae4a-7f2a0550e6b4 10-27 19:08:53.728 22263 22724 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: No more pings to upload! You are done. 10-27 19:08:53.733 22263 22342 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=6ef6bd8c-45be-4418-9c1a-9a9035016b1b, tags={ mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker, mozac_service_glean_ping_upload_worker } ] 10-27 19:08:53.740 851 1561 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer expire 9 lines 10-27 19:08:55.105 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 5 lines 10-27 19:09:51.041 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 1 line 10-27 19:11:50.803 684 684 I Netd : Destroyed 5 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062 10129} in 1.8 ms 10-27 19:11:50.835 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-27 19:12:00.382 851 881 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 1 line 10-27 19:12:00.432 23452 23452 I .facebook.mlit: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-27 19:12:00.840 23452 23452 I SimpleFileLogger: init called 10-27 19:12:00.840 23452 23452 V SimpleFileLogger: createDir/directory-already-exists /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs 10-27 19:12:00.842 23452 23452 I SimpleFileLogger: Starting logging to /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite.log 10-27 19:12:00.869 23452 23489 W .facebook.mlit: JNI RegisterNativeMethods: attempt to register 0 native methods for com.facebook.omnistore.OmnistoreCollectionFrontendHolder 10-27 19:12:00.876 23452 23492 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource fb_network_security_config debugBuild: false 10-27 19:12:03.293 23452 23524 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 10-27 19:12:03.375 23452 23524 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline 10-27 19:12:03.405 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 4 lines 10-27 19:12:03.432 851 3685 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_7 expire 3 lines 10-27 19:12:03.629 851 3754 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_9 expire 2 lines 10-27 19:12:18.113 23452 23490 W JobInfo : Requested backoff 0 for job 2131296623 is too small; raising to +10s0ms 10-27 19:12:19.587 16221 16301 W ProcessReaper: Memory state is: 400 10-27 19:12:19.592 16221 16301 W ProcessReaper: Killing process to refresh experiment configuration 10-27 19:12:19.593 16221 16301 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 16221 SIG: 9 10-27 19:12:19.651 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-27 19:12:19.653 612 612 I Zygote : Process 16221 exited due to signal (9) 10-27 19:12:19.653 851 884 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 2 lines 10-27 19:12:45.488 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 2 lines 10-27 19:12:45.541 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7542058000 10-27 19:12:45.542 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0 10-27 19:12:45.572 851 1135 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 2 lines 10-27 19:12:45.641 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:12:45.670 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-27 19:12:45.672 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-27 19:12:45.723 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-27 19:12:45.770 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0 10-27 19:12:45.770 604 826 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1 10-27 19:12:45.771 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=2, type=0 10-27 19:12:45.889 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 20 lines 10-27 19:12:46.886 22369 22755 D : PlayerBase::pause() from IPlayer 10-27 19:12:47.094 436 550 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-27 19:12:47.095 436 550 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 10-27 19:12:47.096 436 515 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-27 19:12:47.097 436 515 E volume_listener: check_and_set_gain_dep_cal: Failed to set gain dep cal level 10-27 19:12:47.101 436 515 W AudioFlinger: moveEffectChain_l() effect chain for session 0 not on source thread 0xe6c03c80 10-27 19:12:47.198 2581 2581 D NotificationMediaTVW: removing seekbar 10-27 19:12:47.317 2581 2581 I chatty : uid=10022(com.android.systemui) identical 2 lines 10-27 19:12:47.319 2581 2581 D NotificationMediaTVW: removing seekbar 10-27 19:12:47.399 436 550 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(0) reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback 10-27 19:12:47.417 436 550 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-27 19:12:47.418 436 550 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-27 19:12:56.712 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 2 lines 10-27 19:12:57.346 851 2552 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_3 expire 1 line 10-27 19:12:58.254 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x7542058000 10-27 19:12:58.259 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0 10-27 19:12:58.280 851 888 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo expire 44 lines 10-27 19:12:58.663 604 826 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0 10-27 19:12:58.669 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0 10-27 19:12:58.671 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=0, type=0 10-27 19:13:00.570 23110 23121 I com.whatsapp: Background concurrent copying GC freed 9341(836KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(56KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 4.443ms total 114.859ms 10-27 19:17:19.097 684 684 I Netd : Destroyed 1 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062 10129 10141} in 1.4 ms 10-27 19:22:51.377 851 878 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 15 lines 10-27 19:22:51.431 23452 23490 W JobInfo : Requested backoff 0 for job 2131296623 is too small; raising to +10s0ms 10-27 19:22:55.796 684 767 I Netd : Destroyed 2 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 1.8 ms 10-27 19:22:55.842 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 1 line 10-27 19:34:53.349 3217 23447 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 11 lines 10-27 19:34:53.370 3217 23643 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 7 lines 10-27 19:34:53.467 18539 23654 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-27 19:34:53.598 18539 23656 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 19:34:58.307 684 684 I Netd : Destroyed 1 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 1.7 ms 10-27 19:42:58.090 851 1151 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HubConnection expire 33 lines 10-27 19:43:42.081 3217 21034 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 4 lines 10-27 20:03:15.908 704 1214 E QC-time-services: Daemon:tod_update_ind_cb: Got Update from modem msg_id 39 10-27 20:03:15.996 701 789 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-27 20:03:15.996 701 789 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 0 10-27 20:03:15.997 701 789 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 1603825396000 10-27 20:03:15.997 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-27 20:03:15.997 701 789 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-27 20:03:15.998 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 0,value = 1603825396000 10-27 20:03:15.998 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 1603825396000, operation = 0 10-27 20:03:15.999 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 0:44:53 10-27 20:03:15.999 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41301893000 10-27 20:03:16.000 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon:new time 1603825396000 10-27 20:03:16.000 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon: delta 1562523503000 genoff 1562523503000 10-27 20:03:16.001 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_persistent_update: Writing genoff = 1562523503000 to memory 10-27 20:03:16.001 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_13 10-27 20:03:16.001 704 23670 D QC-time-services: Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff write operation 10-27 20:03:16.006 701 789 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 0, result = 0 10-27 20:03:16.007 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-27 20:14:10.417 3217 23650 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 6 lines 10-27 20:14:10.429 18539 19306 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-27 20:14:10.730 3217 23562 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-27 20:14:10.810 3217 3228 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 3 lines 10-27 20:14:13.221 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 21 lines 10-27 20:14:14.027 21932 23684 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-27 20:14:15.261 684 684 I Netd : Destroyed 1 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 2.9 ms 10-27 20:14:51.158 3217 4003 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) FlpThread expire 2 lines 10-27 20:23:59.119 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-27 20:26:30.530 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: Background concurrent copying GC freed 106658(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 30(2MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 382us total 435.331ms 10-27 21:01:34.683 23452 23461 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 10-27 21:01:34.715 23452 23461 E System : java.lang.NullPointerException: Null reference used for synchronization (monitor-enter) 10-27 21:01:34.715 23452 23461 E System : at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.finalize(ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.java:1053) 10-27 21:01:34.715 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 10-27 21:01:34.715 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 10-27 21:01:34.715 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 10-27 21:01:34.715 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-27 21:01:34.717 23452 23461 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 10-27 21:01:34.717 23452 23461 E System : java.lang.NullPointerException: Null reference used for synchronization (monitor-enter) 10-27 21:01:34.717 23452 23461 E System : at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.finalize(ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.java:1053) 10-27 21:01:34.717 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 10-27 21:01:34.717 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 10-27 21:01:34.717 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 10-27 21:01:34.717 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-27 21:04:14.690 23452 23490 W JobInfo : Requested backoff 0 for job 2131296623 is too small; raising to +10s0ms 10-27 21:08:06.255 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 10-27 21:08:06.255 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted 10-27 21:08:06.294 851 1623 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivityThr expire 5 lines 10-27 21:08:06.309 684 771 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 21:08:06.497 3217 23447 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 21:08:06.563 3217 23762 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 5 lines 10-27 21:08:16.311 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 21:08:18.254 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 21:08:18.265 684 23893 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 21:08:18.268 684 23894 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 21:08:18.277 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 140 to [/, /] 10-27 21:08:18.277 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(140, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-27 21:08:19.123 684 23896 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 21:08:19.123 684 23895 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 21:08:19.124 684 23896 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 21:08:19.127 851 23897 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 21:08:19.129 851 23898 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 21:08:19.131 684 23895 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 21:08:19.505 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 140] validation passed 10-27 21:08:19.513 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 140 to [/, /] 10-27 21:08:19.516 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(140, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-27 21:08:19.579 684 23914 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 21:08:19.579 684 23913 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 21:08:19.581 684 23913 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 21:08:19.582 684 23914 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 21:08:19.728 23452 23490 W JobInfo : Requested backoff 0 for job 2131296623 is too small; raising to +10s0ms 10-27 21:08:21.291 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 21:08:36.213 684 767 I Netd : Destroyed 6 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 3.4 ms 10-27 21:08:55.789 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x25 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-27 21:08:55.791 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x25 msg_id=3: R/W request received 10-27 21:08:55.792 433 433 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42 10-27 21:08:55.797 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 541766186224) 10-27 21:08:55.882 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x25 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 1572864 10-27 21:08:55.883 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x25 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0 10-27 21:08:55.883 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 541766186224) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 10-27 21:08:55.883 433 581 I rmt_storage: 10-27 21:08:55.886 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x25 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-27 21:14:13.074 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-27 21:14:13.094 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 21:16:53.695 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=188701231 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32637, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 21:16:54.181 851 851 W Looper : Slow delivery took 223ms main h=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$WorkerHandler c=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$PostNotificationRunnable@f836efd m=0 10-27 21:16:54.183 851 851 W Looper : Drained 10-27 21:16:54.202 851 2985 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10141 10-27 21:17:42.769 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 21:19:26.297 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=188853834 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32665, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 21:21:58.051 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=189005586 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32669, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 21:24:12.093 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-27 21:24:12.108 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 21:24:28.547 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=189156084 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32684, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 21:26:57.091 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=189304631 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32690, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 21:44:13.050 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 21:45:45.092 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=190432630 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32711, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 21:53:13.102 3217 21041 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 21:53:13.132 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=190880664 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32722, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 21:53:13.142 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(137, false) by 10018 10-27 21:53:13.144 851 21014 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkMonitorN expire 1 line 10-27 21:53:22.132 851 23960 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 21:53:22.133 851 23961 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 21:53:23.390 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 137] validation passed 10-27 21:53:25.124 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 21:54:46.091 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=190973630 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32753, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 21:54:46.409 3217 23967 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 7 lines 10-27 21:57:22.867 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=191130404 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32755, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 22:00:01.037 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE 10-27 22:00:01.040 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: evaluateSubscriptionLocked cal=ScheduleCalendar[mDays={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, mSchedule=ScheduleInfo{days=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], startHour=22, startMinute=0, endHour=7, endMinute=0, exitAtAlarm=true, nextAlarm=Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT+01:00 1970 (0)}], now=Tue Oct 27 22:00:01 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603832401038), nextUserAlarmTime=Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT+01:00 1970 (0) 10-27 22:00:01.041 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_TRUE reason=meetsSchedule 10-27 22:00:01.058 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Wed Oct 28 07:00:00 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603864800000), in +8h59m58s962ms, now=Tue Oct 27 22:00:01 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603832401038) 10-27 22:16:51.591 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 22:22:07.583 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=192615121 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32794, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 22:27:08.026 851 880 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 350ms android.ui h=com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$UiHandler c=null m=53 10-27 22:29:38.336 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 22:29:38.370 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=193065908 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32843, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 22:32:08.880 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=193216417 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32860, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 22:33:09.407 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=193276942 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32864, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 22:33:09.425 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-27 22:33:09.443 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 22:34:38.103 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=193365638 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32868, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 22:44:12.110 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 23:04:47.189 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-27 23:04:47.195 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=195174734 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32902, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 23:04:47.264 3217 23994 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 10 lines 10-27 23:04:48.429 851 862 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-27 23:04:48.432 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-27 23:04:48.440 18539 18608 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 7 lines 10-27 23:04:48.521 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-27 23:04:48.522 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-27 23:04:48.613 3217 23921 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 4 lines 10-27 23:04:48.872 18539 23992 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 4 lines 10-27 23:04:49.228 18539 18608 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 23:04:49.316 18539 18608 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 23:04:49.364 18539 18608 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/0000015e/dl-Payments.integ_203990904100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-27 23:04:49.500 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 23:04:53.274 3217 24014 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-27 23:04:53.439 18539 24006 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-27 23:04:53.479 18539 24009 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-27 23:04:53.525 3217 24015 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-27 23:04:53.532 18539 24021 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 23:04:53.633 18539 23991 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-27 23:04:53.654 18539 24023 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-27 23:04:53.842 18539 24027 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 23:04:53.845 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 1 line 10-27 23:04:53.864 18539 24033 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-27 23:04:53.889 3217 3883 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 16 lines 10-27 23:04:53.951 18539 19285 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 2 lines 10-27 23:04:58.162 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 23:05:17.295 684 767 I Netd : Destroyed 5 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 1.6 ms 10-27 23:10:50.494 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=195538028 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32904, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-27 23:12:26.760 684 759 I Netd : Destroyed 2 sockets on in 0.9 ms 10-27 23:13:56.913 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x26 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-27 23:13:56.914 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x26 msg_id=3: R/W request received 10-27 23:13:56.916 433 433 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42 10-27 23:13:56.918 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 541765145840) 10-27 23:13:57.008 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x26 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 1572864 10-27 23:13:57.008 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x26 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0 10-27 23:13:57.009 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 541765145840) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 10-27 23:13:57.009 433 582 I rmt_storage: 10-27 23:13:57.012 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x26 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-27 23:13:57.020 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 140] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED 10-27 23:13:57.021 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 140] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 9 10-27 23:13:57.022 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 10-27 23:13:57.023 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted 10-27 23:13:57.045 684 767 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 23:14:08.155 3217 24084 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 23:14:08.155 3217 24086 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-27 23:14:08.175 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-27 23:14:10.306 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 23:14:11.667 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-27 23:14:11.696 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 23:14:14.397 851 862 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[UMTS], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: free, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{141} nethandle{608996085773} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data0, -> rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} } 10-27 23:14:14.400 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 141] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED 10-27 23:14:14.401 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-27 23:14:14.404 851 1561 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(141, PrivateDnsConfig{true:/[]}) 10-27 23:14:14.405 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 141 to [/, /] 10-27 23:14:14.406 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(141, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-27 23:14:14.410 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface rmnet_data0 to network 141 10-27 23:14:14.416 684 24208 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 23:14:14.417 684 24207 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 23:14:14.421 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 141 to [/, /] 10-27 23:14:14.422 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(141, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-27 23:14:15.595 684 24209 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 23:14:15.597 684 24210 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 23:14:15.599 684 24209 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 23:14:15.600 684 24210 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 23:14:15.602 851 24211 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 23:14:15.603 851 24212 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-27 23:14:15.899 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 141] validation passed 10-27 23:14:15.910 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 141 to [/, /] 10-27 23:14:15.914 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(141, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-27 23:14:15.957 684 24229 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 23:14:15.958 684 24229 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 23:14:15.963 684 24230 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-27 23:14:15.964 684 24230 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-27 23:27:48.511 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-27 23:34:08.168 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=196935705 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32976, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 00:03:00.085 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 00:03:29.127 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=198696661 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33011, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 00:04:13.175 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 00:04:13.192 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 00:32:20.101 851 877 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rolling over usage stats 10-28 00:32:20.103 851 877 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 10-28 00:32:20.154 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=200427689 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33041, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 00:33:59.105 851 877 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2020-10-29 00:32:20(1603927940111) 10-28 00:33:59.105 851 877 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rolling over usage stats complete. Took 99005 milliseconds 10-28 00:33:59.398 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 01:01:13.127 851 3780 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10141 10-28 01:01:13.161 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=202160700 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33072, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 01:18:21.362 684 759 I Netd : Destroyed 2 sockets on in 0.7 ms 10-28 01:19:38.731 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 141] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED 10-28 01:19:38.733 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 141] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 9 10-28 01:19:38.733 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 10-28 01:19:38.733 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted 10-28 01:19:38.760 684 771 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-28 01:19:50.185 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 01:19:51.220 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x27 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-28 01:19:51.222 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x27 msg_id=3: R/W request received 10-28 01:19:51.223 433 433 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42 10-28 01:19:51.225 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 541766186224) 10-28 01:19:51.264 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 01:19:51.309 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x27 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 1572864 10-28 01:19:51.310 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x27 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0 10-28 01:19:51.310 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 541766186224) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 10-28 01:19:51.310 433 581 I rmt_storage: 10-28 01:19:51.311 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x27 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-28 01:19:56.370 851 5995 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[UMTS], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: free, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{142} nethandle{613291053069} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data0, -> rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} } 10-28 01:19:56.371 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 142] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED 10-28 01:19:56.374 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-28 01:19:56.375 851 1561 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(142, PrivateDnsConfig{true:/[]}) 10-28 01:19:56.376 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 142 to [/, /] 10-28 01:19:56.377 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(142, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 01:19:56.381 684 24419 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 01:19:56.383 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface rmnet_data0 to network 142 10-28 01:19:56.388 684 24420 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 01:19:56.393 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 142 to [/, /] 10-28 01:19:56.394 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(142, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 01:19:57.349 684 24421 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 01:19:57.350 684 24421 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 01:19:57.350 684 24422 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 01:19:57.351 684 24422 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 01:19:57.352 851 24424 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 01:19:57.354 851 24423 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 01:19:57.558 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 142] validation passed 10-28 01:19:57.563 851 1623 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivityThr expire 1 line 10-28 01:19:57.572 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 142 to [/, /] 10-28 01:19:57.576 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(142, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 01:19:57.579 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 6 lines 10-28 01:19:57.613 684 24440 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 01:19:57.614 684 24440 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 01:19:57.624 684 24439 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 01:19:57.624 684 24439 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 01:30:34.052 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=203921586 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 01:34:13.214 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 01:44:13.156 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 01:44:13.180 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 01:44:13.194 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 01:54:13.170 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 01:54:13.191 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 02:28:16.152 851 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 2 lines 10-28 02:28:16.186 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=207383725 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33166, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 02:31:22.420 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 02:52:38.189 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:38.196 851 851 D DevicePolicyManager: updateSystemUpdateFreezePeriodsRecord 10-28 02:52:38.235 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24470:com.android.deskclock/u0a62 for broadcast com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.DigitalAppWidgetProvider 10-28 02:52:38.253 23110 23110 D WM-SystemJobService: onStartJob for a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6 10-28 02:52:38.266 23110 23199 D WM-Processor: Processor: processing a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6 10-28 02:52:38.287 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=208845826 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 02:52:38.304 24470 24470 I droid.deskcloc: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 02:52:38.307 23110 23110 D WM-WorkerWrapper: Starting work for com.whatsapp.fieldstats.privatestats.PrivateStatsWorker 10-28 02:52:38.334 23110 23178 D WM-WorkerWrapper: com.whatsapp.fieldstats.privatestats.PrivateStatsWorker returned a Success {mOutputData=Data {}} result. 10-28 02:52:38.337 23110 23178 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6, tags={ com.whatsapp.fieldstats.privatestats.PrivateStatsWorker } ] 10-28 02:52:38.343 23110 23178 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver disabled 10-28 02:52:38.344 23110 23110 D WM-Processor: 1kP a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6 executed; reschedule = false 10-28 02:52:38.344 23110 23110 D WM-SystemJobService: a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6 executed on JobScheduler 10-28 02:52:38.350 3217 24041 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 11 lines 10-28 02:52:38.361 23110 23178 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Cancelling work ID a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6 10-28 02:52:38.369 23110 23183 D WM-Processor: Processor stopping background work a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6 10-28 02:52:38.369 23110 23183 D WM-Processor: WorkerWrapper could not be found for a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6 10-28 02:52:38.370 23110 23183 D WM-StopWorkRunnable: StopWorkRunnable for a036e2c0-6f2f-4bc9-aa0d-2d19e6f807e6; Processor.stopWork = false 10-28 02:52:38.388 3217 23994 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 12 lines 10-28 02:52:38.391 18539 19305 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[7] expire 4 lines 10-28 02:52:38.489 24470 24470 I DigitalWidgetProvider: onReceive: Intent { act=android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED flg=0x20200010 cmp=com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.DigitalAppWidgetProvider } 10-28 02:52:38.499 851 862 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED flg=0x20200010 } to com.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.dictionarypack.EventHandler 10-28 02:52:38.501 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED flg=0x20200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 02:52:38.502 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED flg=0x20200010 } to com.qualcomm.timeservice/.TimeServiceBroadcastReceiver 10-28 02:52:38.503 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED flg=0x20200010 } to com.facebook.mlite/.util.timechange.TimeChangeReceiver 10-28 02:52:38.629 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 02:52:38.630 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 02:52:38.659 3217 3228 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:38.704 3217 23921 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:38.710 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 02:52:38.711 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 02:52:38.866 18539 19306 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 15 lines 10-28 02:52:38.992 23110 24485 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 4 for video/hevc 10-28 02:52:39.048 23110 24485 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 10-28 02:52:39.062 23110 24485 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 10-28 02:52:40.113 23110 24507 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline 10-28 02:52:41.257 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 117 lines 10-28 02:52:41.276 851 3778 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10037 10-28 02:52:41.810 21932 24517 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:42.312 21932 24519 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:42.443 21932 24514 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 30 lines 10-28 02:52:42.618 3217 4020 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:3217_4 expire 7 lines 10-28 02:52:42.992 18539 24494 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:43.164 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 02:52:43.861 23110 23119 W System : A resource failed to call end. 10-28 02:52:44.766 21932 21974 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 9 lines 10-28 02:52:44.857 21932 21962 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 7 lines 10-28 02:52:44.950 21932 24528 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:45.827 21932 21993 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:48.470 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:48.481 3217 22192 V PackageManager: [80eb5b4c-e066-4747-9bd9-52ba08a04f7c] Phase1 called; posting 10-28 02:52:48.487 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [80eb5b4c-e066-4747-9bd9-52ba08a04f7c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2001076224, -1959874560, -1777209344, -1768050688, -1737199616, -1433010176, -1322020864, -1299038208, -1251553280, -724971520, -453476352, 2170880, 24772608, 99184640, 108527616, 420691968, 430342144, 680292352, 1020162048, 1234116608, 1389895680] 10-28 02:52:48.508 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:48.523 3567 3567 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 10-28 02:52:48.534 20181 20282 D AccountTypeManager: Registering external account type=com.whatsapp, packageName=com.whatsapp 10-28 02:52:48.537 851 2928 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_5 expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:48.538 20181 20282 D AccountTypeManager: Registering 1 extension packages 10-28 02:52:48.539 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [8e29e20b-7166-4707-a8c3-b20aff15ce2c] Phase1 called; posting 10-28 02:52:48.542 2893 2893 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 10-28 02:52:48.545 20181 20282 E ExternalAccountType: Unsupported attribute readOnly 10-28 02:52:48.549 851 851 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer: DDC.oR@BQw 10-28 02:52:48.549 20181 20282 D AccountTypeManager: Registering extension package account type=com.google, dataSet=plus, packageName=com.google.android.gms 10-28 02:52:48.554 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [8e29e20b-7166-4707-a8c3-b20aff15ce2c] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2022756352, -1774485504, -1677623296, -1633239040, -1623904256, -982994944, -799096832, -757612544, -724971520, -232894464, 155770880, 420691968, 467300352, 520839168, 529510400, 831000576, 1591001088, 1721118720, 1864019968, 1903144960] 10-28 02:52:48.562 20181 20282 I AccountTypeManager: Loaded meta-data for 3 account types, 3 accounts in 81ms(wall) 9ms(cpu) 10-28 02:52:48.566 3217 24533 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:48.586 3217 24469 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:48.814 18539 19283 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[0] expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:48.929 18539 19285 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:48.978 851 877 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice interaction services found for user 0 10-28 02:52:49.341 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 02:52:51.742 21932 24527 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:51.762 3217 3233 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:3217_2 expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:51.800 3217 3945 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:3217_3 expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:51.801 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:51.845 21932 21978 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:51.864 18539 18551 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:18539_1 expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:51.898 21932 21971 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 4 lines 10-28 02:52:52.175 21932 21973 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:52.205 21932 24548 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:52.323 22644 24558 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) GoogleApiHandle expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:52.352 21932 24554 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:52.368 22644 24562 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:52.777 22644 22644 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:52.834 22644 24567 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:52.896 20283 20283 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:52.909 20283 20294 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:52.949 21932 24569 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 5 lines 10-28 02:52:52.952 20283 20297 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:52.959 20283 24570 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:52.994 20283 24572 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:download_service expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:53.007 21932 22453 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:53.055 22644 22683 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) atbv expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:53.125 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 12 lines 10-28 02:52:53.199 22644 22683 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) atbv expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:53.222 21932 21962 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:53.247 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 32 lines 10-28 02:52:53.631 21932 24581 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:53.665 21932 21962 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:53.685 22644 22644 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:53.713 22644 24587 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:53.726 21932 24588 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:53.744 22644 22683 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) atbv expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:53.749 21932 21962 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:53.789 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 21 lines 10-28 02:52:53.834 22644 24586 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:53.975 22644 22683 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) atbv expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:54.247 851 3688 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10037/22644 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=92, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] 10-28 02:52:54.250 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:54.250 851 2463 I chatty : uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:54.250 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=92, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 02:52:54.560 22644 24557 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:54.767 21932 24517 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:55.155 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 4 lines 10-28 02:52:55.426 22644 24567 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:55.599 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 40 lines 10-28 02:52:56.316 21932 21978 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:56.342 22644 24587 I chatty : uid=10037 com.android.vending:instant_app_installer expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:56.357 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:56.582 21932 21971 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:56.593 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 13 lines 10-28 02:52:56.663 21932 24555 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:56.673 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 4 lines 10-28 02:52:57.081 21932 21974 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:57.102 21932 24546 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 6 lines 10-28 02:52:57.339 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 02:52:57.577 21932 21962 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:57.581 21932 21978 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:57.681 21932 21962 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:57.980 21932 21974 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:57.984 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 4 lines 10-28 02:52:58.022 21932 24514 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:58.026 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 5 lines 10-28 02:52:58.110 21932 21962 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:58.112 21932 21932 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:58.116 21932 21974 I chatty : uid=10037(com.android.vending) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:58.123 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-64 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:52:58.124 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 10-66 10-28 02:52:58.126 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 4, PendingQueue size: 6 10-28 02:52:58.127 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-53 10-62 10-66 10-28 02:52:58.127 21932 24598 I Finsky : [446] gse.a(9): Running asset module service cleaner 10-28 02:52:58.140 21932 24598 I Finsky : [446] gsb.accept(10): Removed 0 old sessions. 10-28 02:52:58.147 21932 24598 I Finsky : [446] grg.accept(10): Removed 0 obsolete sessions. 10-28 02:52:58.149 21932 24598 I Finsky : [446] grj.accept(10): Deleted 0 orphaned directories. 10-28 02:52:58.161 21932 24598 I Finsky : [446] gry.accept(10): Logged 0 packages in store. 10-28 02:52:58.167 21932 24598 I Finsky : [446] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-66. TimeElapsed: 41ms. 10-28 02:52:58.177 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-66 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:52:58.187 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 10-68 10-28 02:52:58.190 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] DeviceHealthMonitorHygieneJob.a(32): Not showing UninstallSuggestions notification: it was shown too recently 10-28 02:52:58.191 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 4, PendingQueue size: 5 10-28 02:52:58.192 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-53 10-62 10-68 10-28 02:52:58.193 21932 21962 I Finsky : [343] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-68. TimeElapsed: 6ms. 10-28 02:52:58.195 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-68 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:52:58.199 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 10-69 10-28 02:52:58.201 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 4, PendingQueue size: 4 10-28 02:52:58.202 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-53 10-62 10-69 10-28 02:52:58.221 21932 24604 I Finsky : [450] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-53. TimeElapsed: 1878ms. 10-28 02:52:58.222 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-53 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:52:58.226 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 10-71 10-28 02:52:58.229 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-71. TimeElapsed: 3ms. 10-28 02:52:58.231 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 4, PendingQueue size: 3 10-28 02:52:58.232 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-62 10-69 10-71 10-28 02:52:58.232 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-71 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:52:58.233 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 10-73 10-28 02:52:58.247 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 4, PendingQueue size: 2 10-28 02:52:58.248 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-62 10-69 10-73 10-28 02:52:58.435 31104 31104 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) com.google.process.gservices expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:58.485 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24614:com.google.android.apps.tycho:persistent/u0a138 for broadcast com.google.android.apps.tycho/com.google.android.libraries.vpn.gcs.core.receiver.PhenotypeConfigChangedReceiver 10-28 02:52:58.586 24614 24614 I ycho:persisten: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 02:52:58.889 24614 24614 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 203.8.12 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run: 10-28 02:52:58.889 24614 24614 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG 10-28 02:52:58.889 24614 24614 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4 10-28 02:52:58.894 24614 24631 I Tycho.lom: background initialization 10-28 02:52:58.965 24614 24633 W GAv4 : AnalyticsReceiver is not registered or is disabled. Register the receiver for reliable dispatching on non-Google Play devices. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions. 10-28 02:52:59.010 21932 21962 I Finsky : [343] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-73. TimeElapsed: 776ms. 10-28 02:52:59.024 24614 24633 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions. 10-28 02:52:59.027 24614 24633 W GAv4 : AnalyticsService not registered in the app manifest. Hits might not be delivered reliably. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions. 10-28 02:52:59.033 24614 24634 W ycho:persisten: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 02:52:59.054 24614 24634 W ycho:persisten: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;->(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 02:52:59.055 24614 24634 W ycho:persisten: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 02:52:59.057 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-73 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:52:59.060 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 10-82 10-28 02:52:59.148 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 4, PendingQueue size: 1 10-28 02:52:59.149 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-62 10-69 10-82 10-28 02:52:59.259 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24648:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a26 for broadcast com.google.android.partnersetup/.RlzPingBroadcastReceiver 10-28 02:52:59.271 3217 24644 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:59.278 18539 24643 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 4 lines 10-28 02:52:59.371 24648 24648 I id.partnersetu: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 02:52:59.440 3217 24644 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 02:52:59.440 3217 24642 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:59.451 21932 21956 W Finsky : [337] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 774198732 10-28 02:52:59.467 21932 21957 W Finsky : [338] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 1137004571 10-28 02:52:59.475 3217 24647 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:59.491 21932 21957 W Finsky : [338] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 1223459863 10-28 02:52:59.502 21932 21956 W Finsky : [337] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 882518118 10-28 02:52:59.536 18539 24643 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-28 02:52:59.543 21932 21955 W Finsky : [336] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 1261884706 10-28 02:52:59.602 3217 3217 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 4 lines 10-28 02:52:59.618 21932 21956 W Finsky : [337] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 963795845 10-28 02:52:59.636 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1687 10-28 02:52:59.657 18539 24643 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-28 02:52:59.658 21932 21957 W Finsky : [338] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 970374607 10-28 02:52:59.663 21932 21956 W Finsky : [337] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 761420278 10-28 02:52:59.675 21932 21958 W Finsky : [339] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 1016635324 10-28 02:52:59.689 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1690 10-28 02:52:59.721 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1691 10-28 02:52:59.726 18539 24643 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/0000015e/dl-Payments.integ_203990904100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-28 02:52:59.733 3217 23994 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-28 02:52:59.739 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1695 10-28 02:52:59.756 18539 18550 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:59.804 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1696 10-28 02:52:59.838 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1705 10-28 02:52:59.847 18539 24641 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 4 lines 10-28 02:52:59.876 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:59.883 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1709 10-28 02:52:59.906 3217 23994 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:59.937 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1710 10-28 02:52:59.941 851 3780 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_C expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:59.945 18539 24662 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:52:59.968 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1711 10-28 02:53:00.013 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1714 10-28 02:53:00.029 18539 19293 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[3] expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.089 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1717 10-28 02:53:00.098 3217 3217 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 02:53:00.131 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1718 10-28 02:53:00.133 18539 19293 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[3] expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.156 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1719 10-28 02:53:00.168 18539 24667 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 4 lines 10-28 02:53:00.276 18539 24641 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.294 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1720 10-28 02:53:00.329 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1721 10-28 02:53:00.358 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 34-1722 10-28 02:53:00.410 21932 21958 I Finsky : [339] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-69. TimeElapsed: 2210ms. 10-28 02:53:00.413 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-69 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:53:00.415 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 34-1722 10-28 02:53:00.417 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 4, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 02:53:00.417 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-62 10-82 34-1722 10-28 02:53:00.419 18539 24662 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.422 18539 24669 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.428 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.431 18539 24641 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.458 18539 19293 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[3] expire 2 lines 10-28 02:53:00.468 18539 24662 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-28 02:53:00.480 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.593 18539 24667 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.709 18539 24675 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.735 18539 24641 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 02:53:00.833 21932 21974 I Finsky : [355] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-62. TimeElapsed: 2803ms. 10-28 02:53:00.841 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-62 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:53:00.842 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 3, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 02:53:00.843 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-82 34-1722 10-28 02:53:00.881 18539 24670 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:00.946 18539 24669 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 9 lines 10-28 02:53:00.958 18539 19293 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000110/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_21880100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-28 02:53:01.168 18539 19293 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/00000151/dl-AdsFdrDynamite.integ_203404601100000.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-28 02:53:01.190 18539 19293 W PackageParser: Unknown element under : queries at /data/user_de/0/com.google.android.gms/app_chimera/m/0000015e/dl-Payments.integ_203990904100400.apk Binary XML file line #5 10-28 02:53:01.503 18539 18550 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 3 lines 10-28 02:53:01.558 21932 21955 W Finsky : [336] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 1295999545 10-28 02:53:01.559 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 34-1722. TimeElapsed: 1143ms. 10-28 02:53:01.560 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(7): SCH: Job 34-1722 finished. Rescheduling. 10-28 02:53:01.562 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 2, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 02:53:01.563 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-82 10-28 02:53:01.575 21932 21962 I Finsky : [343] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-82. TimeElapsed: 2514ms. 10-28 02:53:01.578 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-82 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:53:01.579 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 02:53:01.579 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 10-8 10-28 02:53:02.973 21932 24550 I Finsky : [433] akdp.a(29): Cleaning the verify apps datastore 10-28 02:53:03.016 20283 20283 I Finsky:download_service: [2] ssx.onDestroy(8): IPC-SERVER: Stopping gRPC host service... 10-28 02:53:03.019 21932 21932 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 10-28 02:53:03.020 21932 21932 W ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend: Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs. 10-28 02:53:03.456 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 02:53:03.595 21932 24550 I Finsky : [433] akdp.a(718): Finished cleaning the verify apps datastore 10-28 02:53:03.611 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] aked.a(51): Done verifying installed packages 10-28 02:53:04.178 3217 3228 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 10-28 02:53:04.262 20356 20379 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:20356_3 expire 2 lines 10-28 02:53:05.245 21932 24554 E Finsky : [436] akgh.call(1364): Exceeded max retries for sending device status 10-28 02:53:05.269 21932 24527 I Finsky : [424] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 10-8. TimeElapsed: 13495ms. 10-28 02:53:05.272 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 10-8 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:53:05.274 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 02:53:05.275 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(66): SCH: Waiting on changed job store 10-28 02:53:05.419 21932 24517 I Finsky : [420] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1952 3-1953 12-1 19-9999 20-23232323 21-333333333 24-77777777 26-1414141414 31-305419896 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 10-28 02:53:05.433 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 21-333333333 10-28 02:53:05.443 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 24-77777777 10-28 02:53:05.451 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 24-77777777 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:53:05.453 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 31-305419896 10-28 02:53:05.458 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 2, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 02:53:05.466 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 21-333333333 31-305419896 10-28 02:53:05.500 21932 21962 I Finsky : [343] lqj.a(21): New device settings response: # badm@7c418 10-28 02:53:05.508 21932 21978 I Finsky : [358] lqc.a(7): Device settings refresh successful 10-28 02:53:05.513 21932 21978 I Finsky : [358] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 31-305419896. TimeElapsed: 59ms. 10-28 02:53:05.538 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 31-305419896 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:53:05.539 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 02:53:05.539 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 21-333333333 10-28 02:53:05.611 2893 2925 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 02:53:05.626 2893 2923 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 02:53:05.682 21932 21974 I Finsky : [355] lnu.a(13): Dynamic config did not change, will not upload it. 10-28 02:53:05.683 21932 21974 I Finsky : [355] lox.a(5): Dynamic device configuration updated successfully. 10-28 02:53:05.683 21932 21974 I Finsky : [355] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 21-333333333. TimeElapsed: 249ms. 10-28 02:53:05.686 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 21-333333333 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 02:53:05.687 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 02:53:05.688 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(26): SCH: Executor finished 10-28 02:53:05.754 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1952 3-1953 12-1 19-9999 20-23232323 26-1414141414 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 10-28 02:53:05.761 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, 12-1, 19-9999, -> L: 1324ms, D: 83014989ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 02:53:05.762 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 3-1953, 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 82786697ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 02:53:05.763 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, -> L: 82987352ms, D: 1378987352ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 02:53:05.766 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 3-1952, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, -> L: 0ms, D: 52271296ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 02:53:05.767 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 19268349ms, D: 20168349ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 02:53:05.776 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9005 9006 10-28 02:53:05.777 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(8): SCH: Throttling wakeup for job 9001 (expected to run in 1324 ms) due to recent wakeup 10-28 02:53:05.778 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 30000, D: 83014989, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 02:53:05.786 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(8): SCH: Throttling wakeup for job 9002 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 10-28 02:53:05.787 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 30000, D: 82786697, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 02:53:05.789 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 82987352, D: 1378987352, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 02:53:05.792 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(8): SCH: Throttling wakeup for job 9004 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 10-28 02:53:05.793 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 30000, D: 52271296, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 02:53:05.798 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9007, L: 19268349, D: 20168349, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 02:53:05.895 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] eyq.q(65): Not delivering second response for request=[[ ] https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/deviceSettings 0xe8d195d1 NORMAL 10] 10-28 02:53:08.376 684 684 I Netd : Destroyed 12 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 3.3 ms 10-28 02:54:13.222 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 02:54:13.239 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 02:56:22.144 851 851 W Looper : Slow delivery took 234ms main h=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$WorkerHandler c=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$PostNotificationRunnable@edcab52 m=0 10-28 02:56:22.146 851 851 W Looper : Drained 10-28 02:56:22.161 851 1566 I chatty : uid=1000(system) notification-sq expire 1 line 10-28 02:56:46.084 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: Background concurrent copying GC freed 105238(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(1572KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/13MB, paused 289us total 461.311ms 10-28 02:56:46.350 23110 23121 I com.whatsapp: Background concurrent copying GC freed 15256(1009KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(56KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/6MB, paused 180us total 307.803ms 10-28 02:56:46.350 23110 23119 W System : A resource failed to call end. 10-28 02:56:46.873 851 3778 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10141 10-28 02:59:18.186 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 03:01:49.963 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=209397500 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33491, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 03:24:03.158 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 10 lines 10-28 03:24:03.191 684 759 I Netd : Destroyed 2 sockets on in 0.9 ms 10-28 03:24:13.369 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 142] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED 10-28 03:24:13.370 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 142] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 10 10-28 03:24:13.375 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 10-28 03:24:13.377 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted 10-28 03:24:13.419 684 684 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-28 03:24:13.424 851 1623 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivityThr expire 6 lines 10-28 03:24:13.425 851 877 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 8 lines 10-28 03:24:24.213 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 03:24:24.929 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 03:24:30.470 851 863 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[UMTS], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: free, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{143} nethandle{617586020365} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data0, -> rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} } 10-28 03:24:30.471 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 143] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED 10-28 03:24:30.473 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-28 03:24:30.474 851 1561 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(143, PrivateDnsConfig{true:/[]}) 10-28 03:24:30.476 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 143 to [/, /] 10-28 03:24:30.477 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(143, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 03:24:30.482 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface rmnet_data0 to network 143 10-28 03:24:30.482 684 24873 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 03:24:30.487 684 24874 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 03:24:30.495 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 143 to [/, /] 10-28 03:24:30.496 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(143, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 03:24:31.462 684 24876 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 03:24:31.463 684 24876 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 03:24:31.465 684 24875 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 03:24:31.466 851 24877 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 03:24:31.467 684 24875 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 03:24:31.472 851 24878 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 03:24:31.856 851 877 I ActivityManager: Killing 21883:com.infomil.leclercdrive/u0a124 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 03:24:31.858 851 884 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 12 lines 10-28 03:24:31.901 612 612 I Zygote : Process 21883 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 03:24:31.950 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 143] validation passed 10-28 03:24:31.954 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 143 to [/, /] 10-28 03:24:31.955 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(143, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 03:24:31.993 684 24894 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 03:24:31.993 684 24895 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 03:24:31.994 684 24894 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 03:24:31.994 684 24895 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 03:24:35.671 851 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 6 lines 10-28 03:25:33.594 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x28 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-28 03:25:33.594 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x28 msg_id=3: R/W request received 10-28 03:25:33.595 433 433 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42 10-28 03:25:33.596 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 541765145840) 10-28 03:25:33.664 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x28 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 1572864 10-28 03:25:33.664 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x28 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0 10-28 03:25:33.665 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 541765145840) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 10-28 03:25:33.665 433 582 I rmt_storage: 10-28 03:25:33.667 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x28 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-28 03:25:37.221 3217 23967 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-28 03:34:13.202 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 03:34:13.244 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 03:34:13.260 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 04:23:21.226 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=214288765 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33607, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 04:34:12.193 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 04:41:00.609 3217 23969 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-28 04:41:00.619 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(137, false) by 10018 10-28 04:41:00.620 851 21014 I chatty : uid=1000(system) NetworkMonitorN expire 2 lines 10-28 04:41:00.944 851 24913 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 04:41:00.944 851 24912 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 04:41:07.353 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 137] validation passed 10-28 04:41:07.407 3217 24918 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 10 lines 10-28 04:41:12.993 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 04:41:13.019 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 04:41:13.030 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 04:47:05.899 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 04:48:28.101 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=215795637 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33674, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 04:57:19.282 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=216326819 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33683, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 05:03:24.020 851 2985 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_6 expire 5 lines 10-28 05:03:24.029 851 851 D DevicePolicyManager: updateSystemUpdateFreezePeriodsRecord 10-28 05:03:24.030 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive android.intent.action.TIME_SET 10-28 05:03:24.031 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: evaluateSubscriptionLocked cal=ScheduleCalendar[mDays={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, mSchedule=ScheduleInfo{days=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], startHour=22, startMinute=0, endHour=7, endMinute=0, exitAtAlarm=true, nextAlarm=Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT+01:00 1970 (0)}], now=Wed Oct 28 05:03:24 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603857804030), nextUserAlarmTime=Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT+01:00 1970 (0) 10-28 05:03:24.032 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_TRUE reason=meetsSchedule 10-28 05:03:24.034 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Wed Oct 28 07:00:00 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603864800000), in +1h56m35s970ms, now=Wed Oct 28 05:03:24 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603857804030) 10-28 05:03:24.035 851 851 D TwilightService: onReceive: Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_SET flg=0x25200010 } 10-28 05:03:24.046 24470 24470 I AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver android.intent.action.TIME_SET 10-28 05:03:24.061 24470 24926 I AlarmClock: Fixing alarm instances 10-28 05:03:24.097 24470 24470 I DigitalWidgetProvider: onReceive: Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_SET flg=0x25200010 cmp=com.android.deskclock/com.android.alarmclock.DigitalAppWidgetProvider } 10-28 05:03:24.118 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24927:com.google.android.apps.tycho/u0a138 for broadcast com.google.android.apps.tycho/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver 10-28 05:03:24.163 24927 24927 I roid.apps.tych: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 05:03:25.225 701 789 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 05:03:25.226 701 789 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 0 10-28 05:03:25.227 701 789 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 1603857804000 10-28 05:03:25.229 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 05:03:25.229 701 789 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 05:03:25.232 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 0,value = 1603857804000 10-28 05:03:25.233 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 1603857804000, operation = 0 10-28 05:03:25.234 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 9:45:1 10-28 05:03:25.235 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41334301000 10-28 05:03:25.236 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon:new time 1603857804000 10-28 05:03:25.236 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon: delta 1562523503000 genoff 1562523503000 10-28 05:03:25.238 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_persistent_update: Writing genoff = 1562523503000 to memory 10-28 05:03:25.238 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_13 10-28 05:03:25.239 704 24925 D QC-time-services: Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff write operation 10-28 05:03:25.246 701 789 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 0, result = 0 10-28 05:03:25.246 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 05:03:25.258 851 2799 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_4 expire 1 line 10-28 05:04:13.056 24927 24927 W roid.apps.tych: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 05:04:13.056 24927 24927 W roid.apps.tych: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;->(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 05:04:13.057 24927 24927 W roid.apps.tych: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 05:06:19.055 24927 24950 W roid.apps.tych: Unsupported class loader 10-28 05:06:19.059 24927 24950 W roid.apps.tych: Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader 10-28 05:06:19.061 24927 24927 I Tycho.ewm: Requested immediate sync successfully 10-28 05:06:19.071 24927 24950 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:18 and remote module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:18 10-28 05:06:19.071 24927 24950 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite, version >= 18 10-28 05:06:19.072 24927 24950 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils 10-28 05:06:19.089 24927 24927 I GAv4 : Google Analytics 203.8.12 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run: 10-28 05:06:19.089 24927 24927 I GAv4 : adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG 10-28 05:06:19.089 24927 24927 I GAv4 : adb logcat -s GAv4 10-28 05:06:19.093 24927 24962 I Tycho.lom: background initialization 10-28 05:06:19.100 24927 24950 W roid.apps.tych: Unknown chunk type '200'. 10-28 05:06:19.161 24927 24966 W GAv4 : AnalyticsReceiver is not registered or is disabled. Register the receiver for reliable dispatching on non-Google Play devices. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions. 10-28 05:06:19.177 24927 24950 I DynamiteLoaderV2Impl: [71] Measurementdynamite 10-28 05:06:19.186 18539 24972 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 05:06:19.187 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 24973:com.qualcomm.timeservice/1000 for broadcast com.qualcomm.timeservice/.TimeServiceBroadcastReceiver 10-28 05:06:19.191 24927 24950 W roid.apps.tych: Unsupported class loader 10-28 05:06:19.230 24927 24950 W roid.apps.tych: Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader 10-28 05:06:19.232 18539 24968 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 05:06:19.242 18539 24971 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 05:06:19.285 24927 24966 W GAv4 : CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions. 10-28 05:06:19.289 24973 24973 I omm.timeservic: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 05:06:19.335 24927 24966 W GAv4 : AnalyticsService not registered in the app manifest. Hits might not be delivered reliably. See http://goo.gl/8Rd3yj for instructions. 10-28 05:06:19.402 24973 24973 D TimeService: Receivedandroid.intent.action.TIME_SET intent. Current Time is 1603857979402 10-28 05:06:19.403 24973 24973 D : TimeServiceNative: User Time to be set is 1603857979402 10-28 05:06:19.403 24973 24973 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 2 10-28 05:06:19.403 24973 24973 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 0 10-28 05:06:19.404 24973 24973 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 1603857979402 10-28 05:06:19.413 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 05:06:19.414 24973 24973 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 05:06:19.414 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 2, unit = 1, operation = 0,value = 1603857979402 10-28 05:06:19.415 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 2, val = 1603857979402, operation = 0 10-28 05:06:19.415 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 9:47:55 10-28 05:06:19.416 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41334475000 10-28 05:06:19.416 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:new time 1603857979402 10-28 05:06:19.416 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon: delta 1562523504402 genoff 1562523504402 10-28 05:06:19.417 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_persistent_update: Writing genoff = 1562523504402 to memory 10-28 05:06:19.417 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_2 10-28 05:06:19.417 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff write operation 10-28 05:06:19.426 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Updating the TOD offset 10-28 05:06:19.426 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_persistent_update: Writing genoff = 1562523504402 to memory 10-28 05:06:19.427 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_1 10-28 05:06:19.427 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff write operation 10-28 05:06:19.430 704 24994 E QC-time-services: Daemon:Update to modem bit set 10-28 05:06:19.430 24973 24973 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 2, unit = 1, operation = 0, result = 0 10-28 05:06:19.430 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_send_modem: Sending data to MODEM ! 10-28 05:06:19.431 704 24994 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Base = 2, Value being sent to MODEM = 1246558704402 10-28 05:06:19.433 704 1214 E QC-time-services: Daemon:tod_update_ind_cb: Got Update from modem msg_id 40 10-28 05:06:19.433 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 05:06:20.033 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 05:06:47.207 24927 24993 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 32044 10-28 05:06:47.208 24927 24993 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 10-28 05:06:47.212 24927 24993 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 10-28 05:06:47.212 24927 24993 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.google.android.apps.tycho 10-28 05:06:47.304 24927 24996 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-28 05:06:49.436 24927 24941 I roid.apps.tych: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-28 05:06:49.474 24927 24941 I roid.apps.tych: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on HeapTrim for 38.422ms 10-28 05:14:11.047 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 05:14:11.063 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 05:15:20.021 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=217408813 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33715, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 05:24:42.300 851 2799 I ActivityManager: Killing 21908:com.infomil.leclercdrive:A4SService/u0a124 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: Exception thrown while unbinding 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: lx@f2bb832 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1562) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1692) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(ContextWrapper.java:717) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at ci.b(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):1) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at ci.a(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):6) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at ly.A(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):10) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at li.a(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):2) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at ec.run(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):3) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:458) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-28 05:24:42.300 24927 24993 W ConnectionTracker: at jb.run(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):6) 10-28 05:24:42.335 612 612 I Zygote : Process 21908 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 05:28:38.795 684 759 I Netd : Destroyed 2 sockets on in 0.9 ms 10-28 05:30:09.523 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x29 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-28 05:30:09.525 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x29 msg_id=3: R/W request received 10-28 05:30:09.526 433 433 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42 10-28 05:30:09.527 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 541766186224) 10-28 05:30:09.606 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x29 msg_id=3: Bytes written = 1572864 10-28 05:30:09.606 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: req_h=0x29 msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0 10-28 05:30:09.607 433 581 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs1: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 541766186224) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 10-28 05:30:09.607 433 581 I rmt_storage: 10-28 05:30:09.610 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x29 conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-28 05:30:09.639 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 143] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED 10-28 05:30:09.640 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 143] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 10 10-28 05:30:09.640 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 10-28 05:30:09.641 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted 10-28 05:30:09.664 684 684 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-28 05:30:21.056 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 05:30:21.238 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 05:30:23.372 2581 2882 V WifiManager: registerSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HotspotControllerImpl@78e4a47, handler=Handler (android.os.Handler) {c217274} 10-28 05:30:23.376 2581 2617 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: onStateChanged: state=11, failureReason=0 10-28 05:30:23.376 2581 2617 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: onNumClientsChanged: numClients=0 10-28 05:30:23.485 2581 2882 V WifiManager: registerSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HotspotControllerImpl@78e4a47, handler=Handler (android.os.Handler) {c217274} 10-28 05:30:23.488 2581 2613 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: onStateChanged: state=11, failureReason=0 10-28 05:30:23.488 2581 2613 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: onNumClientsChanged: numClients=0 10-28 05:30:27.233 851 3780 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[UMTS], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: free, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{144} nethandle{621880987661} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data0, -> rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} } 10-28 05:30:27.235 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 144] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED 10-28 05:30:27.236 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-28 05:30:27.238 851 1561 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(144, PrivateDnsConfig{true:/[]}) 10-28 05:30:27.239 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 144 to [/, /] 10-28 05:30:27.241 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(144, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 05:30:27.243 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface rmnet_data0 to network 144 10-28 05:30:27.246 684 25167 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 05:30:27.248 684 25166 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 05:30:27.262 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 144 to [/, /] 10-28 05:30:27.263 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(144, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 05:30:28.205 684 25168 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 05:30:28.206 851 25171 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 05:30:28.206 684 25169 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 05:30:28.206 684 25168 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 05:30:28.212 684 25169 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 05:30:28.212 851 25170 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 05:30:33.168 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 144] validation passed 10-28 05:30:33.182 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 144 to [/, /] 10-28 05:30:33.185 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(144, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 05:30:33.228 684 25192 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 05:30:33.229 684 25192 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 05:30:33.235 684 25193 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 05:30:33.236 684 25193 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 05:33:05.932 851 3778 I ActivityManager: Killing 20300:com.google.process.gapps/u0a112 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 05:33:05.985 612 612 I Zygote : Process 20300 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 05:34:28.967 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 05:42:54.046 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=219062836 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33756, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 05:52:47.043 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=219655837 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33771, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 06:02:40.023 851 22830 I ActivityManager: Killing 21271:com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a18 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 06:02:40.078 612 612 I Zygote : Process 21271 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 06:02:40.453 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 06:13:01.881 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=220870673 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33797, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 06:22:22.422 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=221431211 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33813, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 06:33:14.091 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=222082880 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33824, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 06:33:14.466 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 06:44:11.064 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 06:44:11.087 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 06:54:59.104 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=223387891 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33853, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 07:00:02.030 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE 10-28 07:00:02.033 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: evaluateSubscriptionLocked cal=ScheduleCalendar[mDays={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, mSchedule=ScheduleInfo{days=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], startHour=22, startMinute=0, endHour=7, endMinute=0, exitAtAlarm=true, nextAlarm=Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT+01:00 1970 (0)}], now=Wed Oct 28 07:00:02 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603864802031), nextUserAlarmTime=Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 GMT+01:00 1970 (0) 10-28 07:00:02.035 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule 10-28 07:00:02.038 851 851 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Wed Oct 28 22:00:00 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603918800000), in +14h59m57s969ms, now=Wed Oct 28 07:00:02 GMT+01:00 2020 (1603864802031) 10-28 07:00:48.264 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:00:48.282 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 07:00:48.293 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:00:49.668 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=223738447 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33865, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 07:06:19.855 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=224068645 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33872, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 07:22:15.403 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=225024187 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33891, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 07:25:18.954 851 1151 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HubConnection expire 37 lines 10-28 07:25:18.968 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:25:18.986 851 1385 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid=1000 reason=android.policy:POWER)... 10-28 07:25:18.987 851 851 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 10-28 07:25:18.999 851 1385 D WindowManager: powerPress: eventTime=44300650 interactive=true count=1 beganFromNonInteractive=true mShortPressOnPowerBehavior=1 10-28 07:25:19.009 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 10-28 07:25:19.011 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:25:19.031 851 916 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Écran intégré", ON 10-28 07:25:19.031 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7542058000 10-28 07:25:19.032 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0 10-28 07:25:19.058 851 1135 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 10-28 07:25:19.059 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 3 lines 10-28 07:25:19.063 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:19.070 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 07:25:19.072 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 07:25:19.074 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 07:25:19.147 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 137 ms 10-28 07:25:19.161 18539 25265 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:19.176 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:19.184 18539 25261 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 7 lines 10-28 07:25:19.185 3217 3217 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 7 lines 10-28 07:25:19.204 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-28 07:25:19.281 604 826 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1 10-28 07:25:19.281 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0 10-28 07:25:19.286 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=2, type=0 10-28 07:25:19.290 851 2472 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 3 lines 10-28 07:25:19.293 851 929 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 453 ms 10-28 07:25:19.412 22263 25281 I [INFO][Leanplum]: [com.leanplum.LeanplumPushFirebaseMessagingService::onMessageReceived::4]: Received: {lp_version=1} 10-28 07:25:19.421 18539 25280 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 6 lines 10-28 07:25:19.446 3217 24666 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 15 lines 10-28 07:25:19.466 3217 25259 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:19.467 3217 25267 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:19.505 3217 23762 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 10 lines 10-28 07:25:19.516 3217 23994 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 9 lines 10-28 07:25:19.526 18539 18608 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-28 07:25:19.540 3217 5933 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[4] expire 10 lines 10-28 07:25:19.653 3217 25287 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 10 lines 10-28 07:25:19.800 3217 24041 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-28 07:25:19.895 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting baseline 10-28 07:25:19.898 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storage for baseline empty. Ping will still be sent. 10-28 07:25:19.916 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-28 07:25:19.925 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-28 07:25:19.933 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '03224dd0-702a-4259-864e-9eafe8a19b27' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/03224dd0-702a-4259-864e-9eafe8a19b27' 10-28 07:25:19.934 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-28 07:25:19.934 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-28 07:25:19.936 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 07:25:19.937 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 07:25:19.947 851 3774 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_A expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:19.948 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [1e203408-3e59-4beb-8197-8ceea643936b] Phase1 called; posting 10-28 07:25:19.950 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [1e203408-3e59-4beb-8197-8ceea643936b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1884925952, -887529472, -677257216, -72142848, 243347456, 293437440, 368754688, 601333760, 617975808, 1286303744, 1491456000, 1810690048, 1836826624, 1948082176] 10-28 07:25:19.951 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/03224dd0-702a-4259-864e-9eafe8a19b27 10-28 07:25:19.957 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'baseline' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-28 07:25:19.964 436 15973 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-28 07:25:19.965 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-28 07:25:19.966 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback 10-28 07:25:19.987 851 22830 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 10-28 07:25:20.009 436 15973 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-28 07:25:20.010 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 10-28 07:25:20.010 436 15973 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-28 07:25:20.019 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenReceiver 10-28 07:25:20.020 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver 10-28 07:25:20.020 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:20.058 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [0fb08896-d86d-4729-bb6f-6bd833f1c3c0] Phase1 called; posting 10-28 07:25:20.061 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [0fb08896-d86d-4729-bb6f-6bd833f1c3c0] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1571545088, -1516683264, -1274429440, -1257287680, -661368832, -595759104, -584654848, -311918592, -14991360, 293437440, 933240832, 936693760, 1081319424, 1188548608, 1810690048, 1960341504] 10-28 07:25:20.064 3217 4014 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[2] expire 10 lines 10-28 07:25:20.091 22263 22456 W FirefoxAccountStateMachine: Got invalid event 'mozilla.components.service.fxa.manager.Event$Account$Start@39e0562' for state Idle(accountState=Authenticated). 10-28 07:25:20.151 851 2799 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10129/22263 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=95, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] 10-28 07:25:20.154 851 2463 I chatty : uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:20.155 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 4 lines 10-28 07:25:20.156 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=95, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-28 07:25:20.175 20356 20368 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:20.217 22263 22301 I FirefoxAccount: Executing: get access token 10-28 07:25:20.275 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.287 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 03224dd0-702a-4259-864e-9eafe8a19b27 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/baseline/1/03224dd0-702a-4259-864e-9eafe8a19b27) 10-28 07:25:20.373 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.374 22263 22263 I AddonUpdaterWorker: Trying to update extension uBlock0@raymondhill.net 10-28 07:25:20.380 604 3889 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=497#0 10-28 07:25:20.380 604 3889 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: SnapshotStartingWindow for taskId=497#0 10-28 07:25:20.383 2581 2581 V NavigationBar: onRotationProposal proposedRotation=ROTATION_0, winRotation=ROTATION_0, isValid=true, mNavBarWindowState=WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING, rotateSuggestionsDisabled=false, isRotateButtonVisible=false 10-28 07:25:20.390 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.391 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.402 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.411 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.429 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.432 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.442 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.442 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 07:25:20.444 18539 25278 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 6 lines 10-28 07:25:20.451 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 07:25:20.487 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 07:25:20.487 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 07:25:20.487 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 07:25:20.489 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 07:25:20.490 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 07:25:20.490 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 07:25:20.491 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 07:25:20.491 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 07:25:20.491 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 07:25:20.492 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 07:25:20.493 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 07:25:20.494 704 25322 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 07:25:20.495 704 25322 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 07:25:20.496 704 25322 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 07:25:20.496 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 07:25:20.496 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 07:25:20.497 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 07:25:20.498 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 07:25:20.499 704 25323 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 07:25:20.499 18539 19306 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 8 lines 10-28 07:25:20.499 22263 22304 I SupportedAddonsWorker: Trying to check for new supported add-ons 10-28 07:25:20.500 704 25323 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 07:25:20.501 22263 22306 I sync_manager::manager: No backoff in effect (or we decided to ignore it), starting sync 10-28 07:25:20.517 704 25323 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 07:25:20.518 704 25323 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 12:6:56 10-28 07:25:20.518 704 25323 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41342816000 10-28 07:25:20.518 704 25323 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 07:25:20.519 704 25323 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603866319000 10-28 07:25:20.519 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603866319 10-28 07:25:20.520 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 07:25:20.520 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603866319; nsec = 0 10-28 07:25:20.521 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 07:25:20.522 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 07:25:20.522 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 07:25:20.523 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 07:25:20.524 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-28 07:25:20.539 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-28 07:25:20.539 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 07:25:20.543 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:20.545 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:20.578 22263 22301 I FirefoxAccount: Successfully executed: get access token 10-28 07:25:20.602 22263 22301 I FirefoxAccount: Executing: getTokenServerEndpointURL 10-28 07:25:20.641 22263 22301 I FirefoxAccount: Successfully executed: getTokenServerEndpointURL 10-28 07:25:20.656 22263 22405 I experiments: Fetching experiments from https://firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com/v1/buckets/main/collections/mobile-experiments/records?_since=1602876354998 10-28 07:25:20.872 22263 22306 I sync15::sync_multiple: Syncing 4 stores 10-28 07:25:20.873 22263 22306 I sync15::sync_multiple: Loading/initializing persisted state 10-28 07:25:20.873 22263 22306 I sync15::sync_multiple: Preparing client info 10-28 07:25:20.874 22263 22306 I sync15::sync_multiple: Entering sync state machine 10-28 07:25:20.882 22263 22306 I sync15::sync_multiple: Advancing state machine to ready (full) 10-28 07:25:20.984 18539 18568 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) GoogleApiHandle expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:21.010 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=3b4fc9fc-f726-4251-91cd-a279811d4bf3, tags={ mozilla.components.feature.addons.migration.DefaultSupportedAddonsChecker.periodicWork, mozilla.components.feature.addons.migration.SupportedAddonsWorker } ] 10-28 07:25:21.222 3217 25329 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-28 07:25:21.263 22263 22405 I experiments: Experiments update from server: ExperimentsSnapshot(experiments=[], lastModified=1602876354998) 10-28 07:25:21.279 22263 22405 I experiments: onExperimentsUpdated - no experiment currently active, looking for match 10-28 07:25:21.288 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=d3cb45d7-095f-46f7-a9e7-8b467f8f8a9e, tags={ mozilla.components.service.experiments.ExperimentsUpdaterWorker, mozilla.components.service.experiments } ] 10-28 07:25:21.290 22263 22274 I g.mozilla.feni: Background concurrent copying GC freed 12017(1031KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(332KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 17MB/34MB, paused 28.149ms total 722.566ms 10-28 07:25:21.341 20356 22473 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:20356_4 expire 10 lines 10-28 07:25:21.357 3217 25279 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:21.371 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:21.371 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:21.427 851 914 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs 10-28 07:25:21.431 851 1384 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 10-28 07:25:21.432 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-28 07:25:21.734 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 03224dd0-702a-4259-864e-9eafe8a19b27 successfully sent 200. 10-28 07:25:21.735 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/03224dd0-702a-4259-864e-9eafe8a19b27 10-28 07:25:21.754 22263 22404 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: No more pings to upload! You are done. 10-28 07:25:21.760 22263 22349 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=c74bf8e8-927e-4cd7-931a-711a769d61fc, tags={ mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker, mozac_service_glean_ping_upload_worker } ] 10-28 07:25:21.790 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=95, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] (release request) 10-28 07:25:21.873 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:21.875 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.112 3682 3695 I droid.launcher: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 5297(310KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(208KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 290us total 409.832ms 10-28 07:25:22.173 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abpz.onStartJob(3): SCH: onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9001 10-28 07:25:22.205 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abli.a(9): SCH: Scheduling fallback job with id: 9034, and delay: 43200000 ms 10-28 07:25:22.251 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.254 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.261 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 77158(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 20(1316KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 6MB/12MB, paused 155us total 549.351ms 10-28 07:25:22.268 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.269 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.282 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.283 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.301 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.304 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.322 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.323 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abli.b(9): SCH: Scheduling fallback in 64799890 (absolute: 290011005) 10-28 07:25:22.323 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.327 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.331 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:22.413 22644 22683 I PlayCommon: [353] atbv.h(22): Preparing logs for uploading 10-28 07:25:22.586 22644 22683 W PlayCommon: [353] atbv.m(1): No account for auth token provided 10-28 07:25:23.025 3217 3228 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 4 lines 10-28 07:25:23.229 22644 22683 I PlayCommon: [353] atbv.h(166): Connecting to server: https://play.googleapis.com/play/log?format=raw&proto_v2=true 10-28 07:25:23.402 851 3754 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.whatsapp/.Main bnds=[30,1088][234,1339]} from uid 10011 10-28 07:25:23.455 23110 23110 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@c60f918 10-28 07:25:23.626 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(8): SCH: DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1603866323611, isCharging=false, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true, batteryPercent=88.0} 10-28 07:25:23.670 851 3685 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.whatsapp/.HomeActivity} from uid 10141 10-28 07:25:23.717 23110 23110 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@e31e119 10-28 07:25:23.859 23110 23110 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead. 10-28 07:25:23.890 21932 25371 I Finsky : [465] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1952 3-1953 12-1 19-9999 20-23232323 26-1414141414 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 10-28 07:25:24.083 604 942 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{eba280 token=Token{61a4303 ActivityRecord{782d7b2 u0 com.whatsapp/.Main t498}}})/@0x69e40c8 - animation-leash#0 10-28 07:25:24.083 604 942 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{3ab5a96 token=Token{5a015b1 ActivityRecord{372b058 u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t372}}})/@0x594a355 - animation-leash#0 10-28 07:25:24.084 604 942 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{eba280 token=Token{61a4303 ActivityRecord{782d7b2 u0 com.whatsapp/.Main t498}}})/@0x69e40c8 - animation-leash#0 10-28 07:25:24.085 604 942 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: Surface(name=AppWindowToken{3ab5a96 token=Token{5a015b1 ActivityRecord{372b058 u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t372}}})/@0x594a355 - animation-leash#0 10-28 07:25:24.191 23110 25377 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 8e59954, I0be83d0d26 10-28 07:25:24.191 23110 25377 I Adreno : Build Date : 09/22/17 10-28 07:25:24.191 23110 25377 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.21.02.00 10-28 07:25:24.191 23110 25377 I Adreno : Local Branch : O17A 10-28 07:25:24.191 23110 25377 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 10-28 07:25:24.191 23110 25377 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 10-28 07:25:24.191 23110 25377 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 10-28 07:25:24.192 23110 25377 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 07:25:24.214 23110 25377 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 10-28 07:25:24.223 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-28 07:25:24.225 851 862 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_1 expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:24.231 23110 25377 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0 10-28 07:25:24.232 23110 25377 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0 10-28 07:25:24.234 23110 25377 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 10-28 07:25:24.234 23110 25377 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 10-28 07:25:24.370 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 12-1 10-28 07:25:24.377 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ContentSyncJob.r(1): [ContentSync] job started 10-28 07:25:24.403 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 19-9999 10-28 07:25:24.420 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 34-1724 10-28 07:25:24.421 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 3, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 07:25:24.422 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 12-1 19-9999 34-1724 10-28 07:25:24.660 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-28 07:25:24.662 23110 25377 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 07:25:24.669 23110 25377 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 07:25:24.672 18539 19305 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[7] expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:24.714 23110 23121 I com.whatsapp: Background concurrent copying GC freed 22760(2038KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 4MB/9MB, paused 401us total 160.755ms 10-28 07:25:24.974 604 772 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: Splash Screen com.whatsapp#0 10-28 07:25:24.974 604 772 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: Splash Screen com.whatsapp#0 10-28 07:25:25.028 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting startup-timeline 10-28 07:25:25.029 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storage for startup-timeline empty. Bailing out. 10-28 07:25:25.029 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: No content for ping 'startup-timeline', therefore no ping queued. 10-28 07:25:25.031 22263 22263 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Background 10-28 07:25:25.050 851 3780 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10129 10-28 07:25:25.057 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting baseline 10-28 07:25:25.096 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '89d4b67a-1571-4af3-9129-86c3b111ec9d' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/89d4b67a-1571-4af3-9129-86c3b111ec9d' 10-28 07:25:25.098 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/89d4b67a-1571-4af3-9129-86c3b111ec9d 10-28 07:25:25.099 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'baseline' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-28 07:25:25.129 22263 22263 I [INFO][Leanplum]: [com.leanplum.internal.RequestOld::sendIfConnected::4]: Device is offline, will send later 10-28 07:25:25.161 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting events 10-28 07:25:25.180 22263 22286 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '32c3cfaa-8222-41af-837f-ceba9b9b4211' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/32c3cfaa-8222-41af-837f-ceba9b9b4211' 10-28 07:25:25.192 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/32c3cfaa-8222-41af-837f-ceba9b9b4211 10-28 07:25:25.193 22263 22286 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'events' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-28 07:25:25.552 851 3774 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10129/22263 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=96, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] 10-28 07:25:25.553 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=96, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-28 07:25:25.570 22263 22263 I Choreographer: Skipped 201 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Work [ id=cfd8662d-c912-4bad-8d54-c393a4ead25e, tags={ mozilla.components.feature.addons.update.addonUpdater.periodicWork, mozilla.components.feature.addons.update.uBlock0@raymondhill.net.periodicWork, mozilla.components.feature.addons.update.AddonUpdaterWorker } ] was cancelled 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.futures.AbstractFuture.getDoneValue(AbstractFuture.java:6) 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.futures.AbstractFuture.get(AbstractFuture.java:48) 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.WorkerWrapper$2.run(WorkerWrapper.java:1) 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.SerialExecutor$Task.run(SerialExecutor.java:1) 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-28 07:25:25.673 22263 22353 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Work [ id=43a2a384-1d51-4f68-b54b-837865b1f264, tags={ mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker, Debounce, Common } ] was cancelled 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled. 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.futures.AbstractFuture.getDoneValue(AbstractFuture.java:6) 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.futures.AbstractFuture.get(AbstractFuture.java:48) 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.WorkerWrapper$2.run(WorkerWrapper.java:1) 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.SerialExecutor$Task.run(SerialExecutor.java:1) 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-28 07:25:25.710 22263 22351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 07:25:25.781 21932 25382 I Finsky : [467] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 19-9999. TimeElapsed: 1378ms. 10-28 07:25:25.912 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 19-9999 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 07:25:25.913 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 2, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 07:25:25.914 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 12-1 34-1724 10-28 07:25:25.985 22644 22683 I PlayCommon: [353] atbv.h(198): Successfully uploaded logs. 10-28 07:25:26.160 18539 20441 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Thread-58 expire 6 lines 10-28 07:25:26.259 18539 25313 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 13 lines 10-28 07:25:26.686 851 3688 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.whatsapp/.Conversation (has extras)} from uid 10141 10-28 07:25:26.721 23110 23110 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@84c15f0 10-28 07:25:26.808 23110 23110 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead. 10-28 07:25:26.986 22263 22263 I AddonUpdaterWorker: There is no new updates for the uBlock0@raymondhill.net 10-28 07:25:27.186 23110 23121 I com.whatsapp: Background concurrent copying GC freed 29243(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 26(1648KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/12MB, paused 315us total 145.036ms 10-28 07:25:27.405 18539 18594 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 6 lines 10-28 07:25:27.795 18539 18608 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 07:25:27.849 18539 18608 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 07:25:27.849 18539 18608 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 07:25:27.946 18539 18550 W gle.android.gm: Suspending all threads took: 13.378ms 10-28 07:25:28.070 18539 18594 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 07:25:28.117 18539 18594 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 07:25:28.117 18539 18594 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 07:25:28.152 18539 25313 I Checkin : [AndroidCheckinProtoModule] Checkin reason type: 0 attempt count: 1. 10-28 07:25:28.337 18539 18608 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 07:25:28.337 18539 18608 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 07:25:28.356 18539 18608 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 07:25:28.386 18539 25423 I FSA2_SyncState: @readSyncState: # aoyu@4fd04540 10-28 07:25:28.545 3217 25329 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.ads.social.GcmSchedulerWakeupService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 2187 uptime_millis: 2186 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 225215 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 07:25:28.612 3217 23994 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.security.snet.SnetNormalTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 225217 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 07:25:28.631 3217 25329 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.security.snet.SnetNormalTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 50 uptime_millis: 50 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 225217 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 07:25:28.672 21932 21991 D Volley : [366] dav.a: HTTP response for request=<[ ] https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/bulkPrefetch?nocache_qos=lt 0xe8d195d1 NORMAL 11> [lifetime=3311], [size=22124], [rc=200], [retryCount=0] 10-28 07:25:28.751 3217 5623 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 07:25:28.807 3217 5623 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 07:25:28.807 3217 5623 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 07:25:28.826 3217 24666 I PackageUpdateTaskChimer: Scheduling Phenotype config package catchup updates to be 86400 seconds from now (1603866328826) [CONTEXT service_id=51 ] 10-28 07:25:28.859 3217 24666 I apmj : Scheduling adaptive one off task with window [14400, 604800] in seconds [CONTEXT service_id=51 ] 10-28 07:25:28.929 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 25430:com.google.android.gms.ui/u0a18 for service com.google.android.gms/.chimera.UiIntentOperationService 10-28 07:25:28.994 3217 23994 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.sync.PhenotypeConfigurator finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 6757 uptime_millis: 6758 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 225211 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 07:25:28.999 25430 25430 I .android.gms.u: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 07:25:29.010 25430 25430 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.ui identical 13 lines 10-28 07:25:29.034 3217 25429 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:29.039 18539 25312 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:29.090 3217 5623 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:3217_6 expire 3 lines 10-28 07:25:29.221 24927 25455 I Tycho.BaseWorker: Run in the default process for: FCM_REGISTRATION 10-28 07:25:29.321 18539 25451 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:29.598 3217 3883 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 17 lines 10-28 07:25:29.628 18539 25264 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:29.749 18539 19283 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[0] expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:29.965 3217 25448 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:29.998 23110 23115 I com.whatsapp: Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 23212 in void X.0XD.A00(android.os.Message) 10-28 07:25:30.098 24927 25458 I PhenotypeExpCommitUtil: [986] qzp.a: Successfully committed experiments for user [XU2XmGw3D14LKDLsBv_nSZiu2j9_wjQqxM4SX1ky-7U]. 10-28 07:25:30.103 24927 25446 I PhenotypeExpCommitUtil: [984] qzp.a: Successfully committed experiments for user [XU2XmGw3D14LKDLsBv_nSZiu2j9_wjQqxM4SX1ky-7U]. 10-28 07:25:30.112 24927 24957 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=5367eb4a-9531-4288-9d29-f497b99c8e66, tags={ com.google.android.flib.phenotype.work.PhenotypeExperimentCommitWorker } ] 10-28 07:25:30.239 24927 24959 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=4ab98866-740e-43e3-9e35-96984f21fd33, tags={ com.google.android.flib.phenotype.work.PhenotypeExperimentCommitWorker } ] 10-28 07:25:30.426 24614 24614 I Tycho.fax: First call to TelephonyManager.hasCarrierPrivileges in process returned false 10-28 07:25:30.452 24614 24614 W Tycho.fax: Cannot retrieve the T-Mobile subscriber ID. 10-28 07:25:30.773 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 34-1724. TimeElapsed: 6350ms. 10-28 07:25:30.774 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(7): SCH: Job 34-1724 finished. Rescheduling. 10-28 07:25:30.782 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 07:25:30.783 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 12-1 10-28 07:25:30.857 24614 25478 I WM-GreedyScheduler: Ignoring schedule request in a secondary process 10-28 07:25:31.342 21932 21944 W android.vendin: Suspending all threads took: 6.216ms 10-28 07:25:31.919 22263 22306 W sync15::sync_multiple: sync failed: Network error: [no-sentry] Network error: Java error: "fetch error: java.net.SocketTimeoutException", final status=NetworkError 10-28 07:25:31.919 22263 22306 W sync15::sync_multiple: Backtrace: None 10-28 07:25:31.920 22263 22306 I sync_manager::manager: Sync finished with status NetworkError 10-28 07:25:31.999 22263 22306 E SyncWorker: Network error 10-28 07:25:32.270 20356 20369 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:20356_1 expire 10 lines 10-28 07:25:32.405 18539 25423 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:33.139 18539 25487 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 6 lines 10-28 07:25:33.379 22263 22274 W g.mozilla.feni: Suspending all threads took: 7.485ms 10-28 07:25:33.478 3217 24666 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:34.069 18539 25489 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 07:25:34.238 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.checkin.CHECKIN_COMPLETE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } from com.google.android.gms (pid=18539, uid=10018) is not exported from uid 10037 due to receiver com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.checkin.CheckinReceiver 10-28 07:25:34.551 21932 25385 I Finsky : [469] gjh.b(1): Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful. 10-28 07:25:34.577 3217 23762 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 6 lines 10-28 07:25:34.592 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ContentSyncJob.a(1): [ContentSync] Installation state replication succeeded. 10-28 07:25:34.593 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 12-1. TimeElapsed: 10222ms. 10-28 07:25:34.594 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(4): SCH: Job 12-1 finished. Not rescheduling. 10-28 07:25:34.596 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 07:25:34.596 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(66): SCH: Waiting on changed job store 10-28 07:25:34.646 18539 25491 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:35.671 21932 25371 I Finsky : [465] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1952 3-1953 20-23232323 26-1414141414 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 07:25:35.683 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 07:25:35.686 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(26): SCH: Executor finished 10-28 07:25:35.711 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1952 3-1953 20-23232323 26-1414141414 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 07:25:35.734 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, -> L: 23465031ms, D: 66665031ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 07:25:35.735 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 3-1953, 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 66436740ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 07:25:35.737 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1723, 34-1725, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, -> L: 0ms, D: 1295994734ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 07:25:35.739 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 3-1952, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, -> L: 0ms, D: 35921338ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 07:25:35.744 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 2918391ms, D: 3818391ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 07:25:35.762 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9002 9004 9003 9007 10-28 07:25:35.803 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 23465031, D: 66665031, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 07:25:35.815 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(8): SCH: Throttling wakeup for job 9005 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 10-28 07:25:35.816 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9005, L: 30000, D: 66436740, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 07:25:35.819 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(8): SCH: Throttling wakeup for job 9006 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 10-28 07:25:35.820 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9006, L: 30000, D: 1295994734, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 07:25:35.826 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(8): SCH: Throttling wakeup for job 9008 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 10-28 07:25:35.827 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9008, L: 30000, D: 35921338, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 07:25:35.830 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9009, L: 2918391, D: 3818391, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 07:25:39.070 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 07:25:39.293 851 22830 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_D expire 1 line 10-28 07:25:39.074 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 07:25:39.077 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 07:25:58.941 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:58.942 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:58.946 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:25:58.947 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:25:59.008 851 2799 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.whatsapp/.Conversation (has extras)} from uid 10141 10-28 07:25:59.032 23110 23110 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@397e5c 10-28 07:25:59.049 23110 23110 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead. 10-28 07:25:59.226 24927 25455 W Tycho.dlm: Couldn't retrieve an FCM token, will retry. 10-28 07:26:19.375 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 07:26:36.102 18539 25488 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[10] expire 8 lines 10-28 07:26:19.384 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 07:26:19.393 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 07:26:39.854 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:26:39.855 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:26:39.861 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 07:26:39.864 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 07:26:40.505 851 1385 D WindowManager: powerPress: eventTime=44382161 interactive=true count=1 beganFromNonInteractive=false mShortPressOnPowerBehavior=1 10-28 07:26:40.506 851 1385 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)... 10-28 07:26:40.508 851 851 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 10-28 07:26:40.532 851 929 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PowerManagerSer expire 4 lines 10-28 07:26:40.597 2581 2800 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 5280 10-28 07:26:40.606 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-28 07:26:40.610 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-28 07:26:40.616 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-28 07:26:40.616 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-28 07:26:40.617 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 07:26:40.617 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 07:26:40.643 436 15973 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-28 07:26:40.644 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-28 07:26:40.644 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback 10-28 07:26:40.685 436 15973 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-28 07:26:40.685 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 10-28 07:26:40.686 436 15973 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: eglDestroySurface failed: error 12301 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: java.lang.Throwable 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.ColorFade.logEglError(ColorFade.java:690) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.ColorFade.destroyEglSurface(ColorFade.java:626) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.ColorFade.dismissResources(ColorFade.java:333) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerState.dismissColorFadeResources(DisplayPowerState.java:217) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.animateScreenStateChange(DisplayPowerController.java:1447) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.updatePowerState(DisplayPowerController.java:851) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.access$900(DisplayPowerController.java:82) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController$DisplayControllerHandler.handleMessage(DisplayPowerController.java:1855) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 10-28 07:26:41.020 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:44) 10-28 07:26:41.026 851 929 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 10-28 07:26:41.028 851 929 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 10-28 07:26:41.029 851 914 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 10-28 07:26:41.033 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-28 07:26:41.037 851 914 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs 10-28 07:26:41.152 851 3685 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 10-28 07:26:41.153 851 914 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 10-28 07:26:41.153 851 914 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 10-28 07:26:41.161 851 929 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)... 10-28 07:26:41.182 851 3688 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 10-28 07:26:41.193 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-28 07:26:41.207 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-28 07:26:41.208 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 07:26:41.472 3217 3883 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 10 lines 10-28 07:26:42.016 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 10-28 07:26:42.018 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 2 ms 10-28 07:26:42.043 851 916 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Écran intégré", OFF 10-28 07:26:42.043 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x7542058000 10-28 07:26:42.056 851 1135 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 10-28 07:26:42.063 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0 10-28 07:26:42.073 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:26:42.114 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 07:26:42.124 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:26:42.250 604 826 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0 10-28 07:26:42.258 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0 10-28 07:26:42.259 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=0, type=0 10-28 07:26:42.264 851 6469 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 1 line 10-28 07:27:35.043 3217 24920 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-28 07:27:24.224 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:27:35.052 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: reportNetworkConnectivity(137, false) by 10018 10-28 07:27:41.075 851 25611 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 07:27:41.108 851 25610 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 07:27:41.424 3217 25617 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) GCMWriter expire 1 line 10-28 07:27:41.567 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 137] validation passed 10-28 07:29:22.097 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:29:34.145 851 914 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 179ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.Watchdog$HandlerChecker@82c8baf m=0 10-28 07:29:42.139 684 771 I Netd : Destroyed 3 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 3.2 ms 10-28 07:29:42.187 851 3685 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10141 10-28 07:34:43.219 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=225772010 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34363, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 07:34:45.484 684 759 I Netd : Destroyed 2 sockets on in 1.1 ms 10-28 07:34:45.551 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:34:45.584 851 878 W ProcessCpuTracker: Skipping unknown process pid 25650 10-28 07:34:45.623 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 144] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to DISCONNECTED 10-28 07:34:45.624 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 144] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 10 10-28 07:34:45.624 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost 10-28 07:34:45.625 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: DcNetworkAgent: unwanted found mNetworkAgent=null, which isn't me. Aborting unwanted 10-28 07:34:45.733 684 767 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-28 07:34:48.265 684 771 I Netd : Destroyed 5 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 3.2 ms 10-28 07:34:57.078 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 07:34:58.495 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:34:58.570 21932 21973 I PlayCommon: [354] atbv.h(22): Preparing logs for uploading 10-28 07:34:58.572 851 3774 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10037 10-28 07:34:58.592 21932 21973 I PlayCommon: [354] atbv.h(166): Connecting to server: https://play.googleapis.com/play/log?format=raw&proto_v2=true 10-28 07:35:00.525 851 2552 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[UMTS], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: free, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{145} nethandle{626175954957} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data0, -> rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] UsePrivateDns: false PrivateDnsServerName: null Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} } 10-28 07:35:00.526 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 145] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED 10-28 07:35:00.527 684 769 D TcpSocketMonitor: resuming tcpinfo polling (interval=30000ms) 10-28 07:35:00.529 851 1561 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(145, PrivateDnsConfig{true:/[]}) 10-28 07:35:00.531 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 145 to [/, /] 10-28 07:35:00.532 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(145, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 07:35:00.534 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface rmnet_data0 to network 145 10-28 07:35:00.542 684 25792 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 07:35:00.543 684 25793 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 07:35:00.546 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 145 to [/, /] 10-28 07:35:00.547 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(145, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 07:35:01.474 684 25795 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 07:35:01.474 684 25794 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 07:35:01.475 684 25795 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 07:35:01.476 684 25794 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 07:35:01.480 851 25796 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 07:35:01.483 851 25797 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 07:35:06.838 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (UMTS) - 145] validation passed 10-28 07:35:06.846 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 145 to [/, /] 10-28 07:35:06.849 851 1561 D DnsManager: setDnsConfigurationForNetwork(145, [,], [], [1800, 25, 8, 64], , [,]) 10-28 07:35:06.888 684 25819 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 07:35:06.888 684 25820 W DnsTlsSocket: SSL_connect error 5, errno=111 10-28 07:35:06.889 684 25820 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 07:35:06.889 684 25819 E DnsTlsSocket: Failed to increment eventfd by -9223372036854775808 10-28 07:36:15.997 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_connect_cb: clnt_h=0x2a conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-28 07:36:16.001 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_rw_iovec_cb: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x2a msg_id=3: R/W request received 10-28 07:36:16.004 433 433 I rmt_storage: wakelock acquired: 1, error no: 42 10-28 07:36:16.007 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: Unblock worker thread (th_id: 541765145840) 10-28 07:36:16.089 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x2a msg_id=3: Bytes written = 1572864 10-28 07:36:16.089 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: req_h=0x2a msg_id=3: Send response: res=0 err=0 10-28 07:36:16.090 433 582 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_client_thread: /boot/modem_fs2: About to block rmt_storage client thread (th_id: 541765145840) wakelock released: 1, error no: 0 10-28 07:36:16.090 433 582 I rmt_storage: 10-28 07:36:16.093 433 433 I rmt_storage: rmt_storage_disconnect_cb: clnt_h=0x2a conn_h=0x7e23e2c020 10-28 07:44:11.122 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 07:44:11.144 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:52:20.200 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 07:52:21.331 684 767 I Netd : Destroyed 6 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 2.5 ms 10-28 07:52:21.811 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=226830601 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34388, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 07:55:02.240 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=226991028 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 07:58:17.092 851 1151 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HubConnection expire 10 lines 10-28 08:07:22.071 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:07:22.474 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 08:07:22.474 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 08:07:22.535 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 08:07:22.536 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 08:07:22.686 3217 25582 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 4 lines 10-28 08:07:22.814 3217 25630 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 08:07:24.908 21932 21973 I PlayCommon: [354] atbv.h(198): Successfully uploaded logs. 10-28 08:07:27.193 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:07:27.292 684 684 I Netd : Destroyed 6 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 4.8 ms 10-28 08:22:28.148 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:22:28.427 18539 25873 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 08:22:28.631 18539 25872 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 08:22:28.764 851 878 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app idle: u0a141 -57m4s770ms com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService 10-28 08:22:29.093 18539 20438 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Thread-55 expire 6 lines 10-28 08:22:29.496 3217 25867 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-28 08:22:29.526 3217 23994 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 3 lines 10-28 08:22:29.527 18539 18594 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 08:22:29.956 18539 25872 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 08:22:31.229 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abpz.onStartJob(3): SCH: onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9009 10-28 08:22:31.240 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abli.a(9): SCH: Scheduling fallback job with id: 9034, and delay: 43200000 ms 10-28 08:22:31.252 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abli.b(9): SCH: Scheduling fallback in 64799994 (absolute: 293440043) 10-28 08:22:31.257 851 862 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10037 10-28 08:22:31.635 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(8): SCH: DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1603869751623, isCharging=false, isIdle=true, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true, batteryPercent=88.0} 10-28 08:22:31.669 21932 25881 I Finsky : [472] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1952 3-1953 20-23232323 26-1414141414 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 08:22:31.681 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 26-1414141414 10-28 08:22:31.684 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.a(10): SCH: Running job: 34-1725 10-28 08:22:31.687 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 2, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 08:22:31.687 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 26-1414141414 34-1725 10-28 08:22:31.705 21932 21971 I Finsky : [352] jfz.a(19): [Counters Flush] Successfully generated counter events 10-28 08:22:31.705 21932 21974 I Finsky : [355] ofs.a(1): [Counters Flush] Counters flushed successfully 10-28 08:22:31.707 21932 21974 I Finsky : [355] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 26-1414141414. TimeElapsed: 26ms. 10-28 08:22:31.722 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(7): SCH: Job 26-1414141414 finished. Rescheduling. 10-28 08:22:31.724 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 08:22:31.725 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(63): SCH: Running queue: 34-1725 10-28 08:22:33.197 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:22:33.292 21932 21957 W Finsky : [338] abqf.a(6): Clipping MinimumLatency to 604800000 from 1295999001 10-28 08:22:33.294 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abnb.n(4): SCH: jobFinished: 34-1725. TimeElapsed: 1608ms. 10-28 08:22:33.295 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abls.c(7): SCH: Job 34-1725 finished. Rescheduling. 10-28 08:22:33.296 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(60): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0 10-28 08:22:33.297 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] ablr.handleMessage(26): SCH: Executor finished 10-28 08:22:33.336 684 767 I Netd : Destroyed 8 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 2.4 ms 10-28 08:22:33.351 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1952 3-1953 20-23232323 26-1414141414 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 08:22:33.354 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, -> L: 20047392ms, D: 63247392ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 08:22:33.356 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 3-1953, 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 63019101ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 08:22:33.358 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1723, 34-1725, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, -> L: 63219757ms, D: 1359219757ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 08:22:33.359 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 3-1952, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, -> L: 0ms, D: 32503699ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 08:22:33.360 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, -> L: 43198371ms, D: 44098371ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 08:22:33.371 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9005 9006 9000 9008 10-28 08:22:33.372 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 20047392, D: 63247392, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 08:22:33.377 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(8): SCH: Throttling wakeup for job 9002 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 10-28 08:22:33.378 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 30000, D: 63019101, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 08:22:33.382 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 63219757, D: 1359219757, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 08:22:33.384 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(8): SCH: Throttling wakeup for job 9004 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup 10-28 08:22:33.385 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 30000, D: 32503699, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 08:22:33.388 21932 21932 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9007, L: 43198371, D: 44098371, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 08:23:53.122 3217 25617 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) GCMWriter expire 1 line 10-28 08:24:12.131 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 08:24:12.147 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:26:09.020 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=228857808 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34560, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 08:28:31.724 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:28:34.653 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=229003436 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34566, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 08:28:36.313 851 3780 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10037 10-28 08:28:39.481 851 851 D AnyMotionDetector: angleBetween: this = timeMillisSinceBoot=229000565 | x=7.9739053E-4, y=0.13130367, z=0.9913419, other = timeMillisSinceBoot=229008272 | x=9.5837965E-4, y=0.1313544, z=0.99133503, degrees = 0.009679258 10-28 08:29:10.224 3217 4003 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) FlpThread expire 3 lines 10-28 08:49:41.535 851 1385 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid=1000 reason=android.policy:POWER)... 10-28 08:49:41.538 851 851 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 10-28 08:49:41.558 851 1385 D WindowManager: powerPress: eventTime=44466960 interactive=true count=1 beganFromNonInteractive=true mShortPressOnPowerBehavior=1 10-28 08:49:41.575 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 10-28 08:49:41.595 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:49:41.614 851 916 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Écran intégré", ON 10-28 08:49:41.615 851 1135 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 10-28 08:49:41.617 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7542058000 10-28 08:49:41.617 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0 10-28 08:49:41.658 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 08:49:41.662 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 08:49:41.666 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 08:49:41.686 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 111 ms 10-28 08:49:41.710 3217 3217 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 08:49:41.816 3217 25867 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 08:49:41.844 604 826 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1 10-28 08:49:41.844 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0 10-28 08:49:41.845 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=2, type=0 10-28 08:49:41.848 851 929 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 430 ms 10-28 08:49:41.877 3217 25887 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 6 lines 10-28 08:49:41.912 3217 3883 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 20 lines 10-28 08:49:42.012 3217 25867 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 08:49:42.038 18539 18608 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-28 08:49:42.148 18539 19285 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 2 lines 10-28 08:49:42.206 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 08:49:42.208 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 08:49:42.244 3217 3229 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) Binder:3217_1 expire 1 line 10-28 08:49:42.251 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 08:49:42.252 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 08:49:42.274 18539 25488 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[10] expire 4 lines 10-28 08:49:42.401 18539 18550 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 10-28 08:49:44.728 21932 21953 I Finsky : [335] nig.run(36): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor nkk@bca4d58[Running, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 414] 10-28 08:49:44.731 21932 21953 I Finsky : [335] nig.run(36): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor nkk@2c3eeb1[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 795] 10-28 08:49:44.922 21932 21953 I Finsky : [335] nig.run(36): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor nkk@e0cbf96[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 904] 10-28 08:49:46.012 851 3778 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_B expire 1 line 10-28 08:49:51.418 851 929 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)... 10-28 08:49:51.421 851 851 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: eglDestroySurface failed: error 12301 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: java.lang.Throwable 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.ColorFade.logEglError(ColorFade.java:690) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.ColorFade.destroyEglSurface(ColorFade.java:626) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.ColorFade.dismissResources(ColorFade.java:333) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerState.dismissColorFadeResources(DisplayPowerState.java:217) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.animateScreenStateChange(DisplayPowerController.java:1447) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.updatePowerState(DisplayPowerController.java:851) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController.access$900(DisplayPowerController.java:82) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.display.DisplayPowerController$DisplayControllerHandler.handleMessage(DisplayPowerController.java:1855) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 10-28 08:49:51.941 851 929 E ColorFade: at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:44) 10-28 08:49:51.953 851 929 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland. 10-28 08:49:51.955 851 929 I PowerManagerService: Dozing... 10-28 08:49:51.957 851 914 I DreamController: Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 10-28 08:49:51.965 851 914 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs 10-28 08:49:52.045 851 1151 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HubConnection expire 4 lines 10-28 08:49:52.059 851 2552 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland. 10-28 08:49:52.059 851 914 I DreamManagerService: Performing gentle wake from dream. 10-28 08:49:52.059 851 914 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0 10-28 08:49:52.064 851 929 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)... 10-28 08:49:52.126 3217 3217 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 08:49:52.951 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off 10-28 08:49:52.953 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off after 3 ms 10-28 08:49:52.989 851 916 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Écran intégré", OFF 10-28 08:49:52.990 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x7542058000 10-28 08:49:53.001 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0 10-28 08:49:53.007 851 1135 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 10-28 08:49:53.014 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:49:53.015 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 1 line 10-28 08:49:53.122 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 08:49:53.135 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:49:53.284 604 826 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0 10-28 08:49:53.294 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0 10-28 08:49:53.296 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=0, type=0 10-28 08:49:53.299 851 2472 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 1 line 10-28 08:49:53.301 851 6469 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 1 line 10-28 08:52:53.086 851 851 V BackupManagerService: Not running backup while in battery save mode 10-28 08:52:53.087 851 851 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000 10-28 08:52:53.088 851 851 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupFuzzMilliseconds(...) returns 600000 10-28 08:52:53.089 851 851 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 1 10-28 08:52:53.090 851 851 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true 10-28 08:52:53.092 851 851 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 242 minutes 10-28 08:52:53.118 684 684 I Netd : Destroyed 4 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 1.0 ms 10-28 08:52:53.139 851 888 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was reset, new WiFi energy data is WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ timestamp=230461933 mStackState=3 mControllerTxTimeMs=0 mControllerTxTimePerLevelMs=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34660, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mControllerRxTimeMs=0 mControllerScanTimeMs=0 mControllerIdleTimeMs=0 mControllerEnergyUsed=0 } 10-28 08:57:55.530 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 08:57:57.066 851 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 10-28 08:57:59.263 684 767 I Netd : Destroyed 4 sockets for UidRanges{ 10000-2147483647 } skip={1000 1001 1027 1068 2000 10004 10005 10010 10011 10018 10022 10044 10046 10062} in 2.1 ms 10-28 08:57:59.596 20283 20338 I Finsky:download_service: [334] nig.run(36): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor nkk@73b4378[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 4] 10-28 09:04:25.309 431 1619 E android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: uevent received SUBSYSTEM=dual_role_usb 10-28 09:04:25.316 431 1619 I android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: otg_default 10-28 09:04:25.320 431 1619 I android.hardware.usb@1.0-service: canChangeMode: 1 canChagedata: 0 canChangePower:0 10-28 09:04:25.329 851 1618 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback: otg_default 10-28 09:04:25.338 851 914 I UsbPortManager: USB port changed: port=UsbPort{id=otg_default, supportedModes=dual}, status=UsbPortStatus{connected=true, currentMode=ufp, currentPowerRole=sink, currentDataRole=device, supportedRoleCombinations=[source:host, sink:device]}, canChangeMode=true, canChangePowerRole=false, canChangeDataRole=false 10-28 09:04:26.117 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 09:04:26.158 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 09:04:26.273 851 915 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy... 10-28 09:04:26.276 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.gcm.nts.SchedulerReceiver 10-28 09:04:26.277 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:04:26.289 851 1385 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from sleep (uid=1000 reason=android.policy:POWER)... 10-28 09:04:26.306 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 09:04:26.316 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn. 10-28 09:04:26.330 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 09:04:26.339 851 916 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Écran intégré", ON 10-28 09:04:26.340 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7542058000 10-28 09:04:26.341 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0 10-28 09:04:26.357 642 642 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xed1ae480) created, clientPid(851) 10-28 09:04:26.368 851 1135 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request. 10-28 09:04:26.369 851 1385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputReader expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:26.370 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-28 09:04:26.377 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 09:04:26.404 851 914 D UsbDeviceManager: push notification:Transfert de fichiers via USB activé 10-28 09:04:26.404 642 26023 D GenericSource: FileSource remote 10-28 09:04:26.440 851 929 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 124 ms 10-28 09:04:26.455 851 877 W NetworkPolicy: setRestrictBackgroundUL: already true 10-28 09:04:26.475 642 26007 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xed1ae480), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:26.478 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26044:org.lineageos.updater/u0a24 for broadcast org.lineageos.updater/.UpdatesCheckReceiver 10-28 09:04:26.482 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 8 lines 10-28 09:04:26.484 642 805 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xed1ae480) at state 4 10-28 09:04:26.485 642 805 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xed1ae480), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:26.486 642 26007 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xed1ae480) 10-28 09:04:26.487 642 2812 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xed1ae480) at state 0 10-28 09:04:26.493 851 1385 D WindowManager: powerPress: eventTime=44490231 interactive=true count=1 beganFromNonInteractive=true mShortPressOnPowerBehavior=1 10-28 09:04:26.497 642 805 D NuPlayerDriver: NuPlayerDriver(0xeeb13680) created, clientPid(851) 10-28 09:04:26.503 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-28 09:04:26.511 642 26063 D GenericSource: FileSource remote 10-28 09:04:26.520 642 26061 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeeb13680), (1, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:26.527 642 2813 D NuPlayerDriver: start(0xeeb13680), state is 4, eos is 0 10-28 09:04:26.528 642 26061 I GenericSource: start 10-28 09:04:26.529 851 851 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 235ms main h=com.android.server.power.Notifier$NotifierHandler c=null m=6 10-28 09:04:26.536 851 851 W Looper : Slow delivery took 242ms main h=com.android.providers.settings.SettingsProvider$SettingsRegistry$MyHandler c=null m=1 10-28 09:04:26.544 851 851 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 10-28 09:04:26.546 3217 25983 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[248] expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:26.548 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-28 09:04:26.551 642 26069 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained 10-28 09:04:26.556 698 2884 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.google.vorbis.decoder) in omx@1.0-service process 10-28 09:04:26.576 604 826 I qdhwcomposer: handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1 10-28 09:04:26.576 604 604 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0 10-28 09:04:26.578 604 604 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished set power mode=2, type=0 10-28 09:04:26.579 851 2472 I chatty : uid=1000(system) PhotonicModulat expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:26.583 851 929 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 309 ms 10-28 09:04:26.615 851 851 W Looper : Drained 10-28 09:04:26.616 851 851 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:26.643 3217 26036 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:26.645 698 2885 E OMXNodeInstance: setConfig(0xf22b0840:google.vorbis.decoder, ConfigPriority(0x6f800002)) ERROR: Undefined(0x80001001) 10-28 09:04:26.646 642 26069 I ACodec : codec does not support config priority (err -2147483648) 10-28 09:04:26.648 642 26069 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode 10-28 09:04:26.657 420 420 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x76d822c100, 32768) 10-28 09:04:26.679 420 420 I chatty : uid=1000(system) allocator@1.0-s identical 6 lines 10-28 09:04:26.680 420 420 W AshmemAllocator: ashmem_create_region(32768) returning hidl_memory(0x76d822c100, 32768) 10-28 09:04:26.705 436 17211 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 12000 for frameCount 24000 10-28 09:04:26.709 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: routing=2 10-28 09:04:26.711 642 26061 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeeb13680), (6, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:26.712 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker-protected 10-28 09:04:26.718 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-28 09:04:26.719 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: vi-feedback 10-28 09:04:26.719 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(24) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 09:04:26.720 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 09:04:26.744 436 15973 W audio_hw_spkr_prot: audio_extn_spkr_prot_start_processing: Platform does not support APP type configuration, using V1 10-28 09:04:26.745 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-28 09:04:26.746 436 15973 D audio_route: Apply path: low-latency-playback 10-28 09:04:26.766 851 1566 I chatty : uid=1000(system) notification-sq expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:26.785 436 15973 E msm8974_platform: ramp_speaker_gain: Could not get ctl for mixer cmd - Left Speaker Gain or Right Speaker Gain, not applying speaker gain ramp 10-28 09:04:26.786 436 15973 D audio_hw_primary: out_write: retry previous failed cal level set 10-28 09:04:26.786 436 15973 W msm8974_platform: platform_send_gain_dep_cal: Usecase list is empty 10-28 09:04:26.957 851 3774 D ConnectivityService: Returning BLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10024 10-28 09:04:26.959 26044 26044 D UpdatesCheckReceiver: Network not available, scheduling new check 10-28 09:04:26.987 642 26061 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeeb13680), (211, 0, 0, 20), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:27.036 26044 26044 D UpdatesCheckReceiver: Setting one-shot updates check: Wed Oct 28 11:04:26 GMT+01:00 2020 10-28 09:04:27.064 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: Background concurrent copying GC freed 103310(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 11(1252KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 6MB/13MB, paused 220us total 148.922ms 10-28 09:04:27.141 23452 23461 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 10-28 09:04:27.142 23452 23461 E System : java.lang.NullPointerException: Null reference used for synchronization (monitor-enter) 10-28 09:04:27.142 23452 23461 E System : at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.finalize(ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.java:1053) 10-28 09:04:27.142 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 10-28 09:04:27.142 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 10-28 09:04:27.142 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 10-28 09:04:27.142 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 09:04:27.143 23452 23461 E System : Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer 10-28 09:04:27.144 23452 23461 E System : java.lang.NullPointerException: Null reference used for synchronization (monitor-enter) 10-28 09:04:27.144 23452 23461 E System : at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.finalize(ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.java:1053) 10-28 09:04:27.144 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.doFinalize(Daemons.java:250) 10-28 09:04:27.144 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(Daemons.java:237) 10-28 09:04:27.144 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Daemons$Daemon.run(Daemons.java:103) 10-28 09:04:27.144 23452 23461 E System : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 09:04:27.157 3217 4003 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) FlpThread expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:27.198 6475 6475 D MtpService: starting MTP server in MTP mode with storage /storage/emulated/0 unlocked as user 0 10-28 09:04:27.208 6475 6475 I MtpService: Couldn't get control FD! 10-28 09:04:27.211 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:04:27.219 851 3774 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10129 10-28 09:04:27.219 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:04:27.224 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:04:27.234 6475 6475 V MtpService: Adding MTP storage:/storage/emulated/0 10-28 09:04:27.254 642 26061 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeeb13680), (211, 0, 0, 20), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:27.292 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 89d4b67a-1571-4af3-9129-86c3b111ec9d (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/baseline/1/89d4b67a-1571-4af3-9129-86c3b111ec9d) 10-28 09:04:27.312 3217 3883 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 20 lines 10-28 09:04:27.376 23452 23490 W JobInfo : Requested backoff 0 for job 2131296623 is too small; raising to +10s0ms 10-28 09:04:27.450 18539 19285 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 8 lines 10-28 09:04:27.646 3217 25947 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[246] expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:27.681 2581 2800 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 4800 10-28 09:04:27.734 851 3778 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a package name 10-28 09:04:27.742 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenReceiver 10-28 09:04:27.743 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.trustagent.UserPresentBroadcastReceiver 10-28 09:04:27.744 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:04:27.769 851 3685 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10141 10-28 09:04:27.850 3217 25983 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[248] expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:27.911 18539 18608 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:27.948 851 5995 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_F expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:27.954 18539 18568 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) GoogleApiHandle expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:27.967 18539 18608 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:27.989 3217 25947 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[246] expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.041 3217 25983 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[248] expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:28.090 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 89d4b67a-1571-4af3-9129-86c3b111ec9d successfully sent 200. 10-28 09:04:28.110 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/89d4b67a-1571-4af3-9129-86c3b111ec9d 10-28 09:04:28.112 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 32c3cfaa-8222-41af-837f-ceba9b9b4211 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/events/1/32c3cfaa-8222-41af-837f-ceba9b9b4211) 10-28 09:04:28.192 3217 25947 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[246] expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.266 18539 26115 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.290 3217 25983 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[248] expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.379 3217 25947 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[246] expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.432 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 32c3cfaa-8222-41af-837f-ceba9b9b4211 successfully sent 200. 10-28 09:04:28.432 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/32c3cfaa-8222-41af-837f-ceba9b9b4211 10-28 09:04:28.437 22263 22615 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: No more pings to upload! You are done. 10-28 09:04:28.440 22263 22349 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=d69292d1-9159-4fdc-a2e1-4963b24e1ee7, tags={ mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker, mozac_service_glean_ping_upload_worker } ] 10-28 09:04:28.456 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=96, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] (release request) 10-28 09:04:28.463 3217 25887 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.573 18539 19285 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:28.656 18539 18608 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:28.667 18539 26115 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:28.708 18539 18550 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.723 18539 18548 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) FinalizerDaemon expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:28.723 18539 26115 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.729 18539 19285 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) highpool[1] expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.755 18539 18594 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.761 18539 26115 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.763 3217 25887 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.771 18539 26115 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:28.833 18539 18594 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:28.833 3217 25983 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[248] expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:28.910 18539 18594 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:29.096 642 26068 I NuPlayerDecoder: [audio] saw output EOS 10-28 09:04:29.097 642 26067 D AudioTrack: stop() called with 132832 frames delivered 10-28 09:04:29.164 18539 18608 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 10-28 09:04:29.463 851 914 D AutofillManagerService: Close system dialogs 10-28 09:04:29.465 2581 2581 V StatusBar: mStatusBarWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBarWindowView{5906043 V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,63} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false 10-28 09:04:29.485 851 3780 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 10011 10-28 09:04:29.490 3217 3228 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:29.509 3217 25983 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) lowpool[248] expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:29.617 642 26061 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeeb13680), (2, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:29.618 642 26061 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeeb13680), (211, 0, 0, 20), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:29.671 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26139:com.google.android.configupdater/u0a34 for service com.google.android.configupdater/.MainJobService 10-28 09:04:29.735 22263 22289 I sync_manager::manager: No backoff in effect (or we decided to ignore it), starting sync 10-28 09:04:29.748 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26156:com.google.android.play.games/u0a134 for service com.google.android.play.games/com.google.android.libraries.internal.growth.growthkit.internal.jobs.impl.GrowthKitJobService 10-28 09:04:29.821 26139 26139 I d.configupdate: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:04:29.827 3217 25887 I chatty : uid=10018 com.google.android.gms.persistent expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:29.911 604 942 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity#0 10-28 09:04:29.912 604 942 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity#0 10-28 09:04:29.920 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback 10-28 09:04:29.921 604 772 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity#0 10-28 09:04:29.921 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.magictether.logging.DailyMetricsLoggerService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 301 uptime_millis: 302 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231158 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:29.921 604 772 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity#0 10-28 09:04:29.934 23452 26147 D SimpleFileLogger: rotate log file 10-28 09:04:29.934 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(103: vi-feedback) 10-28 09:04:29.935 436 544 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: usecase(24) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record 10-28 09:04:29.979 851 3815 I chatty : uid=1000(system) RenderThread expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:30.011 3682 3695 I droid.launcher: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 10149(512KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 179us total 257.529ms 10-28 09:04:30.022 3217 3945 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 09:04:30.024 3217 3945 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:30.024 3217 3945 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:30.041 22263 22289 I sync15::sync_multiple: Syncing 4 stores 10-28 09:04:30.042 22263 22289 I sync15::sync_multiple: Loading/initializing persisted state 10-28 09:04:30.042 22263 22289 I sync15::sync_multiple: Preparing client info 10-28 09:04:30.043 22263 22289 I sync15::sync_multiple: Entering sync state machine 10-28 09:04:30.044 22263 22289 I sync15::sync_multiple: Advancing state machine to ready (full) 10-28 09:04:30.090 22263 22263 I AddonUpdaterWorker: Trying to update extension uBlock0@raymondhill.net 10-28 09:04:30.103 2581 2607 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 13471(730KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(48KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6MB/13MB, paused 1.341ms total 471.531ms 10-28 09:04:30.177 851 3780 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:04:30.180 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:04:30.181 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:04:30.185 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:04:30.186 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:04:30.186 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:04:30.187 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:04:30.191 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:04:30.211 23452 26147 D SimpleFileLogger: Renaming /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite.log to /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite-2020-10-28.1.log 10-28 09:04:30.212 23452 26147 D SimpleFileLogger: Compress file: /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite-2020-10-28.1.log -> /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite-2020-10-28.1.log.gz 10-28 09:04:30.277 23452 26147 D SimpleFileLogger: Compress file: /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite-2020-10-28.1.log (9,513 bytes) -> /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite-2020-10-28.1.log.gz (10 bytes) Compression ratio: 0.00 10-28 09:04:30.324 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.udc.service.UdcContextInitService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231158 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:30.326 23452 26147 D SimpleFileLogger: Log compression successful 10-28 09:04:30.338 26156 26156 I GAv4-SVC: Google Analytics 203.8.06 is starting up. 10-28 09:04:30.408 23452 26147 I SimpleFileLogger: init called 10-28 09:04:30.414 23452 26147 V SimpleFileLogger: createDir/directory-already-exists /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs 10-28 09:04:30.419 23452 26147 I SimpleFileLogger: Starting logging to /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite.log 10-28 09:04:30.426 3217 3945 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 09:04:30.440 3217 3945 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:30.441 3217 3945 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:30.450 604 942 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: AppWindowToken{67faf99 token=Token{69a60e0 ActivityRecord{2d7ee3 u0 com.whatsapp/.HomeActivity t498}}}#0 10-28 09:04:30.459 851 863 I ActivityManager: Killing 23110:com.whatsapp/u0a141 (adj 1001): remove task 10-28 09:04:30.463 851 884 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 5 lines 10-28 09:04:30.485 23452 26147 I SimpleFileLogger: init called 10-28 09:04:30.486 23452 26147 V SimpleFileLogger: createDir/directory-already-exists /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs 10-28 09:04:30.486 23452 26147 I SimpleFileLogger: Starting logging to /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite.log 10-28 09:04:30.517 23452 26147 I SimpleFileLogger: Rotate result: true 10-28 09:04:30.528 23452 26147 I SimpleFileLogger: deleteFile/File deleted: /data/user/0/com.facebook.mlite/files/logs/mlite-2020-10-24.1.log.gz 10-28 09:04:30.581 851 3685 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService in 1000ms 10-28 09:04:30.582 612 612 I Zygote : Process 23110 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:04:30.586 851 916 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 23110 10-28 09:04:30.592 26156 26214 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite not found. 10-28 09:04:30.601 26156 26214 W roid.play.game: Unsupported class loader 10-28 09:04:30.618 26156 26214 W roid.play.game: Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader 10-28 09:04:30.629 22263 22263 I AddonUpdaterWorker: There is no new updates for the uBlock0@raymondhill.net 10-28 09:04:30.632 22263 22349 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=cfd8662d-c912-4bad-8d54-c393a4ead25e, tags={ mozilla.components.feature.addons.update.addonUpdater.periodicWork, mozilla.components.feature.addons.update.uBlock0@raymondhill.net.periodicWork, mozilla.components.feature.addons.update.AddonUpdaterWorker } ] 10-28 09:04:30.663 26156 26214 W roid.play.game: Unknown chunk type '200'. 10-28 09:04:30.761 26156 26214 I DynamiteLoaderV2Impl: [71] Measurementdynamite 10-28 09:04:30.770 26156 26214 W roid.play.game: Unsupported class loader 10-28 09:04:30.785 26156 26214 W roid.play.game: Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader 10-28 09:04:30.827 26156 26214 W DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite not found. 10-28 09:04:30.920 3217 5866 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Receiving API connection to FACS API from package 'com.google.android.gms'... 10-28 09:04:30.950 3217 5866 I FacsCacheGmsModule: API connection successful! 10-28 09:04:30.962 3217 4020 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Received 'readDeviceLevelSettings' request from package 'com.google.android.gms'... 10-28 09:04:30.962 3217 4020 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'readDeviceLevelSettings' dispatched! 10-28 09:04:30.963 3217 25983 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Executing operation 'ReadDeviceLevelSettingsOperation'... 10-28 09:04:30.964 3217 25983 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'ReadDeviceLevelSettingsOperation' successful! 10-28 09:04:30.966 18539 18691 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Receiving API connection to internal FACS API... 10-28 09:04:31.019 18539 18691 I FacsCacheGmsModule: API connection successful! 10-28 09:04:31.047 18539 18608 I GmsCoreXrpcWrapper: Returning a channel provider with trafficStatsTag=4097 10-28 09:04:31.124 851 862 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10018/18539 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=97, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10018] ] 10-28 09:04:31.127 851 1544 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 2 lines 10-28 09:04:31.127 851 2463 I chatty : uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:31.127 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=97, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10018] ] with score 60 10-28 09:04:31.180 18539 26127 I cr_CronetLibraryLoader: Cronet version: 85.0.4183.101, arch: aarch64 10-28 09:04:31.203 851 3754 I ActivityManager: Killing 22369:org.mozilla.fenix:tab0/u0a129 (adj 900): remove task 10-28 09:04:31.206 851 884 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 31 lines 10-28 09:04:31.206 851 3754 I ActivityManager: Killing 22263:org.mozilla.fenix/u0a129 (adj 100): remove task 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : *~*~*~ Channel {0} was not shutdown properly!!! ~*~*~* 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : Make sure to call shutdown()/shutdownNow() and wait until awaitTermination() returns true. 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : java.lang.RuntimeException: ManagedChannel allocation site 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at cmhh.(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):3) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at cmhi.(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at clzv.b(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):22) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at cluw.b(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):1) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at snd.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):34) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at snd.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):48) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at aghh.b(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):6) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at com.google.android.libraries.matchstick.net.SilentRegisterIntentOperation.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):159) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at com.google.android.libraries.matchstick.net.SilentRegisterIntentOperation.f(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):84) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at com.google.android.libraries.matchstick.net.SilentRegisterIntentOperation.onHandleIntent(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):150) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at com.google.android.chimera.IntentOperation.onHandleIntent(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at qnt.onHandleIntent(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):6) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at csh.run(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):5) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at csg.run(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):10) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at bohr.run(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-28 09:04:31.255 18539 26127 E cmhi : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 09:04:31.267 18539 25488 W GmscoreIpa: Processed 0 SMS and 0 MMS deletions [CONTEXT service_id=255 ] 10-28 09:04:31.354 851 2928 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.gecko.process.GeckoChildProcessServices$tab0 in 10227ms 10-28 09:04:31.356 612 612 I Zygote : Process 22369 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:04:31.595 851 2552 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app idle: u0a141 -4s25ms com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService 10-28 09:04:31.602 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26261:com.whatsapp/u0a141 for service com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService 10-28 09:04:31.659 26261 26261 I com.whatsapp: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:04:31.766 18539 26243 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@6982d47 10-28 09:04:31.808 26261 26261 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 10-28 09:04:31.812 26261 26261 I MultiDex: Installing application 10-28 09:04:31.812 26261 26261 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 10-28 09:04:31.817 18539 18594 I MdiSyncModule: Task '3 PERIODIC (3_PERIODIC)' finished with result '0'! 10-28 09:04:31.821 3217 25887 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.mdisync.service.MdiSyncBackgroundTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 3012 uptime_millis: 3012 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231157 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:31.843 851 3774 I ActivityManager: Killing 20181:com.android.dialer/u0a41 (adj 900): remove task 10-28 09:04:31.859 612 612 I Zygote : Process 20181 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:04:31.885 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.mdisync.service.MdiSyncBackgroundTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231160 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:31.887 18539 25488 I MdiSyncModule: Dispatching task '1_PERIODIC'... 10-28 09:04:31.889 18539 25488 I MdiSyncModule: Running account-scoped task '1 PERIODIC (1_PERIODIC)'... 10-28 09:04:31.924 26261 26261 D SoLoader: init start 10-28 09:04:31.925 26261 26261 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:31.925 26261 26261 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /system/lib 10-28 09:04:31.928 26261 26261 W SoLoader: context.getApplicationContext returned null, holding reference to original context. 10-28 09:04:31.929 26261 26261 D SoLoader: adding application source: X.03E[root = /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 flags = 0] 10-28 09:04:31.929 26261 26261 D SoLoader: adding backup source from : X.03J[root = /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main flags = 1] 10-28 09:04:31.930 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.03E[root = /system/lib flags = 2] 10-28 09:04:31.930 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.03E[root = /vendor/lib flags = 2] 10-28 09:04:31.930 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.03E[root = /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 flags = 0] 10-28 09:04:31.931 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: X.03J[root = /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main flags = 1] 10-28 09:04:31.935 26261 26261 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:31.946 26261 26261 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:31.947 26261 26261 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:31.947 26261 26261 D SoLoader: init finish: 4 SO sources prepared 10-28 09:04:31.947 26261 26261 D SoLoader: init exiting 10-28 09:04:31.948 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Prepending to SO sources: X.03E[root = /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst flags = 1] 10-28 09:04:31.948 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Prepended to SO sources: X.03E[root = /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst flags = 1] 10-28 09:04:31.949 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libvlc.so 10-28 09:04:31.950 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libvlc.so found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:31.958 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [liblog.so, libm.so, libc++_shared.so, libdl.so, libc.so] 10-28 09:04:31.967 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: liblog.so 10-28 09:04:31.968 26261 26261 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:31.969 26261 26261 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:31.973 26261 26261 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:31.976 26261 26261 D SoLoader: liblog.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:31.977 26261 26261 D SoLoader: liblog.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:31.977 26261 26261 D SoLoader: liblog.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:31.977 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: liblog.so 10-28 09:04:31.978 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libm.so 10-28 09:04:31.978 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:31.979 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:31.979 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:31.979 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libm.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:31.980 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libm.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:31.980 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libm.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:31.980 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libm.so 10-28 09:04:31.981 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libc++_shared.so 10-28 09:04:31.981 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libc++_shared.so found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:31.992 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libc.so, libdl.so] 10-28 09:04:31.993 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libc.so 10-28 09:04:31.993 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:31.994 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:31.994 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:31.995 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libc.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:31.995 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libc.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:31.995 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libc.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:31.996 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libc.so 10-28 09:04:31.996 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libdl.so 10-28 09:04:31.996 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:31.997 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:31.997 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:31.998 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libdl.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:31.998 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libdl.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:31.998 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libdl.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:31.999 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libdl.so 10-28 09:04:32.025 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libc++_shared.so 10-28 09:04:32.029 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libvlc.so 10-28 09:04:32.030 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libwhatsapp.so 10-28 09:04:32.030 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libwhatsapp.so found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:32.033 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libz.so, libGLESv2.so, libandroid.so, libjnigraphics.so, libvlc.so, libdl.so, libOpenSLES.so, liblog.so, libm.so, libc++_shared.so, libc.so] 10-28 09:04:32.033 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libz.so 10-28 09:04:32.034 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:32.045 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:32.046 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:32.047 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libz.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:32.047 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libz.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:32.047 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libz.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:32.048 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libz.so 10-28 09:04:32.048 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libGLESv2.so 10-28 09:04:32.048 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:32.049 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:32.050 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:32.051 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:32.051 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:32.051 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libGLESv2.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:32.052 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libGLESv2.so 10-28 09:04:32.056 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libandroid.so 10-28 09:04:32.057 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:32.057 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:32.058 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:32.058 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libandroid.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:32.059 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libandroid.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:32.060 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libandroid.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:32.060 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libandroid.so 10-28 09:04:32.060 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libjnigraphics.so 10-28 09:04:32.061 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:32.062 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:32.063 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:32.064 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:32.064 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:32.064 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libjnigraphics.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:32.065 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libjnigraphics.so 10-28 09:04:32.070 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libOpenSLES.so 10-28 09:04:32.074 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:32.075 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so not found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/lib-main 10-28 09:04:32.075 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so not found on /data/app/com.whatsapp-h6uHKK-Cue3ZKlVtkCDB0A==/lib/arm64 10-28 09:04:32.076 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so not found on /vendor/lib 10-28 09:04:32.076 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so found on /system/lib 10-28 09:04:32.076 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libOpenSLES.so loaded implicitly 10-28 09:04:32.077 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libOpenSLES.so 10-28 09:04:32.161 26261 26261 D SigquitBasedANRDetector: Registered 10-28 09:04:32.162 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libwhatsapp.so 10-28 09:04:32.162 26261 26261 D SoLoader: About to load: libcurve25519.so 10-28 09:04:32.164 26261 26261 D SoLoader: libcurve25519.so found on /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst 10-28 09:04:32.166 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loading lib dependencies: [libm.so, libdl.so, libc.so] 10-28 09:04:32.171 26261 26261 D SoLoader: Loaded: libcurve25519.so 10-28 09:04:32.180 26261 26287 I WhatsAppJni: EnsureThreadAttached: attached current thread to JVM 10-28 09:04:32.182 26261 26286 I WhatsAppJni: EnsureThreadAttached: attached current thread to JVM 10-28 09:04:32.276 26261 26261 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth is not linked. Skipping initialization. 10-28 09:04:32.277 26261 26261 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.crash.FirebaseCrash is not linked. Skipping initialization. 10-28 09:04:32.278 26261 26261 D FirebaseApp: com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement is not linked. Skipping initialization. 10-28 09:04:32.278 26261 26261 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 10-28 09:04:32.361 18539 26243 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@f1bba10 10-28 09:04:32.371 851 863 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_2 expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:32.374 851 914 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.fg expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:32.420 3217 5623 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Received 'writeDeviceLevelSettings' request from package 'com.google.android.gms'... 10-28 09:04:32.430 3217 5623 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'writeDeviceLevelSettings' dispatched! 10-28 09:04:32.430 3217 25983 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Executing operation 'WriteDeviceLevelSettingsOperation'... 10-28 09:04:32.436 3217 25983 W GmsIntents: Google now certificate not valid. UDC settings broadcast will not be sent. 10-28 09:04:32.452 18539 26055 I ContactsLoggerIntent: handleUdcSettingChanged: Udc flag is enabled [CONTEXT service_id=135 ] 10-28 09:04:32.453 3217 25983 I FacsCacheGmsModule: Operation 'WriteDeviceLevelSettingsOperation' successful! 10-28 09:04:32.488 851 22832 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:851_E expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:32.491 851 3774 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service org.mozilla.fenix/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService in 1000ms 10-28 09:04:32.491 851 22832 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{5fe9098 u0 org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.fenix.App} 10-28 09:04:32.491 851 1384 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher expire 1 line 10-28 09:04:32.492 851 1384 E InputDispatcher: channel '5fe9098 org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.fenix.App (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 10-28 09:04:32.494 851 22832 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '5fe9098 org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.fenix.App (server)' 10-28 09:04:32.503 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-22263, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:32.503 604 772 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: AppWindowToken{ed362ac token=Token{7bd785f ActivityRecord{f1ede80 u0 org.mozilla.fenix/.App t497}}}#0 10-28 09:04:32.512 851 916 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 22263 10-28 09:04:32.549 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-22263, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:32.569 851 1384 W InputDispatcher: channel '24ce3fe com.android.dialer/com.android.dialer.app.DialtactsActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 10-28 09:04:32.570 851 1384 E InputDispatcher: channel '24ce3fe com.android.dialer/com.android.dialer.app.DialtactsActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 10-28 09:04:32.571 851 2552 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{24ce3fe u0 com.android.dialer/com.android.dialer.app.DialtactsActivity} 10-28 09:04:32.572 851 2552 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '24ce3fe com.android.dialer/com.android.dialer.app.DialtactsActivity (server)' 10-28 09:04:32.592 604 772 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: AppWindowToken{99a4f69 token=Token{e1f5df0 ActivityRecord{c830633 u0 com.android.dialer/.app.DialtactsActivity t495}}}#0 10-28 09:04:32.594 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-22263, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:32.597 3217 26036 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.udc.service.UdcContextInitService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 2414 uptime_millis: 2415 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231158 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:32.607 851 916 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 20181 10-28 09:04:32.624 612 612 I Zygote : Process 22263 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:04:32.625 26261 26303 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 10-28 09:04:32.640 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-22263, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:32.640 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10129 pid 22263 in 1238ms 10-28 09:04:32.641 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-20181, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:32.641 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10041 pid 20181 in 0ms 10-28 09:04:32.687 3217 26036 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.sync.PackageUpdateTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231161 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:32.753 23452 23510 I .facebook.mlit: IncrementDisableThreadFlip blocked for 33.039ms 10-28 09:04:33.158 26156 26235 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 32044 10-28 09:04:33.159 26156 26235 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 10-28 09:04:33.193 26156 26235 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 10-28 09:04:33.193 26156 26235 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.google.android.play.games 10-28 09:04:33.195 18539 26243 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@e013e58 10-28 09:04:33.288 23452 23500 W JobInfo : Requested backoff 0 for job 2131296625 is too small; raising to +10s0ms 10-28 09:04:33.315 18539 25488 I MdiSyncModule: Task '1 PERIODIC (1_PERIODIC)' finished with result '0'! 10-28 09:04:33.320 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.mdisync.service.MdiSyncBackgroundTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 1461 uptime_millis: 1460 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231160 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.385 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.auth.account.be.accountstate.GcmTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.401 26261 26340 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService enabled 10-28 09:04:33.402 26261 26340 D WM-Schedulers: Created SystemJobScheduler and enabled SystemJobService 10-28 09:04:33.430 26261 26350 D WM-ForceStopRunnable: Performing cleanup operations. 10-28 09:04:33.445 3217 4086 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 09:04:33.446 3217 4086 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:33.447 3217 4086 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : Problem to get module version [CONTEXT service_id=51 ] 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to get current module info in ModuleManager created with non-module Context 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at com.google.android.chimera.config.ModuleManager.getCurrentModule(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at apje.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):3) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at com.google.android.gms.phenotype.sync.PackageUpdateTaskChimeraService.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):22) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at com.google.android.gms.phenotype.sync.PackageUpdateTaskChimeraService.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):20) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at com.google.android.gms.phenotype.sync.PackageUpdateTaskChimeraService.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):60) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at aezz.call(Unknown Source:0) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at sst.b(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):12) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at sst.run(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):7) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at syp.run(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:33.522 18539 19305 E apje : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 09:04:33.526 3217 4086 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 09:04:33.527 3217 4086 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:33.527 3217 4086 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : Problem to get module version [CONTEXT service_id=51 ] 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to get current module info in ModuleManager created with non-module Context 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at com.google.android.chimera.config.ModuleManager.getCurrentModule(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at apje.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):3) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at com.google.android.gms.phenotype.sync.PackageUpdateTaskChimeraService.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):70) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at aezz.call(Unknown Source:0) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at sst.b(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):12) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at sst.run(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):7) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at syp.run(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:33.644 18539 19305 E apje : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 09:04:33.651 3217 25887 I Auth : [GcmTaskChimeraService] Sync reported at ACCOUNT_SYNC has status of SUCCESS. 10-28 09:04:33.657 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.auth.account.be.accountstate.GcmTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 294 uptime_millis: 295 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.664 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.sync.PackageUpdateTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 999 uptime_millis: 999 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231161 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.723 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.NanoAppUpdaterGcmTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.832 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.internal.NanoAppUpdaterGcmTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 129 uptime_millis: 129 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.840 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardGcmTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.843 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26368:com.google.ar.core/u0a67 for broadcast com.google.ar.core/com.google.android.libraries.phenotype.client.stable.PhenotypeUpdateBroadcastReceiver 10-28 09:04:33.912 3217 26036 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.icing.mdh.service.MobileDataHubGcmTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.919 3217 26036 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardGcmTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 124 uptime_millis: 124 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.932 22644 22644 I Isotope : UID: [10037] PID: [22644] PlogsChecker : sWAAdl not set, disallowing personal logging 10-28 09:04:33.963 851 861 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 153015(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 42(1584KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 1.846ms total 237.696ms 10-28 09:04:33.972 851 859 V MediaPlayer: resetDrmState: mDrmInfo=null mDrmProvisioningThread=null mPrepareDrmInProgress=false mActiveDrmScheme=false 10-28 09:04:33.972 851 859 V MediaPlayer: cleanDrmObj: mDrmObj=null mDrmSessionId=null 10-28 09:04:33.973 642 2813 D NuPlayerDriver: reset(0xeeb13680) at state 6 10-28 09:04:33.975 642 2813 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeeb13680), (8, 0, 0, -1), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:33.976 642 26061 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyListener_l(0xeeb13680), (211, 0, 0, 20), loop setting(0, 0) 10-28 09:04:33.982 26368 26368 W .google.ar.cor: Suspending all threads took: 5.458ms 10-28 09:04:33.984 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.icing.mdh.service.MobileDataHubGcmTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 106 uptime_millis: 106 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.988 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:33.990 642 26061 D NuPlayerDriver: notifyResetComplete(0xeeb13680) 10-28 09:04:33.991 642 2813 W AMessage: failed to post message as target looper for handler 0 is gone. 10-28 09:04:34.005 851 863 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService.START cmp=com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService } to com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService from pid=26261 uid=10141 pkg=com.whatsapp startFg?=false 10-28 09:04:34.052 3217 26036 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 94 uptime_millis: 94 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.055 3217 26036 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.gass.chimera.SchedulePeriodicTasksService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.081 26368 26368 W .google.ar.cor: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exits. 10-28 09:04:34.082 26368 26368 W .google.ar.cor: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exits. 10-28 09:04:34.144 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.fonts.update.UpdateSchedulerService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.145 3217 25898 W FontLog : New version from GServices 18 is less than or equal to current version 18 [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 10-28 09:04:34.146 3217 25898 I FontLog : Did not start update [CONTEXT service_id=132 ] 10-28 09:04:34.150 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.fonts.update.UpdateSchedulerService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 66 uptime_millis: 66 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.296 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.pay.gcmtask.PayGcmTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.493 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.pay.gcmtask.PayGcmTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 306 uptime_millis: 306 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.560 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.contactinteractions.service.ContactInteractionsTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.580 20283 20338 I Finsky:download_service: [334] nig.run(36): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor nkk@99a7a51[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] 10-28 09:04:34.656 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.contactinteractions.service.ContactInteractionsTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 122 uptime_millis: 122 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.662 18539 20439 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 09:04:34.663 18539 20439 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:34.663 18539 20439 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:34.703 20356 26384 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 8e59954, I0be83d0d26 10-28 09:04:34.703 20356 26384 I Adreno : Build Date : 09/22/17 10-28 09:04:34.703 20356 26384 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.21.02.00 10-28 09:04:34.703 20356 26384 I Adreno : Local Branch : O17A 10-28 09:04:34.703 20356 26384 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 10-28 09:04:34.703 20356 26384 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 10-28 09:04:34.703 20356 26384 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 10-28 09:04:34.707 20356 26384 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 09:04:34.713 20356 26384 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 10-28 09:04:34.720 20356 26384 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0 10-28 09:04:34.720 20356 26384 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0 10-28 09:04:34.726 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.icing.proxy.IcingInternalCorporaUpdateService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.736 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.icing.proxy.IcingInternalCorporaUpdateService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 37 uptime_millis: 37 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.752 20356 26384 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 8e59954, I0be83d0d26 10-28 09:04:34.752 20356 26384 I Adreno : Build Date : 09/22/17 10-28 09:04:34.752 20356 26384 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.21.02.00 10-28 09:04:34.752 20356 26384 I Adreno : Local Branch : O17A 10-28 09:04:34.752 20356 26384 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 10-28 09:04:34.752 20356 26384 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 10-28 09:04:34.752 20356 26384 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 10-28 09:04:34.755 20356 26384 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 09:04:34.760 20356 26384 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 10-28 09:04:34.763 20356 26384 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0 10-28 09:04:34.763 20356 26384 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0 10-28 09:04:34.772 18539 20439 W Conscrypt: Could not set socket write timeout: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed 10-28 09:04:34.772 18539 20439 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.Platform.setSocketWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):2) 10-28 09:04:34.773 18539 20439 W Conscrypt: at com.google.android.gms.org.conscrypt.ConscryptFileDescriptorSocket.setSoWriteTimeout(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:34.826 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.875 3217 25887 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 93 uptime_millis: 93 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:34.900 18539 19283 E WakeLock: DG:service ** IS FORCE-RELEASED ON TIMEOUT ** 10-28 09:04:34.965 3217 26036 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.010 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.gass.chimera.SchedulePeriodicTasksService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 973 uptime_millis: 973 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231162 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.013 3217 3228 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC freed 243151(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 11(304KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 12MB/24MB, paused 141us total 222.493ms 10-28 09:04:35.090 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 152 uptime_millis: 153 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.104 24927 24927 W PhenotypeUpdateBroadcastReceiver: #setContext not called in #onCreate, creating new ExecutorService. 10-28 09:04:35.121 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.mdi.download.service.MddGcmTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.135 625 625 I keystore: del USRPKEY_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.4492103614677433479 10018 10-28 09:04:35.178 625 625 I keystore: del USRCERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.4492103614677433479 10018 10-28 09:04:35.182 625 625 I keystore: del CACERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.4492103614677433479 10018 10-28 09:04:35.186 625 625 I keystore: del USRPKEY_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-6482599352550695537 10018 10-28 09:04:35.207 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.mdi.download.service.MddGcmTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 150 uptime_millis: 150 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.222 625 625 I keystore: del USRCERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-6482599352550695537 10018 10-28 09:04:35.226 625 625 I keystore: del CACERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-6482599352550695537 10018 10-28 09:04:35.226 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.229 625 625 I keystore: del USRPKEY_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-5284446940636019728 10018 10-28 09:04:35.259 625 625 I keystore: del USRCERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-5284446940636019728 10018 10-28 09:04:35.261 625 625 I keystore: del CACERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-5284446940636019728 10018 10-28 09:04:35.281 625 625 I keystore: del USRPKEY_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.8296479614748967987 10018 10-28 09:04:35.311 625 625 I keystore: del USRCERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.8296479614748967987 10018 10-28 09:04:35.313 625 625 I keystore: del CACERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.8296479614748967987 10018 10-28 09:04:35.316 625 625 I keystore: del USRPKEY_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.1279513823844227079 10018 10-28 09:04:35.320 3217 26415 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.322 3217 26415 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 146 uptime_millis: 146 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231163 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.347 625 625 I keystore: del USRCERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.1279513823844227079 10018 10-28 09:04:35.348 625 625 I keystore: del CACERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.1279513823844227079 10018 10-28 09:04:35.355 625 625 I keystore: del USRPKEY_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.7975153519788090212 10018 10-28 09:04:35.378 3217 26415 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.383 3217 26415 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 113 uptime_millis: 113 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.386 625 625 I keystore: del USRCERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.7975153519788090212 10018 10-28 09:04:35.388 625 625 I keystore: del CACERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.7975153519788090212 10018 10-28 09:04:35.401 625 625 I keystore: del USRPKEY_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-4546893103592974266 10018 10-28 09:04:35.402 625 625 I keystore: del USRCERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-4546893103592974266 10018 10-28 09:04:35.403 625 625 I keystore: del CACERT_unstable.c7202ece89390c490b1b94d5b71225e1.-4546893103592974266 10018 10-28 09:04:35.404 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Digest 6 requested but not supported by KM1 hal 10-28 09:04:35.412 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:04:35.412 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:04:35.413 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:04:35.413 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:04:35.413 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:04:35.414 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:04:35.414 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:04:35.415 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:04:35.415 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:04:35.415 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:04:35.416 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:04:35.416 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:04:35.417 704 26432 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:04:35.417 704 26432 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:04:35.417 704 26432 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:04:35.418 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:04:35.418 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:04:35.419 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:04:35.419 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:04:35.420 704 26433 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:04:35.420 704 26433 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:04:35.421 704 26433 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:04:35.421 704 26433 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 13:46:11 10-28 09:04:35.422 704 26433 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41348771000 10-28 09:04:35.422 704 26433 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:04:35.422 704 26433 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603872274000 10-28 09:04:35.423 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603872274 10-28 09:04:35.423 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:04:35.423 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603872274; nsec = 0 10-28 09:04:35.424 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:04:35.425 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:04:35.425 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:04:35.448 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.453 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 96 uptime_millis: 95 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.467 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 38 uptime_millis: 38 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.472 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:04:35.473 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:04:35.480 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Digest 6 requested but not supported by KM1 hal 10-28 09:04:35.489 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 1 line 10-28 09:04:35.505 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Digest 6 requested but not supported by KM1 hal 10-28 09:04:35.532 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.585 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.593 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 91 uptime_millis: 91 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.614 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 45 uptime_millis: 46 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.668 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.712 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.718 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 74 uptime_millis: 74 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.768 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.776 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 78 uptime_millis: 78 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.783 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 29 uptime_millis: 28 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.834 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.880 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.885 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Digest 6 requested but not supported by KM1 hal 10-28 09:04:35.887 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 76 uptime_millis: 75 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.892 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Digest 6 requested but not supported by KM1 hal 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: KeyStore exception 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: (code 7) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:1964) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1918) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1868) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.security.IKeystoreService$Stub$Proxy.get(IKeystoreService.java:786) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.security.KeyStore.get(KeyStore.java:195) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.security.keystore.AndroidKeyStoreSpi.engineGetCertificateChain(AndroidKeyStoreSpi.java:118) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at java.security.KeyStoreSpi.engineGetEntry(KeyStoreSpi.java:484) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at java.security.KeyStore.getEntry(KeyStore.java:1560) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at com.google.ccc.abuse.droidguard.DroidGuard.initNative(Native Method) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at com.google.ccc.abuse.droidguard.DroidGuard.init(DroidGuard.java:447) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at com.google.ccc.abuse.droidguard.DroidGuard.run(DroidGuard.java:429) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at wdf.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):3) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardChimeraService.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):35) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardChimeraService.a(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):68) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at com.google.android.gms.framework.tracing.wrapper.TracingIntentService.onHandleIntent(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):1) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at cpl.handleMessage(:com.google.android.gms@203915028@20.39.15 (100400-335085812):0) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193) 10-28 09:04:35.903 20356 26384 W KeyStore: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:65) 10-28 09:04:35.911 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Digest 6 requested but not supported by KM1 hal 10-28 09:04:35.917 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 1 line 10-28 09:04:35.924 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Digest 6 requested but not supported by KM1 hal 10-28 09:04:35.929 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:04:35.929 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:04:35.929 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:04:35.930 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:04:35.930 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:04:35.930 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:04:35.931 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:04:35.931 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:04:35.931 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:04:35.932 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:04:35.932 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:04:35.933 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:04:35.933 704 26436 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:04:35.934 704 26436 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:04:35.934 704 26436 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:04:35.934 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:04:35.935 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:04:35.935 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:04:35.936 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:04:35.937 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.939 704 26437 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:04:35.939 704 26437 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:04:35.939 704 26437 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:04:35.940 704 26437 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 13:46:12 10-28 09:04:35.940 704 26437 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41348772000 10-28 09:04:35.941 704 26437 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:04:35.941 704 26437 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603872275000 10-28 09:04:35.941 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603872275 10-28 09:04:35.942 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:04:35.942 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 78 uptime_millis: 78 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:35.942 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603872275; nsec = 0 10-28 09:04:35.943 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:04:35.943 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:04:35.943 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:04:35.944 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:04:35.955 625 625 E keymaster1_device: Abort send cmd failed 10-28 09:04:35.955 625 625 E keymaster1_device: ret: 0 10-28 09:04:35.956 625 625 E keymaster1_device: resp->status: -28 10-28 09:04:35.965 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:04:35.966 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:04:36.000 3217 25887 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.005 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 85 uptime_millis: 85 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.059 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.065 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 90 uptime_millis: 89 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.120 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 77 uptime_millis: 76 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.122 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.clearcut.uploader.QosUploaderService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.145 18539 18550 I gle.android.gm: Background concurrent copying GC freed 147603(6MB) AllocSpace objects, 53(1776KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/21MB, paused 166us total 156.095ms 10-28 09:04:36.157 18539 18548 W System : A resource failed to call close. 10-28 09:04:36.158 18539 18548 I chatty : uid=10018(com.google.android.gms) FinalizerDaemon identical 3 lines 10-28 09:04:36.158 18539 18548 W System : A resource failed to call close. 10-28 09:04:36.181 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.matchstick.task.ScheduledTaskService started execution. cause:5 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.194 3217 25898 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.clearcut.uploader.QosUploaderService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 97 uptime_millis: 97 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.203 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.matchstick.task.ScheduledTaskService finished executing. cause:5 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 46 uptime_millis: 47 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 231164 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:04:36.227 18539 18539 W ProviderHelper: Unknown dynamite feature providerinstaller 10-28 09:04:36.228 18539 18539 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller:1 and remote module com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller:0 10-28 09:04:36.228 18539 18539 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.providerinstaller 10-28 09:04:36.252 18539 19283 W MS_MessagingService: userID not defined in intent 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: Exception thrown while unbinding 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: lx@6b95916 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1562) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1692) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(ContextWrapper.java:717) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at ci.b(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):1) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at ci.a(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):6) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at ly.A(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):10) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at li.a(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):2) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at ec.run(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):3) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:458) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 10-28 09:04:40.218 26156 26235 W ConnectionTracker: at jb.run(:com.google.android.gms.dynamite_measurementdynamite@203915065@20.39.15 (100400-0):6) 10-28 09:04:42.307 851 2985 I ActivityManager: Killing 24648:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a26 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 09:04:42.312 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24648, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:42.358 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24648, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:42.370 612 612 I Zygote : Process 24648 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:04:42.395 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24648, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:42.396 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10026 pid 24648 in 84ms 10-28 09:04:43.025 23452 23500 W JobInfo : Requested backoff 0 for job 2131296623 is too small; raising to +10s0ms 10-28 09:04:43.040 851 862 I ActivityManager: Killing 20283:com.android.vending:download_service/u0a37 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 09:04:43.045 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-20283, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:43.081 851 3780 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=81, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ], android.os.BinderProxy@79b2604) 10-28 09:04:43.082 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=81, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] (release request) 10-28 09:04:43.092 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-20283, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:43.092 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10037 pid 20283 in 48ms 10-28 09:04:43.094 613 613 I Zygote : Process 20283 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:04:45.387 851 3685 I ActivityManager: Killing 24470:com.android.deskclock/u0a62 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 09:04:45.391 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24470, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:45.439 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24470, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:45.444 612 612 I Zygote : Process 24470 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:04:45.463 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24470, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:45.464 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10062 pid 24470 in 73ms 10-28 09:04:49.122 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:04:49.133 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 09:04:49.140 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:04:49.179 18539 26441 I Authzen : [DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do 10-28 09:04:53.535 851 5995 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 10-28 09:04:53.541 851 914 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true 10-28 09:04:56.210 851 3754 I ActivityManager: Killing 24973:com.qualcomm.timeservice/1000 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 09:04:56.214 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24973, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:56.261 851 884 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager identical 1 line 10-28 09:04:56.275 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24973, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:56.281 612 612 I Zygote : Process 24973 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:04:56.310 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-24973, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:04:56.310 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 24973 in 97ms 10-28 09:05:00.008 851 851 I ActivityManager: Killing 21847:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a7 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 09:05:00.014 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-21847, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:05:00.062 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-21847, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:05:00.092 612 612 I Zygote : Process 21847 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:05:00.107 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-21847, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:05:00.108 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10007 pid 21847 in 94ms 10-28 09:05:26.295 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 09:05:29.129 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:05:33.456 851 22832 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 10-28 09:05:33.459 851 914 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true 10-28 09:05:50.167 18539 26127 I CastDatabase: Saving the database 10-28 09:05:50.221 18539 26127 I SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, [Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [Network-Device pairs]: saved: 0 10-28 09:05:50.256 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-28 09:05:29.138 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 09:05:29.144 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:06:49.189 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:05:54.329 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-28 09:06:49.438 359 359 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=android.hardware.memtrack::IMemtrack sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 pid=26261 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_memtrack_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 10-28 09:06:49.441 359 359 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=android.hardware.memtrack::IMemtrack sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 pid=26261 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_memtrack_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 10-28 09:06:49.445 26261 26481 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 09:06:49.455 26261 26481 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/memtrack.msm8992.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 09:06:49.460 26261 26481 D : memtrack_open: enter; name=memtrack 10-28 09:06:49.460 26261 26481 D : memtrack_open: exit 0 10-28 09:06:49.462 359 359 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for interface=android.hardware.memtrack::IMemtrack sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 pid=26261 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c141,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_memtrack_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0 10-28 09:06:53.452 851 22830 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 10-28 09:06:53.455 851 914 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true 10-28 09:06:49.192 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 09:06:49.197 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:08:15.272 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26517:org.mozilla.fenix/u0a129 for service org.mozilla.fenix/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService 10-28 09:08:15.322 26517 26517 I g.mozilla.feni: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:08:15.367 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-28 09:08:15.375 2893 3084 D DcNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Changed from [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=384Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=384Kbps Specifier: <1>] to [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED Unwanted: LinkUpBandwidth>=11264Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=43008Kbps Specifier: <1>], Data RAT=15, mApnSetting=[ApnSettingV5] Free Mobile, 158, 20815, free, , , , , , -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, , , false, 0, 0 10-28 09:08:15.378 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (HSPA+) - 145] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to CONNECTED 10-28 09:08:15.401 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 09:08:15.452 2893 2893 I chatty : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 2 lines 10-28 09:08:15.474 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 09:08:15.483 26517 26517 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 10-28 09:08:15.496 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 09:08:15.516 2893 2893 I chatty : uid=1001(radio) com.android.phone identical 1 line 10-28 09:08:15.538 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 09:08:15.546 851 2799 D PackageManager: [cf11768a-1825-4123-a511-48afca291b44] Phase1; resolving 10-28 09:08:15.548 3217 4020 V PackageManager: [cf11768a-1825-4123-a511-48afca291b44] Phase1 called; posting 10-28 09:08:15.548 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [cf11768a-1825-4123-a511-48afca291b44] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1780547584, -1177432064, -1020432384, -831995904, -818102272, -465817600, -264048640, 84193280, 119341056, 293437440, 1013723136, 1086111744, 1810690048] 10-28 09:08:15.555 851 2799 D PackageManager: [cf11768a-1825-4123-a511-48afca291b44] Phase1; No results matched 10-28 09:08:15.562 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 09:08:15.576 851 3774 D PackageManager: [3a9ae705-e1e9-4d0c-b2a4-35c98a6882b9] Phase1; resolving 10-28 09:08:15.577 3217 3945 V PackageManager: [3a9ae705-e1e9-4d0c-b2a4-35c98a6882b9] Phase1 called; posting 10-28 09:08:15.578 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [3a9ae705-e1e9-4d0c-b2a4-35c98a6882b9] Phase1 request; prefix: [-1940008960, -1859215360, -1521987584, -1482649600, -887382016, -14397440, 12062720, 293437440, 1316163584, 1668194304, 1810690048, 1916760064] 10-28 09:08:15.582 851 3774 D PackageManager: [3a9ae705-e1e9-4d0c-b2a4-35c98a6882b9] Phase1; No results matched 10-28 09:08:15.586 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 09:08:15.608 2893 2893 D TelephonyProvider: subIdString = 1 subId = 1 10-28 09:08:15.676 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_ffi: Android logging should be hooked up! 10-28 09:08:15.680 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: Creating new Glean v33.0.4 10-28 09:08:15.683 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::database: Database path: "/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/db" 10-28 09:08:15.684 26517 26544 I rc_log_ffi::ios: rc_log adapter initialized! 10-28 09:08:15.684 26517 26548 I GeckoThread: preparing to run Gecko 10-28 09:08:15.687 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::database: Database initialized 10-28 09:08:15.702 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_ffi: Glean initialized 10-28 09:08:15.703 26517 26550 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing persisted pings. 10-28 09:08:15.705 26517 26550 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing persisted pings. 10-28 09:08:15.717 26517 26543 I glean/Dispatchers: Task queued for execution and delayed until flushed 10-28 09:08:15.721 26517 26543 I chatty : uid=10129(org.mozilla.fenix) GleanAPIPool identical 2 lines 10-28 09:08:15.723 26517 26543 I glean/Dispatchers: Task queued for execution and delayed until flushed 10-28 09:08:15.728 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core: Duplicate ping named 'baseline' 10-28 09:08:15.728 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core: Duplicate ping named 'metrics' 10-28 09:08:15.729 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core: Duplicate ping named 'events' 10-28 09:08:15.734 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting events 10-28 09:08:15.742 26517 26548 W Settings: Setting animator_duration_scale has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only global URI. 10-28 09:08:15.742 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '681cbcd9-3278-4cfd-abdb-f6a11a0d3967' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/681cbcd9-3278-4cfd-abdb-f6a11a0d3967' 10-28 09:08:15.744 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/681cbcd9-3278-4cfd-abdb-f6a11a0d3967 10-28 09:08:15.746 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'events' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-28 09:08:15.747 26517 26548 E GeckoLibLoad: Load sqlite start 10-28 09:08:15.774 26517 26548 E GeckoLibLoad: Load sqlite done 10-28 09:08:15.779 26517 26548 E GeckoLibLoad: Load nss start 10-28 09:08:15.780 26517 26548 E GeckoLibLoad: Load nss done 10-28 09:08:15.851 26517 26543 I glean/MetricsPingSched: The 'metrics' ping is scheduled for immediate collection, 1603872495803 10-28 09:08:15.854 26517 26543 I glean/MetricsPingSched: Collecting the 'metrics' ping, now = 1603872495803, startup = true, reason = overdue 10-28 09:08:15.891 26517 26517 I glean/Dispatchers: Task queued for execution and delayed until flushed 10-28 09:08:16.024 26517 26517 I App : AutoPushFeature is configured, initializing it... 10-28 09:08:16.034 26517 26517 I AutoPushFeature: Checking validity of push subscriptions. 10-28 09:08:16.172 26517 26563 W [WARNING][Leanplum]: [com.leanplum.internal.ActionManager::getLocationManager::8]: Geofencing support requires leanplum-location module and Google Play Services v8.1 and higher. 10-28 09:08:16.172 26517 26563 W [WARNING][Leanplum]: Add this to your build.gradle file: 10-28 09:08:16.172 26517 26563 W [WARNING][Leanplum]: implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:8.3.0+' 10-28 09:08:16.172 26517 26563 W [WARNING][Leanplum]: implementation 'com.leanplum:leanplum-location:+' 10-28 09:08:16.183 3217 3228 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC freed 244771(12MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 11MB/23MB, paused 132us total 167.685ms 10-28 09:08:16.248 26517 26563 I [INFO][Leanplum]: [com.leanplum.monitoring.ExceptionHandler::setContext::6]: LeanplumExceptionHandler could not initialize Exception Reporting.This is expected if you have not included the leanplum-monitoring module 10-28 09:08:16.250 26517 26517 I LeanplumMetricsService: Started Leanplum with deviceId bf77dc69-f979-41d6-9111-de218086ff2e and userId bf77dc69-f979-41d6-9111-de218086ff2e 10-28 09:08:16.255 851 2552 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10129/26517 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=99, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] 10-28 09:08:16.257 851 1544 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=99, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-28 09:08:16.257 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=99, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-28 09:08:16.257 851 1544 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=99, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-28 09:08:16.259 851 2463 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=99, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] with score 60 10-28 09:08:16.337 26517 26587 I [INFO][Leanplum]: [com.leanplum.LeanplumFcmProvider::isManifestSetup::11]: Firebase Messaging is setup correctly. 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: Work [ id=43a2a384-1d51-4f68-b54b-837865b1f264, tags={ mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker, Debounce, Common } ] failed because it threw an exception/error 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SyncableStore missing from GlobalSyncableStoreProvider: history 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.futures.AbstractFuture.getDoneValue(AbstractFuture.java:4) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.futures.AbstractFuture.get(AbstractFuture.java:48) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.WorkerWrapper$2.run(WorkerWrapper.java:1) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.SerialExecutor$Task.run(SerialExecutor.java:1) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SyncableStore missing from GlobalSyncableStoreProvider: history 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker.doWork(WorkManagerSyncManager.kt:19) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.CoroutineWorker$startWork$1.invokeSuspend(CoroutineWorker.kt:5) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:3) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:15) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:1) 10-28 09:08:16.372 26517 26569 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:11) 10-28 09:08:16.375 26517 26569 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [ id=43a2a384-1d51-4f68-b54b-837865b1f264, tags={ mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker, Debounce, Common } ] 10-28 09:08:16.380 851 3774 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=org.mozilla.fenix/com.leanplum.LeanplumPushRegistrationService } to org.mozilla.fenix/com.leanplum.LeanplumPushRegistrationService from pid=26517 uid=10129 pkg=org.mozilla.fenix startFg?=false 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: Work [ id=4a3ac893-9aba-483d-848d-aee7685b5a50, tags={ mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker, Debounce, Common } ] failed because it threw an exception/error 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SyncableStore missing from GlobalSyncableStoreProvider: history 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.futures.AbstractFuture.getDoneValue(AbstractFuture.java:4) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.futures.AbstractFuture.get(AbstractFuture.java:48) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.WorkerWrapper$2.run(WorkerWrapper.java:1) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.impl.utils.SerialExecutor$Task.run(SerialExecutor.java:1) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: SyncableStore missing from GlobalSyncableStoreProvider: history 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker.doWork(WorkManagerSyncManager.kt:19) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at androidx.work.CoroutineWorker$startWork$1.invokeSuspend(CoroutineWorker.kt:5) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:3) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:15) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:1) 10-28 09:08:16.437 26517 26554 E WM-WorkerWrapper: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.run(CoroutineScheduler.kt:11) 10-28 09:08:16.439 26517 26554 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [ id=4a3ac893-9aba-483d-848d-aee7685b5a50, tags={ mozilla.components.service.fxa.sync.WorkManagerSyncWorker, Debounce, Common } ] 10-28 09:08:16.466 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Collecting metrics 10-28 09:08:16.482 26517 26548 E GeckoLibLoad: Loaded libs in 701.620729ms total, 23ms(663ms) user, 81ms(287ms) system, 67(90) faults 10-28 09:08:16.492 26517 26548 W GeckoThread: zerdatime 231385289 - runGecko 10-28 09:08:16.519 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core::ping: Storing ping '4dc99717-0812-4f5d-b74f-a42ad68f3241' at '/data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/4dc99717-0812-4f5d-b74f-a42ad68f3241' 10-28 09:08:16.529 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/4dc99717-0812-4f5d-b74f-a42ad68f3241 10-28 09:08:16.550 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: The ping 'metrics' was submitted and will be sent as soon as possible 10-28 09:08:16.558 26517 26590 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 681cbcd9-3278-4cfd-abdb-f6a11a0d3967 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/events/1/681cbcd9-3278-4cfd-abdb-f6a11a0d3967) 10-28 09:08:16.582 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core: Clearing Lifetime::Application metrics 10-28 09:08:16.709 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core: Duplicate ping named 'baseline' 10-28 09:08:16.710 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core: Duplicate ping named 'metrics' 10-28 09:08:16.710 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core: Duplicate ping named 'events' 10-28 09:08:16.711 26517 26543 D libglean_ffi: glean_core: Duplicate ping named 'deletion-request' 10-28 09:08:16.712 26517 26543 I libglean_ffi: glean_core: Upload enabled: true 10-28 09:08:16.734 26517 26548 I Gecko:DumpUtils: Fifo watcher disabled via pref. 10-28 09:08:16.865 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26603:org.mozilla.fenix:tab0/u0a129 for service org.mozilla.fenix/org.mozilla.gecko.process.GeckoChildProcessServices$tab0 10-28 09:08:16.915 26603 26603 I illa.fenix:tab: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:08:17.055 26603 26625 I GeckoThread: preparing to run Gecko 10-28 09:08:17.573 26517 26548 I Gecko : -*- nsDNSServiceDiscovery.js : nsDNSServiceDiscovery 10-28 09:08:18.751 26517 26548 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listener for GeckoView:PageAction:Update 10-28 09:08:18.796 2893 2893 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1 10-28 09:08:18.799 26517 26548 W GeckoEventDispatcher: No listener for GeckoView:BrowserAction:Update 10-28 09:08:19.106 26517 26590 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 681cbcd9-3278-4cfd-abdb-f6a11a0d3967 successfully sent 200. 10-28 09:08:19.107 26517 26590 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/681cbcd9-3278-4cfd-abdb-f6a11a0d3967 10-28 09:08:19.131 26517 26590 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id 4dc99717-0812-4f5d-b74f-a42ad68f3241 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-fenix/metrics/1/4dc99717-0812-4f5d-b74f-a42ad68f3241) 10-28 09:08:19.376 26517 26517 I DefaultAddonUpdater: registerForFutureUpdates uBlock0@raymondhill.net 10-28 09:08:19.388 26517 26517 I DefaultSupportedAddonsChecker: Register check for new supported add-ons 10-28 09:08:19.592 26517 26590 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Ping 4dc99717-0812-4f5d-b74f-a42ad68f3241 successfully sent 200. 10-28 09:08:19.593 26517 26590 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: File was deleted /data/user/0/org.mozilla.fenix/glean_data/pending_pings/4dc99717-0812-4f5d-b74f-a42ad68f3241 10-28 09:08:19.602 26517 26590 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: No more pings to upload! You are done. 10-28 09:08:19.617 26517 26554 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=55f47345-6e7f-4bf2-9f81-2145df02d4e0, tags={ mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker, mozac_service_glean_ping_upload_worker } ] 10-28 09:08:19.664 26517 26558 I SupportedAddonsWorker: Trying to check for new supported add-ons 10-28 09:08:19.674 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=99, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10129] ] (release request) 10-28 09:08:19.960 26517 26572 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=f6a44eb6-f3f2-4094-8cc5-2b792ec6eb5e, tags={ mozilla.components.feature.addons.migration.DefaultSupportedAddonsChecker.periodicWork, mozilla.components.feature.addons.migration.SupportedAddonsWorker } ] 10-28 09:08:20.360 26517 26537 I g.mozilla.feni: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-28 09:08:20.515 26517 26537 I g.mozilla.feni: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 154.598ms 10-28 09:08:21.949 26603 26623 I illa.fenix:tab: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-28 09:08:21.979 26603 26623 I illa.fenix:tab: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 29.912ms 10-28 09:08:22.625 851 3685 I ActivityManager: Killing 20222:com.google.process.gapps/u0a18 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 09:08:22.628 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-20222, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:08:22.675 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-20222, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:08:22.703 612 612 I Zygote : Process 20222 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:08:22.720 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-20222, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:08:22.721 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10018 pid 20222 in 93ms 10-28 09:08:26.294 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 09:09:00.009 851 851 I ActivityManager: Killing 21932:com.android.vending/u0a37 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 09:09:00.014 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-21932, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:09:00.061 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-21932, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:09:00.092 851 862 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=83, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ], android.os.BinderProxy@2a9f006) 10-28 09:09:00.092 851 3780 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=82, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ], android.os.BinderProxy@42136c7) 10-28 09:09:00.092 613 613 I Zygote : Process 21932 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:09:00.093 851 1561 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=82, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] (release request) 10-28 09:09:00.107 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-21932, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:09:00.108 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10037 pid 21932 in 94ms 10-28 09:09:42.598 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:09:47.036 851 3685 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 10-28 09:09:47.041 851 914 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true 10-28 09:09:58.070 23452 23500 W JobInfo : Requested backoff 0 for job 2131296623 is too small; raising to +10s0ms 10-28 09:10:29.411 851 861 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 244314(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 55(1312KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 18MB/32MB, paused 620us total 217.505ms 10-28 09:09:42.607 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 09:09:42.616 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:12:13.975 851 877 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 10-28 09:12:56.622 851 888 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth 10-28 09:12:56.650 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 09:13:42.841 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:13:47.269 851 3754 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 10-28 09:13:47.273 851 914 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true 10-28 09:14:28.047 2581 2882 V WifiManager: registerSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HotspotControllerImpl@78e4a47, handler=Handler (android.os.Handler) {c217274} 10-28 09:14:28.049 2581 2613 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: onStateChanged: state=11, failureReason=0 10-28 09:14:28.050 2581 2613 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: onNumClientsChanged: numClients=0 10-28 09:14:28.061 2581 2882 V WifiManager: registerSoftApCallback: callback=com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HotspotControllerImpl@78e4a47, handler=Handler (android.os.Handler) {c217274} 10-28 09:14:28.064 2581 8133 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: onStateChanged: state=11, failureReason=0 10-28 09:14:28.064 2581 8133 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: onNumClientsChanged: numClients=0 10-28 09:13:42.850 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 09:13:42.858 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:16:22.847 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:16:27.226 851 22830 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 10-28 09:16:27.231 851 914 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true 10-28 09:16:22.856 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 09:16:22.862 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:16:30.801 851 888 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory) 10-28 09:18:31.732 3217 25617 E WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire! 10-28 09:18:31.832 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.checkin.EventLogService started execution. cause:2 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 232000 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:18:31.848 18539 25488 I Checkin : [EventLogChimeraService] Opted in for usage reporting: false 10-28 09:18:31.848 18539 25488 I Checkin : [EventLogChimeraService] Aggregate from 1603871382042 (log), 1603871382042 (data) 10-28 09:18:31.879 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService started execution. cause:2 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 232000 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:18:31.897 3217 25983 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.stats.PlatformStatsCollectorService finished executing. cause:2 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 47 uptime_millis: 47 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 232000 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:18:32.014 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:18:32.014 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:18:32.042 18539 25488 I Checkin : [ServiceDumpSys] dumping service [account] 10-28 09:18:32.061 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:18:32.062 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:18:32.064 3217 25947 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.checkin.EventLogService finished executing. cause:2 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 269 uptime_millis: 269 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 232000 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ] 10-28 09:18:57.346 2893 2917 I m.android.phon: Background concurrent copying GC freed 21291(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(64KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 2MB/5MB, paused 473us total 182.362ms 10-28 09:19:49.486 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26763:com.android.defcontainer/u0a6 for service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService 10-28 09:19:49.745 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26779:com.android.vending/u0a37 for broadcast com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.verifier.impl.PackageVerificationReceiver 10-28 09:19:49.898 26779 26779 I android.vendin: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:19:50.055 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] gbr.ay(5): Process created at version: 22.3.15-21 [0] [PR] 336769479 10-28 09:19:50.204 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] ykv.a(2): Started reading experiment flags from file [0tGUNCGIkbk4o6-fQ335kUYSKwVj4lusnHT-A5Dsy08]. 10-28 09:19:50.210 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] ykv.a(18): Finished reading experiment flags from file [0tGUNCGIkbk4o6-fQ335kUYSKwVj4lusnHT-A5Dsy08]. 10-28 09:19:50.238 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] ykv.a(2): Started reading experiment flags from file [7d5xazrAtVhvgE_KssSLFH0osV1TdunmJ2q0e2lHKg0]. 10-28 09:19:50.245 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] ykv.a(18): Finished reading experiment flags from file [7d5xazrAtVhvgE_KssSLFH0osV1TdunmJ2q0e2lHKg0]. 10-28 09:19:50.253 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] ykv.a(2): Started reading experiment flags from file [Se-xCc4LzNyh3UrKMIU2sUf-PUKz4oQEbpKZDMuaFno]. 10-28 09:19:50.260 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] ykv.a(18): Finished reading experiment flags from file [Se-xCc4LzNyh3UrKMIU2sUf-PUKz4oQEbpKZDMuaFno]. 10-28 09:19:50.271 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] aboc.(3): Resetting scheduler db 10-28 09:19:50.319 26779 26797 I Finsky : [345] ahwi.a(2): Not a unicorn account 10-28 09:19:50.320 26779 26797 I Finsky : [345] agih.a(2): Disable SystemUpdateActivity, because Android is lower than Q 10-28 09:19:50.321 26779 26798 I Finsky : [346] xva.(3): PackageMonitorReceiverImpl - Registering in memory receiver for android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED and android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED 10-28 09:19:50.332 26779 26817 I Finsky : [363] agig.run(50): Set SystemUpdateActivity enabled state to 2 10-28 09:19:50.341 851 3688 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10037/26779 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=100, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] 10-28 09:19:50.343 851 2463 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=100, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 09:19:50.343 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=100, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 09:19:50.343 851 1544 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=100, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 09:19:50.344 851 1544 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=100, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 09:19:50.355 26779 26798 W Settings: Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 10-28 09:19:50.358 26779 26798 I Finsky : [346] vrs.i(3): SettingNotFoundException, fall through to G.downloadBytesOverMobileMaximum 10-28 09:19:50.359 26779 26798 W Settings: Setting download_manager_recommended_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 10-28 09:19:50.361 26779 26798 I Finsky : [346] vrs.j(3): SettingNotFoundException, fall through to G.downloadBytesOverMobileRecommended 10-28 09:19:50.369 26779 26797 I Finsky : [345] tkk.n(5): Enqueuing libraries load for 2053230648 10-28 09:19:50.371 26779 26819 I Finsky : [366] tkk.o(1): Starting libraries load for 2053230648 10-28 09:19:50.373 26779 26798 I Finsky : [346] atdp.b(2): registerListener 10-28 09:19:50.376 26779 26798 I Finsky : [346] atdp.b(2): registerListener 10-28 09:19:50.386 26779 26797 I Finsky : [345] jrl.j(5): Subscription detail: DataSubscriptionInfo{groupIdLevel1=FFFFFFFF, serviceProviderName=Free} 10-28 09:19:50.395 26779 26799 W android.vendin: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 09:19:50.395 26779 26798 I Finsky : [346] ajze.w(2): Setup app restrictions monitor 10-28 09:19:50.396 26779 26799 W android.vendin: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;->(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 09:19:50.398 26779 26799 W android.vendin: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (dark greylist, reflection) 10-28 09:19:50.400 26779 26798 I Finsky : [346] akba.a(3): Device wide unknown source restriction is changed. 10-28 09:19:50.402 26779 26796 I cr_CronetLibraryLoader: Cronet version: 87.0.4280.13, arch: armv8l 10-28 09:19:50.429 851 3754 D ConnectivityService: Returning UNBLOCKED NetworkInfo to uid=10037 10-28 09:19:50.446 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26832:com.google.process.gapps/u0a18 for content provider com.google.android.gsf/.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider 10-28 09:19:50.477 26779 26819 I Finsky : [366] tkk.o(19): Loaded library for account: [XU2XmGw3D14LKDLsBv_nSZiu2j9_wjQqxM4SX1ky-7U] 10-28 09:19:50.478 26779 26819 I Finsky : [366] tkk.o(23): Finished loading 1 libraries. 10-28 09:19:50.485 26832 26832 I e.process.gapp: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:19:50.532 26832 26832 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client 10-28 09:19:50.616 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] ajse.b(3): Verification requested, id = 45 10-28 09:19:50.638 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] qlm.(13): Installer: Setting Parallelism[DEFAULT] 10-28 09:19:50.646 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] qih.v(2): Installer: Attempting to start installer 10-28 09:19:50.650 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] atdp.b(2): registerListener 10-28 09:19:50.678 26779 26779 E Finsky : [2] VerifyPerSourceInstallationConsentInstallTask.f(2): Package name null is not an installed package 10-28 09:19:50.687 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] jrk.onSubscriptionsChanged(1): onSubscriptionsChanged 10-28 09:19:50.694 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] qih.L(1): Installer kick - no action, not running yet 10-28 09:19:50.696 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] ajua.a(7): Single user settings service is not running, bind it now 10-28 09:19:50.713 26779 26800 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 10-28 09:19:50.720 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] ajtz.onServiceConnected(1): Single user settings service is connected 10-28 09:19:50.796 26779 26801 W Settings: Setting install_non_market_apps has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value. 10-28 09:19:50.830 26779 26801 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #28 10-28 09:19:51.206 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1952 3-1953 20-23232323 26-1414141414 29-29 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 09:19:51.211 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, -> L: 16609537ms, D: 59809537ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:51.212 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 3-1953, 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 59581245ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:51.214 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, -> L: 59781901ms, D: 1355781901ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:51.216 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 3-1952, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, -> L: 0ms, D: 29065843ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:51.225 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, 29-29, -> L: 29058ms, D: 59058ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:51.239 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9001 9004 9002 9003 9007 10-28 09:19:51.241 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 16609537, D: 59809537, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:51.244 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9005, L: 0, D: 59581245, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:51.251 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9006, L: 59781901, D: 1355781901, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:51.254 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9008, L: 0, D: 29065843, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:51.256 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9009, L: 29058, D: 59058, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:51.406 26779 26873 I Finsky : [393] mnz.d(1): getDownloads() 10-28 09:19:51.500 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26876:com.android.vending:download_service/u0a37 for service com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.ipcservers.downloadservice.DownloadServiceGrpcServerAndroidService 10-28 09:19:51.574 26876 26876 I ownload_servic: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:19:51.635 26876 26876 I Finsky:download_service: [2] gbr.ay(5): Process created at version: 22.3.15-21 [0] [PR] 336769479 10-28 09:19:51.680 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] ohj.c(3): Task 7 requested foreground 10-28 09:19:51.702 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] ohj.c(8): Not entering foreground 10-28 09:19:51.717 26876 26876 I Finsky:download_service: [2] ssx.onCreate(2): IPC-SERVER: Starting gRPC host service... 10-28 09:19:51.755 851 2799 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10037/26876 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=102, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] 10-28 09:19:51.757 851 2463 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=102, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 09:19:51.757 2893 2893 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=102, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 09:19:51.757 851 1544 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=102, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 09:19:51.758 851 1544 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=102, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Unwanted: Uid: 10037] ] with score 60 10-28 09:19:51.788 26876 26899 I Finsky:download_service: [351] mgh.c(1): getDownloads(). 10-28 09:19:52.156 851 851 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 414ms main h=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$WorkerHandler c=null m=3 10-28 09:19:52.157 851 851 W Looper : Slow delivery took 413ms main h=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$WorkerHandler c=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$15@ee277f3 m=0 10-28 09:19:52.229 26779 26871 I Finsky : [391] qha.run(7): Installer: Installer starting. 10-28 09:19:52.230 26779 26871 I Finsky : [391] qha.run(20): Installer: Installer started. 10-28 09:19:52.233 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] qih.L(7): Installer: found apps to install. isMultiUserMode=false, apps=[] 10-28 09:19:52.262 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 3-1952 10-28 09:19:52.266 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1953 20-23232323 26-1414141414 29-29 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 09:19:52.269 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, -> L: 16608477ms, D: 59808477ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:52.270 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 3-1953, 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 59580186ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.277 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1723, 34-1725, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, -> L: 59780842ms, D: 1355780842ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.278 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, -> L: 0ms, D: 63173632ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.282 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, 29-29, -> L: 27999ms, D: 57999ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:52.298 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9005 9009 9006 9000 9008 10-28 09:19:52.299 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 16608477, D: 59808477, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:52.302 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 0, D: 59580186, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.305 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 59780842, D: 1355780842, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.311 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 0, D: 63173632, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.314 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9007, L: 27999, D: 57999, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:52.347 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abnl.a(26): SCH: Canceling job 3-1953 10-28 09:19:52.364 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 20-23232323 26-1414141414 29-29 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 09:19:52.370 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, -> L: 16608379ms, D: 59808379ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:52.372 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 59580088ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.373 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1725, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, -> L: 59780742ms, D: 1355780742ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.375 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, -> L: 0ms, D: 63173534ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.376 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, 29-29, -> L: 27900ms, D: 57900ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:52.389 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9001 9003 9007 9002 9004 10-28 09:19:52.390 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 16608379, D: 59808379, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:52.393 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9005, L: 0, D: 59580088, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.397 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9006, L: 59780742, D: 1355780742, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.400 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9008, L: 0, D: 63173534, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.403 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9009, L: 27900, D: 57900, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:52.496 26779 26901 I Finsky : [398] qvt.z(3): IQ: Creating job 1954, for (REQ_CHARGING, REQ_DEVICE_IDLE, REQ_GEARHEAD_PROJECTION_OFF, NETWORK=UNMETERED, PROVISIONING_STATE=PROVISIONED) 10-28 09:19:52.517 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1954 20-23232323 26-1414141414 29-29 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 09:19:52.521 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, -> L: 16608226ms, D: 59808226ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:52.522 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 59579935ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.523 26779 26901 I Finsky : [398] qvt.z(3): IQ: Creating job 1955, for (REQ_CHARGING, REQ_GEARHEAD_PROJECTION_OFF, NETWORK=UNMETERED, PROVISIONING_STATE=PROVISIONED) 10-28 09:19:52.526 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1723, 34-1725, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, -> L: 59780590ms, D: 1355780590ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.527 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 3-1954, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, -> L: 0ms, D: 63173381ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.529 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, 29-29, -> L: 27748ms, D: 57748ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:52.542 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9005 9009 9006 9008 9000 10-28 09:19:52.543 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 16608226, D: 59808226, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:52.546 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 0, D: 59579935, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.549 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 59780590, D: 1355780590, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.552 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 0, D: 63173381, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.555 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9007, L: 27748, D: 57748, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:52.594 26779 26905 I Finsky : [402] akaq.c(3): Verify: Verification package=org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle, id=45 response=0 10-28 09:19:52.636 26779 26801 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #28 10-28 09:19:52.701 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1954 3-1955 20-23232323 26-1414141414 29-29 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 09:19:52.714 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, -> L: 16608042ms, D: 59808042ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:52.715 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 3-1955, 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 59579750ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.716 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, -> L: 59780401ms, D: 1355780401ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.725 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 3-1954, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, -> L: 0ms, D: 63173197ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.727 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, 29-29, -> L: 27563ms, D: 57563ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:52.749 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9001 9004 9003 9007 9002 10-28 09:19:52.754 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 16608042, D: 59808042, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:52.757 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9005, L: 0, D: 59579750, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.760 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9006, L: 59780401, D: 1355780401, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.763 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9008, L: 0, D: 63173197, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:52.766 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9009, L: 27563, D: 57563, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:52.809 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] VerifyAdvancedProtectionInstallTask.mH(1): Verify AP install started 10-28 09:19:52.810 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] VerifyAdvancedProtectionInstallTask.mH(2): Allowing install because there are no Advanced Protection users 10-28 09:19:52.812 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] VerifyAdvancedProtectionInstallTask.mF(2): Reported verification result: ALLOW 10-28 09:19:52.813 26779 26801 I Finsky : [349] VerifyPerSourceInstallationConsentInstallTask.mH(2): PSIC verification started with installer uid: 2000 package name: null, originating uid: -1 10-28 09:19:52.817 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] VerifyInstallTask.g(3): Verifying id=45, result=1 10-28 09:19:52.832 851 952 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in package: org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle at: Binary XML file line #28 10-28 09:19:52.922 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] adns.a(1): Connecting InstallListener to SplitInstallService broadcaster... 10-28 09:19:52.925 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] ajhr.a(3): Warm data store was already initialized. 10-28 09:19:53.062 851 952 V BackupManagerService: restoreAtInstall pkg=org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle token=2e restoreSet=0 10-28 09:19:53.064 851 952 V BackupManagerService: Finishing install immediately 10-28 09:19:53.070 851 851 W Looper : Drained 10-28 09:19:53.072 624 624 E : Couldn't opendir /data/app/vmdl598301767.tmp: No such file or directory 10-28 09:19:53.073 624 624 E installd: Failed to delete /data/app/vmdl598301767.tmp: No such file or directory 10-28 09:19:53.093 851 2985 D PackageManager: [dded1245-f064-493e-a51c-5860578dda25] Phase1; resolving 10-28 09:19:53.093 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] xva.d(13): PackageMonitorReceiverImpl - Received: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED, [6De5UlpnVEIdF0BKjKtfwN4vWDwf5QJMKHaJigtZSn8] 10-28 09:19:53.094 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] xwb.g(1): Invalidating cached PackageState for org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle 10-28 09:19:53.099 3217 3233 V PackageManager: [dded1245-f064-493e-a51c-5860578dda25] Phase1 called; posting 10-28 09:19:53.102 851 3774 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.android.musicfx/.Compatibility$Receiver 10-28 09:19:53.106 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [dded1245-f064-493e-a51c-5860578dda25] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2022780928, -1307074560, -1299079168, -1126445056, -724971520, -276709376, -198443008, 278360064, 420691968, 872226816, 1149214720, 2110877696] 10-28 09:19:53.107 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.packagemanager.impl.PackageMonitorReceiverImpl$RegisteredReceiver 10-28 09:19:53.109 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.games.chimera.GamesSystemBroadcastReceiverProxy 10-28 09:19:53.112 851 2985 D PackageManager: [dded1245-f064-493e-a51c-5860578dda25] Phase1; No results matched 10-28 09:19:53.114 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.gass.chimera.PackageChangeBroadcastReceiver 10-28 09:19:53.115 851 2552 D PackageManager: [08d326fe-b832-40c7-827f-21e07e93695b] Phase1; resolving 10-28 09:19:53.117 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:53.117 3217 5623 V PackageManager: [08d326fe-b832-40c7-827f-21e07e93695b] Phase1 called; posting 10-28 09:19:53.120 3217 3217 D PackageManager: [08d326fe-b832-40c7-827f-21e07e93695b] Phase1 request; prefix: [-2090782720, -1675853824, -1612931072, -1576120320, -1048117248, -927227904, -784887808, -724971520, -454852608, -146935808, -86654976, 67670016, 420691968, 528961536, 1629065216, 1728622592] 10-28 09:19:53.126 851 2552 D PackageManager: [08d326fe-b832-40c7-827f-21e07e93695b] Phase1; No results matched 10-28 09:19:53.128 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] oqg.d(2): Frosting ID looked up on UI thread. Caller should move to a background thread. 10-28 09:19:53.158 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] alnd.a(3): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 10-28 09:19:53.164 3217 26914 W GCM : Unexpected forwarded intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle flg=0x4000010 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentIntentOperationService (has extras) } 10-28 09:19:53.165 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26916:org.fdroid.fdroid/u0a131 for broadcast org.fdroid.fdroid/.receiver.PackageManagerReceiver 10-28 09:19:53.169 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] alnd.a(3): Do not start WearSupportService due to Wear service optimization 10-28 09:19:53.174 2893 2893 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0 10-28 09:19:53.183 3217 26919 W GCM : Unexpected forwarded intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle flg=0x4000010 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentIntentOperationService (has extras) } 10-28 09:19:53.184 851 851 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer: DDC.oR@BRE 10-28 09:19:53.215 2893 2893 D CarrierConfigLoader: mHandler: 9 phoneId: 0 10-28 09:19:53.219 851 851 V BackupManagerConstants: getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000 10-28 09:19:53.232 3567 3567 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating 10-28 09:19:53.249 851 3780 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=org.kivy.android.PythonActivity flg=0x10000000 cmp=org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle/org.kivy.android.PythonActivity} from uid 2000 10-28 09:19:53.264 26916 26916 I g.fdroid.fdroi: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:19:53.269 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] adob.a(8): Clearing split related stale data. 10-28 09:19:53.283 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] oqg.d(2): Frosting ID looked up on UI thread. Caller should move to a background thread. 10-28 09:19:53.378 851 861 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 297105(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 56(2MB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/29MB, paused 408us total 325.207ms 10-28 09:19:53.434 851 1385 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010 10-28 09:19:53.477 26779 26946 I Finsky : [411] gtf.a(12): Asset module storage cleared for package org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle. 10-28 09:19:53.520 851 881 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26949:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle/u0a185 for activity org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle/org.kivy.android.PythonActivity 10-28 09:19:53.524 26779 26913 I Finsky : [404] opt.run(16): Wrote row to frosting DB: 4260 10-28 09:19:53.529 26949 26949 I e.conceptruell: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 10-28 09:19:53.541 18539 26918 I Auth : [SupervisedAccountIntentOperation] onHandleIntent(): android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED 10-28 09:19:53.670 18539 26911 I ChromeSync: [Sync,SyncIntentOperation] Handling the intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle flg=0x4000010 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService (has extras) }. 10-28 09:19:53.784 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] VerifyInstallTask.mF(6): Verification complete: id=45, package_name=org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle 10-28 09:19:53.785 26949 26949 I e.conceptruell: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 10-28 09:19:53.978 26949 26949 V PythonActivity: PythonActivity onCreate running 10-28 09:19:53.983 26949 26949 V PythonActivity: About to do super onCreate 10-28 09:19:53.984 26949 26949 V SDL : Device: bullhead 10-28 09:19:53.984 26949 26949 V SDL : Model: Nexus 5X 10-28 09:19:53.985 26949 26949 V SDL : onCreate() 10-28 09:19:53.986 26949 26949 V PythonActivity: Did super onCreate 10-28 09:19:53.987 26949 26949 V SDL : getting identifier 10-28 09:19:53.987 26949 26949 V SDL : kind is drawable and name presplash 10-28 09:19:53.990 26949 26949 V SDL : result is 2130771970 10-28 09:19:54.015 26949 26949 V SDL : asked to get string presplash_color 10-28 09:19:54.016 26949 26949 V SDL : getting identifier 10-28 09:19:54.016 26949 26949 V SDL : kind is string and name presplash_color 10-28 09:19:54.017 26949 26949 V SDL : result is 2130968577 10-28 09:19:54.030 26779 26913 I Finsky : [404] opt.run(16): Wrote row to frosting DB: 4261 10-28 09:19:54.070 26949 26972 V PythonActivity: Ready to unpack 10-28 09:19:54.076 26949 26972 V pythonactivityutil: UNPACKING!!! private app 10-28 09:19:54.077 26949 26972 V SDL : asked to get string private_version 10-28 09:19:54.077 26949 26972 V SDL : getting identifier 10-28 09:19:54.078 26949 26972 V SDL : kind is string and name private_version 10-28 09:19:54.078 26949 26949 V PythonActivity: onResume() 10-28 09:19:54.079 26949 26949 V SDL : onResume() 10-28 09:19:54.079 26949 26972 V SDL : result is 2130968578 10-28 09:19:54.080 26949 26972 V pythonactivityutil: Data version is 1603873167.830457 10-28 09:19:54.081 26949 26972 V pythonactivityutil: Extracting private assets. 10-28 09:19:54.083 26949 26949 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline 10-28 09:19:54.100 26949 26972 V python : extracting p4a_env_vars.txt 10-28 09:19:54.110 26949 26972 V python : extracting sitecustomize.pyc 10-28 09:19:54.132 26949 26972 V python : extracting agenda.pyc 10-28 09:19:54.139 26949 26972 V python : extracting icon.png 10-28 09:19:54.160 26949 26972 V python : extracting main.pyc 10-28 09:19:54.165 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/ 10-28 09:19:54.168 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/stdlib.zip 10-28 09:19:54.180 26949 26973 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : 8e59954, I0be83d0d26 10-28 09:19:54.180 26949 26973 I Adreno : Build Date : 09/22/17 10-28 09:19:54.180 26949 26973 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.21.02.00 10-28 09:19:54.180 26949 26973 I Adreno : Local Branch : O17A 10-28 09:19:54.180 26949 26973 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 10-28 09:19:54.180 26949 26973 I Adreno : Remote Branch : 10-28 09:19:54.180 26949 26973 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch : 10-28 09:19:54.185 26949 26973 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 09:19:54.191 26949 26949 V SDL : onWindowFocusChanged(): true 10-28 09:19:54.230 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] aboc.b(5): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 2-48879 3-1954 3-1955 12-1 20-23232323 26-1414141414 29-29 34-1695 34-1696 34-1705 34-1709 34-1710 34-1711 34-1717 34-1720 34-1721 34-1722 34-1723 34-1724 34-1725 10-28 09:19:54.257 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 1-1337, 34-1724, 12-1, -> L: 13967ms, D: 59806513ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:54.267 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 3-1955, 20-23232323, -> L: 0ms, D: 59578221ms, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:54.268 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, -> L: 59778876ms, D: 1355778876ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:54.274 26949 26973 I Adreno : PFP: 0x00000000, ME: 0x00000000 10-28 09:19:54.280 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 2-48879, 3-1954, 34-1695, 34-1696, 34-1705, 34-1709, 34-1710, 34-1711, 34-1717, 34-1720, 34-1721, 34-1722, 34-1723, 34-1725, -> L: 0ms, D: 63171668ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:54.281 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.d(37): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414, 29-29, -> L: 26034ms, D: 56034ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:54.317 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-28 09:19:54.320 26949 26973 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0 10-28 09:19:54.321 26949 26973 I ConfigStore: android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0 10-28 09:19:54.323 26949 26973 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 10-28 09:19:54.323 26949 26973 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 2 10-28 09:19:54.336 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.f(7): SCH: Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9005 9000 9009 9006 9008 10-28 09:19:54.342 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9001, L: 13967, D: 59806513, C: false, I: false, N: 1 10-28 09:19:54.352 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9002, L: 0, D: 59578221, C: true, I: false, N: 2 10-28 09:19:54.357 26779 26808 I Finsky : [356] jid.a(15): [ContentSync] finished, scheduled=true 10-28 09:19:54.388 359 359 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0::IMapper/default in either framework or device manifest. 10-28 09:19:54.390 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9003, L: 59778876, D: 1355778876, C: false, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:54.392 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 0, D: 63171668, C: true, I: true, N: 2 10-28 09:19:54.392 26949 26973 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 09:19:54.395 26949 26973 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8992.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 10-28 09:19:54.395 26779 26779 I Finsky : [2] abmo.e(23): SCH: Scheduling job Id: 9007, L: 26034, D: 56034, C: false, I: false, N: 0 10-28 09:19:54.514 26916 26916 I ACRA : ACRA is enabled for org.fdroid.fdroid, initializing... 10-28 09:19:54.559 26916 26916 I InstalledAppProvider: selectNotSystemSignature: systemSignature == null, querying for it 10-28 09:19:54.736 26916 26916 I InstalledAppProvider: excluding InstalledApps signed by system signatures 10-28 09:19:54.737 604 2996 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to set client state on removed layer: Splash Screen org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle#0 10-28 09:19:54.738 604 2996 W SurfaceFlinger: Attempting to destroy on removed layer: Splash Screen org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle#0 10-28 09:19:54.764 851 877 W system_server: Unknown chunk type '200'. 10-28 09:19:54.966 26779 26793 I android.vendin: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 10-28 09:19:55.051 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/ 10-28 09:19:55.053 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/zlib.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.061 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/pyexpat.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.083 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_opcode.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.088 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/ossaudiodev.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.094 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_sha3.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.103 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_codecs_tw.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.114 18539 19283 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=AppsCorpus serviceId=36 10-28 09:19:55.122 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/select.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.129 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_random.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.137 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_sqlite3.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.161 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_ssl.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.182 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_hashlib.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.189 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/unicodedata.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.289 18539 25488 W Icing : No valid account for uploading user actions 10-28 09:19:55.301 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_testimportmultiple.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.315 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_multibytecodec.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.319 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:19:55.329 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/mmap.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.336 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_ctypes_test.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.342 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_testcapi.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.355 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/resource.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.360 26916 26987 I SDCardScannerService: getExternalFilesDirs /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.fdroid.fdroid/files 10-28 09:19:55.361 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_posixsubprocess.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.367 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_bisect.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.371 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_testmultiphase.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.375 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/array.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.384 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_codecs_hk.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.416 26916 26987 I SDCardScannerService: getExternalFilesDirs /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.fdroid.fdroid/files 10-28 09:19:55.418 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/termios.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.422 18539 19285 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=null serviceId=30 10-28 09:19:55.469 26916 26987 I SDCardScannerService: sdcard files [] 10-28 09:19:55.474 851 3778 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event 10-28 09:19:55.476 851 914 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true 10-28 09:19:55.490 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_xxsubinterpreters.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.499 26779 26793 I android.vendin: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 533.878ms 10-28 09:19:55.509 18539 25488 I Icing : Usage reports ok 1, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 10-28 09:19:55.528 851 877 W Searchables: No global search activity found 10-28 09:19:55.528 18539 19285 I Icing : IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface callingPackage=com.google.android.gms componentName=null serviceId=36 10-28 09:19:55.529 18539 25488 W Icing : No valid account for uploading user actions 10-28 09:19:55.539 26779 26790 I android.vendin: WaitForGcToComplete blocked HeapTrim on ProfileSaver for 11.489ms 10-28 09:19:55.539 18539 18550 I gle.android.gm: Background concurrent copying GC freed 37388(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 11(476KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 153us total 339.165ms 10-28 09:19:55.546 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/binascii.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.321 693 693 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi) /system/bin/wificond identical 1 line 10-28 09:19:55.324 693 693 W wificond: Failed to get NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES 10-28 09:19:55.549 851 877 D AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Reset component for user 0 () 10-28 09:19:55.549 18539 25488 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 10-28 09:19:55.550 851 880 D AutofillUI: destroySaveUiUiThread(): already destroyed 10-28 09:19:55.550 851 877 D AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Reset component for user 0 () 10-28 09:19:55.550 851 877 D FieldClassificationStrategy: reset(): service is not bound. Do nothing. 10-28 09:19:55.552 18539 25488 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-internal.3p:MobileApplication from com.google.android.gms using seqno 7515 10-28 09:19:55.557 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_blake2.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.558 851 877 W VoiceInteractionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0 10-28 09:19:55.576 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_sysconfigdata__linux_.pyc 10-28 09:19:55.589 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_sha1.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.594 851 877 I ActivityManager: Displayed org.conceptruelle.conceptruelle/org.kivy.android.PythonActivity: +1s302ms 10-28 09:19:55.621 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_statistics.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.629 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_asyncio.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.636 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/parser.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.641 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_xxtestfuzz.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.645 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/fcntl.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.650 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_codecs_iso2022.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.656 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.656 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_json.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.659 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.663 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/cmath.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.668 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.668 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.670 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_socket.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.676 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.676 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.680 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:55.680 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:55.680 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:55.681 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:55.681 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:55.681 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:55.682 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:55.682 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:55.683 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.683 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:55.683 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/math.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.684 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.684 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:55.685 704 26992 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.685 704 26992 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.686 704 26992 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:55.686 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.687 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:55.687 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:55.690 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.691 704 26993 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.692 704 26993 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:55.692 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_codecs_cn.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.692 704 26993 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:55.694 704 26993 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:31 10-28 09:19:55.694 704 26993 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349691000 10-28 09:19:55.695 704 26993 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:55.695 704 26993 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873194000 10-28 09:19:55.696 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873194 10-28 09:19:55.696 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873194; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:55.696 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:55.697 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:55.697 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.697 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:55.699 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:55.714 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.714 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.718 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.719 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 1 line 10-28 09:19:55.726 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.726 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_queue.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.726 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.729 18539 25488 W Icing : No valid account for uploading user actions 10-28 09:19:55.731 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:55.731 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:55.732 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:55.732 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:55.732 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:55.733 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:55.733 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:55.734 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:55.734 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.734 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:55.735 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.741 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:55.742 704 26994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.743 704 26994 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.743 704 26994 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:55.744 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:55.744 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:55.749 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.750 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.751 704 26996 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.752 704 26996 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:55.752 704 26996 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:55.755 704 26996 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:31 10-28 09:19:55.755 704 26996 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349691000 10-28 09:19:55.756 704 26996 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:55.756 18539 25488 I Icing : Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0 10-28 09:19:55.756 704 26996 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873194000 10-28 09:19:55.757 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873194 10-28 09:19:55.757 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873194; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:55.758 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:55.758 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:55.758 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:55.759 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.760 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:55.761 851 3540 V BackupManagerConstants: getFullBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 2 10-28 09:19:55.765 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_ctypes.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.767 851 3540 V BackupManagerConstants: getFullBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true 10-28 09:19:55.773 18539 25488 I Icing : Indexing com.google.android.gms-apps from com.google.android.gms 10-28 09:19:55.778 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.779 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.788 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.788 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 1 line 10-28 09:19:55.792 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.792 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_decimal.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.792 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.800 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:55.800 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:55.801 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:55.801 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:55.803 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:55.804 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:55.804 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:55.804 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:55.805 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.805 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:55.806 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.808 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:55.812 704 26998 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.814 704 26998 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.815 704 26998 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:55.815 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:55.816 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:55.817 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.817 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.820 704 27000 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.824 704 27000 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:55.824 704 27000 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:55.825 704 27000 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:31 10-28 09:19:55.825 704 27000 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349691000 10-28 09:19:55.826 704 27000 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:55.826 704 27000 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873194000 10-28 09:19:55.826 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873194 10-28 09:19:55.827 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873194; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:55.827 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:55.827 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.828 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:55.828 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:55.829 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:55.847 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.847 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : [360] akpi.b(3): Error while reading encrypted model 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : java.security.GeneralSecurityException: decryption failed 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at awng.b(PG:7) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at akpi.b(PG:2) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at aklq.apply(Unknown Source:12) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.Optional.map(Optional.java:215) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at aknn.(PG:6) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at ajnq.apply(Unknown Source:6) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$3$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:193) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2$1.accept(ReferencePipeline.java:175) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.Iterator$$CC.forEachRemaining$$dflt$$(Unknown Source:116) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.Iterator$$Dispatch.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source:10) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(Spliterators.java:1801) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:481) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(AbstractPipeline.java:471) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential(ForEachOps.java:151) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.stream.ForEachOps$ForEachOp.evaluateSequential(ForEachOps.java:133) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:234) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at j$.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.forEach(ReferencePipeline.java:418) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at ajns.b(PG:11) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at ajta.a(Unknown Source:148) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at awie.f(Unknown Source:2) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at awig.run(PG:9) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at nip.run(PG:5) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26779 26812 E Finsky : at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) 10-28 09:19:55.854 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_testbuffer.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.863 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_datetime.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.869 18539 25488 I Icing : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-apps 10-28 09:19:55.873 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.882 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 2 lines 10-28 09:19:55.882 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.895 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/xxlimited.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.895 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.898 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.901 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_testinternalcapi.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.901 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:55.902 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:55.902 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:55.902 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:55.903 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:55.903 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:55.903 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:55.904 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:55.904 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.904 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:55.905 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_codecs_kr.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.906 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.906 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:55.907 704 27002 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.908 704 27002 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.908 704 27002 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:55.909 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.909 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:55.909 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:55.910 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.910 704 27003 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.911 704 27003 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:55.911 704 27003 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:55.912 704 27003 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:55.912 704 27003 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:55.912 704 27003 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:55.913 704 27003 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:55.913 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:55.914 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:55.914 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:55.914 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.914 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:55.915 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:55.917 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:55.923 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_heapq.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.936 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_elementtree.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.936 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.937 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.944 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.945 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/syslog.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.945 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.948 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 1 line 10-28 09:19:55.949 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:55.949 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_md5.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.954 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:55.955 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:55.956 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:55.956 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:55.956 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:55.957 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:55.957 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_pickle.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.957 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:55.958 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:55.958 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.959 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:55.959 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.960 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:55.961 704 27004 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.961 704 27004 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:55.961 704 27004 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:55.962 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.963 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:55.963 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:55.964 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:55.965 704 27005 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:55.966 704 27005 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:55.966 704 27005 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:55.966 704 27005 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:55.967 704 27005 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:55.968 704 27005 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:55.968 704 27005 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:55.968 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:55.969 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:55.969 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:55.969 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:55.970 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:55.975 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:55.975 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:55.990 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_lsprof.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:55.991 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.992 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:55.996 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_contextvars.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:56.001 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.002 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.004 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_sha256.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:56.012 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.012 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.012 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_sha512.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:56.021 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.022 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.022 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.022 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.022 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.023 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.023 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.024 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.024 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.024 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.025 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.025 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.026 704 27008 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.026 704 27008 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.026 704 27008 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.027 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.027 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.027 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.029 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.029 704 27009 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.030 704 27009 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.030 704 27009 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.030 704 27009 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.031 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/audioop.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:56.031 704 27009 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.031 704 27009 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.032 704 27009 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.032 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.033 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.033 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.033 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.034 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.035 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.035 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.039 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_multiprocessing.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:56.047 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_csv.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:56.050 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.050 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.052 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_struct.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:56.057 26779 26812 I awse : Provider GmsCore_OpenSSL not available 10-28 09:19:56.059 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/modules/_codecs_jp.cpython-38.so 10-28 09:19:56.082 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/ 10-28 09:19:56.084 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/_cffi_backend.so 10-28 09:19:56.085 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.097 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 4 lines 10-28 09:19:56.097 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.099 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/six.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.100 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.100 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.100 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.101 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.101 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.101 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.102 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.103 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.103 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.103 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setup_sdist.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.104 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.104 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.105 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.106 704 27011 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.106 704 27011 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.106 704 27011 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.107 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/jnius_config.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.107 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.108 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.108 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.109 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.109 704 27012 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.110 704 27012 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.110 704 27012 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.110 704 27012 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.111 704 27012 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.111 704 27012 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.111 704 27012 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.112 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.112 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.113 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.113 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.113 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/easy_install.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.113 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.114 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.114 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.117 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/zope.interface-4.1.3-py3.8-nspkg.pth 10-28 09:19:56.119 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/ 10-28 09:19:56.121 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/version.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.125 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/launch.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.126 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.127 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.129 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/cli.exe 10-28 09:19:56.134 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.134 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.140 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/config.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.148 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.148 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.149 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/msvc.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.154 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.154 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.155 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.155 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.155 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.156 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.156 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.156 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.157 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.157 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.158 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.158 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.159 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/extension.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.160 704 27014 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.160 704 27014 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.161 704 27014 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.161 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.161 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.162 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.163 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.163 704 27015 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.164 704 27015 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.164 704 27015 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.165 704 27015 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.165 704 27015 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.165 704 27015 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.166 704 27015 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.166 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.166 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.167 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.167 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/script.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.167 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.168 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.168 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.170 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/archive_util.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.171 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.176 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/glibc.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.179 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_deprecation_warning.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.183 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/pep425tags.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.186 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/namespaces.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.189 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.190 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.191 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.193 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/cli-32.exe 10-28 09:19:56.195 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.202 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 2 lines 10-28 09:19:56.202 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.206 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/sandbox.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.209 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.209 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.209 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.210 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.210 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.210 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.211 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.211 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.211 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.212 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.213 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.213 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.214 704 27017 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.215 704 27017 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.216 704 27017 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.216 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.217 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.218 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.219 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.219 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/py33compat.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.220 704 27018 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.223 704 27018 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.224 704 27018 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.225 704 27018 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.225 704 27018 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.226 704 27018 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.226 704 27018 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.226 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.227 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.227 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.228 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.228 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.229 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.229 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.234 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/package_index.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.244 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/glob.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.246 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/windows_support.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.247 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.247 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.249 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.252 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/lib2to3_ex.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.255 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/gui-32.exe 10-28 09:19:56.264 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/dist.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.270 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/monkey.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.278 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.278 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.280 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/script (dev).tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.282 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/site-patch.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.285 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.285 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/cli-64.exe 10-28 09:19:56.285 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.291 625 625 I chatty : uid=1017(keystore) /system/bin/keystore identical 1 line 10-28 09:19:56.291 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.294 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.294 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.294 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.294 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/gui-64.exe 10-28 09:19:56.295 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.295 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.296 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.296 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.296 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.297 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.297 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.298 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.298 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.299 704 27020 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.299 704 27020 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.299 704 27020 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.300 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.300 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.300 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.301 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.302 704 27021 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.302 704 27021 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.302 704 27021 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.303 704 27021 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.303 704 27021 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.304 704 27021 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.304 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/wheel.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.304 704 27021 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.305 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.305 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.305 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.306 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.306 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.306 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.307 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/ssl_support.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.307 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.310 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/gui.exe 10-28 09:19:56.319 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/py27compat.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.321 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/unicode_utils.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.322 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.323 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.324 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/py31compat.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.328 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/depends.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.328 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.329 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.332 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/dep_util.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.332 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.333 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.334 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/ 10-28 09:19:56.336 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.336 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.336 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.337 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.337 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.338 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.338 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.338 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.339 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.339 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.340 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.340 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/six.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.341 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.342 704 27022 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.342 704 27022 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.343 704 27022 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.344 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.344 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.345 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.345 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.347 704 27023 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.347 704 27023 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.348 704 27023 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.348 704 27023 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.349 704 27023 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.349 704 27023 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.349 704 27023 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.350 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.350 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.351 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.351 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.351 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.352 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.353 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.356 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.364 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.365 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.367 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.370 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/ 10-28 09:19:56.372 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/version.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.373 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.374 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.376 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/requirements.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.378 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.378 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.378 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/utils.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.381 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.385 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_structures.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.386 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.386 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.387 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.387 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.387 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.388 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.388 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.388 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.389 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.389 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.389 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.390 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.390 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.392 704 27026 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.392 704 27026 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.393 704 27026 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.393 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.393 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.394 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.395 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.396 704 27027 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.396 704 27027 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.397 704 27027 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.397 704 27027 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.398 704 27027 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.399 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_compat.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.399 704 27027 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.401 704 27027 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.402 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.402 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.402 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.403 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.403 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.404 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.404 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.406 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__about__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.409 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/markers.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.416 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/ 10-28 09:19:56.417 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/egg_info.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.420 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.421 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.422 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/launcher manifest.xml 10-28 09:19:56.426 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.431 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_rpm.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.435 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/upload.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.452 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.452 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/rotate.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.453 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.456 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/dist_info.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.458 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/register.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.460 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/alias.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.461 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.461 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.463 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.465 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_py.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.466 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.466 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.468 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_egg.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.469 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.469 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.470 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.470 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.470 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.471 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.471 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.471 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.472 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.472 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.473 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.473 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.473 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_wininst.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.474 704 27029 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.474 704 27029 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.475 704 27029 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.475 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.475 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.475 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.476 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.477 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/upload_docs.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.477 704 27030 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.478 704 27030 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.478 704 27030 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.479 704 27030 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.479 704 27030 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.479 704 27030 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.480 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/saveopts.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.480 704 27030 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.480 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.481 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.481 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.481 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.481 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.482 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.483 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.483 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/easy_install.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.493 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/install.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.495 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/sdist.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.498 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_ext.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.502 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_scripts.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.504 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.504 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_clib.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.504 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.507 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.508 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_lib.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.508 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.513 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/setopt.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.515 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.515 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.516 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_egg_info.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.519 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.519 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.520 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.520 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.520 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.521 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.521 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/py36compat.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.524 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.525 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.525 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.526 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command/test.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.526 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.527 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.527 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.528 704 27031 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.528 704 27031 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.529 704 27031 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.529 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.529 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.530 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.531 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.531 704 27032 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.531 704 27032 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.532 704 27032 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.532 704 27032 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.533 704 27032 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.533 704 27032 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.533 704 27032 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.534 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.536 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.536 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.537 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.537 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.537 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.538 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.540 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/extern/ 10-28 09:19:56.542 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.545 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/ 10-28 09:19:56.560 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/LICENSE.rst 10-28 09:19:56.563 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/WHEEL 10-28 09:19:56.564 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.564 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.566 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/top_level.txt 10-28 09:19:56.568 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/METADATA 10-28 09:19:56.570 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/zip-safe 10-28 09:19:56.573 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/REQUESTED 10-28 09:19:56.574 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/INSTALLER 10-28 09:19:56.577 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1-0.4.8.dist-info/RECORD 10-28 09:19:56.580 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/certifi/ 10-28 09:19:56.582 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/certifi/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.583 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.584 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/certifi/__main__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.584 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.586 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem 10-28 09:19:56.591 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.592 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.598 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.598 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.599 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.599 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.599 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.600 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.600 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.600 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.601 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.601 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.602 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.602 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.603 704 27035 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.604 704 27035 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.604 704 27035 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.607 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.608 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.608 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.609 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.609 704 27036 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.610 704 27036 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.610 704 27036 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.610 704 27036 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.611 704 27036 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.611 704 27036 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.612 704 27036 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.612 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.612 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.613 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.613 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.613 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.614 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.614 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.629 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/certifi/core.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.631 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.631 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/ 10-28 09:19:56.631 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.633 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spiderloader.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.636 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/cmdline.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.638 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/pqueues.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.642 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extension.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.645 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/shell.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.647 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/interfaces.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.650 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/exporters.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.657 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/robotstxt.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.664 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/exceptions.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.667 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/dupefilters.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.669 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/mail.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.673 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.675 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/signals.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.677 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/item.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.680 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/squeues.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.682 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/statscollectors.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.684 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/mime.types 10-28 09:19:56.688 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/signalmanager.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.690 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/responsetypes.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.693 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/resolver.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.695 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/crawler.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.696 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.697 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.698 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/middleware.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.701 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/VERSION 10-28 09:19:56.703 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/__main__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.705 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/logformatter.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.705 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.706 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.707 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/link.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.709 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/ 10-28 09:19:56.710 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.711 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/closespider.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.711 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.713 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/memdebug.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.714 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.714 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.715 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.715 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.715 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.716 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.716 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.716 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.717 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.717 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/logstats.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.717 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.718 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.718 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.719 704 27038 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.719 704 27038 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.720 704 27038 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.720 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.720 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.721 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.722 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.722 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/httpcache.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.722 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.723 704 27039 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.724 704 27039 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.724 704 27039 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.724 704 27039 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.725 704 27039 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.725 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/debug.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.725 704 27039 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.726 704 27039 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.726 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.727 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.727 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.727 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.727 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/spiderstate.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.728 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.729 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.729 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.734 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/feedexport.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.737 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/telnet.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.740 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/throttle.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.742 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/statsmailer.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.744 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/corestats.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.746 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/memusage.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.748 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/ 10-28 09:19:56.749 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/ 10-28 09:19:56.752 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/scrapy.cfg 10-28 09:19:56.754 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/module/ 10-28 09:19:56.755 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/module/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.762 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/module/items.py.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.766 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/module/middlewares.py.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.768 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/module/settings.py.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.771 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/module/pipelines.py.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.773 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/module/spiders/ 10-28 09:19:56.774 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/project/module/spiders/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.776 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/spiders/ 10-28 09:19:56.843 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/spiders/basic.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.845 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/spiders/crawl.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.847 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/spiders/xmlfeed.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.848 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.849 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.853 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.853 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.855 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/templates/spiders/csvfeed.tmpl 10-28 09:19:56.859 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/ 10-28 09:19:56.860 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.860 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.860 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/spidermw.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.863 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.863 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.864 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.865 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.865 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.865 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.866 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.864 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/scraper.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.866 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.866 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.867 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.867 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.868 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.869 704 27040 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.869 704 27040 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.869 704 27040 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.870 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.871 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.871 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.872 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.872 704 27041 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.873 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/scheduler.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.873 704 27041 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.874 704 27041 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.876 704 27041 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:32 10-28 09:19:56.876 704 27041 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349692000 10-28 09:19:56.877 704 27041 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.877 704 27041 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873195000 10-28 09:19:56.878 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873195 10-28 09:19:56.878 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873195; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.878 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.879 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.879 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.880 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.881 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.885 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.890 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/engine.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.894 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/ 10-28 09:19:56.895 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.896 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.896 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/contextfactory.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.899 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.899 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.900 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.903 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/tls.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.904 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.904 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.906 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/middleware.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.908 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.908 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/webclient.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.908 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.909 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.909 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.910 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.910 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.911 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.911 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.911 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.912 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.912 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.913 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.913 704 27043 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.914 704 27043 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.914 704 27043 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.914 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/ 10-28 09:19:56.915 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.915 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.916 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/s3.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.916 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.920 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.920 704 27044 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.921 704 27044 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.921 704 27044 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.922 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/http.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.923 704 27044 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:33 10-28 09:19:56.924 704 27044 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349693000 10-28 09:19:56.925 704 27044 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.926 704 27044 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873196000 10-28 09:19:56.926 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873196 10-28 09:19:56.927 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873196; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:56.927 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:56.928 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:56.928 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:56.929 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.930 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:56.930 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.935 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/ftp.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.938 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/file.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.940 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/datauri.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.942 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/http11.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.945 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/handlers/http10.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.947 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/ 10-28 09:19:56.949 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/ajaxcrawl.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.951 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.952 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:56.952 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/decompression.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.954 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/stats.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.957 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/cookies.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.960 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/robotstxt.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.962 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/useragent.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.964 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/httpcompression.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.965 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.966 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.967 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/httpproxy.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.970 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.973 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.974 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.976 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/httpcache.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.980 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.980 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:56.985 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/redirect.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.985 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:56.986 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:56.986 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:56.986 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:56.987 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:56.987 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:56.987 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:56.987 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/retry.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.987 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:56.988 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.988 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:56.989 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.990 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:56.990 704 27047 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.990 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/downloadtimeout.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.990 704 27047 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:56.991 704 27047 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:56.992 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.993 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:56.993 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:56.994 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:56.994 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/httpauth.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.995 704 27048 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:56.995 704 27048 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:56.996 704 27048 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:56.996 704 27048 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:33 10-28 09:19:56.997 704 27048 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349693000 10-28 09:19:56.997 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/downloadermiddlewares/defaultheaders.pyc 10-28 09:19:56.998 704 27048 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:56.998 704 27048 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873196000 10-28 09:19:56.999 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:56.999 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873196 10-28 09:19:57.000 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873196; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:57.000 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:57.000 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:57.001 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:57.001 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/ 10-28 09:19:57.001 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:57.004 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/version.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.006 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/bench.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.008 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/crawl.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.011 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/runspider.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.013 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/view.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.013 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:57.014 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:57.016 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/edit.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.018 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/shell.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.020 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:57.020 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:57.021 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/list.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.023 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/check.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.023 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:57.024 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:57.026 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.027 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:57.028 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:57.028 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:57.028 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:57.029 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:57.029 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:57.029 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:57.030 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:57.030 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:57.030 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/settings.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.031 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:57.031 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:57.034 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:57.034 704 27049 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:57.035 704 27049 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:57.035 704 27049 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:57.036 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:57.036 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:57.036 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:57.037 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:57.041 704 27050 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:57.042 704 27050 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:57.043 704 27050 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:57.043 704 27050 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:33 10-28 09:19:57.043 704 27050 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349693000 10-28 09:19:57.044 704 27050 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:57.044 704 27050 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873196000 10-28 09:19:57.045 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:57.046 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873196 10-28 09:19:57.046 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873196; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:57.047 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/fetch.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.047 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:57.048 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:57.048 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:57.050 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:57.052 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/parse.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.056 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/startproject.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.059 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/commands/genspider.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.061 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:57.062 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:57.065 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/selector/ 10-28 09:19:57.066 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:57.067 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:57.067 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/selector/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.070 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:57.071 625 625 W /system/bin/keystore: Not performing software digesting for symmetric cipher keys 10-28 09:19:57.071 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/selector/unified.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.074 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/linkextractors/ 10-28 09:19:57.074 372 375 D DrmLibTime: got the req here! ret=0 10-28 09:19:57.075 372 375 D DrmLibTime: command id, time_cmd_id = 770 10-28 09:19:57.075 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec starts! 10-28 09:19:57.076 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_getutcsec 10-28 09:19:57.076 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: get_utc_seconds 10-28 09:19:57.076 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: time_get_modem_time 10-28 09:19:57.077 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Checking if ATS_MODEM is set or not. 10-28 09:19:57.078 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13 10-28 09:19:57.079 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 2 10-28 09:19:57.079 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 0 10-28 09:19:57.080 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:57.080 372 375 D QC-time-services: Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!! 10-28 09:19:57.081 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/linkextractors/lxmlhtml.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.083 704 27052 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2,value = 0 10-28 09:19:57.083 704 27052 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 2 10-28 09:19:57.083 704 27052 D QC-time-services: offset is: 1 for base: 13 10-28 09:19:57.084 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:57.085 372 375 E QC-time-services: Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0 10-28 09:19:57.085 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: ATS_MODEM is set. Try to retrieve it. 10-28 09:19:57.086 704 731 D QC-time-services: Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff 10-28 09:19:57.086 704 27053 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 1,value = 0 10-28 09:19:57.087 704 27053 D QC-time-services: Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 0, operation = 1 10-28 09:19:57.087 704 27053 D QC-time-services: Daemon: genoff get for 13 10-28 09:19:57.087 704 27053 D QC-time-services: Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS3/24/71 14:1:33 10-28 09:19:57.088 704 27053 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 41349693000 10-28 09:19:57.089 704 27053 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Value read from generic offset = 1562523503000 10-28 09:19:57.092 704 27053 D QC-time-services: Daemon:Final Time = 1603873196000 10-28 09:19:57.092 372 375 D DrmLibTime: QSEE Time Listener: Time GenOff - seconds: 1603873196 10-28 09:19:57.092 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec returns 0, sec = 1603873196; nsec = 0 10-28 09:19:57.093 704 731 E QC-time-services: Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection 10-28 09:19:57.093 372 375 D DrmLibTime: time_getutcsec finished! 10-28 09:19:57.093 372 375 D DrmLibTime: iotcl_continue_command finished! and return 0 10-28 09:19:57.094 372 375 D DrmLibTime: before calling ioctl to read the next time_cmd 10-28 09:19:57.095 625 625 I keystore: 1 0 10-28 09:19:57.095 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/linkextractors/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.099 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/ 10-28 09:19:57.100 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/headers.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.103 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/cookies.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.111 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.112 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 10-28 09:19:57.113 851 878 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 10-28 09:19:57.114 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/common.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.116 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/request/ 10-28 09:19:57.118 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/request/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.120 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/request/json_request.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.122 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/request/form.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.125 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/request/rpc.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.128 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/response/ 10-28 09:19:57.130 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/response/text.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.138 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/response/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.141 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/response/xml.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.144 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/http/response/html.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.146 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/pipelines/ 10-28 09:19:57.147 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/pipelines/files.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.153 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/pipelines/images.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.155 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/pipelines/media.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.157 26779 26812 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime. 10-28 09:19:57.159 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/pipelines/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.161 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/ 10-28 09:19:57.163 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/urllength.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.165 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/httperror.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.167 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/offsite.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.169 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/referer.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.172 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.174 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spidermiddlewares/depth.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.176 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/ 10-28 09:19:57.178 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/testproc.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.180 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/python.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.183 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/boto.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.187 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/reactor.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.190 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/trackref.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.192 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/gz.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.194 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/versions.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.196 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/signal.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.199 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/curl.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.201 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/template.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.203 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/decorators.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.205 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/display.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.207 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/ssl.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.210 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/http.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.211 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/iterators.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.214 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/response.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.216 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/spider.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.219 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/serialize.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.221 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/reqser.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.223 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/datatypes.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.226 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.228 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/conf.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.231 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/ftp.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.233 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/misc.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.235 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/testsite.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.237 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/console.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.239 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/ossignal.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.241 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/multipart.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.243 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/job.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.245 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/sitemap.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.247 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/markup.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.249 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/py36.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.251 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/defer.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.253 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/engine.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.255 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/request.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.257 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/log.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.260 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/url.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.262 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/project.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.265 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/deprecate.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.267 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/test.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.269 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/httpobj.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.271 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/utils/benchserver.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.274 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/loader/ 10-28 09:19:57.275 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/loader/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.277 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/loader/processors.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.279 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/loader/common.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.281 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spiders/ 10-28 09:19:57.282 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spiders/crawl.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.284 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spiders/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.287 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spiders/init.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.288 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spiders/sitemap.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.291 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/spiders/feed.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.293 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/settings/ 10-28 09:19:57.294 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/settings/default_settings.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.297 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/settings/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.299 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/contracts/ 10-28 09:19:57.301 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/contracts/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.303 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/scrapy/contracts/default.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.305 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info/ 10-28 09:19:57.307 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info/dependency_links.txt 10-28 09:19:57.309 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info/SOURCES.txt 10-28 09:19:57.311 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info/PKG-INFO 10-28 09:19:57.314 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info/top_level.txt 10-28 09:19:57.315 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info/entry_points.txt 10-28 09:19:57.320 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info/zip-safe 10-28 09:19:57.322 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info/requires.txt 10-28 09:19:57.323 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper-0.1.3-py3.8.egg-info/ 10-28 09:19:57.325 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper-0.1.3-py3.8.egg-info/dependency_links.txt 10-28 09:19:57.327 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper-0.1.3-py3.8.egg-info/SOURCES.txt 10-28 09:19:57.329 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper-0.1.3-py3.8.egg-info/not-zip-safe 10-28 09:19:57.330 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper-0.1.3-py3.8.egg-info/PKG-INFO 10-28 09:19:57.332 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper-0.1.3-py3.8.egg-info/top_level.txt 10-28 09:19:57.334 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/zlib_wrapper-0.1.3-py3.8.egg-info/installed-files.txt 10-28 09:19:57.336 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/bin/ 10-28 09:19:57.337 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/bin/macho_find 10-28 09:19:57.339 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/bin/scrapy 10-28 09:19:57.341 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/bin/macho_standalone 10-28 09:19:57.343 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/bin/google-oauthlib-tool 10-28 09:19:57.345 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/bin/macho_dump 10-28 09:19:57.347 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/Kivy-2.0.0rc4-py3.8.egg-info/ 10-28 09:19:57.348 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/Kivy-2.0.0rc4-py3.8.egg-info/dependency_links.txt 10-28 09:19:57.350 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/Kivy-2.0.0rc4-py3.8.egg-info/SOURCES.txt 10-28 09:19:57.354 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/Kivy-2.0.0rc4-py3.8.egg-info/PKG-INFO 10-28 09:19:57.356 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/Kivy-2.0.0rc4-py3.8.egg-info/top_level.txt 10-28 09:19:57.358 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/Kivy-2.0.0rc4-py3.8.egg-info/requires.txt 10-28 09:19:57.360 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/PyDispatcher-2.0.5.dist-info/ 10-28 09:19:57.361 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/PyDispatcher-2.0.5.dist-info/WHEEL 10-28 09:19:57.363 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/PyDispatcher-2.0.5.dist-info/top_level.txt 10-28 09:19:57.365 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/PyDispatcher-2.0.5.dist-info/METADATA 10-28 09:19:57.367 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/PyDispatcher-2.0.5.dist-info/REQUESTED 10-28 09:19:57.369 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/PyDispatcher-2.0.5.dist-info/INSTALLER 10-28 09:19:57.371 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/PyDispatcher-2.0.5.dist-info/RECORD 10-28 09:19:57.373 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyOpenSSL-19.0.0-py3.8.egg-info/ 10-28 09:19:57.374 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyOpenSSL-19.0.0-py3.8.egg-info/dependency_links.txt 10-28 09:19:57.377 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyOpenSSL-19.0.0-py3.8.egg-info/SOURCES.txt 10-28 09:19:57.378 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyOpenSSL-19.0.0-py3.8.egg-info/PKG-INFO 10-28 09:19:57.388 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyOpenSSL-19.0.0-py3.8.egg-info/top_level.txt 10-28 09:19:57.390 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyOpenSSL-19.0.0-py3.8.egg-info/requires.txt 10-28 09:19:57.392 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/ 10-28 09:19:57.393 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/WHEEL 10-28 09:19:57.395 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/AUTHORS 10-28 09:19:57.397 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/top_level.txt 10-28 09:19:57.398 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/METADATA 10-28 09:19:57.401 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/REQUESTED 10-28 09:19:57.403 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/INSTALLER 10-28 09:19:57.405 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/RECORD 10-28 09:19:57.407 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cssselect-1.1.0.dist-info/LICENSE 10-28 09:19:57.409 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/constantly/ 10-28 09:19:57.411 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/constantly/_constants.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.413 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/constantly/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.415 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/constantly/_version.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.417 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/ 10-28 09:19:57.419 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6210.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.421 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5934.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.424 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3280.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.428 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6486.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.430 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7229.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.432 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6482.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.434 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5751.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.436 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8017.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.438 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5755.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.441 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7906.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.444 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc1157.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.446 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7296.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.448 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc4334.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.450 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7773.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.452 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3560.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.454 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc1155.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.456 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc1902.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.458 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8479.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.460 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7894-1.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.464 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2985.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.467 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5652.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.470 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8018.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.472 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6960.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.475 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5924.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.477 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6402-1.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.480 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5649.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.482 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7633.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.484 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7030.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.486 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc1901.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.489 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3770.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.490 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5990.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.493 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc4210.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.496 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6170.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.498 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2437.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.500 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3412.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.503 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc4108.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.505 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3779.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.507 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3565.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.509 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3274.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.511 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2251.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.514 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8209.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.515 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6019.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.517 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc4211.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.520 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8520.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.522 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5280.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.526 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6010.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.528 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2511.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.531 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8410.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.533 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5208.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.535 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7914.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.537 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3161.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.539 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8619.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.541 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc1905.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.543 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5958.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.545 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6487.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.547 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3114.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.550 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.552 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3414.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.554 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6120.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.556 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/pem.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.558 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2560.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.560 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7292.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.562 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2459.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.566 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2634.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.569 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8494.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.571 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3279.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.574 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8418.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.576 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8358.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.578 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8103.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.579 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6402.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.582 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5083.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.584 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5915.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.586 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8360.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.588 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7508.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.590 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8419.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.592 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2631.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.594 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5916.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.597 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7894.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.599 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc4073.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.601 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3709.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.603 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7191.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.606 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6032.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.608 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5035.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.610 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3852.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.612 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6664.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.614 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc4055.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.617 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3447.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.619 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5913.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.621 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc3281.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.623 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2314.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.625 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5084.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.627 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2315.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.629 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8398.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.631 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5940.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.633 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5917.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.635 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8649.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.637 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6211.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.639 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6031.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.642 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc8226.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.644 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5914.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.646 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc4985.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.648 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6187.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.650 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc6955.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.652 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc5480.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.654 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc4043.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.659 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc2986.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.660 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1_modules/rfc7585.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.662 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch-1.1.0-py3.8.egg-info/ 10-28 09:19:57.664 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch-1.1.0-py3.8.egg-info/dependency_links.txt 10-28 09:19:57.665 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch-1.1.0-py3.8.egg-info/SOURCES.txt 10-28 09:19:57.667 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch-1.1.0-py3.8.egg-info/PKG-INFO 10-28 09:19:57.669 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch-1.1.0-py3.8.egg-info/top_level.txt 10-28 09:19:57.671 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch-1.1.0-py3.8.egg-info/requires.txt 10-28 09:19:57.673 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pydispatch-1.1.0-py3.8.egg-info/installed-files.txt 10-28 09:19:57.675 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/ 10-28 09:19:57.676 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.678 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/error.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.680 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/debug.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.682 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat/ 10-28 09:19:57.684 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat/binary.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.686 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat/string.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.689 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.691 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat/calling.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.693 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat/dateandtime.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.695 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat/octets.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.697 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/compat/integer.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.699 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/ 10-28 09:19:57.700 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/namedtype.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.703 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/tag.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.705 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/constraint.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.707 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/namedval.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.709 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/univ.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.715 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/useful.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.717 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.719 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/error.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.721 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/base.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.723 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/char.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.726 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/tagmap.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.728 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/type/opentype.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.730 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ 10-28 09:19:57.731 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.733 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/ 10-28 09:19:57.734 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/eoo.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.736 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.738 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/encoder.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.741 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/ber/decoder.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.745 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/cer/ 10-28 09:19:57.746 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/cer/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.748 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/cer/encoder.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.750 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/cer/decoder.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.752 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/native/ 10-28 09:19:57.754 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/native/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.756 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/native/encoder.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.758 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/native/decoder.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.760 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/der/ 10-28 09:19:57.762 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/der/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.763 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/der/encoder.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.766 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/pyasn1/codec/der/decoder.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.768 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/ 10-28 09:19:57.769 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/utils.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.771 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/exceptions.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.773 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.775 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/fernet.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.777 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/__about__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.779 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/ 10-28 09:19:57.781 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/_der.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.783 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.785 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/_oid.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.787 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ 10-28 09:19:57.789 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/_openssl.so 10-28 09:19:57.813 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/_padding.so 10-28 09:19:57.817 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/_constant_time.so 10-28 09:19:57.819 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.821 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/ 10-28 09:19:57.823 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/_conditional.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.825 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/binding.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.828 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.829 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/ 10-28 09:19:57.831 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/interfaces.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.833 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.835 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 10-28 09:19:57.837 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/dh.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.839 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/poly1305.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.841 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ed448.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.843 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/dsa.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.845 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/backend.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.852 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/utils.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.854 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/aead.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.856 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/rsa.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.858 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.860 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/hmac.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.863 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/x509.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.873 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ciphers.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.875 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/x448.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.877 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ed25519.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.881 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ec.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.884 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ocsp.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.887 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/cmac.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.890 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/decode_asn1.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.894 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/x25519.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.897 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/hashes.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.899 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/encode_asn1.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.903 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ 10-28 09:19:57.904 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/poly1305.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.906 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/keywrap.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.909 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/constant_time.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.911 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/padding.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.914 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.915 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/hmac.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.917 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/cmac.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.920 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/hashes.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.921 851 22832 I ActivityManager: Killing 26044:org.lineageos.updater/u0a24 (adj 906): empty #17 10-28 09:19:57.922 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/twofactor/ 10-28 09:19:57.923 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-26044, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:19:57.924 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/twofactor/hotp.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.926 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/twofactor/utils.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.928 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/twofactor/totp.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.930 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/twofactor/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.932 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 10-28 09:19:57.933 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/dh.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.935 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ed448.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.937 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/dsa.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.940 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/utils.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.941 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/rsa.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.944 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/padding.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.946 612 612 I Zygote : Process 26044 exited due to signal (9) 10-28 09:19:57.948 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.952 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/x448.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.953 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ed25519.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.955 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ec.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.958 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/x25519.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.960 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/ 10-28 09:19:57.961 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/modes.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.964 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/aead.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.966 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.968 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/algorithms.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.968 851 884 W libprocessgroup: kill(-26044, 9) failed: No such process 10-28 09:19:57.969 851 884 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10024 pid 26044 in 45ms 10-28 09:19:57.970 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/base.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.973 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/serialization/ 10-28 09:19:57.974 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/serialization/pkcs12.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.976 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/serialization/__init__.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.978 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/serialization/base.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.980 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/serialization/ssh.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.982 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/kdf/ 10-28 09:19:57.984 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/kdf/scrypt.pyc 10-28 09:19:57.986 26949 26972 V python : extracting _python_bundle/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/kdf/x963kdf.pyc 10-28 09:1